scholarly journals Keterampilan Kepala Sekolah Sebagai Manajer dalam Perspektif Kepemimpinan Alkitabiah

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-55
I Putu Ayub Darmawan ◽  
Ruat Diana

Abstract: Skills are part of the competencies that must continue to be built by leaders, including principals. To be a good leader, values are needed in order to be able to hold onto. Christian leadership values ​​based on the Bible need to be presented to enrich the scientific treasures of Christian education. The author conducted a library research to discuss the topic of principals' skills in the perspective of Christian leadership. In carrying out their duties as leaders, principals need to have conceptual skills as seen in the example of leaders in the Bible. Then the principal must also have human skills because based on the value of Christianity, a Christian leader does not carry out his leadership with an iron fist but rather pay attention to human values. Managerial skills are also an important component in the principal's function as a manager. These skills are basic skills that must also be possessed starting from planning, organizing, moving, and controlling.   Keywords: Skill, Function, Principal, Manager, Christian Leadership   Abstrak: Keterampilan merupakan bagian dari kompetensi yang terus harus dibangun oleh pemimpin, termasuk kepala sekolah. Untuk menjadi pemimpin yang baik diperlukan nilai-nilai yang dianut agar dapat menjadi pegangan. Nilai-nilai kepemimpinan Kristen yang berlandaskan Alkitab perlu disajikan untuk memperkaya khazanah keilmuan pendidikan Kristen. Penulis melakukan penelitian pustaka untuk membahas topik keterampilan kepala sekolah dalam perspektif kepemimpinan Kristen. Dalam menjalankan tugas sebagai pemimpin, kepala sekolah perlu memiliki keterampilan konseptual sebagaimana tampak dalam contoh pemimpin dalam Alkitab. Kemudian kepala sekolah juga harus memiliki keterampilan manusiawi karena berdasarkan nilai kekristenan, seorang pemimpin Kristen tidak menjalankan kepemimpinannya dengan tangan besi melainkan memperhatikan nilai kemanusiaan. Keterampilan manajerial juga merupakan komponen penting dalam  fungsi kepala sekolah sebagai manajer. Keterampilan ini adalah keterampilan dasar yang juga harus dimiliki mulai dari perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengerakan, dan pengawasan.   Kata kunci: Keterampilan, Fungsi, Kepala Sekolah, Manajer, Kepemimpinan Kristen

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Johannis Siahaya

Leadership is an activity that involves the leaders of where, when, and what he does. In many areas, leadership is a crucial activity advance and retreat of an organization or institution. The same thing happened with the Christian leadership, which is an activity Christian leaders wherever located. In the context of Indonesia's leadership in plural, it takes a complete leader and integrity. A visionary leader, biblical means to have the basics of leadership according to the Bible, which is the word of God which is the handle of a Christian leader. Abstrak Kepemimpinan merupakan suatu kegiatan yang melibatkan para pemimpin dimana, kapan, dan apa yang dikerjakannya. Dalam berbagai bidang, kepemimpinan adalah suatu kegiatan yang sangat menentukan maju dan mundurnya sebuah organisasi atau lembaga. Hal yang sama juga terjadi dengan kepemimpinan Kristen, yang adalah sebuah kegiatan para pemimpin Kristen dimanapun berada. Dalam konteks kepemimpinan di Indonesia yang pluralis, maka dibutuhkan seorang pemimpin yang lengkap dan berintegritas. Seorang pemimpin yang visoner, alkitabiah artinya memiliki dasar-dasar kepemimpinan yang sesuai dengan Alkitab, yang adalah firman Tuhan yang adalah pegangan seorang pemimpin Kristen.

