2019 ◽  
pp. 26-28

Приведены результаты оценки быковпроизводителей голштинской породы по молочной продуктивности и воспроизводительным качествам их дочерей. Обработаны данные 563 первотелок и 45 быковотцов. В среднем удой дочерей за 1ю лактацию от разных отцов колебался от 6784 до 7789 кг, по содержанию жира и белка в молоке различий не выявлено. Большинство производителей обладали желательной степенью реализации генетического потенциала. Основной вклад в генетическое совершенствование стада вносят быки Altahessel Sex138929389, Altajupiter Sex 66011448 и ClearEc Altar2 62916235, достоверно увеличивая удой дочерей за 305 дней 1й лактации от 350 кг до 490 кг по сравнению со средними показателями по стаду. Уровень раздоя коров по 1й лактации достоверно обусловливает их дальнейшую продуктивность. У дочерей ClearEc Altar2 отмечена положительная корреляция (0,44) между удоем и белком, а у дочерей Бодо 354239752 (r0,68) между жиром и белком. Отмечены дочери с отрицательной коррелятивной связью между удоем и жиром, это свидетельствует о том, что в этих группах с высокой молочной продуктивностью отбор коров по жирномолочности не обеспечивает повышение белковомолочности. Самый короткий сервиспериод (98 дней) характерен для дочерей Магикон 536522893, наиболее длинный у дочерей Dinom Altatyson 66133528 и Short Cut 3504510619. Используемые быкипроизводители в хозяйстве реализуют свой потенциал в более сжатые сроки, что необходимо учитывать при дальнейшем их закреплении.The results of estimation of Holstein sires based on milk productivity and reproductive qualities of their daughters are presented .The findings of 563 heifers and 45 bullsfathers were processed.on average, the milk yield of daughters for 1 lactation from different fathers ranged from 6784 to 7789 kg, theee were not found any differences in the content of fat and protein in milk.most producers had a desirable degree of realization of genetic potential. Bulls Altahessel Sex138929389, Altajupiter Sex 66011448 and ClearEc Altar2 62916235mainly contribut to the genetic improvement of the herd, significantly increasing yield of daughters in 305 days of the first lactation from 350 kg to 490 kg compared to the average for the herd. The level of milking cows on the 1st lactation reliably determines their further productivity. Daughters of ClearEc Altar2 had a positive correlation (0.44) between milk yield and protein, and daughters of Bodo bull 354239752 (r0.68) between fat and protein. Daughters with a negative correlation between milk yield and fat were noted, this indicates that the selection of cows by fat content does not provide an increase in protein content in these groups with high milk productivity. The shortest service period (98 days) are typical for daughters of Magikon 536522893, the longest the daughters Dinom Altatyson 66133528 and Short Cut 3504510619.sires, used in farming, realize their potential in a shorter time, which should be taken into account in their further consolidation.

