scholarly journals New promising hybrid forms of wine direction selected by Dagestan Breeding Experimental Station for Viticulture and Vegeculture

2020 ◽  
pp. 100-104
Рамидин Эфендиевич Казахмедов ◽  
Альберт Халидович Агаханов ◽  
Тамила Имираслановна Абдуллаева ◽  
Владимир Александрович Волынкин

В промышленных насаждениях Республики Дагестан нет сортов технического направления использования, выведенных на основе местных сортов и отвечающих требованиям современного, в т.ч. терруарного виноделия, а также обладающих устойчивостью к неблагоприятным условиям среды, болезням и вредителям. Цель работы - выведение генетически высокопродуктивных сортов винограда различного направления использования, устойчивых к грибным болезням и корневой форме филлоксеры, для возделывания в почвенно-климатических условиях юга России. В условиях Дагестана высокую адаптивность и урожайность проявляет сорт Первенец Магарача, который широко привлекается в селекционную программу скрещиваний станции как донор устойчивости. Исследования проводились на Ампелографической коллекции ДСОСВиО в 2013-2018 гг. В статье приводится агробиологическая и хозяйственно-технологическая оценка элитных сеянцев новой селекции, выведенных путем гибридизации аборигенных сортов и сорта Первенец Магарача как донора устойчивости к биотическим и абиотическим стрессорам. Выделенные элитные формы отличаются высокими показателями качества, биологической выносливостью в гибридном питомнике на сильном инфекционном фоне по филлоксере и болезням грибной этиологии. Использование сорта Первенец Магарача в селекции новых сортов с привлечением дагестанских аборигенных сортов позволяет получать генотипы с высокой устойчивостью к болезням и вредителям винограда в условиях Дагестана. Industrial plantations of Republic of Dagestan lack wine varieties breeded from local cultivars and meeting the requirements of modern, including terroir, winemaking, and resistant to adverse environmental conditions, diseases and pests. The purpose of this work is to develop genetically highly productive grape varieties resistant to fungal diseases and the root form of phylloxera for cultivation in the soil and climatic conditions of the South of Russia. In the conditions of Dagestan ‘Pervenets Magaracha’ grape variety shows high adaptability and productivity, and is widely involved in the breeding program of crossings of the Station as a donor of stability. Research was conducted on the Ampelographic collection of the Station in 2013-2018. The article presents agrobiological and economic-technological assessment of elite seedlings of new selection, bred by hybridization of local varieties and ‘Pervenets Magaracha’ variety as a donor of resistance to biotic and abiotic stressors. The selected elite forms are characterized with high quality parameters, biological strength in a hybrid nursery with a strong infectious background for phylloxera and fungal diseases. The use of ‘Pervenets Magaracha’ variety in the selection of new varieties, involving Dagestani local varieties, allows us to obtain genotypes with high resistance to grape diseases and pests in the conditions of Dagestan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 258 ◽  
pp. 04022
Rikhsivoy Tellyaev ◽  
Kobuljan Azizov ◽  
Ilhom Mamatkulov

In desert conditions, corn is one of the most promising crops due to its resistance to salinity, drought, heat, adverse environmental conditions, high productivity and versatility. Conducting field experiments, sowing, phonological observations, biometric measurements, plant care, yield determination new varieties of agricultural crops were performed. Samples were also evaluated on the length of the paniculo. In particular, it was 44.7 cm in the control K–521, followed by 40.8 cm in K-431, 49.9 cm in K-581 and 55.4 cm in K-538, whereas in the technical variants, it was 55.4 cm in K-538, 50 cm at K-368, and even it was 65 cm in K-494. Of the 57 samples studied, only 8, № 9, 15, 17, 26, 27, 31, 42, 46 samples were found suitable for future selection work. Valuable aspects of these samples were that flowering period was 75-108 days, milk-ripening period was 87-108 days, and full ripening period was 118-130 days. These indicators were 76 days of germination, 79 days of flowering, 91 days of milk ripening and 127 days of full ripening in the “Orange-160” maize. It was found that the repining period of “Orange” maize was 9 days earlier than the control varieties, 9, 15 and 17.

