2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 120-128
Luluk Humairo Pimada ◽  
Muhammad Afif Amrulloh

Electronic media is currently chosen as one of the solutions to be able to carry out educational activities in the midst of the 19th epidemic sweeping the world; even this application is also carried out for learning Arabic at MTs. level. This study aims to determine the application of electronic media in Arabic language learning, and identify obstacles faced by the students of MTs. Normal Islam Samarinda. The subject of this research is students, the data collection obtained through research instruments in the form of observation, interview, and documentation. Then the analysis of this study using the Miles and Huberman method through the process of data collection, data reduction, and drawing conclusion. The results of this study are the types of electronic media used are smartphones using learning application from social media in the form of whatsapp, google form, and google classroom. Then the obstacles faced internally are students learning styles and varied language skills, and learning motivation. While externally the obstacles come from the lack facilities, the environment that does not support, the cost of spending to support education, and extra time and energy.

Novita Kurniasih

This study aims to find out Arabic language learning method at Pondok Pesntren Al-Mubaarak Wonosobo year lesson 2018/2019. This research uses qualitative type. Located at the Islamic boarding school Al-Mubaarak Wonosobo in January 2019-March 2019. The subject in this study is the Arabic language teacher and students at the Islamic boarding school Al-Mubaarak Wonosobo. Methods of collecting data with observations, interviews and documentation. Test the validity of the data by using source triangulation. Data analysis starts with data collection, data reduction and data presentation and delivery.The conclusion of this research is the method of learning Arabic at the Islamic boarding school Al-Mubaarak Wonosobo by using method Grammer Translation, method of audio lingual, direct method. and elektik method.

Al-Lisan ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-33
Muhammad Yusuf ◽  
Eka Dewi Rahmawati

Language learning in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 is also influenced by technology information development, for example, on using an application in the teaching and learning process. The application is usually using as a medium for improving language skills or language components, such as vocabulary. One application is efficient and effective in teaching the Arabic language, especially Arabic language vocabulary is a Macromedia flash 8 application. The application can be used to solve the problem which still constraint the Arabic teacher and also the students. This article aims to research the Macromedia flash 8 application in learning Arabic vocabularies. This research used a research design method with procedures, need analysis, application design, application implementation, application evaluation, and application validation. The subject of this research was Islamic junior student's grade IX. The result showed that Macromedia flash 8 application was effective in improving students’ vocabulary, especially related to Islamic fasting, Ied Al-Adha, and hobby. They were presented using text, graphics, and animation. 

Al-Mujahidah ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-39
Muh Zulkifli

Learning is an activity or a process to acquire knowledge, improve skills, improve behavior, attitudes, and strengthen personality. In the context of becoming to know or the process of acquiring knowledge. The learning process is essentially to develop the activities and creativity of students, through various interactions and learning experiences. However, in its implementation we often do not realize that there are still many learning activities being carried out which actually hinder the activities and creativity of students. Learning Arabic means learning aspects of the language itself, and each aspect of the habit has its own characteristics that differ from one another. In addition, the language learning system planning is prepared based on basic assumptions and principles that must be held and a clear operational rationale and capability. The assumptions and basic principles of learning Arabic are related to the true nature of Arabic learning. Arabic is a language that must be studied, liked, known and can be mastered by generations of Islam which of course goes through long and varied processes either obtained from formal or non-formal processes. The method used in this research is a qualitative research method. qualitative is a deep understanding and interpretation of the meaning, reality and relevant facts. The research results obtained by the researchers were very influential in the teacher's efforts to improve Arabic language skills by using interesting methods by the researchers. After conducting the research, the researchers obtained the efforts made by the teacher to improve the Arabic language skills of class V students of MI Syaikh Zainuddin NW Anjani, namely, explaining the subject matter, providing insight and motivation, giving mufrodats, training them to read in Arabic, using methods appropriate to their circumstances

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
pp. 233-253
Asep Sunarko ◽  
Sholeh Sholeh

