scholarly journals The effect of the crown shape on qualitative indicators of picking maturity and keeping capacity of apple fruits in the conditions of Crimea

2021 ◽  
pp. 366-371
Н.А. Бабинцева ◽  
В.С. Кириченко ◽  
Н.Н. Горб

В современных условиях развития интенсивного садоводства актуальной проблемой является подбор менее затратных и трудоемких систем формирования крон с соблюдением всех агротехнических мероприятий для получения высоких урожаев хорошего качества. Цель исследований направлена на изучение влияния разных способов формирования кроны на показатели съемной зрелости и лежкость плодов. Работа выполнялась в отделении «Крымская опытная станция садоводства» ФГБУН «НБС-ННЦ РАН» по методикам полевых исследований с плодовыми культурами. Объектами исследований являлись четыре формы кроны на подвое ЕМ-IХ (4 х 1 м, 2500 дер./га) и плоды сортов зимнего срока созревания: Джалита, Бреберн, Ренет Симиренко. Проведенные исследования позволили выявить наиболее эффективные формы кроны и достаточно устойчивые сорта для закладки интенсивных садов с высокой плотностью посадки, дающие высококачественную товарную продукцию, как в саду, так и в период хранения. Изменчивость показателей съемной зрелости в плодах зависит от сорта, погодных условий выращивания и формы кроны. Установлено, что плоды сортов Джалита, Бреберн (французская ось) и Ренет Симиренко (стройное веретено, безлидерная уплощенная, трехлидерная) в период хранения не имеют физиологических заболеваний. Дегустационная оценка вкуса составляет - 4,5-5,0 баллов, а естественная убыль не превышает 5,1%. Установлено также, что при хранении плоды сорта Джалита (стройное веретено, трехлидерная крона) повреждаются до 20% разными плодовыми гнилями, а плоды сорта Бреберн (стройное веретено) - подкожной пятнистостью - до 30%. Отмечено, что в период хранения происходит снижение плотности мякоти плодов в 1,4-2,2 раза, а также изменение вкуса в зависимости от сорта и формы кроны. In modern conditions of intensive gardening development, the actual problem is the selection of less costly and labor-intensive systems of crown shaping in compliance with all agrotechnical actions in order to obtain heavy yield of good quality. The goal of the research is aimed at studying the effect of different methods of crown shaping on the indicators of picking maturity and keeping capacity of fruits. The work was carried out in the department "Crimean experimental gardening station" of the FSBSI NBS-NSC RAS using methods of field research with fruit crops. The objects of research were four crown shapes on the EM-IX rootstock (4 x 1m, 2500 trees/ha) and the fruits of winter ripening varieties ‘Dzhalita’, ‘Brebern’, ‘Renet Simirenko’. The studies provided allow us to identify the most effective crown shapes and sufficiently resistant varieties for establishing intensive gardens with a high density of planting, giving high-quality marketable products, both in the garden and during storage. The variability of indicators of fruit picking maturity depends on the variety, weather conditions of growing and the crown shape. It was established that fruits of varieties ‘Dzhalita’, ‘Brebern’ (French axis) and ‘Renet Simirenko’ (slender spindle, leaderless flattened, three-leader) did not have physiological diseases during storage. Tasting assessment is 4.5-5.0 points, and the natural loss does not exceed 5.1%. It is also established that fruits of the ‘Dzalita’ variety (slender spindle, three-leader crown) during storage are subject to damage by various fruit rot up to 20%, and fruits of the ‘Brebern’ variety (slender spindle) by subcutaneous spotting - up to 30%. It is noted that during the storage period there is a decrease in the density of fruit pulp by 1.4 - 2.2 times, and a change in flavor depending on the variety and crown shape.