2020 ◽  
pp. 355-361
Александр Семёнович Макаров

Систематизированы современные литературные данные о совершенствовании сырьевых ресурсов для производства игристых вин. Даны рекомендации о перспективности использования различных сортов винограда в производстве игристых вин: интродуцированных (Мальбек, Сира и др.), селекционных (Рислинг Магарача, Рислинг мускатный, Рислинг красный, Алиготе мускатное, Цитронный Магарача и др.), аборигенных (Кокур белый, Кокур белый 46-10-3, Сых дане, Сары пандас, Кефесия и др.). Выделены факторы, влияющие на основные и дополнительные показатели в системе «виноград-виноматериал-игристое вино», среди которых важными являются степень зрелости винограда, его технологический потенциал, почвенно-климатические условия произрастания винограда. Сделан вывод, что всесторонний подход к подбору сырья с учетом факторов, влияющих на его основные и дополнительные показатели, позволит сформировать сырьевые зоны для производства игристых вин высокого качества. Modern literary sources on the improvement of raw materials for production of sparklings were systematized. Recommendations on the prospects of using various grape varieties in production of sparkling wines are given. They include introduced (‘Malbec’, ‘Syrah’, etc.), selection (‘Riesling Magaracha’, ‘Riesling Muscatny’, ‘Riesling Krasny’, ‘Aligote Muscatnoye’, ‘Tsitronnyi Magaracha’, etc.) and native (‘Kokur Belyi’, ‘Kokur Belyi 46-10-3’, ‘Sykh Dane’, ‘Sary Pandas’, ‘Kefesiya’, etc.) grape varieties. Factors influencing the main and additional indicators in the system "grapes - base wine - sparkling wine" are highlighted. The most important factors are the degree of grape ripeness, its technological potential, soil and climatic conditions of grape growing. It is concluded that a comprehensive approach to the selection of raw materials, taking into account the factors affecting its main and additional indicators, will allow the formation of zones of raw materials for the production of high quality sparkling wines.

N. M. Gutieva

A genetic collection of the genus Pelargonium L’Herit. ex Ait., with 40 % stock represented by Pelargoniumgrandiflorum hybridium hort., is originated at the Federal Subtropical Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The main collection varieties, including Aristo, Elegance, Candy Flowers, Hazel and Bermuda, are foreign selections attaining their best qualities under optimal soil and climatic conditions. Cultivation in humid subtropics disturbs their growth and development, at the same time as deteriorating their productivity and ornamental value. The research aimed to study the hybrid stock towards the selection of hardiest, most ornamental and long-flowering forms corresponding to a specified variety model. The variety model developed for Russian subtropic agroclimate incorporated a main set of economically valuable and adaptively significant traits. Over 30 varietal crossbreedings have been conducted to select for promising recombinants and hybrid families. A high variability of phenotypic ornamental traits has been observed in the crosses offspring. We identified 15 promising hybrids from the total morphological trait combination. Adaptive selection against stress factors has been proved effective. The most successful combinations were Hazel Ripple x Yashma, Hazel Cherry x Rozovyy Briz and A. Darling x Rozovyy Briz. A subset of elite forms (Kd-15-43, Kr-16-28 and Kc-18-22) maximising the number of significant breeding traits have further been selected towards a higher total score (≥95). K.j.-17-15, Kq-18-04 and K.ya-16-03 were recognised promising for large-flowered form selection. The Yagodnyy Tsvet variety, Kv-18-01 and K.d.-18-09 hybrids (over 35 inflorescences) have been identified as sources for high flower production. K.p-17-65, Kr-16-28 and Kc-18-22 were the hybrids with flowering period exceeding 100 days. All crosses were based on Hazel as a maternal form sourcing the trait.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 119-121
P S Kavitha ◽  
A Sudha ◽  
S Srividya

