scholarly journals Pencegahan Konstipasi pada Ibu Nifas dengan Early Exercise

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 117-121
Uliyatul Laili ◽  
Fauziyatun Nisa

In Indonesia, many postpartum mothers experience constipation. Some of the contributing factors include less of movement after childbirth (early mobilization), poor nutritional intake, low fluid intake, narcotic-containing pain relievers leaving the intestines and periodic spasms of the small intestine. The purpose of this study was to find out the effect of giving care in the form of early exercise or early physical exercise in an effort to prevent constipation during the puerperium. The research method used was quasi-experiment; with the population were postpartum mothers on the first day up to the fifth day. Data collections were done by questionnaire and observations then tested by Mann Whitney test. The result of this study is that there was no effect between giving care in the form of early exercise to the incidence of constipation in postpartum mothers, a significance value of 0.678> 0.005. The conclusion of this study is that there were many other factors that influence the incidence of constipation in addition to activity factors, namely anxiety, suture injuries, current and past labor history and nutritional intake.

Lilis Mamuroh ◽  
Sukmawati S ◽  
Yanti Hermayanti ◽  
Furkon Nurhakim

Breastfeeding is a natural process as a mother’s responsibility to take care of her baby. The natural process of lactation started during pregnancy. During pregnancy, breast is prepared therefore when the baby is born, the mother can breastfeed her newborn soon. The purpose of this research is to discover the relationship between breast care, lactation, breastfeeding techniques that related to lactation, and calories and protein consumption that related to lactation. Research method used in this study is description. Population for this research is hospitalized postpartum mothers in Kalimaya Room dr Slamet Regional Public Hospital Garut which amounts to 96 people and the sample mehod used is total sampling. Based on the research’s result from 96 people showed that did poor breast care treatment was 27.08%, good treatment was 50.00% and did a very good breast care treatment was 22.9%. Of the 96 people that performed improper breastfeeding techniques was 32.29%, performed proper breastfeeding technique was 54.17%, performed a very appropriate breastfeeding technique was 13.54%. Based on the results of the study, out of 96 people, who got less calorie intake from the needs was 8.33% and who got calorie intake from the needs was 91.67%. Of 96 people showed that who got protein intake from the needs was 100% which means they got the necessary nutritional intake. There are still plenty of postpartum mother in Kalimaya Room dr Slamet Garut Regional Public Hospital that has problem with lactation.Keywords: Breastfeeding, Lactation, Postpartum Period

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 173-193
Rizka Dwi Seftiani ◽  
Siti Dieny Hafshoh ◽  
Irawan Irawan

This research focuses on the process of strategic planning completion of the Ma'had Aly Pondok Quran establishment in Bandung Regency. This research uses Kurt Lewin model of action research method which consists of planning, acting and fact finding on the result of the action. The results of this study indicate that there are several efforts to meet the conditions that have been determined by the Minister of Religious Regulation 71/2015 on the establishment of Ma'had Aly Pondok Quran. The contributing factors of the succesful strategic planning are the results of the present and expected future conditions analysis, the results of Ma'had Aly SWOT analysis, the Master Plan Development Document (RIP)of Ma'had Aly Pondok Quran, Strategic Plan Cycles and Strategic Plan Matrix of the Ma'had Aly performance. These constitute as the guidelines for the realization of the ideal establishment of Ma'had Aly which is in accordance with the Guide of Establishment of Ma'had Aly as stated on the operational guidelines of the Ministry of Religious Affairs.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (E) ◽  
pp. 1418-1421
Yunik Windarti ◽  
Yasi Anggasari ◽  
Siti Nur Hasina ◽  
Firdaus Firdaus

Background : The practice of postnatal gymnastics in Indonesia is still little done by postpartum mothers both before and during the covid pandemic 19. Some of the contributing factors include lack of knowledge about postnatal gymnastics, fatigue, and the mother's mindset about the importance of postnatal gymnastics for health which is still lacking. Post-delivery exercise can help mothers to get back to their normal health as they were before pregnancy. Objective : This study aims to analyze the effect of information and husband's support on the implementation postnatal gymnastics during the covid 19 pandemic. Methods : Non-experimental research design: cross sectional analytic, the independent variable is husband's information and support and the dependent variable is postpartum exercise. This research was conducted in April – August 2021. The population of postpartum mothers was 102, the sampling technique was incidental sampling in Wonokromo Village, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. Research instrument with a questionnaire. The data were analyzed using the Multiple Logistics Regression test. Results : The results showed that partially there was a significant effect of husband's support (p = 0.013) on postnatal exercise, but for information during the pandemic there was no effect (p = 0.998) on postpartum exercise. The results of the analysis showed that the OR value of the information was 1.615E9 (95%CI: 0.000 – 0.000) and the OR of husband's support was 3.385 (95%CI: 1.289 – 8.886). Conclusion : Husband's support during the covid 19 pandemic affects mothers in doing postnatal exercise. Obtaining information about postnatal exercise during the COVID-19 pandemic does not affect the mother in its implementation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-93
Tutuk Ningsih

