2013 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 147
Gunawan Wibisono

Uncertain seasonal changes lately, causing a lot of flooding, especially in the Brantas River Basin, causing several volcanoes in the upper reaches of the Brantas River are also often carries sediment in case of floods or heavy rain, one of these volcanoes are Arjuno Mount, many of carrying materials sedimentation. One way that can be used to reduce and control the sediment, along the Brantas River by building Sabo Dam. Sabo Dam construction plan targets not only in the upper Brantas River, but also in downstream areas of the Brantas River. Sabo Dam construction by the Contractor with Grade 7 is expected to be completed in accordance with the planning purpose, because the good planning and direction will be able to save time, costs and problems (risks) that will bring the work to the activities of its main objectives, namely the right time, right cost and right quality. Implementation work methods to used for complete the development work Sabo Dam is coffering which planned uses "Phase Half-Span", which spans half a dodger and the other half worked for the evader landscape flow. The cost of implementing the budget obtained after analysis is Rp. 5,212,063,817.11 to the difference obtained Rp. 342,856,956.89 or 6,172 % from the value of the contract, the implementation quality of existing jobs on Sabo Dam work has been largely in accordance with the technical specifications have been prepared. Deviations occur, the laying material (aggregates and sand) that is not clean, while the implementation of existing K3 is in conformity with the regulations to be referenced by the Contractor in the preparation of safety plan, only for the application to use the APD is not yet implemented. Keywords: project planning, sabo dams, check dams, waterworks

Development ◽  
1971 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 339-345
Jean Piatt

Eggs of Ambystoma maculatum in early stages of development were separated into two groups and maintained at 5 and 14 °C, respectively. In one series of animals comprising both temperature groups, the right otic vesicle was extirpated at stage 27. In another series the right forelimb disc was extirpated at stage 30. Following operation, animals of both groups were kept at 18 °C. Frequency and extent of reconstitution were compared between the two temperature groups. The 5° group was superior to the 14° group in the number of ears and forelimbs reconstituted. The extent of ear reconstitution and the initial quality of forelimb reconstitution were also superior in the 5° group. Statistical analysis of the data indicates that the difference between the two temperature groups is highly significant in both series. It is concluded that a slower pre-operative rate of development, caused by hypothermia, enhances the regenerative capacity of both ear and forelimb fields in the salamander embryo.

2018 ◽  
Vol 54 ◽  
pp. 03014
Anggraeni Endah Kusumaningrum

This paper aims to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of hospital accreditation in an attempt to provide legal protection of the right information of patients in hospital. The right to information stated on Article 7 and Article 8 of Law No. 36 of 2009 on Health as well as the shortcomings and advantages of health services. Along with the increasing awareness of the community to get good health service, raises the attitude of the critical patient. Patients no longer hesitate to ask the alternative treatment they will receive, whether in accordance with the cost incurred. The hospital is a complex organization because it is capital-intensive, energy, technology and various issues, covering the fields of law, economics, ethics, human rights, technology, and others with different principles and perspectives. The complexity of services in hospitals requires quality assurance and hospital service safety in the form of accreditation. Hospital accreditation is an acknowledgment given by an independent accrediting institution related to the assessment of the fulfillment of quality standards of hospital services on an ongoing basis. Therefore an accredited hospital is expected to effectively improve the quality of its services to their patients. The increased quality of hospital services will certainly improve patient safety and provide protection for patients.

2010 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-37 ◽  
Chunhua Yu ◽  
Jin Wang ◽  
Yan Fu ◽  
Yongqiu Mao ◽  
Yongshun Chen ◽  

Background and objective: A murine model of skin injury from vinorelbine extravasation was established to evaluate the treatment efficacy of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (rhGM-CSF). Materials and method: Experimental models were divided into bFGF, rhGM-CSF, and control (saline) groups, with 40 mice in each group. Edema and ulceration were measured on Days 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 14, and 18 after the onset of extravasation; injuries were examined pathomorphologically in three mice/group/time point. Results: Edema reached maximum size on Day 3 in the bFGF and rhGM-CSF groups and Day 5 in the control group. The difference between the two experimental groups was not significant; differences between the control group and the experimental groups were statistically significant at all time points. Edema and ulceration began to improve on Day 10 in the bFGF and rhGM-CSF groups and Day 18 in the control group. Healing duration was 14—18 days in the experimental groups, with a (not significantly) shorter duration in the bFGF group. Healing was completed by Day 27.5 in the control group. Pathomorphological evaluation showed regular reepithelization and newly formed granulation tissue in the bFGF and rhGM-CSF groups on Day 13. In the control group, wounds were partially healed, edema and shallow ulcers existed, and epithelization was fragile and disorganized on Day 18. Conclusions: bFGF and rhGM-CSF are useful for the treatment of skin injury due to vinorelbine extravasation, but bFGF may be slightly more effective in decreasing time and improving quality of healing.

