scholarly journals Two-Tier Human and Environment Concepts Diagnosis Test Development

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-36
Veysel Haydari ◽  
Bayram Costu

This study was carried out with the aim of developing a two-tier diagnostic test human and environmental concept test for use in the 5th grade human and environment unit. The development of two-tier diagnostic human and environmental testing was carried out in three stages. In the first stage, the content of the subject was determined. In the second stage, students' misconceptions were determined. In order to identify misconceptions about human and environment, two different classes of 64 people were asked 5 open-ended questions about the environment. In addition, the reasons of misconceptions were investigated with the help of semi-structured interviews. In the last stage, the diagnostic test was developed by taking into consideration the misconceptions. The developed test was examined together with 4 faculty members who are experts in field education about the validity of the scope and determination of misconceptions. The final shape of the test is given according to the feedback of the experts. The two-tier diagnostic test prepared in this way can be used by researchers to identify misconceptions or can be used as data collection tools in conceptual change studies.

Justine Pila

This book offers a study of the subject matter protected by each of the main intellectual property (IP) regimes. With a focus on European and UK law particularly, it considers the meaning of the terms used to denote the objects to which IP rights attach, such as ‘invention’, ‘authorial work’, ‘trade mark’, and ‘design’, with reference to the practice of legal officials and the nature of those objects specifically. To that end it proceeds in three stages. At the first stage, in Chapter 2, the nature, aims, and values of IP rights and systems are considered. As historically and currently conceived, IP rights are limited (and generally transferable) exclusionary rights that attach to certain intellectual creations, broadly conceived, and that serve a range of instrumentalist and deontological ends. At the second stage, in Chapter 3, a theoretical framework for thinking about IP subject matter is proposed with the assistance of certain devices from philosophy. That framework supports a paradigmatic conception of the objects protected by IP rights as artifact types distinguished by their properties and categorized accordingly. From this framework, four questions are derived concerning: the nature of the (categories of) subject matter denoted by the terms ‘invention’, ‘authorial work’, ‘trade mark’, ‘design’ etc, including their essential properties; the means by which each subject matter is individuated within the relevant IP regime; the relationship between each subject matter and its concrete instances; and the manner in which the existence of a subject matter and its concrete instances is known. That leaves the book’s final stage, in Chapters 3 to 7. Here legal officials’ use of the terms above, and understanding of the objects that they denote, are studied, and the results presented as answers to the four questions identified previously.

Samurya Rahmadhony

Truant is a behavior caused by a lack of control of behavior. Token economy is a form of positive renforcement where the subject receives a token when they exhibit the desired behavior. Data analysis was carried out in three stages, namely visual analysis, different tests using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and calculating the effest size. Token economy interventions effectively reduce truant behavior in 5th grade elementary school students who have lived in class.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-33
I. A. Burmaka ◽  
A.V. Yanchetskyy ◽  

