2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (3) ◽  
pp. 6-15
Mikhail Lomov ◽  
Yuri Piskovatsky

The results of selection studies conducted at the Central Experimental Base of the V.R. Williams in the Non-Chernozem Zone of the Russian Federation are presented. Brief data on promising varieties of alfalfa created in the department of alfalfa breeding for the yield of green and dry mass, crude protein and other indicators are presented. Alfalfa varieties of a new generation adapted to local soil and climatic conditions have been created. Alfalfa is one of the best legume grasses for the preparation of high-protein feed. Alfalfa is a culture that is characterized by ecological plasticity, longevity, capable in many regions of Russia to solve the problem of eliminating the deficiency of vegetable protein in the diets of farm animals. It can be used as a legume component of grass mixtures on pastures and hayfields of the Non-Chernozem zone of Russia. The level of productivity and sustainability of fodder agrophytocenoses is determined by the competitiveness of species and varieties. Alfalfa varieties have a low competitive ability, do not withstand three or four times mowing, quickly fall out of the grass stand. It is known that the use of mineral nitrogen in meadow and field feed production is limited due to high energy costs in the production of nitrogen fertilizers. Therefore, the need for nitrogen in meadows and pastures should be met by legume-cereal grass mixtures, for which it is necessary to create new varieties of legumes, in particular alfalfa variable or hybrid.

М.В. Ломов ◽  
Ю.М. Писковацкий

В производстве люцерна возделывается в основном в одновидовых посевах. Благодаря долголетию, способности к многоукосности, высокой кормовой продуктивности, непревзойдённому качеству корма люцерны предпочтение в настоящее время отдаётся созданию многовидовых агрофитоценозов. В условиях Нечернозёмной зоны Российской Федерации проведена научная работа и дана оценка по биологическим и хозяйственно ценным признакам новых перспективных образцов люцерны различного селекционного происхождения в агрофитоценозе со злаковыми травами. В качестве злаковых компонентов травосмеси использовали тимофеевку луговую (сорт ВИК 9) и овсяницу луговую (сорт ВИК 5). Научная работа выполнялась в 2014–2016 годах на Центральной экспериментальной базе (ЦЭБ) ФНЦ «ВИК им. В. Р. Вильямса» в Московской области (Нечернозёмная зона Российской Федерации). Производству необходимы сорта люцерны интенсивного типа использования, устойчивые в лугопастбищных агрофитоценозах при совместном посеве со злаковыми компонентами, выдерживающие частое скашивание, быстро отрастающие весной и после укосов, хорошо облиственные, с высокими кормовыми достоинствами. В статье представлены данные новых перспективных образцов люцерны по зимостойкости, облиственности растений, высоте травостоя, мощности развития, урожайности зелёной и сухой массы, конкурентной способности, а также другие показатели. Взятые на изучение новые образцы люцерны показали высокую зимостойкость (97,0–99,5%), хорошую облиственность (в первом укосе — 42,6–44,1%, во втором — 49,8–53,1% и в третьем — 56,6–59,4%). В среднем за период исследований получена высокая урожайность: 64,5–69,0 т/га зелёной и 15,3–16,3 т/га сухой массы. От общей урожайности зелёной массы на долю люцерны приходилось от 69,0–73,6% в первом до 72,6–82,8% в третьем укосе, что показывает высокую конкурентоспособность новых популяций люцерны. Alfalfa grows mainly as monoculture on farms. But nowadays alfalfa mixtures with other crops are of great importance due to its longevity, fast regrowth, high productivity, and forage quality. The experiment was conducted at the Central Experimental Base of the Federal Williams Research Center of Fodder Production and Agroecology in the Non-Chernozem region in 2014–2016. Its aim was to test biology and economical value of various alfalfa genotypes in combination with gramineous. Alfalfa grew in mixtures with common timothy (“VIK 9”) and meadow fescue (“VIK 5”). Intensive farming requires alfalfa varieties that have good stress-resistance and performance. This article reports on new promising alfalfa genotypes and their winter resistance, leaf coverage, height, shoot and root development, productivity of green and dry mass, competitiveness etc. New alfalfa genotypes showed high winter hardiness (97.0–99.5%), good leaf coverage (in the first cut — 42.6–44.1%, in the second one — 49.8–53.1% and in the third one — 56.6–59.4%). Crop provided 64.5–69.0 t ha-1 of green mass and 15.3–16.3 t ha-1 of dry mass. Yield of alfalfa green mass amounted to 69.0–73.6 and 72.6–82.8% of total mixture productivity in the first and third cuts, respectively, suggesting high competitiveness of new alfalfa populations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (4) ◽  
pp. 39-45
Valentina Korovina ◽  
Nikolay Kozlov ◽  
Tamara Komkova