Indonesia has diverse tribes and traditions that make Indonesia rich of various cultures. As an ancestral heritage, cultural traditions are still preserved by Indonesian society. There are some traditions that arecarried out every year, as well as by Javanese who continue to enforce their cultural traditions, because it relates to their religion and does not harm the society. This study aims to describe and analyze Saparan Tradition of Javanese society. This research implements qualitative research method, with the data is obtained directly from the field through observation at the actual conditions in the society, among Moslem Javanese.The data collections in this study are observation, documentation and interview. The results of the study related to the socio-cultural and religious conditions of Ditotrunan society. They are unique. Geographically,their location is in the center of the city, but still holding the tradition of saparan every year. The tradition on Safar Month, which is known as saparan by the Javanese in Lumajang, is carried out by making jenang asan expression of gratitude or slametan. Each family makes jenang in Safar Month, they take turns to make jenang, and then it is served in a leafcoated plate. After everything is ready, it will be presented on the table.Then, the head of the household leads a prayer for goodness, then sharing jenang to the neighbors and the relatives next to them. In addition, in saparan tradition, there is also a festival followed by ladies dressed inkebaya (Javanese Blouse), they work together to make jenang. After cooking, they place the meal on a grounded leaf plate. Then, a prayer is conducted and led by the priest. Finally, they eat jenang together in thesociety.

Desty Ervira Puspaningtyas ◽  
Yuni Afriani

The aim of this study was to view uric acid levels and nutrient intake of soccer players. This study examined the uric acid level differences based on nutrient intake of adolescent soccer players. Indeed, nutritional status monitoring is needed to evaluate health status which can contribute to athletes’ performance. This was an observational study conducted at SSB Real Madrid in April-September 2017. Subjects involved in this study were 27 active joined U-13 or U-16 in SSB Read Madrid UNY, Yogyakarta. Uric acid data were obtained by measuring peripheral blood sample. Nutrient intake data were obtained by using SQFFQ form. The differences in uric acid levels based on nutritional intake category were tested using ANOVA test. The average of uric acid levels were 6.72±1.21 mg/dl with average protein intake of 87.38±27.41 grams. The average of energy, fat, and carbohydrate intake was 2,189.02±464.87 kcal, 46.92±15.75 grams, and 365.61±82.32 grams. There was no difference in uric acid levels based on energy, protein, fat, and carbohydrates intake (p=0.216; p=0.489; p=0.587; and p=0.845) of adolescent soccer players. The clearance of uric acid, the amount and type of fluid intake, the type of animal protein, and the purine-source food probably contributed to athletes’ uric acid levels.

Dewi Susanti ◽  

ABSTRACT Background: The rate of exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia reduced to 50% in 2019, far from the national target of 80% in 2014. One of the contributing factors is the inadequate breastmilk production of mothers, especially in the first and second days after birth. This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of stimulation of endorphin, oxytocin, and suggestive (SPEOS) massage method on breast milk production in postpartum mothers at General Hospital, South Tangerang, Banten. Subjects and Method: A randomized control trial was conducted at General Hospital, South Tangerang, Banten, from July to August 2020. A sample of 80 postpartum mothers was randomized into two groups: (1) Experimental group that received SPEOS massage method conducted for 10 minutes, and (2) Control group that received no intervention allocated into two groups. The dependent variable was the production of breastmilk. The independent variable was massage with the SPEOS method. The data were collected by measuring the volume (ml) of breastmilk. The data were analyzed by Mann-Whitney test. Results: After the intervention, mean of breastmilk production in postpartum mothers in the experimental group (Mean= 46.55) was higher than the control group (Mean= 34.45), and it was statistically significant (p= 0.018). Conclusion: Breastmilk production in postpartum mothers increases with the stimulation of endorphin, oxytocin, and suggestion massage method. Keywords: SPEOS, massage, breastmilk production, postpartum mothers Correspondence: Dewi Susanti. Program Study of Diploma-III Midwifery, Academy of Midwifery Karya Bunda Husada. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: +6285213230340. DOI:

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 204
Ana Fajarningsi ◽  
Andi Ima Kesuma ◽  
Ahmadin Ahmadin

The study discusses on woven fabric typical of Muna district, which is one of the distinctive cultural heritages of Muna ethnic. The weaving craft is done by weavers by using gedogan tools and ATBM. The Masalili village is the center of a weaver village in Muna district, which has a unique weaving and is rich in decorative motifs. The focus of this study is the history of making Muna woven fabric so it shows its existence to date as well as explain and document various kinds of woven motifs that are produced so it shows its development without eliminating traditional elements. Based on this topic, the purpose of this study is to determine the initial process of making Muna weaving in Masalili village, Kontunaga sub-district in Muna district to produce a variety of motifs and philosophies existed on the fabric sheet. This research method employed descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach. Data collections were conducted with literature study, observation, interview, and documentation. In this study, the author tries to explain brief history of the originator of Muna weaving, the process of making Muna weaving using gedogan tools and ATBM, the marketing flow of Muna weaving, and the existence of Muna weaving so it can marketed internationally.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (8) ◽  
pp. 290-294
Dhiana Setyorini ◽  
Intim Cahyono ◽  
Nur Hasanah

Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is one of the direct causes of maternal mortality with the highest percentage. Postpartum hemorrhage is the bleeding that occurs due to the blood loss of 500 ml or more from the reproductive organs after labor. The objective of this present research was to understand the characteristics of mothers before and during pregnancy that induce postpartum hemorrhage in Surabaya. The research method employed was a control case design consisting of 180 postpartum mothers, being analyzed using a multinomial logistic regression. The research was conducted in Soewandi Hospital and Haji Hospital Surabaya. The research results revealed that characteristics of mothers before pregnancy causing the incidence of postpartum hemorrhage were as follows: a) Age < 20 and > 35 (66.7%), b) multi-parity (61.14%), pregnancy spacing ≤ 24 months (70.4%), d) possessing postpartum hemorrhage history (93.3%) and e) suffering from anemia (80.8%). Characteristics of mothers during pregnancy were among others : Double pregnancy (71.4%), preeclampsia (79.5%) and obesity (70.6%). It is expected that the cadres of health staffs recognize the characteristics of these mothers and are able to detect earlier any postpartum hemorrhage that occurs to pregnant women so that earlier prevention actions may be taken. Keywords: causing factor; before and during pregnant; postpartum hemorrhage

Sarita Miguna ◽  
Magfirah Al’amri

Background : The puerperium is a recovery period after the birth process begins at the birth of the placenta, and ends when the reproductive organs return to normal, such as in a woman who is not pregnant. An effort is needed to increase milk production during the puerperium, one of which is breast care so that the rights of babies to get breast milk from their mothers are fulfilled. The purpose of this study was to determine the knowledge of postpartum mothers about breast care. Method : The research method used is descriptive, conducted at the hospital. ST Elisabeth Batam City, the research was conducted for 6 months, the population in this study were all postpartum mothers who were in the postpartum room of Elisabeth Hospital Batam City when the research took place, namely as many as 33 people, the sampling technique was carried out by using total sampling technique with research instruments using a questionnaire. Result : The results showed that the majority of good knowledge as many as 24 people (72.7%) and less knowledgeable as many as 9 people (27.3%). conclusion : The conclusion of this study most of the knowledge of postpartum mothers about breast care is Good. Suggestions for respondents to apply breast care properly in order to be able to provide breastfeeding exclusively

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 30
Asti Rahayu ◽  
Ira Purbosari ◽  
Aulia Mei Tsabitah

Breastfeeding has a significant role in preventing stunting. The fluency of breastfeeding by postpartum mothers, apart from being influenced by nutritional intake, was also influenced by psychological and environmental factors. Oxytocin massage was part of the way out to increase milk production, minimize swelling and provide comfort to the mother, so that breast milk was stimulated smoothly. The use of lavender oil acts as a relaxant and as an aromatherapy when oxytocin massages provided synergistic benefits on oxytocin massage to stimulate breast milk. Counseling related to the socialization of stimulation of breast milk production through massage of oxytocin and lavender essential oil to prevent stunting in the first 1000 days of birth was carried out in Gondang Village, Gondang District, Mojokerto Regency. The level of knowledge of the participants was measured using a questionnaire and analyzed using a paired sample T test. The analysis results show the sig. 0.000 (p <0.005), which indicates that there was a significant relationship between the provision of counseling materials to the participants insights and knowledge regarding the stimulation of breastfeeding and oxytocin massage using lavender oil, where participants knowledge has increased from before to after exposure to the information Abstrak Pemberian ASI (Air Susu Ibu) berperan signifikan dalam pencegahan stunting. Kelancaran ASI oleh ibu pasca melahirkan, selain dipengaruhi oleh asupan nutrisi juga dipengaruhi oleh faktor psikologi dan lingkungan ibu. Pemijatan oksitosin merupakan bagian dari jalan keluar untuk meningkatkan  produksi ASI, meminimalisasi pembengkakan dan memberikan rasa nyaman pada ibu, sehingga ASI terstimulasi lancar. Penggunaan minyak lavender berfungsi sebagai relaksan dan sebagai aromaterapi saat melakukan pijat oksitosin memberikan manfaat secara sinergis pada pijat oksitosin untuk menstimulasi ASI. Penyuluhan terkait sosialisasi stimulasi produksi asi (Stipasi)  melalui pijat oksitosin dan minyak esensial lavender untuk mencegah stunting pada 1000 hari pertama kelahiran dilakukan di Desa Gondang, Kecamatan Gondang, Kabupaten Mojokerto. Tingkat pengetahuan peserta diukur menggunakan kuisioner dan dianalisa dengan uji T sampel berpasangan. Hasil analisa menunjukkan nilai sig. 0.000 (p < 0,005) yang menunjukkan terdapat hubungan bermakna antara pemberian materi penyuluhan terhadap wawasan dan pengetahuan peserta terkait stimulasi pemberian ASI dengan pijat oksitosin menggunakan minyak lavender, dimana pengetahuan peserta mengalami peningkatan dari sebelum hingga setelah di paparkan materi penyuluhan.

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