О.В. Филинская ◽  
М.Ю. Лапина ◽  
С.В. Зырянова

Исследования проводились на одном из промышленных комплексов Ярославской области. Целью исследований являлась оценка по основным признакам продуктивности импортного скота голштинской породы селекции Нидерландов и их дочерей. Было установлено, что как матери, так и дочери имели удлинённую лактацию. Коровы импортной селекции имели высокую молочную продуктивность с первой лактации, которая составила 5597 кг с МДЖ и МДБ 4,23 и 3,38% соответственно, к третьей лактации удои увеличились до 6611,8 кг, МДЖ составила 4,35%, МДБ – 3,37%. Дочери достоверно превосходили своих матерей по продуктивным признакам, за исключением содержания белка по первой лактации, жира и белка – по третьей лактации. На комплексе и матери, и дочери имели удовлетворительную воспроизводительную способность. Выше принятых норм были продолжительность сервис-периода, сухостойного периода, возраст первого осеменения. При этом у дочерей сервис-период был меньше на 60,3 дня. Увеличение удоя является положительным показателем адаптации, с другой стороны, удовлетворительные показатели воспроизводства указывают на трудности адаптации импортного скота. Реализация продуктивных признаков имеет важное значение при ведении селекционной работы со стадом. При определении корреляции дочерей с матерями и генетического влияния наследуемости признаков от матерей была установлена корреляция по первой и третьей лактациям, соответственно: по удою – слабая отрицательная и слабая положительная, по содержанию жира в молоке – невысокая положительная, слабая отрицательная, по содержанию белка – положительная и отрицательная; наследуемость удоя, МДЖ и МДБ составила 45,1–48,3%, по третьей лактации наследуемость содержания жира от матерей – всего 12,4%. Основными причинами выбытия как матерей, так и дочерей послужили проблемы с воспроизводством, болезни конечностей и вымени. Меньше всего коровы выбывали из-за низкой продуктивности. Средний возраст использования матерей составил 1,6 лактации, у дочерей – 1,8. The researches were carried out at one of the industrial complexes of the Yaroslavl region. The aim of the research was to evaluate of imported Holstein cattle of the selection of the Netherlands and their daughters by the main characteristics of the productivity. It was found that both mothers and daughters had elongated lactation. Cows of imported selection had high milk productivity from the first lactation which was 5597 kg with WCF and WCP 4.23 and 3.38% respectively, by the third lactation milk yield increased to 6611.8 kg, WCF was 4.35%, WCP – 3.37%. The daughters were significantly superior to their mothers in productive features, with the exception of protein for the first lactation, fat and protein for the third lactation. In the complex both mothers and daughters had satisfactory reproductive ability. The duration of the service period, the dry period and the age of the first insemination were higher than the accepted norms. At the same time the service period for the daughters was 60.3 days less. The increase in milk yield is a positive indicator of adaptation on the other hand satisfactory reproduction rates indicate difficulties in adapting imported livestock. The realization of productive characteristics is important when conducting breeding work with a herd. When determining the correlation of daughters with mothers and the genetic influence of the heritability of signs from mothers, a correlation was established for the first and third lactations, respectively: by the milk yield – meanly negative and meanly positive, by fat content in milk – low positive, meanly negative, for protein content – positive and negative; the heritability of milk yield, WCF and WCP were 45.1–48.3%, according to the third lactation the heritability of fat content from mothers was only 12.4%. The main reasons for cow disposal of both mothers and daughters were problems with reproduction, diseases of the limbs and udders. Least of all cows were culled due to low productivity. The average age of use of mothers was 1.6 lactation, for daughters – 1.8.

T. V. Pidpala ◽  
Yu. S. Matashnyuk

Under the conditions of intensive technologies used in production of livestock products, the main selection feature that characterizes the economic feasibility of dairy farming and breeding value of animals is milk productivity. One of the factors that affects, not only the economy of production, but also the improvement of herds and breeds of cattle, is the use of highly productive cows. Therefore, the aim of our research was to assess the level of development of productive traits in Holstein cows under the conditions of intensive milk production technology, according to selection and genetic parameters. To conduct the study, a group of 1089 first-born cows was formed with the help of the Dairy Comp program and Microsoft Excel. The material for the research was the milk productivity of Holstein cows during the first three lactations. The level of development of selection traits in animals was determined by selection and genetic parameters. It was found that from the sample n = 1089 to the group of highly productive animals (“>10560”) were included 266 cows, and low-productive animals (“<8706”) – 249 first-borns. They had an average milk yield for the first lactation, 11439 kg of milk with a fat content of 3.96 % and 7737 kg of milk and 3.95 %, respectively. There is a difference in milk yield, milk fat and protein between the groups of cows “>10614” and “<8706”, but there is a general tendency towards changes in productivity with age. Based on the data of milk recurrence and the amount of milk fat of high-yielding cows (group “>10614”), it was found that higher values of the coefficient are characteristic of lactations I–III (rw= 0.105; rw= 0.135). As a result of comparative analysis it was found that low-yielding animals (group “<8706”) were characterized by higher recurrence rates for I–II and I–III lactation (rw = 0.345;rw = 0.316;rw = 0.320 and rw = 0.664;rw = 0.646;rw = 0.651, respectively). Higher rates of recurrence of traits of milk productivity are the characteristic of low-yielding cows (group “<8706”), i.e. they had more consistency of traits during different lactations and animals with a high level of productivity did not differ in age constancy. At a high level of milk yield in cows of group “>10614” appeared a negative correlation of low and medium level (r = -0.423). It was also found a negative correlation of low and medium level between milk yield and protein content in milk (r = -0.007… -0.332). At lower milk yields, there is no negative correlation between milk yield and fat content in milk. Thus, the existence of a negative correlation between milk yield and fat content in milk at a high level of animal productivity, and between milk yield and protein content in milk at both high and low levels of cow productivity was proved.

