Edupedia ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Asmuki Asmuki ◽  
Wilda Al Aluf

The development of science and technology is difficult tostop. Technology as a product of science penetrated all the lines of life. Islamic boarding schoolcan not be separated from technology. Positive and negative of technology is a necessity. The ease of all affairs is one of the positive impacts of technology, while the negative impacts of technology are gave birth to instant-minded and “devilish” human beings. Good character education in these conditions plays an important role in life. Islamic boarding school as an Islamic educational institution in Indonesia is considered and trusted as a character education institution. Indeed, the term character education is introduced and proclaimed by Western educational leaders, but the substance of education has been done in Islamic boarding school. Thomas Lickona called it moral knowing, it is reflected in the akhlak subject in Islamic boarding school, as well as the term moral action is reflected in the praised behavior of the santri and exemplified by the kiai and the ustadz. The integration between moral knowing and good behavior in the students’ real life is able to give birth to the sensitivity to do well (moral feeling). Those three components of character education is implemented in a reflective that is indirectly the cultivation of good characters students such as habituation to do good and exemplary exemplified by ustad and kiai, and also done substantively that is by way of character materials taught directly through moral education in Islamic school or recitations.

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 141-159
Muhammad Isnaini

Character education is a positive offer in the eradication of moral crises which particularly emerged in our students. Therefore, the internalization of values of character education in the educational institution is a must. As an Islamic education institution in Indonesia, the existence of Boarding school is considered to be able to develop values of character education which may be done through formal or non-formal curriculum. This is so because since its early existence, Boarding school has delineated its distinctive feature which is different from the other common types of education. Here, the implementation of character values have been integrated (within large portion) in the religious subjects. Character education, at least in the discourse, still a potent tool in addressing the arious issues that whack this nation. Not only in Indonesia, even in developed countries such as the United States, Germany, Japan, and, still rely on character education as a mainstay of kick to overcome various moral issues at hand. Character education became very warm issue in the education scene in Indonesia due to the rampant cases of moral that afflicts this nation, ranging from scenes in high State institutions, educational nstitutions until those cases that occur in the streets. The cases allegedly due to the failure of education that has lasted until today. Criticisms of the educational world tends to be mechanical, cognitive aspects than prefer the affective and psychomotor, and a series of spicy criticism more have graced the writings of educational expert. In order to respond to these concerns, the Government now, through the Ministry of education and culture and supported by the Ministry of Religion, raised character education agenda as the national education agenda. Sayang sayang thousand, until now there has been no clear concept of philosophy as well as on the technical implementation. This paper will offer solutions to various problems in philosophy as well as the implementation of character education. The author of the theme of humanist-religious is one of spirits in character education. The reason is that to improve the character of a nation, certainly could not depart from values which do not come from the nation itself. Humanist-religious is a character that belongs to the people of Indonesia so that character education is applied in this country inevitably had to depart from this character. After discussing the philosophy of character education from the perspective of humanist-religious, the author offers some alternatives that are related to the stages of education, learning methods, as well as the position of teachers in character education

Introduction: The current pandemic experienced in Brazil and worldwide has caused numerous problems in all sectors of the economy, interfering directly in the educational area, from pre-school to higher education, it is well known that without students, there will be no educational institution and this class has been very affected since the beginning of the infection by COVID-19. Methodology: A cross-sectional study of the opinion survey type was carried out; the sample consisted of university students from a private college in the southernmost part of Bahia, where all participants agreed to answer the questionnaire. Results and Discussions: a total of 128 students were interviewed, 28.90% identified themselves as male, 70.31% identified themselves as female and 0.79% identified themselves as other. It was possible through this study to realize the negative impacts of social isolation arising from the COVID-19 pandemic that has been established in the year 2020.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Nazirwan Nazirwan ◽  
Nur Cahaya ◽  
Junaidi Junaidi ◽  
Nofriyanti Nofriyanti