Chilli is an important spice which is grown throughout India. Chillies are integral and the most important ingredient in many different cuisines around the world as it adds pungency, taste, flavour and color to the dishes. Chilli is grown in Kolathur block of Salem district in an area of nearly 879 ha. The farmers are mainly growing the local varieties and private hybrids in kolathur block. During the farmers and scientist conference conducted at KVK, Sandhiyur (2013), the growers opted for new varieties (high yield, lengthy fruit, good pungency, and colour retention during storage). An onfarm trial was conducted in pannavadi village of kolathur block. In this study three varieties (Lalima, LCA 625 and Kovilpatti 2) were assessed for yield, pest disease tolerance and quality parameters. LCA 625 gave an average yield of 6.2-6.8 t / ha, fruit length of 9-11 cm, good pungency and good colour retention during storage compared to other two varieties. The colour of dry chilli during storage was orange compared to Lalima with bright attractive red colour. Hence in the market Lalima fetched more price than the other two varieties. Hence, it is suggested for the Researchers that LCA 625 may be refined for marketable colour.

2018 ◽  
Vol 23 ◽  
pp. 40-45
V. H. Vyrovets ◽  
I. M. Layko ◽  
H. I. Kyrychenko ◽  
I. V. Vereshchahin ◽  
S. V. Mishchenko ◽  

Aim. An unusually long stay in the shade outside the breeding was such an important economic feature as the content of oil in the hemp seed. Preliminary data attempts to start a study in this direction, under various circumstances, were postponed for some time until the healing properties of the oil were discovered, hidden in the hemp seed. Methods. The third attempt of such researches is based on new high-fibered and high-yield varieties stable on the sign of monoeciousness non-narcotic hemp, the method of research of which is based on traditional breeding developments. Also, on examples of local varieties of ranges of folk selection, samples of world selection of dioecious and monoecious hemp and breeding new varieties, it was established that this feature is subject to systematic selection against the background of improving other varietal features. Results. On the example of restoring breeding to preserve the content of oil, a new population with a high oil content was created, which became the result of changes in the genotype of the Hliana variety by selection. Glutinous oil is characterized by a good ratio of unsaturated linoleic and linolenic acids as 3:1, which opens the prospects for the creation of new medicines. Conclusions. The conducted researches give rise to the hope that, over time, hemp will be added to many traits, and the new varieties will be different by high oil content also. Keywords: monoecious drug-free industrial hemp, breeding, oil content, fatty acid composition.

2019 ◽  
pp. 159-161
O. M. Vyutnova ◽  
T. Yu. Polyanina ◽  
I. A. Novikova

Relevance. One of the types of agricultural raw materials for the food industry is the root chicory, the product from the roots of which is produced in pure form, as well as is an important component in the production of tea and coffee drinks, confectionery. Its value is determined by the content in the roots of inulin, fructose, intibin and chicory. Despite the great economic importance and economic profitability of chicory cultivation, in recent years, the local processing industry is not provided with this type of raw material and is forced to buy the product from dried root crops in other countries, such as Ukraine, Italy and India. Modern agricultural production is in dire need of new varieties of root chicory, combining high yields and chemical and technological qualities, having the form of a root crop suitable for mechanized harvesting, and adapted to cultivation in soil and climatic conditions of the Non-chernozem zone. Purpose of work: to assess the nature of the impact of ultraviolet radiation in the time mode on watermelon seeds using cytogenetic analysis.Material and methods. The article describes the results of the test in the control nursery of a new sample of chicory root with 0428 selection of Rostov OSC.Results. As a result of breeding work, a promising sample of root chicory. It was isolated early maturing, with high yields and economically valuable properties, root crop truncated, suitable for mechanized harvesting by commercially available machines. 