2016 ◽  
Vol 52 ◽  
pp. 6-12 ◽  
M. V. Gladiy ◽  
G. S. Kovalenko ◽  
S. V. Priyma ◽  
G. A. Holyosa ◽  
A. V. Tuchyk ◽  

The main goal of dairy breeds selection should be improving breeding and productive qualities of animals under modern conditions. The majority of farms, using native breeds to produce milk, has created optimal conditions for keeping and feeding, selection and matching, growing of replacements etc. Further improvement of created native dairy breeds for economically useful traits occurs at total use of purebred Holstein bulls (semen) of foreign selection. In order to realistically assess milk productivity (milk yield, fat content in milk and fat yield) of Ukrainian Black-and-White and Red-and-White Dairy cows should be conducted a comparative analysis of Holstein cows under the same conditions of feeding and keeping. It was established that Ukrainian Red-and-White Dairy cows were characterized by the highest milk yields for 305 days of all lactations, taken into account, the among three investigated breeds. Their milk yield during the first lactation was 5933 kg of milk, during the second – 6393 kg, the third – 6391 kg and during higher lactation – 6650 kg. Ukrainian Black-and-White Dairy cows were second by milk yield (except for the second lactation), during the first lactation – 5932 kg of milk, the third – 6462 kg and higher – 6541 kg, and Holstein cows were third, during the first lactation – 5794 kg of milk, the second – 6381 kg, the third – 6335 kg and higher – 6469 kg. The fat content was almost the same and varied within 3.49-3.58% in milk of Ukrainian Red-and-White Dairy cattle, 3.50-3.60% in milk of Ukrainian Black-and-White Dairy cattle and 3.50-3.56% in Holsteins’ milk. The difference between the breeds was within 0.01-0.04%. All the investigated breeds had predominance in fat yield for three lactations over standards of these breeds: Ukrainian Red-and-White Dairy cows from 75.1 to 93.4 kg, Ukrainian Black-and-White Dairy cows – 75.1-89.0 kg respectively and Holstein cows – 41.9-60.2 kg. It was found different level of positive correlation between milk yield and fat yield in all the cases and high correlation (r = 0.604-0.921, P < 0.001) in five cases (41.7%) Negative correlation coefficients indicate that selection of animals to higher milk yield in the herd will decrease the second trait – fat content in milk. Positive and highly significant correlation between milk yield and fat yield indicates that selection of cows in the herd to higher milk yields will increase fat yield. It was revealed that bulls were among the factors impacted the milk productivity (milk yield, fat content, fat yield) of three investigated breeds. So, the force (η²x) of father’s impact on milk yield was15.4-47.9%, fat content – 22.0-43.4% and fat yield – 14.9-47.7% taking into account a lactation and a breed. The force of lines impact (η²x) was second; it was on milk yield 6.1-24.5%, fat content – 4.1-17.1 and fat yield – 5.8-23.5%. The force of breeds impact (η²x) was last; it was on milk yield 0.3-2.9%, fat content – 0.2-0.3% and fat yield – 0.6-2.7%. So, the comparative studies of milk productivity of Ukrainian Red-and-White and Black-and-White Dairy cattle with Holsteins indicate that under similar conditions of feeding and keeping, these native breeds can compete with Holstein cattle. The milk yield for 305 days of higher lactation was 6650 kg of milk in Ukrainian Red-and-White Dairy cows, 6541 kg in Ukrainian Black-and-White Dairy cows and 6469 kg in Holsteins. It was found the inverse correlation r = -0.025-0.316 between milk yield and fat content in milk in most cases. Selection and matching of animals in the herd should be carried out simultaneously on these traits. It was found positive repeatability of milk yields between the first and second, the third and higher lactations (rs = 0.036-0.741), indicating the reliability of forecasting increase in milk productivity during the next lactations in all herd. Bulls have the greatest impact (η²x) on milk productivity among the factors taken into account: milk yield – 15.4-47.9%, fat content in milk – 22.0-43.4% and fat yield – 14.9-47.7%.