Boarding school is one of the oldest education institution in the national education system. Pesantren functions as a center for the spread of Islam, with a concentration of education in shaping Muslim people with a high understanding of three main problems, namely God, humans, and nature. Regarding its function as an educational institution, the aim of the Pesantren is to form individuals who excel in the field of understanding and practicing Islamic teachings for students or students in their daily lives. therefore it is necessary to have a good management of Pesantren in the development of Islamic religious education. Therefore, through this paper, the author wants to reveal how good management of Islamic boarding schools is in the development of Islamic religious education in the regional office of the Ministry of Religion of Jambi province. To obtain data that supports this article, the author uses a qualitative-naturalistic approach. Through this qualitative approach, it is hoped that a picture of the quality, social reality and perceptions of the research objectives will be exposed without being contaminated by formal measurements. So it can be concluded that there are several obstacles and recommendations for solutions in the management of Pesantren in the development of Islamic religious education in the regional office of the Ministry of Religion of Jambi province.

Eva Iryani ◽  
M. Masruri ◽  

This paper shows the role of Syafana Islamic School's strategic management in the transformation of the implementation of the full-day program by changing it to a boarding school system. These changes are not only in the aspect of the learning system, but even on the curriculum side which uses the combination of several curricula; Diknas, Egypt (Al-Azhar) and Cambridge are integrated into the concept of Islamic boarding school, the change process is observed and analyzed using the SWOT analysis model (Strength, Weakness ,Opportunity and Threath) with an emphasis on the process of changing the system and curriculum applied by Syafana Islamic School. With the results and findings, there is a strategic management in the transformation by integrating and using four collaborative strategies. First, the Strategic Opportunity Strategy. With the model of merging and accumulating strengths by exploiting various opportunities. Second, the Strength Threath Strategy with knowledge of the strengths possessed can see and anticipate existing threats. Third, the Weakness Opportunity Strategy, the opportunity to be a major factor in efforts to overcome the weaknesses in this institution and Finally the Weakness Threath Strategy. Defense efforts are still analyzed and carried out in order to minimize weaknesses and threats from outside the institution.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Muhamad Yusup ◽  
Omon Abdurakhman ◽  
R Siti Pupu Fauziah

Pendidikan karekter bukan hanya berhubungan dengan benar atau  salah, tetapi bagaimana menanamkan kebiasaan (habituation) dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, sehingga santri memiliki  kesadaran, kepekaan, kepedulian, dan komitmen untuk menerapkan kebijakan dalam kehidupannya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah agar dapat mengetahui cara melakukan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pengevaluasian pendidikan karakter agar dapat teraplikasikan dengan baik dan benar serta tepat sasaran. Data yang dikumpulkan dengan metode etnografi  yakni dengan  menggali informasi lewat wawancara atau kuesioner kepada para santri. Hasil temuan menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan karakter di Pondok Pesantren Salafiyah Darussyifa Al-Fithroh Yaspida Sukabumi minim dalam  pengaplikasiannya. Hal tersebut ditandai dengan kurang disiplinnya para santri dalam pembelajaran, peribadahan, tampilan, dan pergaulan. Maka seharusnya diadakan pembaharuan terhadap pembinaan kepada para organisasi kepesantrenan sebagai penggerak kedisiplinan santri. manajemen pendidikan karakter pesantren adalah bagaimana membangun kedisiplinan dalam empat aspek kehidupan santri yaitu tampilan, pembelajaran, peribadahan, dan pergaulan yang semuannya akan menjadi kunci keberhasilan dan kesuksesan.Kata kunci: manajemen, pendidikan karakter, pondok pesantren. MANAGEMENT OF CHARACTER EDUCATION BASED ON BOARDING SCHOOL DARUSSYIFA AL-FITHROH YASPIDA SUKABUMIABSTRACTCharacter education has meaning high of moral education, because character education is not only concerned with the problem of right or wrong, but how to instill habits (habituation) about the good things in life, so that students have an awareness, sensitivity, and high understanding, as well as the awareness and commitment to implement policies in everyday life. The purpose of this research is to be able to know how to do the planning, deploy, and evaluating character education to be well applied properly and targeted data collected by the ethnographic method approach taken by digging through interviews or questionnaires to the students. The findings show that the management of character education in schools is not maximized in its application. It is characterized by the lack of discipline of the students in learning, worship, and social views. Therefore, the holding of the renewal of the guidance to the organization uniquely Islamic boarding school as the driving discipline students. This research resulted in the conclusion that the management of schools character education is how to build discipline in students four aspects of life that view, learning, worship, and association that all of them will be the key to success.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 202-220
Setyo Pambudi ◽  
Ahmad Wahyu Hidayat