In the article is specified, that a decision-making process contains the following stages: control of environment, including relative position and parameters of relative motion, the exposure of situation of rapprochement of vessels, in the case of rapprochement of vessels it is necessary to produce estimation of degree of his danger, at dangerous rapprochement is needed to define the type of co-operation, depending on the degree of danger of situation of rapprochement the choice of strategy of divergence is produced. On the first stage of process of decision-making surrounding mobile objects come to light by ARPA or AIS, for which is measured parameters of motion and relative position. It is shown that on the second stage of process of decision-making, using the measured parameters, it is necessary to expect the value of speed of change of distance between vessels, taking into account that at its negative value ships are drawn together. On the third stage of process of decision-making at rapprochement of vessels estimation of degree of his danger is produced, what development of situation of rapprochement to the moment of time of their shortest rapprochement is forecast for. On the fourth stage of decision-making it is necessary to define the type of cooperation of the drawn together vessels, taking into account principle their process control of divergence. It is especially substantial for principle of locally-independent management by the process of divergence, when coordination of co-operation of vessels at dangerous rapprochement is needed. The fifth stage of decision-making is characterized by the choice of strategy of divergence, thus at the locally-independent process control of divergence the choice of strategy of divergence is produced depending on the degree of danger of situation of rapprochement, by the standard maneuver of divergence or for excessive rapprochement of vessels it is necessary to use the maneuver of urgent divergence. In work as the index of efficiency of the analytical collision avoidance systems vessels probability of safe completion of process of divergence, which is work of probabilities of successful end of stages of process of decision-making on the choice of strategy of divergence, is offered. It is shown that first three stages of decision-making on the choice of strategy of divergence are characterized by general probability of absence of danger of collision on condition that distance of the shortest rapprochement is equal to the set minimum-possible distance of rapprochement. For determination of the mentioned probability the error of distance of the shortest rapprochement is considered and expression is got for the closeness of its distributing. To that end collected dependence of error of distance of the shortest rapprochement from the errors of measuring of distance and bearing. By the got expression for the closeness of distributing of error of distance of the shortest rapprochement probability is certain of that at equality of distance of the shortest rapprochement with limit-possible distance of rapprochement there will not be the collision.

2018 ◽  
Vol 162 ◽  
pp. 03030 ◽  
Oday Jasim ◽  
Khalid Hassoon ◽  
Mazin Hussein

This paper concerns the subject geodetic networks data in Iraq and the need to put them in specialized spatial databases that can be updated and developed, which makes it much easier for those concerned such as scientific researchers ad surveying engineers to access these data and use them in scientific applications and Engineering projects. The practical aspect of this study was divided into three stages, the first stage was limited to the collection of official data related to the main projects of geodetic networks in Iraq, beginning with the first English network 1934, the second English network 1967, the Polish network 1979, the gravitational networks 1963-1984, and ending with the CORS-HARN networks that have been based in their observations and calculations upon the GPS. The second stage consists of sorting the data obtained from the first stage, and then entering the selected data into spatial databases. The third stage includes the reconnaissance, ground survey and verification of data obtained from the second stage. Furthermore, it also showed that all the English networks, the first 1934 and the second 1967, as well as the points of gravity were almost completely extinct and it became difficult to identify any traces of any of its points within this region.

Shaboldov O.V.