The research was carried out in the field at the Central experimental base of the Federal Williams Re¬search Center. The object of research was 12 samples of wild-growing meadow timothy grass. Samples were sown according to the scheme of a standard collection nursery. All studies and observations were carried out on the herbage of the 2nd and 3rd year of life. Statistical processing of results of researches of meadow timothy indicates a low level of variation in the main morphological and physiological characte¬ristics. Only by the number of vegetative shoots have the coefficient of variation reach 35.8%. Samples 416 and 419 were distinguished by precocity, samples 406 and 419 by the height of plants during flower¬ing, sample 412 by the number of generative shoots, and sample 412 by the yield of air-dry mass. Sam¬ples 409 and 414 were distinguished by the length of the sultan, and the weight of seeds — 414 and 415. Nine reliable correlations were found at the significance level 05 and 01. However, all of them are related to the yield of the number of generative and vegetative shoots. Using the binomial equation, the experi¬mentally obtained variability of dry mass yield from the number of generative and vegetative shoots by 93.1% is described. The optimal productivity of meadow timothy grass stand for generative shoots in the area of 550–600 shoots, and vegetative ones — in the area of 320–350 shoots per square meter. Analysis of remoteness and kinship between samples showed the presence of 2 clusters (genetically different quality groups), which can be used for combinational ability selection and fixing of selection-valuable features and properties.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 152-159
E. N. Pavlyuchik ◽  
A. D. Kapsamun ◽  
N. N. Ivanova ◽  
T. N. Panteleeva ◽  
N. A. Epifanova

The article presents data of studies carried out in the northwestern part of the Non-Chernozem zone (Tver region) in 2019. Studied were fodder mixtures based on meadow clover Kretunovsky, Green, Chance, Falensky 86 varieties mixed with variegated alfalfa Vega 87 variety and cereal components − timothy grass VIK 9 and meadow fescue Sakharovskaya varieties. The yield of dry weight of legumes and cereal grass stands of the first year of use during primary mowing in ferti-lized varieties was 4.4-6.9 t/ha at the height of grass stand of 66-77 cm and stalk density of 318-507 pcs/m2. The indicators in variants without fertilizers were lower, the height of the grass stand was 63-69 cm, the density was 334-595 pcs/m2 and the yield of fodder mass was 3.8-4.6 t/ha. Unfavorable climatic conditions during the period between mowings had a suppressive effect on growth and development of herbs, therefore, during the secondary mowing the height parameters of agrophytocenoses decreased by 1.2-1.3 times and did not exceed 32-44 cm against unfertilized background, 43-53 cm against a fertilized one. A decrease in shoot formation ability of herbs during the second mowing was not observed, the density of agrophytocenoses was at the level of 300-500 pcs/m. The yield of dry mass of the second mowing compared to the first mowing decreased by 1.3-1.7 times and was 2.2-5.4 t/ha. In the botanical composition of grass mixtures during the first mowing, leg-ume components prevailed − 35-65 %, during the secondary mowing the percentage of legumes did not exceed 15-30 %. The use of three-component grass mixtures in agriculture will make it possible to get from 6.7 to 9.3 tons per hectare of dry weight of complete feed for cattle for two mowings. Adaptation and cultivation on sod-podzolic soils in the humid zone of the Non-chernozem region of grass mixtures consisting of new-generation forage grasses is one of the reserves for increasing produc-tivity of forage crops by more than 10 %.

