
В статье приводятся результаты исследований полиморфизма генов кальпаина (CAPN1) и гормона роста (GH) и их влияние на динамику живой массы и показатели мясной продуктивности молодняка крупного рогатого скота казахской белоголовой породы. Генотипирование по гену CAPN1 проводилось методом ПЦР-РВ с использованием аллель-специфичных зондов; по гену GH — ПЦР-ПДРФ. Установлено, что частоты встречаемости желательных аллелей С и V, соответственно, в CAPN1 и GH составили 0,40 и 0,12, гомозиготных генотипов — 0,31 и 0,6. Носители генотипов СС и VVв генах CAPN1 и GH имели большую живую массу в возрасте 8 мес на 13,8 и 6,9% и 12 мес на 14,6 и 6,9% по сравнению с GG и LL генотипами. Наибольшие предубойная, убойная масса и масса туши отмечались для туш, полученных от гомозиготных CC и VV бычков в генах CAPN1 и GH. Их превосходство над GG и LL генотипами составило, соответственно, 19,3; 16,2 и 16,4 кг; 19,8; 19,1 и 16,1 кг. Гомозиготные бычки имели лучшие показатели по коэффициенту мясности на 4,1 и 2,0% и убойному выходу — на 1,4 и 2,0%. Содержание белка и жира в длиннейшей мышце спины туш бычков СС и VV-генотипов было выше на 0,28—2,13%. Полученные данные свидетельствуют о перспективности отбора животных, в генотипе которых присутствуют желательные аллели и подбора родительских пар для получения большего числа потомков с гомозиготным генотипом. The results of the investigation on polymorphism of calpain (CAPN1) and growth hormone (GH) genes are presented, and also their influence on live weight dynamics and other traits of meat productivity in Kazakh white-headed young bulls. Genotyping of CAPN1 gene was performed by PCR-RT method using allele-specific probes, GH gene — PCR-RFLP. It was found that frequencies of desired alleles C and V in CAPN1 and GH respectively were 0.40 and 0.12, homozygous genotypes - 0.31 and 0.60. It was determined that CC (CAPN1 gene) and VV (GH gene) genotypes had higher live weight, than GG and LL genotypes. Their exceedance was 13.8 and 6.9% respectively for 8-month age and 14.6 and 6.9% for 12-month age. The highest pre-slaughter, slaughter weight and carcass weight were observed for homozygous CC and VV bulls for CAPN1 and GH genes. Their significant difference over GG and LL genotypes was 19.3, 16.2 and 16.4 kg, 19.8, 19.1 and 16.1 kg respectively. Homozygous CC and VV bulls had average weight of meat, higher by 4.1 and 2.0 percent than bull with other genotypes; and their average slaughter yield was also higher 1.4 and 2.0 abs. percent. Protein and fat content in longissimus dorsi of CC and VV genotypes was 0.28—2.13 abs. higher. The data obtained indicate that selection of the animals whose genotypes contain desirable alleles and matching of parents will increase the frequency of homozygous genotype.