This study raises the theme of the values ​​of Moral-Based Moral Education in the Naqsyabandiyah Kholidiyah Islamic Boarding School of Al-Manshur Popongan Klaten. The research method used is qualitative method, using the one used is phenomenology, the subject is the Murshid of the Naqshabandiyah Khalidiyah Order, the Naqshyabandiyah Khalidiyah Congregation and religious figures around the popongan Islamic boarding school, analyzing the data using structured analysis methods, monitoring, and triangulation of data. The results of his research are: 1) Moral Education in the Procession of Suluk Tarekat Naqsyabandiyah Kholidiyah Boarding School Al-Manshur Popongan Klaten. Based on the content of the requirements and the harmony of the above, that in the procession of suluk it takes the values ​​of moral education that is able to improve the quality of human beings to be perfect beings. And in it there are morals towards Allah SWT, Teachers, Students and Fellow. The implementation of suluk can also be actualized in social life, 2) Values ​​of moral education in the Suluk Naqsyabandiyah Kholidiyah pesantren Al-Mansur Boarding School in Klongan. That contains moral education which includes: 1. Morals towards God, namely Repentance, Gratitude, Tawakal, and Ikhlas. 2. Morals towards Teachers, namely Ridho, Ta'dzim, Obedience and Amanah. 3. Morals towards Yourself, namely Sidiq, Mujahadah, Istiqomah and Wara '. 4. Morals towards Others, C) Implementation of Suluk Naqsyabandiyah Kholidiyah in Community or Daily Life. 1. Ukhuwah Islamiyah, 2. Tawadhu ’, 3. Ta'awun and 4. Husnudzan

Faiqoh Faiqoh ◽  
Sahal Mahfudh

AbstractThis writing is intended to review a formation model on religious student character for tahfidz at Mathali’ul Huda Boarding School, Kajen. This study is important since the implementation of character education at educational institution existing in Indonesia requires a good model, and boarding school is assessed able to become a good model in implementing the character education especially for a religious character. There are numerous schools unable to become a place to transfer knowledge and to form character of its student. This research includes type of onsite research using a verificative qualitative approach where the research is directly conducted at Mathali’ul Huda Boarding School by presenting theory to become a frame to analyze the research finding outcome. Data collection method used is carried out through interview, observation and documentation. Meanwhile, this research finds that there are five stages on the formation of the religious student of tahfidz at Mathali’ul Huda Boarding School, namely: 1. stage on religious character value knowledge; 2. stage on religious character value awareness; 3. stage on religious character implementation; 4. religious character habituation; fifth, stage on long life religious character preservation. AbstrakTulisan ini mengkaji tentang model pembentukan karakter religius santri tahfidz di Pondok Pesantren Mathali’ul Huda Pusat Kajen. Kajian ini penting, karena implementasi pendidikan karakter di lembaga pendidikan yang ada di Indonesia membutuhkan good model, dan pesantren dinilai mampu menjadi model yang baik dalam mengimplementasikan pendidikan karakter khususnya karakter religius. Selama ini banyak sekolah belum mampu menjadi tempat untuk memindahkan pengetahuan sekaligus membentuk karakter peserta didiknya. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam jenis penelitian lapangan yang menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif verifikatif, dimana peneliti terjun secara langsung di Pondok Pesantren Mathali’ul Huda dengan membawa teori yang dijadikan frame untuk menganalisa hasil temuan penelitian. Tekhnik pengambilan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Adapun hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa ada lima tahapan pembentukan karakter religius santri tahfidz  di Pondok Pesantren Mathali’ul Huda Pusat, yaitu: 1. tahapan pengetahuan nilai karakter religius; 2. tahapan kesadaran nilai karakter religius; 3. tahapan pengamalan karakter religius; 4. tahapan pembiasaan karakter religius; kelima, tahapan penjagaan karakter religius sepanjang hayat.