The results of studies on the influence of forms and doses of nitrogen fertilizers (ammonium nitrate, urea, carbamide-ammonia mixture, ammonium sulfate) on the productivity of oil flax under the conditions of the western forest-steppe are given. In the traditional system of fertilizer, oil flax is not able to provide high yields and quality products. An effective solution to this is optimization of plant nutrition due to its balance, which promotes intensive plant development, makes it possible to actively and efficiently intervene in the process of harvesting and its quality. Therefore, determining the optimal fertilizer rate for oil flax in specific soil-climatic conditions is important for obtaining stable and high yields of culture. The purpose of our research was to determine the contribution of doses and forms of nitrogen fertilizers to the productivity of flaxseed oil in the soil-climatic conditions of the western forest-steppe. The research was carried out in 2016-2018 at the experimental field of the Institute of Agriculture of the Carpathian region of NAAS in five-point crop rotation with the total area of the plant growing on a gray forest surface glued type of soil In general, four forms of nitrogen fertilizers were studied: ammonia, nitrate, carbamide-ammonia mixture, urea and ammonium sulfate, which were added in doses: N30; N45 one time; and N30 + N15 under pre-sowing cultivation and in the "fir tree" phase against the background of P30K60. The total number of variants was 16. The object of research was a variety of flax oilseed crops of breeding of the Institute of Oilseeds of NAAS. The seed sowing rate is 6 mln similar seed per hectare. According to the results of three-year studies, the effect of intensification of mineral nitrogen feed and various forms of nitrogen fertilizers on the indices of the elements of productivity and yield of flaxseed oil has been established. In particular, it was found that their use had little effect on the density change of plant stem growth. The use of nitrogen fertilizers in the dose N45 on the background of P30K60 improved plant survival (killed during the vegetation of 0.33-0.42 million pp./ha, which is 5.2-6.3 % for control, where the death observed 0.58 million ppm/ha or 8.4 %)) compared to the N30 dose (0.39-0.49 million pcs/ha). In addition, the use of the dose N45 separately (N30 under cultivation + N15 in the phase of the "fir tree") also improved the survival rate of plants (5.2-5.8 % of dead plants) compared with the simultaneous application of N45 cultivation (5.6-7.1 %) The percentage of deaths grew in control (without fertilizers) - 8.4 % against the background of P30K60 - 7.0 %. The application of various forms and doses of nitrogen fertilizers led to an increase in the control of the elements of productivity. The introduction of N45 against the background of P30K60 contributed to an increase in the number of boxes on plants, according to the variants of fertilizers, this index varied from 14.6 to 18.3 pieces per plant (10.9 - on the control, 12.9 pcs/roll - on the РК background), increasing the amount of seeds per plant by 12.7 pc. per plant, a mass of 1000 seeds per 0.2-0.3 g compared with the control and 0.1-0.2 g compared with the LCD background, where this figure was 6.8 g. On average, over the years of research, the highest productivity of flax seed of oilseed Vodograi (2,27 and 2,48 t / ha) was obtained provided the mineral fertilizer N15P30K60 was applied for cultivation in combination with carbamide feed in the phase of "fir tree" at a dose of N15. When using the nitrogen component in the form of KAS, the gain to control was 1.45 t / ha, to the background - 1.12 t/ha. In control and against the background, this indicator was 1.04 and 1.36 t/ha respectively. When using other forms of nitrogen fertilizers on the background of P30K60, lower yields of flaxseed crops were obtained (1.37-1.38 t/ha). The introduction of the N45 separately (N30 under cultivation + N15 into the "fir tree" phase) generally led to higher performance than a single application for cultivation. Among the studied forms of fertilizers, urea and carbamide-ammonia also caused a slightly higher percentage of fiber content in flax stems, however, it was within the experimental error and was not significantly increased.

