Anna Ivanova ◽  
A. Tretyakov

The work is aimed at solving one of the most important fundamental and topical interdisciplinary scientific problems of the Russian Federation – the need for scientific substantiation of optimal options for the functioning of state policy in the field of use, protection, protection and reproduction of forests in the Russian Federation through economic mechanisms aimed at effective management of the forest sector of the economy and increasing gross domestic product in the forestry sector based on market demand for products. Hence, there is a special interest in the processes of the spatio-temporal dissemination of innovations for the country’s forestry complex, especially which are the guarantor and basis of intensive forestry, but due to the specifics of my reproduction, I have a deferred economic effect relative to similar innovative products obtained with the help of basic technologies. The paper provides an analytical review of the rate of diffusion of innovations in the sectors of the forestry complex based on the analysis of reliable and objective indicators, in accordance with which it was concluded that the rate of spread of innovative forestry products in time and space is extremely low. It has been established that one of the factors preventing the diffusion of innovative forestry products is the high cost of their creation and the uncertainty of the result obtained. It has been established that the high capital costs of creating an innovative product for commercial use must be compared with biological advantages: growth rate, resistance to diseases and pests, productivity.

2015 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 52-54
A. T Podkolzin ◽  
D. E Kurochkina ◽  
G. A Shipulin

In the work there was performed an analysis of the indices of recorded incidence of rotavirus infection (RVI) in the territory of 40 subjects of the Russian Federation for the period 2008-2012. For the identification of the monthly peak of the incidence there was evaluated the temporal distribution of the relative indices of the RVI incidence within each subject of the observation. There was revealed the independent beginning of the winter-spring seasonal rise of the RVI incidence in three groups of territories of the Russian Federation (1 - Kirov, Kostroma, Nizhny Novgorod region; 2- Republic of Khakassia, Kemerovo region; 3 - Amur region). In the territory of the South and the North Caucasus Federal District (Krasnodarsky and Stavropolsky Krai, Rostov region) there was noted the second, summer-autumn seasonal rise in the RVI incidence. The obtained data provide an overview of the seasonal-geographical distribution of the RVI incidence in the territory of Russia in conditions of the absence of the use of rotavirus vaccines

2018 ◽  
Vol 212 ◽  
pp. 04007
Olga Nikishina ◽  
Olga Nikishina

The study is devoted to the objects of unfinished construction (hereinafter - UCO). The problem of the UCOs is urgent both for the regions and for the Russian Federation as a whole. The main reasons for the large number of the unfinished construction objects are analyzed in the paper. The global experience of solving the issue of long-term construction is considered. The unfinished objects spoil the architectural outlook of the city, while the lands are used inefficiently and the necrosis of capital occurs. In Russia, as a rule, conservation of these objects is not done that creates a real threat to life and health of people. The state and society cannot count on the economic effect of these objects, and they do not justify the goals and the means invested in them. Based on the conclusions drawn, measures are proposed that will allow preventing the suspension of the objects under construction at the moment, and complete the construction of the objects that begun earlier.

Nikolay M. Tyukavkin ◽  
Yulia V. Matveeva

In the Strategy of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation, the main goal is to ensure the competitiveness and independence of the state by forming an effective system of the most complete application and development of the intellectual potential of the state. The main directions in the work of the Government of the Russian Federation, for the period up to 2024, is the formation of conditions for the entry of the Russian Federation into the top five leading countries in the field of R D, represented by the priorities of scientific and technological development of the state, determined by this Strategy.These areas are represented by the Program, which is the main mechanism for implementing the Strategy. It is aimed at increasing the socio-economic effect of applying the results of scientific research and intellectual activity, significantly increasing the efficiency of using budget funds and extra-budgetary sources to finance R D, by switching to the qualified customer model. The Strategy also provides for measures to develop the level of capitalization of the educational potential of the population to fulfill the tasks of technical modernization of industrial production, development of entrepreneurial structures of all types, attracting talents, social mobility, ensuring the required rates of economic growth, as well as the quality of life of society

2021 ◽  
pp. 33-38
Maria Gorbunova ◽  
Dmitriy Zelenov

Based on the analysis of the legal framework, the official statistics of the Federal Customs Service of Russian Federation and world practice, the article discusses the issues of banning the export of round timber outside the Russia. The potential economic effect for individual regions and for the country as a whole as a result of such a ban is estimated, as well as the impact on the foreign trade activity of the Russian Federation. In addition, the potential risks associated with the ban on the export of round timber are assessed.