2021 ◽  
pp. 372-376
В.В. Танкевич

Современная экономика диктует необходимость быстрой и эффективной окупаемости затрат, вложенных в производство продукции садоводства, что требует интенсификации отрасли. Одним из путей решения поставленных задач является закладка садов на клоновых подвоях, обеспечивающих высокое, стабильное плодоношение, с плодами отменных вкусовых качеств, подбор новых подвоев, приспособленных к условиям Крыма и не уступающих по комплексу хозяйственно-биологических свойств районированным в регионе. В статье освещены результаты многолетнего изучения 14 клоновых подвоев в сочетании с двумя сортами яблони. Определена сила роста изучаемых привойно-подвойных комбинаций в почвенно-климатических условиях Предгорного Крыма. Комбинации сортов Аскольда и Ренет Симиренко с подвоями ЕМ-IX, КД 4, КД 5 по показателям параметров кроны относятся к слаборослой группе. Деревья на К 104 по силе роста занимают положение промежуточное между ЕМ-IX и ММ-106, но имеют хорошо развитую корневую систему и компактную форму кроны. Выделенные комбинации рано вступают в плодоношение (на 2-3-й год). Средний урожай таких насаждений равен 24,4-30,6 т/га. Отобранные подвои обладают большим биологическим потенциалом и эффективными хозяйственно-биологическими свойствами, и представляют интерес для южного садоводства. Modern economy necessitates quick and effective return of costs invested in the horticultural production, which requires the intensification of the industry. One of the ways to solve the assigned tasks is to establish gardens on clonal rootstocks ensuring high and consistent fruiting with crops of excellent palatability traits, selection of new rootstocks adapted to the conditions of Crimea and not inferior in terms of the range of economic and biological properties to those released in the region. This paper highlights the results of long-term study of 14 clonal rootstocks in combinations with two apple varieties. The growth power of the studied scion-rootstock combinations in the soil and weather conditions of the Piedmont Crimea was determined. Combinations of ‘Ascolda’ and ‘Renet Simirenko’ varieties with rootstocks EM-IX, KD 4, and KD 5 in terms of crown parameter values belong to a dwarf group. Trees on K 104 are intermediate between EM-IX and MM-106 in terms of growth power, but have a well-developed root system and a compact crown shape. The above mentioned combinations enter into fruiting very early (on the 2nd-3d year). The average yield of such plantations is 24.4- 30.6 t/ha. The selected rootstocks are of great biological potential and effective economic and biological properties, so they are promising for southern horticulture.

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-117
Jelena Tarlanovic ◽  
Mladen Petres ◽  
Mila Grahovac ◽  
Biserka Milic ◽  
Nenad Magazin ◽  

Fusarium species are increasingly detected as the causal agents of decay of stored apple fruits. Fusarium avenaceum is particularly significant due to its predominant occurrence among Fusarium species in stored apple fruits and its ability to produce mycotoxins. Treatments with 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) and different storage conditions affect the aggressiveness of F. avenaceum and development of fungal-caused decay in stored apple fruits. In this study, apple fruits (cv. ?Granny Smith?) were treated with 1-MCP, and artificially inoculated with F. avenaceum. The isolate used for inoculation, originating from apple fruit, was identified based on morphological characteristics and by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using a species-specific primer pair (FA-ITSF and FA-ITSR) for F. avenaceum. After inoculation, treated and untreated fruits were stored at room temperature and cold-stored under dynamic controlled atmosphere (DCA). Diameters of necrotic lesions were measured after 7, 14 and 21 days of incubation on fruits stored at room temperature, while necrosis diameters on DCA-stored fruits were measured immediately at the end of storage period (143 days), and after 7, 14 and 21 days of additional incubation at room temperature. The results show that treatment with 1-MCP inhibits the development of F. avenaceum on apple fruits during storage under DCA. However, after storage, i.e. during incubation at room temperature, no significant difference between 1-MCP-treated and untreated fruits was observed. On fruits stored at room temperature only, no difference between 1-MCP-treated and untreated fruits was observed. However, 1-MCP-treated fruits stored at room temperature only developed significantly smaller necrosis lesions compared to 1-MCP-treated and DCA stored fruits. It infers that both 1-MCP treatment and DCA storage inhibit fungal decay caused by F. avenaceum on apple fruits. However, the effects do not persist after storage.