2019 ◽  
pp. 159-161
O. M. Vyutnova ◽  
T. Yu. Polyanina ◽  
I. A. Novikova

Relevance. One of the types of agricultural raw materials for the food industry is the root chicory, the product from the roots of which is produced in pure form, as well as is an important component in the production of tea and coffee drinks, confectionery. Its value is determined by the content in the roots of inulin, fructose, intibin and chicory. Despite the great economic importance and economic profitability of chicory cultivation, in recent years, the local processing industry is not provided with this type of raw material and is forced to buy the product from dried root crops in other countries, such as Ukraine, Italy and India. Modern agricultural production is in dire need of new varieties of root chicory, combining high yields and chemical and technological qualities, having the form of a root crop suitable for mechanized harvesting, and adapted to cultivation in soil and climatic conditions of the Non-chernozem zone. Purpose of work: to assess the nature of the impact of ultraviolet radiation in the time mode on watermelon seeds using cytogenetic analysis.Material and methods. The article describes the results of the test in the control nursery of a new sample of chicory root with 0428 selection of Rostov OSC.Results. As a result of breeding work, a promising sample of root chicory. It was isolated early maturing, with high yields and economically valuable properties, root crop truncated, suitable for mechanized harvesting by commercially available machines. 

Gaybullayev Gulom Saydalimovich ◽  
Bolbekov Makhsud Abduvakhobovich ◽  
Tuygunov Rasul Bolibekovich ◽  

The article describes the results of research on the selection of varieties suitable for the soil and climatic conditions of the Republic of Uzbekistan based on the study of samples of the world collection of wheat in the breeding process and the creation of new varieties and primary selection by mixing them with one variety.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 105-114
O. S. Vasylenko ◽  
T. E. Kondratenko ◽  

Strong growth of shoots and ripening of grape fruits do not give grounds for claiming that the variety is in accordance with the climatic conditions of a certain area. Only a well-ripe vine can withstand severe winter conditions. The purpose of the study is to determine the degree of maturation of the vine in grape varieties of Odessa breeding grown in the northern part of the Forest-steppe, and to identify among them the most prepared for wintering conditions in the area. The degree of maturation of the vine was determined during 2018–2019 in the autumn before the cover of grape plants by the method of primary fluorescence using a microscope MBS-2 with fluorescent illuminator OI-18 and by the method of N. Matuzok. Studies have shown that the degree of ripening of the grapevine depends on the weather conditions during the growing season and varietal characteristics of the plants. Weather conditions during the years of study contributed to the good maturation of the shoots of grapes of all varieties except Kometa and Zahadka. The first had a characteristic brown color of the mature bark along the entire length of the shoot. When bending the vine in its upper part of the characteristic cracking of the bark was not in the varieties Kometa, Zahadka, Yarylo and Muskat odeskyi. The highest degree of ripening of shoot tissues was noted in the lower zone of the vine in the Aromatnyi, Kardyshakh, Kishmish tayirovskij. In the middle zone of shoots, the highest degree of maturation of the felema was found in the variety Kardyshakh, and in the upper part of the shoot, in the variety Aromatnyi. The highest conditional coefficient of maturation (Kv) of the tissues of the vine in the fifth internode is defined in the varieties Aromatnyi and Kyshmysh tairovskyi (0.90), the mean in the variety Kardyshakh (0.88), and the lowest in the variety Kometa (0.56). Based on the data obtained from the results of complex studies, it was found that the varieties Aromatnyi, Kyshmysh tairovskyi and Kardyshakh are the most prepared for wintering in the northern part of the Forest-steppe.

Sarizhat Aliomarovna MAGADOVA ◽  
Zeinab Kadirovna BAKHMULAEVA ◽  
Olga Konstantinovna VLASOVA

The qualitative composition and quantitative content of mineral elements and vitamins in the grapes of local varieties of Muscat Peitel, Salam, Yai pink raisins, growing in southern Dagestan, are studied. The elemental composition is determined by the methods of flame and atomic absorption photometry; ascorbic acid - titrimetry; rutin, nicotinic acid and carotene - colorimetry. A certain correlation of minerals and vitamins has been found, and it is crucial at selection of grapes, aimed at high nutritional value. The obtained results can be useful at the correct selection and placement of the varieties with the optimal combination of micronutrients to provide the Republic with table grapes of good quality.

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