A. Zheltikov ◽  
N. Kostomakhin ◽  
D. Adushinov ◽  
O. Zaiko ◽  
V. Dementev ◽  

The characteristic of milk productivity of cows of Holstein and Simmental breeds in LLC “Sibirskaya Niva” in the Maslyaninsky district in the Novosibirsk region has been given. It has been revealed that under the natural and climatic environments of the Western Siberia, when creating favorable conditions for feeding and housing for cows of Holstein and Simmental breeds have sufficiently high milk productivity. It has been found that Holstein first-calf heifers surpassed their Simmental herdmates by 959 kg in milk yield for the first 305 days of lactation under the same conditions of housing and feeding, by 3,1 kg in daily milk yield, by 38,2 kg in milk fat yield, and by 28,3 kg in milk protein yield (P < 0,001). There were no statistically significant differences between animals of Holstein and Simmental breeds in terms of fat and protein content in milk, which amounted to 3,94 and 2,96 % in Holstein breed and 3,97 and 2,98 % in Simmental breed, respectively. Both breeds have shown high milk productivity during the first 3 lactations. Thus, the milk yield of Holstein cows for the first 3 lactation was 6475–9290 kg, Simmental cows it was 5516–7680 kg, fat content was 3,93–3,99 and 3,96–3,97 %, respectively. The protein content in the milk of cows of both breeds did not exceed 3,0 %. High variability has been found in milk yield, yield of milk fat and protein, the coefficient of milk content and duration of lactation, the lowest in the content of protein and fat in milk and live weight. The correlation coefficients between the fat and protein content in milk were generally positive, but did not exceed 0,28. Therefore, breeding in the herd of cows in LLC “Sibirskaya Niva” have to be conducted not only by fat content, but also by protein content in milk.

F.F. Zinnatov ◽  

Based on the results of the analysis of the relationship between the DGAT1 gene polymorphism and economically valuable traits, it was concluded that animals with the DGAT1KK genotype have the highest milk yield and fat content. When analyzing the relationship of CSN3 gene polymorphism with milk productivity, it was found that higher rates are characteristic of mothers cows with a homozygous CSN3BB genotype. Animals of this group have an advantage, in comparison with the AB and AA genotypes, in milk yield, protein content, mass yield of fat and protein. When studying the data of the relationship between the LGB gene polymorphism and economically valuable traits, it was concluded that animals with the homozygous LGBBB genotype have the highest milk yield, fat, protein content, mass fat and protein yield.

2004 ◽  
Vol 20 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 17-21
V. Gaidarsca ◽  
N. Rusev ◽  
Y. Popova

The objective of this study was to estimate coefficients of variability heritability, genetic and phenotypic correlations between indicators of milk productivity in relation to milk yield and fat content, butter fat and protein content in milk. The foremost quality of 21st century Holstein cow is efficiency (Beaulieu, 1993). She must continue to increase both life production and production per year, preserving the quality. Due to the use of optimum breeding programs the rates of the genetic improvement of milk production have increased nearly twice in the 1990 as compared to those in the 1970 according to Aleksiev et.al. (1991), Vankov (1978), Vankov et.al. (1982) and Kennedy,(1991). A primary objective of this study was to determine coefficients of variability, heritability, genetic and phenotypic correlation between indicators of milk productivity in relation to milk yield and fat content, butter fat and protein content in milk. Heritability, genetic and phenotype correlation of milk productivity and protein content in milk of Bulgarian Black and White cows White were estimated, using the linear statistical model (Harvey 1977).