2022 ◽  
Elsya Limbolele

In this writing, I invited the readers especially students who want to make themselves a good leader. Of course to be a leader is not easy. The leader must be mengahadapi, the public is not small, must be an example in the midst of a society and bertanggujawab. In this paper, the method I use in a library or use several guidelines of books and journals. In this writing. I discuss about hospitalitas christian leadership in mutual cooperation traditions. I take this title, because I see many leaders who do not participate in terms of mutual cooperation, they prefer to live in the house silence of the reins of helping the people who work together. What is special about us as a prospective christian leader that must help the society discriminate against ethnicity, race and even religion. In Markus 10:43-45 "is not the case between you. Whoever wants to be big among you, he wants to be your servant, and whoever wants to be a leading part among you, he wants to be a servant for everything. Since Human children also come not to serve, but to serve and to provide His lives into a ransom for many people". Which means whoever wants to be a leader he harusbertanggungjawab and is willing to sacrifice for his community.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Munatar Kause

Leadership is an activity that involves the leaders of where, when, and what he does. In many areas, leadership is a crucial activity advance and retreat of an organization or institution. The same thing happened with the Christian leadership, which is an activity Christian leaders wherever located. In the context of Indonesia's leadership in plural, it takes a complete leader and integrity. A visionary leader, biblical means to have the basics of leadership according to the Bible, which is the word of God which is the handle of a Christian leader. Abstrak Kepemimpinan merupakan suatu kegiatan yang melibatkan para pemimpin dimana, kapan, dan apa yang dikerjakannya. Dalam berbagai bidang, kepemimpinan adalah suatu kegiatan yang sangat menentukan maju dan mundurnya sebuah organisasi atau lembaga. Hal yang sama juga terjadi dengan kepemimpinan Kristen, yang adalah sebuah kegiatan para pemimpin Kristen dimanapun berada. Dalam konteks kepemimpinan di Indonesia yang pluralis, maka dibutuhkan seorang pemimpin yang lengkap dan berintegritas. Seorang pemimpin yang visoner, alkitabiah artinya memiliki dasar-dasar kepemimpinan yang sesuai dengan Alkitab, yang adalah firman Tuhan yang adalah pegangan seorang pemimpin Kristen.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 149
Samera Batao Ibay ◽  
Mark Anthony Cenas Pa-alisbo

The knowledge and ability of the individuals in a managerial position are to fulfill some specific management activities or tasks.  Managerial skills are important for many reasons. Being a manager in an educational setting is a position to act as an effective leader and problem-solver in many simple and complex situations. However, in Thailand, it was observed that some managerial skills need to improve their skills. School managers should strengthen and develop to manage effectively and efficiently.  This mixed research surveyed the managerial skills of the school administrators in terms of conceptual skills, human skills, and technical skills in selected private catholic secondary schools in Bangkok, Thailand. The respondents self-assessed their managerial skills in the form of a checklist, and to validate the results, interviews were conducted to determine the professional development needs according to the lowest items assessed by the school administrators. A questionnaire anchored on Robert Katz’s theory of managerial skills and developed by Goodarzi (2002) was used to gather data.  With regards to the assessment of managerial skills’ practice of the school administrators, most of them assessed themselves as very good in terms of conceptual skills, human skills, and technical skills. The professional development needs of the private catholic school administrators in terms of conceptual skills are the identification of informal organization, articulation of strategy, and ability of prediction. On the other hand, school administrators need training in controlling conflict, report generation, and official correspondence in terms of human skills. Finally, they need professional development in financial management, computer skill, and marketing in terms of technical skills. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-53
Tri Astuti Yeniretnowati ◽  
Yakub Hendrawan Perangin Angin