Financial law ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
pp. 20-22
Olga I. Lyutova ◽  

The presented article analyzes the legality of the potential introduction of a tax on artificial intelligence in the Russian Federation from the point of view of its economic feasibility, which will not only achieve the proper economic effect from the introduction of the new tax, but also smooth out the social resonance. The author explores various approaches to the interpretation of the concept of the principle of economic feasibility of a tax, projecting its content on the fact of the appearance of a tax on artificial intelligence. The study concludes that there is insufficient justification for the introduction of a tax on artificial intelligence by the need for public law education to financially provide training in new professions for people who have lost their jobs as a result of the use of artificial intelligence by their employer. An analysis is made of the place of the tax on artificial intelligence in the system of taxes and fees of the Russian Federation.

L. V. Shchennikova ◽  
A. Yu. Migacheva ◽  

Introduction: the reform of modern civil legislation cannot be completed without the adoption of a package of amendments to the section of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation devoted to real rights. Moreover, the lack of a developed and consistent concept of real rights has a negative impact on the development of all related areas. Real rights are designed to solve strategic problems of state development, among which social issues are currently coming to the fore. In this regard, it is important to study individual real rights proposed for introduction into civil legislation in terms of their potential to promote not only the economic but also the social development of the country. This paper focuses on usufruct in the aspect of its historical identity, powerful functional message, and internationality. Purpose: the research aims to clarify the significance of real law[1] regulation in solving nationally significant problems. Based on the achievements of foreign doctrine and legislation, we attempt to show the prospects of the introduction of usufruct in the Russian system of real rights. Methods: general (philosophical), general scientific, special scientific (including special legal) methods of cognition: dialectical, logical, historical, sociological, comparative-legal and formal-legal. Results: we have studied civil legislation of thirty countries of the world. The study has shown that the introduction of usufruct can have a positive social and economic effect, but only provided that the legislator does not deviate from the historically established concept of usufruct embodied in foreign law. Conclusions:the Draft of Section II of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation ‘Real Rights’ needs revision, with the initial social function of usufruct taken into consideration. It is necessary to work out a system of grounds for the emergence and termination of usufructuary rights, to introduce a mandatory notarial form of a contract for the establishment of usufruct, to provide for the possibility of establishing usufruct by virtue of law in relation to socially significant objects and on the basis of a court decision, to enshrine non-use of the right among the grounds for termination; to allow the establishment of usufruct in relation to citizens and legal entities, and not only non-profit organizations; to allow multiple usufructuaries; to describe in detail the rights and obligations of the owner and the usufructuary, including the duties of treating the property with care, and to indicate the possible limits of the disposal of the property by the usufructuary, including via transactions; to work out the rules for the exercise of the right of usufruct in relation to certain categories of objects, for example: property of minors, inheritance, agricultural land, forests, minerals, etc.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 173-185
A. Tambi ◽  
Svetlana Morkovina ◽  
Igor Grigorev ◽  
V Grigor'ev

The growing interest in energy security and renewable energy in Europe and Asia has stimulated the demand for wood briquettes and pellets. The production of energy from pellets per unit of investment is cheaper than the production of gas and oil, which determines the development of a circular economy in the Russian Federation. In Russia the main producers of pellets and fuel briquettes are large timber companies. At the same time, small business is an active producer of biofuels. The article presents the results of an expert survey of business representatives in the field of biofuel production, as well as analytical information on production, capacity utilization, sales and raw materials for the production of fuel briquettes from wood waste in the Russian Federation. It has been established that the main factors affecting the price of pellets and fuel briquettes are: formed market demand, the method of transportation and packaging of products, as well as their quality. Expanding domestic production of wood pellets is the number one task for Russian producers, given the growth of the global pellet market. Moreover, in a number of countries in Europe and America, the main exporters of pellets and fuel briquettes, measures to support manufacturers are actively implemented. Support is needed at all state levels to accelerate the development of new industries and industries in the field of biofuel and bioenergy. The most popular measures to support domestic producers of biofuels may be reduction in tax rates, compensation for the costs of certification of products for small and medium-sized businesses. According to our estimates, we can expect further growth in the production of fuel briquettes, the intensity of which will, in many respects, be determined by the possibility of subsidizing transport transportation and the development of the domestic biofuel market. The domestic market for pellets and fuel briquettes will stagnate without the support of biofuel producers, and pricing and certification is an important element for developing the export potential of industry enterprises