Purpose. The task of this article is to analyze the manifestations of masculinity in A. Harasevych’s poems of of the interwar period by identifying various manifestations of masculinity in the works of the poet, studying their connection with ideological guidelines of A. Harasevych, analysis of the change and evolution of masculine images at different periods of the artist's creative path.Methods. The research uses the following methods: descriptive, historical-biographical, comparative-historical (to compare different types of masculinity), archetypal and textual analysis (determination of the symbolic meaning of artistic images) and elements of masculine studies (study of masculinity as gender, compliance of its manifestations with gender stereotypes in society), stylistic, mythoanalysis, etc.Results. During the research it was revealed that the first period of A. Garasevich's work was marked by the expressive influence of state-building ideas, which were characteristic for the whole «Prague school». The subject of most works of this period is military-historical. Masculinity in them is manifested mainly in the form of hegemonic heroic masculinity, and its ideal carrier is the Warrior. At the second stage, religious motives played an important role in the poet's work. The poet is experiencing a worldview crisis, which is reflected in his works by the crisis of masculinity. Most often it is embodied in the images of a wanderer, a fugitive, whose features are fatigue, helplessness and illness. The last stage of the poet's poetic work is characterized by significant ideological influences of K. Hamsun and F. Nietzsche. There is a certain return to the heroic masculinity of the early works, but such masculinity is asserted not on the battlefield, but by victories over oneself, the element or a wild beast. This is the masculinity of a Nietzschean who hardens the superman in himself, feeling the joy of the process of overcoming. Thus, the concept of masculinity in the works of A. Harasevych has evolved from the romanticized heroic masculinity of the Warrior through the crisis of masculinity to the establishment of a new type of heroic masculinity in peacetime.Conclusions. Studies of gender issues in the works of the representative of the younger generation of the Prague SchoolA. Harasevych allow to form a more complete and holistic picture of this phenomenon and the Ukrainian national myth, an important aspect of which is gender.Key words: gender, gender stereotype, identity crisis, worldview, symbol, vision, archetype, statehood idea. Мета. Метою розвідки є аналіз виявів маскулінності в поетичній творчості А. Гарасевича та їхньої еволюції шляхом ідентифікації різних виявів маскулінності у творах поета; дослідження їхнього зв’язку зі світоглядними ідейними настановами А. Гарасевича; аналізу зміни й розвитку маскулінних образів на різних етапах творчого шляху митця.Методи. Під час дослідження використано такі методи: описовий, історико-біографічний, порівняльно-історичний (для порівняння різних типів маскулінності), архетипний і текстуальний аналіз (визначення символічного значення художніх образів) та елементи маскулінних студій (дослідження маскулінності як ґендеру, відповідності її проявів наявним у суспільстві ґендерним стереотипам), стилістичний, міфоаналіз тощо.Результати. У процесі дослідження виявлено, що перший період творчості А. Гарасевича позначений виразним впливом державницьких ідей, які були характерні для всієї «Празької школи». Тематика більшості творів цього періоду воєнно-історична. Маскулінність у них виявляється переважно у вигляді гегемонної героїчної маскулінності, а її ідеальним носієм є Воїн. На другому етапі важливу роль у творчості поета відіграють релігійні мотиви. Поет переживає світоглядну кризу, що відбивається у його творах кризою маскулінності. Найчастіше вона утілюється в образах мандрівника, утікача, рисами яких є втома, безсилля та хворість. Останній етап поетичної творчості поета характеризується значними світоглядними впливами К. Гамсуна та Ф. Ніцше. Відбувається певне повернення до героїчної маскулінності ранніх творів, але така маскулінність стверджується не на полі бою, а перемогами над собою, стихією чи диким звіром. Це маскулінність ніцшеанця, що гартує в собі надлюдину, відчуваючи радість від самого процесу долання. Отже, концепт маскулінності у творчості А. Гарасевича пройшов еволюцію від романтизованої героїчної маскулінності Воїна через кризу маскулінності до утвердження нового типу героїчної маскулінності мирного часу.Висновки. Дослідження ґендерної проблематики у творчості представника молодшої генерації «Празької школи» А. Гара-севича дозволяють сформувати більш повну й цілісну картину цього феномену та українського національного міфу, важливим аспектом якого є ґендерний.Ключові слова: ґендер, ґендерний стереотип, криза ідентичності, світогляд, символ, візія, архетип, ідея державності.

B Paffoni ◽  
R Progri ◽  
R Gras

Earlier studies allowed the present authors to divide the period of synchronization into three stages of operation: viscous, mixed and dry. Expressions for estimating the pressure, axial, force, torque and friction coefficent were obtained. This investigation allows the determination of the initial values necessary for the study of the second stage presented here. The second stage occurs in the presence of a variable friction coefficient for which a model is proposed. The influence of the variable friction coefficient on the velocity and duration of synchronization is presented. The theoretical model is compared with experimental results.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 161-176
Jesper Petersen

What Satanism is and is not occupies both scholars and informants. Through a discussion of three stages of academic reinterpretation, the boundary-work of the academic study of Satanism is uncovered. The first stage of de-demonization is dividing the cultural narratives of evil from self-ascribed Satanism. The second stage of sanitization is positing the organized and non-threatening aspects of Satanism adopted from specific satanic groups as Satanism as such. The third stage of heterogenization is returning to an understanding of the subject based on plurality and fluidity to better examine the polyvocality of Satanism today. By showing the blind spots of Satanism studies, we can address the field in novel ways.