1951 ◽  
Vol 41 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 149-162 ◽  
H. H. Nicholson ◽  
G. Alderman ◽  
D. H. Firth

1. The methods of investigation of the effect of ground water-level on crop growth, together with tho field installations in use, are discussed.2. Direct field experiments are handicapped by the difficulties of achieving close control on a sufficiently large scale, due to considerable variations of surface level and depth of peat within individual fields and to rapid fluctuations in rainfall and evaporation. Many recorded experiments are associated with climatic conditions of substantial precipitation during the growing season.3. Seasonal fluctuations of ground water-level in Fen peat soils in England, in natural and agricultural conditions, are described.4. The local soil conditions are outlined and the implications of profile variations are discussed.5. The effective control of ground water-level on a field scale requires deep and commodious ditches and frequent large underdrains to ensure the movement of water underground with sufficient freedom to give rapid compensatory adjustment for marked disturbances of ground water-level following the incidence of heavy rain or excessive evaporation.6. A working installation for a field experiment in ordinary farming conditions is described and the measure of control attained is indicated.

1997 ◽  
Vol 152 (2) ◽  
pp. 329-337 ◽  
C L Adam ◽  
P A Findlay ◽  
C E Kyle ◽  
P Young ◽  
J G Mercer

Abstract Castrate male sheep (wethers, average liveweight 38 ± 0·6 kg) were given one of the following diets for 10 weeks followed by euthanasia (n=8/group): high-energy high-protein providing 1·5 times the energy required to maintain liveweight (maintenance) (group 1·5M), low-energy low-protein at 0·5 maintenance (0·5M), or low-energy high-protein at 0·5 maintenance (0·5M+P). 1·5M wethers gained 22% liveweight whereas 0·5M and 0·5M+P wethers lost 18 and 13% liveweight respectively. Relative to the 1·5M group, the 0·5M and 0·5M+P groups had similar plasma concentrations of glucose and cortisol throughout, but elevated non-esterified fatty acids (P<0·001) and reduced IGF-I and insulin (P<0·05, 0·01 or 0·001) from 1 week onwards. Each week blood samples were taken every 12 min for 4 h and plasma assayed for LH. Mean concentration over 4 h, LH pulse frequency and LH pulse amplitude showed no progressive change in 1·5M sheep. However, in both 0·5M and 0·5M+P groups mean LH increased (P<0·001 and P<0·01 respectively), pulse frequency decreased (P<0·01 and P<0·01) and pulse amplitude increased (P<0·001 and P<0·01) over the 10-week period. Anterior pituitary LH content was greater in 0·5M (P<0·01) and 0·5M+P (P<0·05) than in 1·5M sheep. Coronal sections (20 μm) of hypothalamic brain tissue were subjected to in situ hybridisation to determine gene expression for neuropeptide Y (NPY). NPY mRNA was concentrated in the arcuate nucleus and median eminence, with total amounts greater in both 0·5M (310%, P<0·001) and 0·5M+P (333%, P<0·01) groups than in 1·5M sheep (100%). These data reveal that chronic low dietary energy intake by long-term castrates, with high or low protein intake, reduces LH pulse frequency but increases the circulating levels of LH by virtue of an increase in pulse amplitude, and concomitantly increases hypothalamic NPY gene expression. Journal of Endocrinology (1997) 152, 329–337

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-67
K. M. Kurbonov ◽  
E. G. Simonova ◽  
N. N. Filatov