ABSTRAK Learning Arabic for the world of the Salaf Islamic Boarding School, which focuses on the study of the Yellow Book is one of the most important foundations because without understanding Arabic properly, it will face many difficulties. The learning system in Islamic boarding schools is often called Madrasah Diniyah. This Madrasah is one of the religious education institutions on the outside school path, which is expected to be able to continuously provide Islamic religious education to unmet students on the school path through the classical system. To study this problem, this research was carried out in the Madrasah Diniyah Al-Tarmasi with the subject of madrasah management from the Madrasah Headmaster, the board of teachers and education staff as well. Collecting data in this study are used interviews, observation and documentation as the main instruments with data triangulation as the analytical knife. The results of the study shown that there are several efforts by the Headmaster of Madrasah and teachers in improving the Quality of Arabic language learning by pouring a number of Strategies in: 1) Strategies to improve curriculum and the process of  Arabic learning. 2) Strategies for improving the quality of human resources to improve Arabic learning. 3) Strategies for improving the quality of facilities and infrastructure to improve the quality of Arabiclearning. Keywords: Strategy, Quality of learning, Arabic Language

Abjadia ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 147
Mardhiya Agustina

<p dir="RTL">التعليم في الإسلام يشمل جميع أبعاد حياة المسلم. إما الأبعاد الإلهية تتعلق بالله، أو الأبعاد الإنسانية المتعلقة بالناس، والأبعاد الكونية المرتبطة بالكون. وبالتالي فإن مادة التربية في الإسلام هي أيضا واسعة جدا تشمل جميع الأبعاد الثلاثة ، وهي بصفة عامة مواد العقيدة والعبادة والأخلاق واللغة والأدب والعلوم والتكنولوجيا. التعليم الإسلامي مصدره بالكامل يستند إلى القرآن والسنة. وبالنظر إلى أن المصدر الرئيسي هو القرآن والسنة ، فإن اللغة العربية تعلمها وفهمها هو ضروري  لأنها اللغة المستخدمة في كلا المصدرين. اللغة العربية في إندونيسيا كأكبر دولة إسلامية في العالم، هي واحدة من المواد اللازمة في المناهج الدراسية للمؤسسات التربوية الإسلامية الحكومية ، في حين أن  في المؤسسات التربوية العامة هي مواد اختيارية. ولكن بطبيعة الحال في عملية تعليم اللغة العربية واجهت العقبات والصعوبات بالإضافة إلى التحديات ، حيث اللغة العربية هي لغة أجنبية لشعوب إندونيسيا. الإشكاليات والتحديات التي تواجه المؤسسات التربوية الإسلامية في إندونيسيا متنوعة إلى حد كبير، ولكن في الواقع لا تزال هناك أوجه تشابه في  المشاكل والتحديات المواجهة بين المؤسسات التعليمية مع بعضها البعض ، بحيث يمكن تجميعها في عدة نقاط رئيسية على النحو التالي: (1) الإشكاليات السياسية؛ (2) الإشكاليات الاجتماعية. (3) الإشكاليات المنهجية. لكن على الرغم من العديد من التحديات والعقبات التي تواجهها ، إلا أن كل ذلك يمكن أن يكون فرصة لتطوير تعليم اللغة العربية في المؤسسات التربوية الإسلامية في إندونيسيا.</p><p>Education in Islam covers the entire dimension of a Muslim's life. Bothdimensions ilahiyyahrelate to their relationship to God, or the dimensions of insaniyyah in relation to other human beings, as well as the dimensions of kauniyyah in relation to the universe. So the educational material in Islam is also very broadly covering the three dimensions, which are largely the subject of Aqidah, Ibadah, Morals, Languages and Literature, Science and Technology. Islamic education is entirely sourced and based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah. Given that its main source is the Qur'an and the Sunnah, then a necessity to study and understand the language used by both sources is Arabic. In Indonesia as the world's largest Muslim population, Arabic is one of the mandatory subject material in the national curriculum for Islamic education institutions, while for public education institutions as the subject matter of choice. But of course in the course of learning it encounters obstacles and difficulties as well as challenges, where Arabic is a foreign language morning Indonesian people. This research is a library research (Library Research) that is equipped with data from the field. The data collected are from the literature or from the informants related to this theme. The author describes the data through the deskreptive method and then draws conclusions that the undertaking is done objectively and systematically. The results show that the obstacles and challenges faced by Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia are quite diverse, but they still have similarities between one institution and another, so they can be grouped into the following major points: (1) politically problematic ; (2) problematic in sociological terms; (3) problematic in terms of methodology. But despite the many challenges and obstacles faced, but all of that can be an opportunity to develop Arabic language learning at Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia.</p>