2019 ◽  
pp. 1-23
А.В. Семенютина ◽  
С.Е. Лазарев ◽  
К.А. Мельник

Представители родовых комплексов Robinia (Робиния), Gleditsia (Гледичия) относятся к экономически важным и перспективным, для деградированных ландшафтов засушливого региона, видам растений. Несмотря на это до последнего времени отсутствуют сведения по многим видам этих родовых комплексов, связанные с вопросами экологических основ семеноведения и их репродуктивной способности в условиях светлокаштановых почв Волгоградской области. Все это направлено на выявление и расширение перспективных ареалов культивирования для лесомелиорации и озеленения населенных пунктов. Цель исследований изучение репродуктивной способности представителей родовых комплексов Robinia (Робиния), Gleditsia (Гледичия) в коллекциях ФНЦ агроэкологии РАН и выявление особенностей их селекционного семеноведения для лесомелиорации и озеленения населенных пунктов в сухостепных условиях. Объектами исследований являлись виды и формы рода Robinia: R. viscosa Vent. R. neomexicana Gray. R. pseudoacacia L. R. neomexicana х pseudoacacia, и Gleditsia (G. triacanthos L., G. triacanthos L. f. inermis, G. caspica Desf, G. texana Sarg., G. aquatica, G. japonica, G. caspica, G. sinensis), произрастающие в кластерных участках коллекций ФНЦ агроэкологии РАН, кадастр 34:34:000000:122, 34:34:060061:10. Разработка основ селекционного семеноведения базируется на изучении репродуктивных особенностей выделенных для целевого использования собственных биоресурсов с учетом возможностей всестороннего изучения генеративных качеств и оценки биологического потенциала. Выявлено, что стабильность плодоношения фиксируется через несколько лет после вступления в генеративную фазу: у Robinia и Gleditsia 67 лет. Первое цветение у Gleditsia triacanthos и G. texana, G. aquatica наблюдалось в возрасте 5 лет, G. japonica 6, G. caspica и G. sinensis 8 лет. Завязываемость плодов зависит не только от возраста растения, но и от погодных условий во время цветения. На семенную продуктивность влияет количество выпавших осадков и сумма активных температур в период созревания плодов. Формирование более крупных плодов и семян наблюдается в возрасте до 15 лет. В результате исследований (20172019 гг.) выявлено влияние лимитирующих факторов на биологический потенциал цветения, плодоношения и семенную продуктивность для определения ареалов их культивирования. Representatives of generic systems Robinia, Gleditsia are economically important and promising for degraded arid landscapes of the region, types of plants. Despite this, until recently, there is no information on many types of these generic complexes related to the environmental foundations of seed and their reproductive capacity in light chestnut soils of the Volgograd region. All this is aimed at identifying and expanding promising areas of cultivation for forest reclamation and greening of settlements. The aim of the research is to study the reproductive capacity of representatives of ancestral complexes Robinia, Gleditsia in the collections of the Federal scientific center for Agroecology Russian Academy of Sciences and the identifying features of their selection of seed for forest reclamation and landscaping of settlements in the dry steppe conditions. The objects of research were species and forms of the genus Robinia: R. viscosa Vent. R. neomexicana Gray. R. pseudoacacia L. R. neomexicana x pseudoacacia and Gleditsia (G. triacanthos L., G. triacanthos L. f. inermis, G. caspica Desf, G. texana Sarg., G. aquatica, G. japonica, G. caspica, G. sinensis), growing in the cluster areas of collections of FSC Agroecology RAS, cadastre 34:34:000000:122, 34:34:060061:10. The development of the principles of seed breeding is based on the study of reproductive characteristics of the allocated for the targeted use of their own bioresources, taking into account the possibilities of a comprehensive study of generative qualities and assessment of biological potential. It was found that the stability of fruiting is fixed a few years after entering the generative phase: Robinia and Gleditsia 67 years. The first flowering in Gleditsia triacanthos and G. texana, G. aquatica was observed at the age of 5 years, G. japonica 6, G. caspica and G. sinensis 8 years. Fruit setability depends not only on the age of the plant, but also on weather conditions during flowering. Seed productivity is affected by the amount of precipitation and the amount of active temperatures during the ripening period. The formation of larger fruits and seeds is observed in the age of 15 years. As a result of studies (20172019), the influence of limiting factors on the biological potential of flowering, fruiting and seed production to determine the areas of their cultivation was revealed.