R.А. Volkov ◽  
D.V. Portnov ◽  
Yu.V. Larina ◽  

Feeding experimental animals with supplements containing selenium in various forms and doses did not have a significant effect on milk productivity and the qualitative composition of milk. However, when using «Sel-Plex», there is a tendency to increase the average daily milk yield in terms of basic fat content by 0.9-4.4 % and an increase in the protein content in milk by 1.2-2.3 % compared to control.

G. Rodionov ◽  
N. Kostomakhin ◽  
L. Tabakova ◽  
G. Tabakov ◽  
A. Olesyuk ◽  

When production of milk in industrial volumes it is necessary to monitor all processes aff ecting its quantity and quality: animal feeding, breeding, mode and method of milking, herd reproduction, labour organization in the dairy complex, creating favorable conditions for cows that correspond to physiological characteristics. The dairy industry continues to impose higher and higher demands on milk, so in addition to improving the milk productivity of cows, we must not forget about the quality of the product. The issues of milk yield of cows, fat and protein, yield of milk fat and protein, somatic cells in milk of cows of Black-and-White breed for a number of lactations in terms of the dairy complex “Ryzhovo” have been considered in the article. It has been noted be researches that in the 1st and 2nd lactations milk yield of animals was 10 621 and 10 553 kg, respectively. The highest productivity of the cows has reached in the 3rd and 4th lactations 11 365 and 11 655 kg, respectively, after which, in the 5th lactation there was a decrease in milk yield to 10 592 kg. When considering fat content for diff erent lactations, positive dynamics up to the 4th lactation inclusive has been revealed. Thus, the fat content in milk for the 1st lactation was 3,61 %, for 2nd – 3,68 %, for 3rd – 3,93 % and 4th – 4,00 %. In the 5th lactation fat content decreased to 3,78 %. It has been found when calculating the yield of milk fat in experimental cows for lactation that up to the 4th lactation inclusive the indicator increases: for the 1st lactation received 383 kg of milk fat, 2nd – 388 kg, 3rd – 447 kg, 4th – 466 kg, and for the 5th lactation, the decrease in the index to 400 kg. At the same time the yield of milk fat for the 5th lactation exceeds the 1st and 2nd. The protein content in the milk of cows of diff erent ages during the fi rst four lactations increases from 3,18 to 3,43 %. Then, in the 5th lactation there is the decrease in protein content to 3,35 %, however, this fi gure is second only to the highest the 4th lactation. It has been established that before the 3rd lactation the number of somatic cells in milk increases, then in the 4th lactation this indicator decreases (151,25 thousand/cm3 ) and in the 5th lactation reaches a maximum (242,27 thousand/cm3).