В симментальской породе предусматривается разведение скота, сбалансировано сочетающего молочную и мясную продуктивность. Однако в практике совершенствования племенных стад в подборах быков доминируют улучшатели удоя, что во многом предопределяет результаты селекции и продуктивный тип животных. Объектом нашего исследования стало стадо чистопородного симментальского скота в условиях стойловой системы беспривязного и привязного содержания коров. Для изучения эффективности использования быков-производителей разного племенного достоинства сформировали 2 опытные группы: I состояла из бычков, полученных от отцов с племенной ценностью (ПЦ) по удою 100 кг и более, а во II с ПЦ от 0 до 100 кг молока. Симментальские бычки, отобранные для контрольного убоя, достигали весовых кондиций 500 кг и более в 17,5 мес при среднесуточном приросте 911 г. При использовании на маточном поголовье быков-производителей с улучшающим эффектом по удою 100 кг и более, их сыновья (I группа), на фоне более высоких суточных приростов (на 30 г) и раннем возрасте достижения живой массы 500 кг (на 18 дней) имели массу и выход туши на 21,4 кг и 2,7 ниже, чем у бычков II группы. При формировании молочно-мясного типа быки-производители с умеренной племенной ценностью по удою обеспечивали получение потомства, сочетающего молочную и мясную продуктивность в экономически значимых пропорциях.The Simmental breed provides for the breeding of cattle that combines milk and meat productivity in a balanced proportion. However, in the practice of improving breeding herds, the selection of bulls is dominated by milk yield improvers, which largely determines the results of selection and the productive type of animals. The object of our research was a breeding herd of purebred Simmental cattle in variety feeding and housing practices. To study the effectiveness of using bulls-producers of different breeding values, 2 experimental groups were formed: I consisted of bulls received from fathers with a breeding value (BV) of milk yield 100 kg or more, and II with a BV from 0 to 100 kg of milk. Simmental bulls selected for control slaughter reached weight standards of 500 kg or more in 17.5 months with an average daily increase of 911 g. When used on breeding of bulls with an improving effect on the yield of 100 kg or more, their sons (group I), against the background of higher daily gains (30 g) and an early age of reaching a live weight of 500 kg (18 days), had a mass and carcass yield of 21.4 kg and 2.7 lower than that of group II bulls. When forming a dairy-meat type, producing bulls with a moderate breeding value for milk yield provided for the production of offspring that combined dairy and meat productivity in economically significant proportions.

Svitlana Voitenko ◽  
Olena Sydorenko

The stated results of using outbreeding and inbreeding in a selection of cattle of the Ukrainian Whitehead breed, which belongs to the local population and is preserved only in one breeding herd. It was revealed that animals obtained from related breeding are characterized by a sufficiently high level of productivity and normal reproductive qualities. Although outbred and inbred heifers in the process of growth from birth to 18 months of age differed somewhat from each other in live weight, the difference was not statistically significant. In different periods of growth, both outbred and inbred animals had an advantage, indicating the possibility of improving the trait by purebred breeding methods. The absolute increase in live weight of experimental heifers on rearing was: Group I – 295 kg, II – 289 kg, III – 298 kg, IV – 308 kg and V – 293 kg without a statistically significant difference between the groups, which made it possible to conclude that there was no inbred depression when breeding cattle of a given herd through a related selection of parental pairs. It is recognized that the selection of calves to increase their live weight at birth will not have a positive effect on the trait during the growth of animals, as evidenced by the correlation between them. As a result of the study of reproductive ability, the expediency of obtaining and using inbred cattle in a herd, which was inseminated almost a month earlier than outbred, was proved. Between outbred and inbred cows, a significant differentiation of milk yield for the first – third lactation was found, without a significant advantage of animals obtained by one or another method of purebred breeding. According to the first lactation, the highest milk yield was observed in cows of the close inbreeding group (group V) – 4501 kg, which exceeded the outbred ones by 150 kg and the lower inbred ones (groups II-IV) by 191 – 633 kg. Inbred cattle with distant, moderate and close degrees of inbreeding at the second lactation had from 4629 kg to 4719 kg of milk, with the highest rate in cows of a moderate degree of inbreeding, while outbred cows produced only 4582 kg. Cows of a moderate degree of inbreeding had the highest milk yield in the third lactation – 5204 kg and the lowest – 3897 kg of the group of a close degree of inbreeding. Outbred cows for this trait were superior only to individuals of the group of close inbreeding. The results of a comparative analysis of economically useful traits of outbred and inbred cows and heifers of the Ukrainian Whitehead breed indicate the possibility of using a related selection of parental pairs in a herd to increase the efficiency of interbreeding selection, replicate the hereditary traits of the ancestor and preserve the disappearing domestic breed of cattle.