The digital era faced today is not easy, both for parents as well as for children of the digital generation. This sophisticated and very fast advancement of technology and information requires a change in the perspective of parents in carrying out their parenting duties and vocation so that they can remain adaptive in undergoing the changes that exist in this digital era while still being able to adhere to the principles of Christian education. The research method used is the library research method by analyzing textbooks and previous research journals, so that the formulation of parenting roles in the perspective of Christian education in the digital era is generated. The results of this study are: The role of successful parents in this digital era is at least two important things that must be highlighted and become the mainstay of parents in carrying out their parenting roles based on the perspective of Christian education, namely: becoming a model model that reflects the principles of life based on the Bible and those who second is to build good and strong relationships with children. Along with the times that are changing very quickly, as parents, they must also be harder, smarter, more insightful, and more thorough in facing the challenges of the digital era that affect children in this digital era by paying attention to several practical things. suggested by technology and information experts. Era digital yang dihadapi saat ini tidaklah mudah, baik untuk oarangtua juga untuk anak-anak generasi digital. Kemajuan teknologi dan informasi yang canggih dan sangat cepat ini memerlukan perubahan perspektif dari para orangtua dalam menjalankan tugas dan panggilan parentingnya agar tetap dapat adaptif dalam menjalani perubahan yang ada di era digital ini namun tetap dapat berpegang teguh pada prinsip-prinsip pendidikan Kristen. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kepustakaan (library research) dengan cara melakukan analisis buku teks dan jurnal penelitian sebelumnya, sehingga dihasilkan rumusan bagaimana peran parenting orangtua dalam perspektif pendidikan Kristen di era digital. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: Peran orangtua yang berhasil di era digital ini paling tidak dua hal penting yang harus ditonjolkan dan menjadi andalan orangtua dalam menjalankan peran parentingnya berdasarkan perspektif pendidikan Kristen, yaitu: menjadi model teladan yang mencerminkan prinsip-prinsip kehidupan berdasarkan Alkitab dan yang kedua adalah membangun hubungan relasi yang baik dan kuat dengan anak-anak. Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman yang terus berubah dengan sangat cepat, maka sebagai orang tua juga harus makin keras, makin cerdas, makin mawas, dan makin tuntas menghadapi persoalan tantangan era digital yang memengaruhi anak-anak yang ada dalam era digital ini dengan memperhatikan beberapa hal praktis yang disarankan oleh para ahli teknologi dan informasi.

2022 ◽  
Elsya Limbolele

In this writing, I invited the readers especially students who want to make themselves a good leader. Of course to be a leader is not easy. The leader must be mengahadapi, the public is not small, must be an example in the midst of a society and bertanggujawab. In this paper, the method I use in a library or use several guidelines of books and journals. In this writing. I discuss about hospitalitas christian leadership in mutual cooperation traditions. I take this title, because I see many leaders who do not participate in terms of mutual cooperation, they prefer to live in the house silence of the reins of helping the people who work together. What is special about us as a prospective christian leader that must help the society discriminate against ethnicity, race and even religion. In Markus 10:43-45 "is not the case between you. Whoever wants to be big among you, he wants to be your servant, and whoever wants to be a leading part among you, he wants to be a servant for everything. Since Human children also come not to serve, but to serve and to provide His lives into a ransom for many people". Which means whoever wants to be a leader he harusbertanggungjawab and is willing to sacrifice for his community.

2013 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
Volker Kessler

This article is about the pitfalls involved in writing a Christian handbook on leadership. By analysing some elements of the Rule of Benedict it is argued that it is impossible to write such a handbook without using non-Biblical sources. Moreover, there are typical pitfalls when authors attempt to develop a pure Biblical leadership theory. The first pitfall is typical of Christians representing Niebuhr�s type of �Christ against Culture�. As early as 1951, Niebuhr claimed that in the field of leadership in particular the radical exclusive Christians reintroduced rules from non-Christian cultures. Examples from the last decade support Niebuhr�s observation. The second pitfall, referred to as reconstruction, is typical of those authors who are open to secular sources but who seek to give Biblical evidence for their leadership theory. This pitfall is illustrated by analysing the process in which the secular concepts of transforming leadership and vision statements found their way into evangelical books on Christian leadership. Reconstruction typically consists of four steps: Perception (a secular model of leadership becomes popular), Acceptance (this model is examined and accepted for the context of the church) Assimilation (it is claimed that leaders in the Bible worked exactly as described in the model, books are written about Biblical leadership, exemplifying the model. The secular source becomes obsolete.) and Standardisation (this model of leadership is declared to be the Biblical norm for every Christian leader). I argue that step 3 is at least problematic and step 4 is a fatal error.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Andrianus Nababan