2017 ◽  
Vol 54 (4) ◽  
pp. 3-14
I. Pukite ◽  
A. Grekis ◽  
I. Geipele ◽  
N. Zeltins

Abstract In March 2016, the Latvian government approved a new support program for increasing energy efficiency in residential apartment buildings. For the support of renovation of apartment buildings in the period from 2016 to 2023, 166 470 588 EUR will be available. Different persons, such as energy auditors, designers, architects, project managers and builders, will be involved in the process of planning, development and implementation of building renovation. At the development stage of the building renovation project, special attention should be devoted to the first stage – energy audit and technical project development. The problem arises due to the fact that each of these individuals, during the development of technical building documentation, does not work as a completely unified system. The implementation of construction project planning and organisational management system is one of the most important factors to guarantee that the quality of building renovation project is ensured in accordance with the laws and regulatory standards. The paper studies mutual cooperation, professionalism and the role of information feedback of personnel involved in the planning stage of building renovation, which is an essential prerequisite for the renovation process in order to achieve high quality of work and reduce the energy performance indicator. The present research includes the analysis of different technical solutions and their impact on energy efficiency. Mutual harmonisation of technical specifications is also investigated.

2014 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-71
Moch Alip

Penelitian bertujuan mengungkap besar biaya operasi (BO) dan dana operasi nonpersonalia dalam penyusunan anggaran Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Bertaraf Internasioanl (SMK-BI) di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY). Penelitian evaluatif populatif ini  menggunakan model discrepancy dengan pendekatan penghitungan biaya berbasis kegiatan (activity based costing, disingkat ABC). Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dan kaji dokumen kemudian dianalisis secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa pengelola belum pernah menghitung besar BO nonpersonalia per Program Keahlian (PK) sehingga anggaran disusun per sekolah dan tidak mengakomodasi perbedaan kebutuhan bahan dan alat habis pakai (BAHP) antar PK. Besar BO nonpersonalia SMK-BI di DIY hampir sama dengan standar biaya SMK SSN, yaitu Rp2.166.237,00 untuk kelompok bidang non-teknik dan sebesar Rp2.287.066,00 untuk kelompok bidang teknik. Dana operasi nonpersonalia dari Pemerintah sekitar 10% s.d. 16% dari kebutuhan sehingga tidak cukup untuk pengadaan BAHP sekitar 10,5% s.d. 19,4% (idealnya 10% s.d. 30%) sehingga yang ditanggung orang tua siswa sebesar 84% s.d. 90%. Pemerintah perlu mengalokasikan dana operasi program peningkatan mutu sekolah seperti SMK-BI sesuai kebutuhan dan mendorong penerapan anggaran berbasis kinerja.Kata kunci: biaya operasi SMK ______________________________________________________________ OPERATIONAL COST OF STATE VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOLS IN SBI/RSBI CATEGORY IN DIYAbstract The objectives of this research are to reveal nonpersonel operational cost and funding in compossing the budget of world class of vocational school in Yogyakarta Special Province. The evaluatif populatif research used a discrepancy model and an activity based costing approach. Data were collected through interview and document analysis and analyzed by qualitatif and quantitatif tecnique. The result showed that the management had not calculated nonpersonel operational cost of each study program, so the school budget did not acommodate the difference cost of consumabel material between study programmes. Based on the budget documents, the nonpersonel operational cost per student per year is Rp2.166.237,00 for non-technical programes and Rp2.287.066,00 for technical programes. The cost was not much higher than that for standar schools. The fund from goverment is varies from  10% up to 16%. It is not enough for consumable materials of workshop activities that up to 10,5% for non-technical programes and 19,4% for technical programes. The small fund from goverment made the parent have to pay 84% up to 90% of nonpersonel operational cost, which is too expensive for poor families. The goverment should alocate appropriate fund when launching special programes for improving quality of education and implement performance based budgeting.Keywords: operational cost of  vocational high school

Jing Liu ◽  
Pengfei Wang ◽  
Tao Li ◽  
Guiquan Ma

With the increment of public awareness towards ecological environment protection, green building has gradually become an integral part of construction development. Green building refers to a form of architecture that conforms to the current social development form and meets the requisites of energy conservation and environmental protection. The budget and cost control of green building construction project play very important roles in improving the quality of the construction and reducing the cost of the project. This paper mainly analyzes the problems and control measures in the new green building engineering budget and cost control.