2020 ◽  
pp. 61-65
И.Ю. Постраш ◽  
И.В. Сучкова ◽  
Е.Г. Скворцова ◽  
О.В. Филинская ◽  
А.В. Мостофина

Изучение влияния пробиотического препарата ЭМ-курунга на приросты, анализы крови и помёта птиц проведено на примере цыплят техасских белых перепелов. В качестве объекта исследований использовались цыплята перепелов, начиная с суточного возраста. Средняя масса цыплят на начало эксперимента составила 9,2±0,12 г. Цыплят забивали в возрасте 90 суток. Установлено, что введение в рацион цыплят пробиотического препарата ЭМ-курунга в количестве 0,2 мл на 1 кг живого веса увеличивает сохранность молодняка на 14,8% и приросты птенцов – на 10%. Сравнительный анализ биохимических данных опытной и контрольной групп птицы показал, что введение в рацион опытной группы пробиотика практически не повлияло на белковый обмен. Общий белок у опытной птицы был недостоверно меньше, по сравнению с контролем, на 1,25%, та же картина наблюдалась по уровню альбуминов – меньше на 1,9%, глобулинов – на 1%. Сравнительный анализ показателя кислотности кала птиц опытной и контрольной групп показал достоверное различие. Так, у контрольной группы рН кала имел среднее значение 6,5, у перепелов опытной группы – 7,5. Таким образом, у опытной птицы, в сравнении с контрольной, активная кислотность кишечного содержимого достоверно сдвинулась в слабощелочную сторону, что свидетельствует о благоприятном воздействии пробиотика на микрофлору желудочно-кишечного тракта перепелов, снижая уровень патогенной микрофлоры, активно развивающейся в кислой среде. The study of the effect of the probiotic preparation EM-Kurunga on gains, blood tests and poultry litter was carried out using the example of White Texas quail chickens. Quail chickens starting at daily age were used as the subject of research. The average weight of chickens at the beginning of the experiment was 9.2±0.12 g. Chickens were slaughtered at the age of 90 days. It was established that the introduction of the probiotic preparation EM-Kurunga into the diet of chickens in the amount of 0.2 ml per 1 kg of live weight increases the safety of young animals by 14.8% and the gains of poults – by 10%. A comparative analysis of the biochemical data of the experimental and control groups of poultry showed that the introduction of the probiotic into the diet of the experimental group had practically no effect on protein metabolism. The total protein in the experimental poultry was insignificantly less than in the control by 1.25%, the same pattern was observed in the level of albumin – less by 1.9%, globulins – by 1%. Comparative analysis of the acidity index of poultry feces from the experimental and control groups showed a significant difference. So, in the control group the pH of feces had an average value of 6.5, in the quails of the experimental group – 7.5. Thus, in the experimental poultry in comparison with the control one the active acidity of the intestinal contents significantly shifted to the slightly alkaline side, which indicates a favorable effect of the probiotic on the microbiota of the quail gastrointestinal tract, reducing the level of pathogenic microflora actively developing in an acidic condition.

V. A. Bekenеv ◽  
V. I. Frolova ◽  
V. S. Deeva ◽  
I. V. Bolshakova ◽  
Yu. V. Frolova

Three experiments were carried out to improve the meat productivity of pigs of Large White (LW) breed of russian selection by different variants of crossing with the Yorkshire (Y) breed of canadian selection. There were no significant differences between the groups in terms of reproductive qualities. Two-breed pigs (LW x Y) grew more intensively and the live weight of the piglet at the 30 days was 8,7 kg, which is higher than in the other groups with a significant difference (P <0,05). When the live weight of 100 kg was reached, the вackfat thickness of the fat over 6-7 thoracic vertebrae was 26,3 mm compared to 30,7 mm in purebred pigs of the LW of the breed (P <0,001), the area of the muscular eye was respectively 45,1 cm 2 and 30,6 cm 2 (P <0,001). In the fourth generation of reproductive and absorbent crossing of pigs of LW and Y of breeds, the thickness of the fat on the carcasses of pigs was 21,2 mm (Р < 0.001), which is 30-39 % less than for the LW carcasses, the area of the muscular eye was 44 mm. In three-breed hybrids (LW x D) x L, the age of reaching 100kg was less by 12,5 days (P <0,01), the thickness of the fat was 23,6 mm, that is, it was 11,4 mm less (P < 0,001) in comparison with the control group. The replacement pigs obtained from the absorbent crossing (LW x Y) x Y showed the best results for the вackfat thickness - 19,2 mm, but they were inferior to the purebred Y (13,0 mm) (P <0,001). In the sows of this combination, 11,6 piglets were born alive, the number of piglets at weaning was 10,6, the weight of the nest in the 30-day was 78,7 kg. Differences in the frequency of occurrence of certain antigenic factors of blood in animals of different combinations of breeds are revealed. In animals that have the EAE allele edf, a higher growth rate is revealed, but thicker the backfat.