The aim of this work was to study modern manifestations of seasonal brucellosis among the population of the Republic of Tajikistan. The materials and methods: of the study were the official statistics, as well as the results of previously performed studies on the risk assessment of the incidence in population. A retrospective epidemiological analysis of annual incidence rate for the period from 1997 to 2016 was conducted, depending on the most significant social and environmental risk factors. Results. The article shows the impact on the annual incidence rate of socio-economic transformations, including the privatization of collective livestock farms, accompanied by the massive movement of farm animals to private ownership, the loss of practice in animal breeding, and changes in environmental and climatic conditions. Against the background of the intensification of sheep breeding, there is a tendency in seasonality smoothing and shifting the maximum levels of population incidence of brucellosis to the spring season. Conclusion. The modern features of seasonal manifestation of brucellosis infection in the Republic of Tajikistan make it necessary to apply a differentiated approach to planning and conducting preventive measures in various areas of the country.

2019 ◽  
pp. 25-30
Valentina Aleksandrovna Fedorova ◽  
Nina Alekseevna Naumova ◽  
Ekaterina Vasylyevna Yachmeneva ◽  
Yulia Pavlovna Tarasenkova

Objects of research were: spring wheat Saratovskaya 70-st, Cardinal, 3 Curenta, Madam, Nil avocet yr7's, Angarida; spring barley Ratnik-st, Medium 135, grace, Vakula, Brassa; spring oats Showjumping-st, Leo, Bulan, Kuranin. As a result of the study of these varieties of spring crops, the most adapted to local soil and climatic conditions samples were identified. The selected samples were distinguished by high biological plasticity, growth and development rates, maximum use of moisture, as well as the ability to form high grain yields.

2004 ◽  
Vol 10 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 12-18
S. Y. Agha

The effectiveness of the supplementary feeding programme for malnourished children aged 6 months to 3 years in Dohuk province, northern Iraq was evaluated. The enrolment criterion was child weight > or = 2 st and ard deviations below st and ard weight-for-age. Children enrolled in the programme in January 2001 were followed over 7 months. Children received high-protein high-energy biscuits in the first month and a monthly child ration for preparing soyabean mix throughout. Their families received food rations in the first 4 months. Improvement was noticed for all children, particularly in the first month. Problems with the rations and within the growth monitoring units resulted in significant drop-out. Use of st and ard growth charts may be a way to overcome this problem. High-protein biscuits should be distributed throughout instead of the mix

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (35) ◽  
pp. 1175-1185
Raphael ISMAGILOV ◽  

The research aimed to identify the most productive hybrids selected by the All-Russian Research Institute of Maize to cultivate by the cereal seed technology in the natural conditions of the Middle Cis- Urals. Methodology. Maize was cultivated for seeds and green fodder for farm animals in the conditions of the Middle Cis-Urals. The maize green mass, consisting mainly of stems and leaves, usually contains up to 88-90% water. Silage being prepared for it has less dry matter and protein. Such fodder has low nutritional value and poor return from livestock products. The most high quality and nutritious feed can be received from maize seeds or its above-ground mass with seeds of milky-wax and wax ripeness. To select early-maturing hybrids with high nutritional value is the primary concern for the studied area. Results. The results demonstrate that the productivity of maize hybrids ranges from 2.50 to 6.76 t/ha depending on soil and climatic conditions. When maize hybrids are grown by seed technology, the above-ground mass of the studied crops is 30.68-68.80 t/ha. Conclusions. It is necessary to select earlier ripening and highly productive hybrids to increase the quality and nutrition of corn feed. The recommended hybrids for grain production are Ural 150 (5,45 t/ha), Baikal (5,38 t/ha) and Mashuk 170 MV (4,98 t/ha); K-170 (56,7 t/ha), Shihan (55,67 t/ha) and Mashuk 170 MV (54,99 t/ha) that provided a higher output of the green mass at milky-wax ripeness of grain are best for silage production. The resulting data make it possible to select maize hybrids with high yields and nutritional value for farms with similar soil and climate conditions and to develop diets for highly productive dairy and beef cattle.

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