А.А. Добровольский

В работе проанализирована современная ситуация с проектированием на землях лесного фонда, переданных в пользование под различные цели. Действующее лесное законодательство Российской Федерации предусматривает широкий список возможных видов использования лесов, многие из которых не имеют отношения к ведению лесного хозяйства. При этом существует ограниченный перечень договоров на основании которых лесные участки могут быть переданы в пользование. Исходя из трактовки действующего законодательства, использование лесов должно осуществляться в соответствии с лесным планом субъекта Российской Федерации, лесохозяйственными регламентами лесничеств (лесопарков), а также на основании договоров, на основании которых лесные участки передаются в пользование, и заключенных соглашений. Анализ нормативно-правовой базы, а также существующей практики позволил выявить проблемы, связанные с практическим применением ряда документов, регламентирующих разработку проектной документации на лесные участки. По результатам проведенного анализа предложено внести ряд изменений в нормативно-правовые акты Российской Федерации, регламентирующие использование лесов. Предлагаемые изменения касаются в первую очередь использования лесов, переданных по договорам безвозмездного пользования и по договорам постоянного (бессрочного) пользования. Также в работе проанализированы особенности разработки проектной документации на лесные участки, используемые для целей, не связанных с заготовкой древесины и ведением лесного хозяйства. По результатам выявленных пробелов в законодательстве предложено внести изменения в подзаконные нормативно-правовые акты, регламентирующие особенности создания объектов лесной инфраструктуры и особенности создания объектов не связанных с созданием лесной инфраструктуры. The article present results of analysis of current situation with the designing on forest lands. The paper analyzed the current situation with the design on forest land transferred for use under different objectives. Current forestry legislation of the Russian Federation provides a list of possible uses of forests, many of which are not related to forest management. At the same time there is a limited list of contracts under which forest land may be leased out. Based on the interpretation of existing legislation, the use of forests should be managed in accordance with forest plans of the Russian Federation, forest management regulations of forest districts (or parks), as well as on the basis of contracts under which forest areas are used. Analysis of the legal acts as well as current practices revealed problems with the practical application of a number of documents regulating the development of projecting and planning in forest sector. According to the results of the analysis suggested a number of changes in the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation governing the use of forests. The proposed changes relate primarily to the use of forests on the base of contracts of gratuitous use and contracts of permanent (perpetual) use. Also we analyze the features of the development of design documentation for the forest areas to be used for purposes not related to timber harvesting and forest management. As a result it is proposed to amend the normative acts governing the features of creation of forest infrastructure objects, and especially the creation of objects not related to forest infrastructure on forest lands.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-58
Anastasiya Chapargina ◽  
Elena Emelyanova

The issues of population providing with comfortable and affordable housing are relevant, because it has special social importance for the socio-economic development of Russia. The availability of housing is a person’s primary need, the satisfaction of which allows solving many social problems. Many problems to improve the living conditions of the population are solved within the framework of the state social policy, including the construction of social housing, housing subsidies, and the provision of preferential housing. The article considers issues related to improving the living conditions of the population in the Arctic regions of the Russian Federation. The paper aims to analyze the living conditions of the population in the Russian Arctic regions and to assess the needs and opportunities of the population in improving their housing conditions. Research methods are analysis and synthesis of statistical information, grouping, generalization, comparison, visualization. The infrastructure and improvement of the housing stock and the housing provision of the population in the Arctic regions of the Russian Federation were assessed. The possibilities and needs of the population of the Arctic regions in improving housing conditions are estimated. The authors said that the specificity and complexity of solving the problem of improving housing conditions in the Arctic regions is, first of all, to increasing capital costs for the construction and maintenance of the housing stock and the high cost of utilities for the population. A set of measures has been proposed for revitalizing and recovering from a pandemic domestic consumer demand of residents of the Arctic regions for improving housing conditions in the region of residence, as well as to create conditions for the consolidation of the population and the solution of social problems associated with housing.

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