Vasyl’ Iovenko ◽  
Yurii Vdjvichenko ◽  
Igor Gorbatenko ◽  
Kostantyn Skrepets ◽  
Ilona Hladii ◽  

AbstractFor the first time, the genetic structure of sheep breeds (Ascanian Fine-Fleeced, Ascanian Meat-and-Wool, AND Ascanian Karakul) and the hybrid Ascanian Fine-Fleeced × Texel was studied for structural gene variants: growth hormone, calpastatin, myostatin, and Booroola bone morphogenetic protein. In all studied groups, sheep were characterised by polymorphism of two loci, growth hormone and calpastatin. Two genotypes (A/A, A/B) represent genes of growth hormone structure, and three (M/M, M/N, N/N) represent genes of calpastatin structure. Other genes are in a monomorphic state. Analysis of the genetic relationships between the studied gene pools showed that there was a definite relationship between productivity of sheep herds and their molecular genetic parameters. Thus, the frequencies of individual genotypes and alleles change in the direction from Fine-Fleeced animals to sheep bred for meat productivity. For example, the heterozygous genotype A/B proportion of growth hormone gene increases in this direction from 0% to 38.2%, and allele A from 0.083 to 0.191. The live weight of Fine-Fleeced lambs with geno-type A/B at birth was 4.5 kg, and with homozygous genotype A/A — 4.9 kg (p < 0.001). This difference is genetically related to the meat productivity of sheep. A similar relationship was established for young Ascanian Karakul sheep. According to the distribution of polymorphic loci variants, the gene pools of Ascanian Meat-and-Wool breed and cross-bred animals are most similar closest among themselves, which is explained by the same direction of their productivity. At the same time, all populations are in genetic equilibrium according to Hardy-Weinberg equations, which indicates a high level of their consolidation. Sheep, which have the A/A homozygote of the gene growth hormone, have increased body weight.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-46
J. K. Alli-Balogun ◽  
C. A. M. Lakpini ◽  
J. P. Alawa ◽  
A. Mohammed ◽  
J. A. Nwanta

Three trials were conducted to evaluate the potential of cassava (Manihot esculenta) foliage (leaves and petioles) as a protein supplement for sheep. In the first trial, nylon bag degradability of cassava foliage was studied. Proximate analysis of cassava foliage was conducted before and after the incubation. Rumen Ammonia Concentration (RAC) and pH were determined at 0, 4 and 8 hours after feeding cassava foliage diet (30%). Proximate composition of sundried cassava foliage was (%) DM 91.25, CP 18.55, NDF, 31.41, ADF, 29.2, EE, 6.6, Ash, 12.95. Nylon-bag dry matter disappearance (DMD) increased significantly (P<0.05) from 15.75% to 75.5% RAC values increased significantly from 8.20mg NH3/100ml at zero hour to 11.41mg NH3/100ml at 8 hours post feeding. Rumen fluid pH was not significantly changed by the 30% cassava foliage diet. In the second trial lasting 56 days, twenty-eight Yankasa/ WAD yearling rams of initial average weight of 18kg were balanced for weight and randomly allotted to seven treatments. All rams except those on control diet were fed cassava foliage or groundnut haulms or both at 1.0% or 1.5% of body weight (BW) as supplements to a basal diet of Gamba hay. Feeding Gamba hay alone (control) resulted in weight loss (-30.5g/day) but with cassava foliage or groundnut haulms supplementation at 1.0% BW, significantly higher gains of 39.2 and 44.6g/day were achieved respectively. At 1.5%BW level of supplementation with cassava foliage or groundnut haulms higher weight gains of 41.2 and 51.7g/day were achieved while feeding the (50.50) combined supplements at 1.0 and 1.50% BW resulted in live weight gains of 65.1 and 69.3g/day respectively. The third trial consisted of a four week grazing trial followed by a metabolic study. Twenty-one Yankasa/WAD yearling rams were randomly allotted to seven treatments and were balanced for live weight. All rams were allowed to graze standing digitaria hay as basal diet, except the rams on control diet. Those on treatment were fed cassava foliage or groundnut haulms or a (50:50) combination of both at 0.5% and 1.0% (BW). The metabolic study consisted of a seven day adjustment period and a seven day total collection period. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in the live weight gains of rams on the control diet compared with those supplemented except for those supplemented with cassava foliage and groundnut haulms combined at 1% level where the weight gain was significantly higher (P<0.05). Feed intake was not significantly (P>0.05) affected by feeding either supplement. Supplementing digitaria hay with cassava foliage at both 0.5% and 1.0% BW did not significantly increase the nitrogen retention values, but groundnut haulms supplemented at 1.0% BW significantly (P<0.05) increased the nitrogen retention values.