AbstrackThe Christian religious education teacher is an educator who provides knowledge about Christianity based on the Bible, centered on Jesus Christ, and relied on the Holy Spirit. Christian Religious Education teachers must be able to offer their bodies in Romans 12:1-3. The understanding of offering the body include: 1)the Christian religious education teacher always i approaches the loving and generous God 2)give advice by encouraging, directing convey the truth of God's Words. 3). renewal of the mind by distinguishing which is good and pleasing to God. Thus, each Christian religious education teacher can understand that a true educator must surrender his/her body as a true offering according to will of God.Key word: Christian education teacher; Offering the body Romans 12:1-3.ABSTRAKGuru Pendidikan Agama Kristen merupakan seorang pendidik yang memberikan ilmu pengetahuan tentang agama Kristen yang berdasarkan Alkitab, berpusat pada Yesus Kristus, dan bergantung pada Roh Kudus kepada peserta didik dalam kegiatan belajarmengajar. Guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen harus mampu mempersembahkan tubuhnya dalam Roma 12:1-3 sebagai ibadah sejati. Pemahaman mempersembahkan tubuh yaitu 1)guru Pendidikan agama Kristen senantiasa menghampiri Allah yang penuh kasih dan kemurahan 2)memberikan nasihat dengan mendorong, mengarahkan dan berdasarkan kebenaran Firman Tuhan. 3)pembaharuan budi dengan membedakan mana yang baik dan yang berkenan kepada Allah. Demikian Guru Pendidikan Agama kristen mampu memahami mempersembahkan tubuh menyangkut kehendak Allah sebagai pendidik yang sejati.Kata Kunci: Guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen; Mempersembahkan tubuh.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-118
Desti Samarenna

Research aims to explain leadership in the Old Testament to find out ideally and pragmatically spiritual leadership has essential philosophical principles and in the pragmatic level the leadership is manifested in the light of philosophical principles with a theological ethical nuance. This attitude needs to be emphasized by noting that a Christian leader is an individual who has been redeemed by God, by whom he must be sure that he is called by God to assume the responsibility given. In writing this scientific paper, the writer uses the research method namely: The author obtains data through library research that is the writing books and lecture dictates. Based on the entire discussion, the following conclusions can be drawn: First, the Leader gives influence. This means that a church or organization without a leader will not produce an order of values and good results. Second, the leadership model. This means that there are several leadership models that can be applied in church leadership and leadership in non-Christian institutions. Abstrak Penelitian bertujuan untuk menjelaskan kepemimpinan dalam Perjanjian Lama untuk mengetahui secara idealis maupun pragmatis kepemimpinan rohani itu memiliki prinsip-prinsip filosofis yang esensial dan dalam tataran pragmatis kepemimpinan itu diwujudkan dalam terang prinsip-prinsip filosofis yang bernuansa etis teologis. Sikap ini perlu dipertegas dengan memperhatikan bahwa seorang pemimpin Kristen adalah seorang individu yang telah ditebus Allah, yang olehnya ia harus yakin bahwa ia terpanggil Allah untuk memangku tanggung jawab yang diberikan. Dalam penulisan karya ilmiah ini, penulis menggunakan metode penelitian yaitu: Penulis memperoleh data melalui penelitian kepustakaan yaitu buku-buku penulisan serta diktat-diktat perkuliahan. Berdasarkan seluruh pembahasan maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan sebagai berikut: Pertama, Pemimpin itumemberikan pengaruh. Artinya gereja atau organisasi tanpa pemimpin tidak akan menghasilkan tatanan nilai dan hasil yang baik. Kedua, model kepemimpinan. Artinya ada beberapa model kepemimpinan yang bisa diterapkan dalam kepemimpinan gereja dan kepemimpinan pada lembaga-lembaga non-Kristen.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 25-42
Yonatan Alex Arifianto ◽  
Reni Triposa ◽  
Paulus Karaeng Lembongan

Abstract Christianity in the spiritual growth and quantity of the church cannot be separated from believers who carry out the mandate of the Great Commission. But in the accompanying journey of God there is not much that can be done by believers in mission and discipleship. So with that focus and purpose of this research is to answer the research question of how the Bible study of mission and discipleship in the Great Commission and its implications for Christian life today. While the problem that occurs in this research work is how Discipleship and mission are not properly understood in the current era so that many prioritize mission but override discipleship or vice versa. But the benefits of this research are: first, the importance of mission in the Great Commission, then the importance of discipleship for believers and continuity and the last implies mission and discipleship as life priorities. To describe the biblical study of mission and discipleship in the Great Commission and its implications for contemporary Christian life, researchers used library research methods with quantitative descriptive approaches.

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