Studi Arab ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-100
Nisa Fahmi Huda

It feels familiar to us with one of the Arabic subjects. Moreover, Arabic learning has existed at the school level from elementary to tertiary education. Arabic learning must stand and cannot be separated from several kinds of language skills, such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. However, apart from the four language skills, we must pay attention to one of the important aspects of language and this is also not separated because without this aspect, language will not be organized. These important aspects are the nahwu rules that we must learn and cannot be separated from the four skills of Arabic. The purpose of this study was to determine how effective the use of the spinning wheel media was in learning Arabic, especially in the subject of qawaid nahwu. Data collection methods used observation, interviews, tests, and documentation. The approach used is quantitative with the type of research Quasi Experimental One Group Pretest Posttest. The result of this research is that the use of the spnning wheel media can improve the qawaid nahwu learning process in the seventh grade training of the students of the Darul Qur'an Wal Islamic Boarding School, Wonosari, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Hasyim Asy’ari ◽  
Ammar Zainuddin

Islamic boarding schools are Islamic educational institutions that focus on moral education. Islamic boarding schools at this time were divided into ancestor and modern boarding schools. There are differences in the curriculum and learning models of Arabic in the two pesantren. Salaf Islamic boarding schools have a special curriculum in understanding the understanding of Islam. Learning Arabic in the Salaf Islamic boarding school is oriented towards grammatical learning by memorizing the terms nahwu and shorof and memorizing nadhom. While the Arabic language learning curriculum in modern pesantren aims not only for religious scholarship, but aims to use all language skills in communication. This Islamic boarding schools believes that language learning activities must provide students the ability to communicate correctly, both in oral and written form.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
Luthfi Ans ◽  
Nurdyansyah Nurdyansyah ◽  
Eni Fariyatul Fahyuni

Arabic language is often taught by Arabic educational institutions only as a tool to read religious texts, not as the function of language is to communicate. The purpose of this research is to show a new strategy of mastering comprehensive communicative Arabic language based on 4 language skills (maharat lughawiyyah), namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing integrally and not separately. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods, data collection is carried out through observation and interviews. The results of this study indicate weak language skills due to partial mastery strategies in Arabic. The conclusion of this study shows that the ability to communicate Arabic must be built on 4 language skills simultaneously, related, intact, integrated and not fragmented.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
Rindi - Puspita ◽  
Sri Minda Murni ◽  
Sumarsih -

The objective of this study is to explain the reason of using euphemism in religious language especially in article on Konsultasi Syariah. The research methodology used in the research is qualitative research design. The data were analyzed by using interactive model of qualitative data management and analysis namely data collection, data condensation, data display and verification and conclusion. The findings of this study revealed that the reasons of writer used euphemism especially in religious language tot only to make fear but also avoid taboo words, to show respect and to avoid uncomfortable feelings. The conclusion is euphemism that used on Konsutasi Syariah are in Arabic language and the most dominant used for taboo words  Keywords: Euphemism, Religious Language, Article, Online

Faiq Ilham Rosyadi ◽  
Munaya Ulil Ilmi

Arabic learning must be dynamic following the challenges of the times. The incompatibility between planning and implementing Arabic learning caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has made Arabic learning nonoptimal. This research is oriented to describe E-learning implementation for Arabic learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is library research using a qualitative approach with a descriptive analysis method. The data collection technique in this study was carried out by exploring reference books and journals. The analysis technique uses an interactive data analysis model, which is carried out through data collection, data reduction, data explanation, and conclusions. Based on the results and discussion, it can be concluded that the use of e-learning in learning Arabic during the pandemic can be carried out following the learning implementation plan that has been prepared. This is because e-learning has features that teachers need in four Arabic language skills, namely: listening skills, speaking skills, reading skills, and writing skills.

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