Jowel Debnath ◽  
Ran Vir Singh

FecG (GDF9) is a member of the transforming growth factor-b (TGF- b) superfamily, have been shown to be essential for follicular growth and ovulation. Different mutations in FecG gene caused increased ovulation and infertility in sheep. The present study was designed for screening polymorphism of FecG gene in 250 selected ewes from different sheep flocks representing Balangir (100), Shahabadi (100) and Bonpala (50) by employing forced PCR-RFLP technique. Genomic DNA was extracted from the blood of Balangir, Shahabadi and Bonpala matured ewes with average litter size varying from 1.00± 0.00 to 1.14±0.02 at different parities. Digestion of FecG (GDF9) gene with DdeI restriction enzyme resulted into FecGHH homozygous genotype. In all three sheep breeds, genotypic frequencies of FecGHH were 100% and gene frequency of H allele was unity. This indicates that the FecG gene is fixed in the Balangir, Shahabadi and Bonpala population in the natural habitat. Litter size of Balangir and Bonpala sheep breeds were single but in Shahabadi sheep twin was recorded. In present study all the animals of three breeds were homozygous for FecG and there was no infertility observed in above mentioned breeds in field condition and organized farm, which is not in consonance with previous report. The observed effects could be caused by linkage disequilibrium with other nearby loci. The study revealed that FecG gene is not a reliable genetic marker for selection of high prolificacy in sheep.

2016 ◽  
Vol 62 (3) ◽  
pp. 4-8
Zhainagul T. Isakova ◽  
Elnura T. Talaibekova ◽  
Diana A. Asambaeva ◽  
Alina S. Kerimkulova ◽  
Olga S. Lunegova ◽  

Aim — in this study, we investigated whether polymorphisms Val109Asp in the omentin gene are associated with abdominal obesity in the Kyrgyz population.Material and methods. We genotyped 297 nonrelated adults Kyrgyz individuals. 127 patients (male — 46, female — 81, average age — 53±7,0) with abdominal obesity (elevated waist circumferences ≥102 cm for male subjects and ≥ 88 cm for female) and 170 non-obese control subjects (male — 107, female — 63, average age 51±9). Val109Asp polymorphisms analysis in the omentin gene were performed by PCR-RFLP method.Results. There were significant differences in genotype distributions of rs2274907 between the obese and control cohorts (p=0.01). Frequencies of Asp109Asp, Val109Asp and Val109Val genotypes among patients with abdominal obesity were 48, 40 and 12%, respectively, that differed from those among controls (Asp109Asp — 53%, Val109Aspl — 43% and Val109Val — 4%); there was significant difference in genotype frequencies between two groups (χ²=6,29; p=0,043). Homozygous genotype Val109Val was more frequent in the obese than non-obese group. The genotype Val109Val of omentin gene is associated with a high risk of developing abdominal obesity in the Kyrgyz population (OR=3,12; 95% CI 1,23—7,90). Homozygous genotype Asp109Asp, reduces the risk of developing abdominal obesity (OR=0,82; 95% CI 0,53—1,30). The allelic variants of the polymorphisms Val109Asp in the omentin gene were not found to be associated with abdominal obesity.Conclusion. There is significant association between Val109Asp polymorphism in omentin gene and abdominal obesity in the Kyrgyz Population. An increased risk of abdominal obesity associated with homozygous genotype — Val109Val in omentin gene.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (Suppl 3) ◽  
pp. A27.2-A27
Christelle Ngou Maffo ◽  
Antoine Berry ◽  
Isabelle Morlais ◽  
Lionnel B Feufack Donfack ◽  
Albert Bayibeki Ngano ◽  