2020 ◽  
Vol 59 ◽  
pp. 60-66
O. I. Liubynskyi ◽  
R. V. Kasprov

The studies were conducted on the materials of the breeding record of the breeding plant of JSC "Mirne" of Chernivtsi region - the basic farm of the Bukovyna factory type of the Ukrainian red-speckled dairy breed. 360 cows were selected for analysis, based on live weight, yields, fat and protein content of milk, total milk fat and protein content. The intensification of dairy cattle breeding necessitates the systematic evaluation of animals in herds and populations on the basis of economically useful traits. Analysis of the productive qualities of the cows of the different breeding groups showed that, by live weight, milk yield, milk fat and protein content, the two-breed (II breeding group) animals were better than the three-breed (I breeding group). The difference for the first lactation was 11.2; 32.9; 1.5; 1.0 kg respectively. In cows with the second lactation, the pattern remained, the difference was 22.2; 395.8; 15.8; 13.1 kg respectively, and for the third lactation – 31.4; 124.3; 4.8; 4.2 kg. The fat and protein content of milk varied between 3.88–3.89% and 3.33–3.34%, respectively. It should be noted that in cows of both groups there was a decrease in milk milk yield with increasing number of lactations.An evaluation of the productive qualities of the first-born cows of the different lines showed that Marshall's first-borns were better in live weight, milk yield, milk fat and protein, although they were inferior to other lines in terms of fat and protein content. In the firstborn of the Hanover Red line, the estimated values were lower than in animals of other lines, in particular – by live weight by 11.4 kg, milk yield by 1115.2 kg, milk fat by 44.1 kg, milk protein by 37.2 kg (Chif line), by 5.4; 1336.5; 52.7; 45.2 kg (Starbuck line) and 14.7; 1465; 55.1; 48.3 kg (Marshall Line).The effectiveness of breeding for increasing dairy productivity of cows depends on the efficiency of selection and selection of animals, taking into account the phenotypic and genetic correlation between economically beneficial traits. It was found that the highest positive values of correlation coefficients were observed in the cows of the studied groups between milk yield and protein content in the context of all lactations – 1st breeding group (r = 0,12–0,25), 2 nd breeding group (r = 0.19–0.3). In the cows of the first breeding group for the first and second lactations revealed not high but positive correlation of milk yield with live weight (r = 0.33–0.49). In the cows of the second breeding group for the first and second lactation positive correlation with milk fat content was found.The first positive cows of different lines showed the highest positive values of the correlation coefficients between milking and protein content (r = 0.19–0.43). There was also a low positive correlation of milk yield with live weight in the firstborn of all evaluated lines (r = 0.03–0.09), as well as milk fat content in cows of Starbuck and Marshall lines.Conclusions. 1. By live weight, milk yield, milk fat and protein content, two-bovine cows of the Bukovyna factory type of Ukrainian red-speckled dairy breed were better than three-born. The fat and protein content of milk varied between 3.88–3.89% and 3.33–3.34%, respectively. In cows of both groups there was a decrease in milk yield with increasing number of lactations.2. By live weight, milk yield, milk fat and protein content, Marshall Line firsts were better, although they were inferior to other lines in terms of fat and protein content. In the firstborn of the Hanover Red line, the estimates were lower than in other line animals.3. The highest positive values of correlation coefficients were observed between milk yield and protein content in the context of all lactations in the cows of Bukovyna factory type of Ukrainian red-rippled dairy breed. In two breeds of cows for the first and second lactation revealed not high but positive correlation of milk yield with live weight, and in three breeds for the first and second lactation positive correlation of milk yield with fat content.

M. Kohut ◽  
V. Kaplinskiy

The correlation indicators between the results of linear evaluation of first-born cows of two lines - Redad and Horror of Simmental combined breed by type and their milk productivity are given. Animals of both lines are characterized mainly by average values ​​of linear characteristics of the type. At the same time, the highest score is given to first-born cows from the Redad line. There is a direct connection between the direction of the linear evaluation and the milk yield of the first-born from the Redad line in terms of height in the buttocks, depth of the torso, and angularity. Carrying out a linear assessment of the first-born cows of the Simmental combined breed by type allows to identify defects in their exterior, which will further contribute to the effective selection and selection aimed at consolidating herds in accordance with the desired breed characteristics. The growth of Redad cows was estimated at 5.8 points, and of Horror cows - 4.7 points. Animals from the Redad line had a larger chest width (0.6 points, P <0.01), a deep torso. According to the angularity (severity of the milk type), the animals of both lines received an average score (5 points). The depth of the udder is well expressed in the evaluated animals (6.2 and 6.1 points). Animals from the Horror line received the highest score for anterior udder attachment (P<0.05). Animals of both lines are well muscled, they have evenly placed pelvic limbs and strong hooves. The studies showed a positive correlation between milk yield and height in the buttocks, body depth, angularity, anterior attachment of the udder in cows from the Redad line. Negative correlation between milking and central ligament, udder depth, teat length, pelvic limb angle.

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