2005 ◽  
Vol 75 (4) ◽  
pp. 79-84 ◽  
D. Shaner

Some of the first products of biotechnology to reach the marketplace have been herbicide-resistant crops. Industry sees the development of herbicide-resistant varieties as a way to increase the availability of proven herbicides for a broader range of crops. However, the development of herbicide- resistant crops requires special attention to potential environmental questions such as herbicide usage, selection of resistant weed biotypes and spread of resistance from the resistant crop to wild species. Industry is actively addressing these concerns during the process of development. Proper development and use of herbicide-resistant crops in integrated weed management programs will provide farmers with increased flexibility, efficiency, and decreased cost in their weed control practices without increasing the risk of herbicide-resistant weeds. Furthermore, herbicide-resistant crops should prove to be valuable tools in managing herbicide- resistant weeds.

Agromet ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-61
Nofi Yendri Sudiar

This research reveals visitors perceptions of climate comfort in nature-based tourism areas in Ecopark Ancol, Bogor Botanical Gardens (KRB) and Cibodas Botanical Gardens (KRC). In addition to calculating the comfort score using the TCI and HCI methods and modifying their thermal aspects, a survey was also carried out in all three tourism areas simultaneously. The survey was conducted to collect data on climate comfort perceptions and the role of the weather on these comfort. A total of 793 respondents participated in this study. The majority of visitors stated that the weather affected the comfort of the climate during the tour. But weather conditions do not fully influence decisions in the selection of tourist visits. The level of perceived climate comfort for the three tourism sites namely Ecopark was perceived as neutral (57.3%), KRB was perceived as comfortable (60%) and KRC was perceived as comfortable (78.4%). While based on the score calculation approaching the survey results in Ecopark is TCI index modified in its thermal aspect with PET Tianjin (57.2). KRB is HCI without modification (59) and KRC is HCI modified by its thermal aspect with PET Tianjin (77.6). Statistically there are significant differences between sex, age, education level and topography. By understanding visitor perceptions, strategies and appropriate actions can be developed to increase comfort in the nature-based tourism industry.