2017 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 193-203
Gizem Bakir ◽  
Huseyin Yapici

This study presents the determination of fuel rejuvenation times in a D-T fusion breeder reactor fuelled with a mixture of natUO2 and ThO2 for multi-reuse of nuclear fuels in CANDU-37 reactors. To determine the effect of thorium on the fuel enrichment and rejuvenation times, neutronic analyses are performed by increasing the percentage of ThO2 in the fuel mixture from 10 to 35. The time-dependent neutronic calculations are carried out in three stages. In the first stage, which is the fuel enrichment or rejuvenation process in the fusion breeder reactor, the subcritical calculations of the fusion breeder reactor fuelled with the fuel mixtures are performed by using the MCNPX 2.7/CINDER under a fusion neutron wall loading of 1 MWm-2, corresponding to neutron flux of 4.444?1013 cm-2s-1 (energy of every fusion neutron is 14.1 MeV). In the second stage, which is the thermal reactor analysis, the fuel rods enriched at the end of the first stage are placed in the CANDU-37 reactor, and the critical calculations of this reactor are performed by using MCNPX 2.7 and MONTEBURNS codes separately. The numerical results show that the neutronic values obtained from both codes are very near each other. The third stage is the two-year cooling process of CANDU spent fuels. The values obtained by numerical calculations show that this fusion breeder reactor is self-sufficient in terms of tritium and has a high performance in terms of energy multiplication as well as fuel rejuvenation and thorium utilization.

2018 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-130
André Dutra Boucinhas

Resumo: Este artigo propõe uma periodização da representação da escravidão nos romances brasileiros do Segundo Reinado em três etapas: entre 1840 e 1859, ela é naturalizada e não possui qualquer destaque nos enredos; de 1860 a 1879, o tema passa para o centro das atenções, gerando polarização entre textos marcadamente abolicionistas e outros que buscam defender a instituição, reforçando sua função na sociedade; e, por fim, entre 1880 e 1889, a escravidão sai de novo do foco e desaparece de uma parte dos romances, ao mesmo tempo em que criticá-la torna-se quase lugar comum, confirmando o declínio da instituição na última década do Império.Palavras-chave: literatura brasileira; romance; escravidão; História do Brasil; Segundo Reinado.Abstract: This article proposes a periodization of the representation of slavery in Brazilian novels published during the Second Empire in three stages. In the first stage, from 1840 to 1859, slavery is naturalized not having any prominence in the central plot. In the second stage, from 1860 to 1879, the subject becomes the main topic, generating polarization between markedly abolitionist texts and those defending slavery by reinforcing its role in society, As a final stage, between 1880 and 1889, it is possible to observe that slavery once again becomes secondary, even disappearing from part of the novels. It is simultaneous to a general critique to the institution, what confirms its decline in the last decade of the Empire.Keywords: Brazilian literature; novel; slavery; Brazilian history; Second Empire.

Marli Da Silva Araujo ◽  
Nícia De Oliveira Santos

This article aimed to better understand the ways of thinking and dreaming of 4th and 5th grade students, from a Municipal School located in the rural area of Imperatriz – MA, who live under the conditionality of poverty. A brief analysis of poverty was made in Brazil and Maranhão, we noticed that many changes have been taking place in Brazilian public policy, in order to change the reality of many children and young people in poverty or extreme poverty. We cite Brazilian education as an important historical landmark. We highlight poverty in public schools and the possibility of these students learning and creating important knowledge for future life. Education and guarantees of citizenship of children and adolescents is seen as a form of collective construction. The research was developed in a qualitative approach, with phenomenological focus, and semi-structured interviews were used in data collection. For it was necessary to give the students the opportunity to express themselves freely about their dreams and desires for a future without poverty. We had contact with the reality of the students and their families, we know the school where the students study and a little about their dreams, desires and vision of a future without poverty. Given the relevance of the theoretical framework, we reviewed documents and authors dealing with the subject, such as: Arroyo (2015), Freire (2005), Leite (2017), Pinzani and Leão Rego (2015), Reis (2011), among others.

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