BackgroundThe sickle cell trait is associated with protection against severe malaria. Recently, it has been shown that the genetic protection conferred by the sickle cell trait has no effect on the transmission of Plasmodium species from humans to vectors. Our study aimed to investigate the putative association between the sickle cell trait AS and the susceptibility to malaria infection of both the human host and the insect vector.MethodsThe study was conducted from June to November 2017 among asymptomatic children living in Cameroon. The samples were collected on microscopy slides, Whatman FTA and grade 17 paper for the selection of gametocyte carriers by microscopy, the molecular diagnosis of Plasmodium species, and sickle cell trait (PCR- RFLP), respectively. Infectivity of the mosquito was measured by experimental infections on gametocyte-containing blood from naturally infected carrier. Genetic diversity was measured using microsatellite markers.ResultsA total of 1557 children were recruited; the prevalence of Plasmodium infection among this group was 58% and the AS sickle cell trait 20%. No significant difference in the prevalence of P. falciparum infection was observed according to the sickle cell trait carriage and this irrespective of the parasite stage (p>0.05). The level of infectivity of the mosquito was higher when feedings were performed on blood from HbAS genotypes compared to HbAA genotype blood, and the difference was even more significant when the blood pellet was resuspended with non-immune AB plasma (p<0.0001). No significant difference was observed in the infection complexity between HbAS and HbAA genotypes (p>0.05).ConclusionPlasmodium infection is not influenced by HbAS genotype regardless of parasite stage; the risk of anopheles infection is higher with blood from gametocyte carriers with sickle cell trait (HbAS). The sickle cell trait does not affect the multiplicity of infection.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 9631-9636 ◽  

This study was aimed at studying the biological characteristics of the calves of the Hereford and Simmental breeds, and crosses of these breeds in Siberia. The article discusses the peculiarities of metabolism and utilization of nutrients, growth rate, meat productivity and quality, feed conversion in groups of calves up to 15.5 months of age due to the breed identity in the keeping conditions in light facilities and cold climate. Similarity has been noted in the parameters of gas-and-energy metabolism in Hereford and crossbred calves, including their seasonal dynamics. During the experimental period, a seasonal downward trend was noted in the heart rate of Hereford calves by 11.4 %, and respiration rate — by 33.8 %. In the Simmental peers, these figures decreased by 12 and 37.2 %, respectively, in hybrids — by 6.1 and 29 %. The seasonal decrease in the body temperature in Hereford and crossbred animals by 2.4 – 2.5 %, in Simmentals — by 1.3 %, and increased heat production by Hereford animals and their crosses — by 20.9 and 20.1 % (P<0.01), compared to the Simmental peers, were noted. In terms of the content of hemoglobin, Hereford calves (116.5 ± 3.6 g/l) and Hereford × Simmental hybrids (114.0 ± 5.1 g/l) tended to be superior to Simmental calves (103.5 ± 5.4 g/l). No significant difference in the erythrocytes count in the blood of calves was found between the groups. In all ages, Simmental calves were inferior to their Hereford and crossbred peers in terms of the content of total protein and albumin in the blood serum. By the content of globulins in the blood serum, no differences were found between the groups. The coefficients of nutrients digestibility due to balanced feeding was relatively high in all groups. Hereford × Simmental hybrids were superior to their Simmental counterparts by the organic matter digestibility by 3.0 % (P<0.01). The most significant difference in the live weight was observed between Simmental and crossbred calves (P<0.01). The average daily gain of the hybrids over the entire study period was greater by 25.6 and 15.2 % than that of purebred Simmental and Hereford calves. Accordingly, Hereford × Simmental calves had an advantage over Herefords in terms of the slaughtering weight by 5.4 %, and over Simmentals — by 22.1 %. The energy value of the meat of purebred Herefords and crossbred calves was higher by 8.4 % than in purebred Simmentals. The conclusion has been made about the prospects of using Herefords and their crosses with Simmentals for the sustainable development of beef cattle breeding in the conditions of Siberia.

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