Miftahul Jannah

<p>An Najah Sekolah Dasar Tahfiz Quran Terpadu (SDTQ-T) Boarding School, Cindai Alus Martapura has more complex instrument than character education process instrument in school or Islamic school because it has uniqueness, where students are schooling and staying in the same environment so that it can form very well and conducive environment for educational and character building process especially in discipline, responsibility and independence.</p><p>The objectives of the study are to describe and analyze: (1) Character Education Strategy in building students’ discipline, responsibility, and independence in An Najah SDTQ-T Boarding School, Cindai Alus Martapura. (2) Character Education Model in building students’ discipline, responsibility, and independence Model in An Najah SDTQ-T Boarding School, Cindai Alus Martapura. (3) Implication of Character Education Model in building students’ discipline, responsibility, and independence in An Najah SDTQ-T Boarding School, Cindai Alus Martapura.</p><p>This research uses qualitative approach with case study type. The data collection techniques are interview, observation and documentation. The data are analyzed qualitatively with analysis model of Miles and Huberman. The research results show: (1) Character Education Strategy in building students’ discipline, responsibility and independence in An Najah SDTQ-T Boarding School, Cindai Alus Martapura are: Emphasizing in awareness, model/example, spontaneous activities, warning, environment conditioned, regular activities, and integrated discipline.(2) Character Education Model in building students’ discipline, responsibility and independence in An Najah SDTQ-T Boarding School, Cindai Alus Martapura are habitual, dgiving example, developing discipline, and giving reward and punishment, CTL, conducting education with boarding school system<em>. </em>(3) Implication of Character Education Model in building students’ discipline, responsibility, and independence are: correct conduct in teaching and learning activities, students’ fidelity, students’ quality, confidence and achievement, and most of the students achieve minimum score of 70, the increase of discipline, responsibility, and independence graphic every year in students’ score reports.</p>

2018 ◽  
pp. 218
Ajibah Quroti Aini

This present study aims to expose values of moderate Islam in pesantren (Islamic boarding school). Pesantren constitutes a traditional Islamic educational institution that has grown and developed among Indonesia’s Muslim societies. The institution gives a very significant contribution to the development of Islamic education in particular as well as the implementation of national education system in general. A qualitative descriptive approach was designed in this library research. The findings promote that pesantren has implemented the traditional education system that obliges santri (pesantren students) to live in a boarding school setting. They learn Islamic studies under the supervision of kyai (pesantren teachers). This study also promotes that pesantren plays a pivotal role in fostering values of moderate Islam as one of the national challenges nowadays. The values highlight tolerance in understanding diversity to realize a peaceful life. The today’s condition showing the development of pesantren can be used as the prospect for Muslims to spread the concept of moderate Islam that leads us not to be easily provoked by hoaxes. It implies that values of moderate Islam need to be sustainably promoted in pesantren as an Islamic education institution.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (01) ◽  
Nurotun Mumtahanah ◽  
Ahmad Suyuthi

Abstract: In its development, education and educational institutions must innovate to meet the needs of changing times, the efforts of educational institutions to create and innovate become a necessity and education must be able to keep up with the times. The innovations made by educational institutions are to achieve educational goals for example the competencies that must be mastered by students. In achieving these competencies, it is required capabilities of transmitting so that these competencies could be mastered well by students. One of the educational institution innovating in education and learning is MAN I Lamongan. This research is aimed at finding out digital-based learning media innovation in the development of character education in MAN I Lamongan. Data obtained that digital-based learning media innovation in the development of character education in MAN 1 Lamongan is reflected in three parts. First, The vision and mission of MAN 1 Lamongan; second, learning process by using slides, projected dynamic visuals, prints, games, realia, positive Internet; and third, the Islamic boarding school programs (Ma'had) for male and female students that include the Adiwiyata School Program, the ISO Program, the Prodistic Program equivalent to D1 in collaboration with the Ma'had.Keywords: Innovation, learning media, digital media, character education

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