Putu Justika Nirmala Ardhiana Puspanjali ◽  
Gede Ari Yudasmara ◽  
Kadek Lila Antara

Problems in the fish hatchery sector often occur such as high egg mortality or low quality of fish eggs. Optimizing biosecurity is one of the efforts to improve the quality of fish eggs, for example by adding disinfectants such as iodine, ozone, and peracetic acid. The use of chemical disinfectants will produce good results if the right dose, time, and commodity are used. In this study. This research aims (1) to determine whether the use of chemicals including iodine, ozone, and peracetic acid had an effect as a disinfectant to increase the hatching rate of grouper fish, (2) to determine the level of effectiveness and efficiency of the use of chemicals as a disinfectant. This research is an experimental research type. The research subjects included in the study were cantang grouper fish eggs at PT. Pakarti Daksa Segara who used the exploratory sampling method. The conclusion of this study indicates that there is an influence on the growth rate of the use of iodine, ozone and, peracetic acid chemicals as disinfectants of cantang grouper eggs and there is a comparison of the effectiveness and efficiency of the use of the three chemicals which includes the percentage of the hatching rate, the cost of the disinfectant material and the time, which is needed in the use of the disinfectant. Iodine has the best level of effectiveness from the comparison of hatching eggs of cantang grouper and peracetic acid is the most efficient type of chemical.

S. J. Nixon

Audit is the critical evaluation of medical practice to effect an improvement in quality of service. Quality has been described as ‘getting it right the first time’ and audit as asking ‘whether you are doing the right thing and you doing it right?’. Surgeons are acutely aware of the penalty paid by the patient when he ‘gets it wrong’. Immediate complications such as wound infection and anastomotic leakage may require additional therapy, delay discharge from hospital, necessitate further surgery or even lead to death. Late complications may result in recurrence of the presenting pathology or complications which cause more distress than the original disease. Surgery and audit seem to be closely linked and naturally associated. Surgical skills have developed immeasurably, no doubt accelerated by the realisation of the penalties of failure. Fortunately the cost of poor performance to the surgeon is no longer to have ones hand cut off as it was in 1750 BC under the rule of King Hammurabi of Babylonia.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Simone Santoro ◽  
Pilar Fernández-Díaz ◽  
David Canal ◽  
Carlos Camacho ◽  
László Z. Garamszegi ◽  

AbstractMating system theory predicts that social polygyny—when one male forms pair bonds with two females—may evolve by female choice in species with biparental care. Females will accept a polygynous male if the benefit of mating with a male providing high-quality genes or rearing resources outweighs the cost of sharing mate assistance in parental care. Based on this rationale, we hypothesise that the population frequency of social polygyny (FSP) varies due to changes in mate sharing costs caused by changing environmental conditions. We predicted that: (1) polygamous females (i.e. mated with a polygynous male) pay a survival cost compared to monogamous females; (2) FSP would be higher in years with better rearing conditions and (3) the difference in survival rates between monogamous and polygamous females would be small following years with higher FSP. We tested these predictions using regression and multistate analyses of capture-recapture data of pied flycatchers, Ficedula hypoleuca, in central Spain collected over 26 years (1990–2016). Monogamous females had a higher mean survival rate than polygamous females (prediction 1), but there was no difference in survival between polygynous and monogamous males. In addition, FSP was positively associated with annual reproductive success (a proxy of the quality of rearing conditions—prediction 2). Finally, following years with high FSP, the survival of polygamous females was similar to that of monogamous females (prediction 3), while the chance of breeding in a polygamous state for 2 years in a row increased for both males and females. Our findings suggest that fluctuating environmental conditions may be a necessary but neglected aspect of understanding social polygyny mechanisms.

2020 ◽  
Vol 47 (3) ◽  
pp. 265-283
Douglas Murphy ◽  
Denise Lester ◽  
F. Clay Smither ◽  
Ellie Balakhanlou

Neuropathic pain (NP) can have either central nervous system causes or ones from the peripheral nervous system. This article will focus on the epidemiology, classifications, pathology, non-invasive treatments and invasive treatments as a general review of NP involving the peripheral nervous system. NP has characteristic symptomatology such as burning and electrical sensations. It occurs in up to 10% of the general population. Its frequency can be attributed to its occurrence in neck and back pain, diabetes and patients receiving chemotherapy. There are a wide range of pharmacologic options to control this type of pain and when such measures fail, numerous interventional methods can be employed such as nerve blocks and implanted stimulators. NP has a cost to the patient and society in terms of emotional consequences, quality of life, lost wages and the cost of assistance from the medical system and thus deserves serious consideration for prevention, treatment and control.

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