Viktor MAZUR ◽  
Kateryna MAZUR

In today's conditions of agrarian production in Ukraine, due to the rapid development of scientific and technological progress, a significant contribution belongs to scientific research based on world recognition, and publications in scientific journals indexed in the international science-computer databases of Web of Science and Scopus will lead to the possibility of modernization of modern science in agrarian institutions of higher education. It is established that realization of scientific researches in higher agricultural educational institutions is a prerequisite for increasing their competitiveness in the international scientific and educational space. So, agricultural universities, along with the implementation of their main function - educational - are engaged in field research and development of innovative research in the agrarian sector. Today, in our country, there is already an experience in defining scientific research and innovation priorities, but until now, the research of domestic scientists did not take into account the use of large-scale modern information capacities to determine the effectiveness of scientific activity. In this regard, the attraction of information technology in combination with the use of international science-computer databases Web of Science and Scopus in the agrarian sphere will significantly expand the scientific outlook of scientists. The aim of the study is to determine the main advantages of using the international science-computer databases Web of Science and Scopus for research in the agrarian sector and to provide suggestions for the search for data and selection of journals for their effective use in the research work of scientific and pedagogical workers of higher agrarian institutions. The information base of the study consists of the current legislation and normative acts of Ukraine, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, official data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine on scientific and innovative activities, data presented in the international science-computer databases of Web of Science and Scopus. Current issues of the transformation of the scientific system at the state and world levels, which have a positive effect on the level of provision of the research sphere in combination with the staffing component of the scientific and technological potential, remain relevant in modern conditions. Today, we are seeing a deepening of the integration of education and agrarian science within the university sector, which is due to the increasing importance of scientific research and training of agronomists-researchers of the proper level. It has been established that the publication of the results of laboratory-field research in scientific journals indexed in the science science of Web of Science and Scopus should become a promising direction and actively develop among scientific groups of young scientists, in particular, when performing scientific research in agronomy. At the present stage, the development of agrarian production is based not only on the achievements of agricultural sciences such as crop production, agriculture, ecology, fodder production, but also on a number of economic sciences. The studies have taken into account that the importance of research in agrarian science of this interaction is intensified in the conditions of structural transformations of the agricultural economy, as well as the provision of its innovative development, since the integrated interaction of agrarian production, science and agricultural education institutions has a positive effect. In this scientific work, the necessity of the development of science-based research in agrarian universities was determined and the world's bibliometric platforms Web of Science and Scopus were analyzed. It also proved expediency of carrying out scientific researches with the use of science-based studies on the basis of agrarian institutions of higher education. Under the international science and technology databases of Web of Science and Scopus, the criteria and standards necessary for the qualitative use of science in research are researched. Taking into account the results, the main criteria for the selection of science-computer platforms and their indicators were selected: the coverage of Ukrainian scientific publications and publications, the accuracy of data, including the veracity of the citation of the scientific publication, the filtering of excess data, the possibility of obtaining all information about the publication by author. The general characteristics of science-metric databases of Web of Science and Scopus (interface language, data volume, data source, science-metrics) were investigated and the main technical and functional characteristics were determined. Considered the availability of advanced search, the ability to communicate with scientists, the identification of a scientist, the possibility of a reference to a scientific publication. After analyzing specialized literature and sites for the development of international science-computer databases for further thorough research, the course of publications to readers in the Internet space was determined, which is related to the active participation of authors in the placement of scientific articles in such information systems as Google Scholar, ORCID, Research ID. Thus, in agrarian educational institutions, the availability of information and analytical activities in the context of complex changes in the information environment transforms the educational institution into a center of social communication, which is important for conducting research. In this regard, the involvement of information technology in conjunction with the use of international science-computer databases Web of Science and Scopus in the agrarian sphere will significantly expand the scientific outlook of scientists. Information provision of the scientific and educational process at the expense of publications of scientific articles of the corresponding level enhances the role of scientific and pedagogical workers in solving the problems faced by agrarian higher educational institutions at the present stage of development. Therefore, one of the priority directions of activity of scientific and pedagogical workers of agricultural higher educational institutions is the development of navigation functions in the world of science-computer systems in order to facilitate the transformation from the element of research into the participant of scientific and educational work and increase the scientific status of the university.

Г.А. КУПИН ◽  

Проблема обеспечения высокого качества продукции для оптимизации затрат на ее производство и хранение актуальна для производителей и переработчиков плодовых культур. Исследовано влияние обработки плодов яблок препаратами на основе 1-метилциклопропена на изменение органолептических и биохимических показателей продукции при хранении. Объектом исследования были яблоки сорта Айдаред, выращенные на территории Краснодарского края, урожая 2020 года. При подготовке к исследованию часть яблоневых насаждений в период созревания плодов обрабатывали препаратом «Румянец» на основе 1-метилциклопропена в течение 28 дней с интервалом между обработками в 7 дней. После съема часть плодов с обработанных и необработанных деревьев перед закладкой на хранение была однократно обработана 1-метилциклопропеном с концентрацией активного вещества 1,4%. Для закладки на хранение были составлены 4 образца: образец 1 – необработанные плоды яблок (контроль); 2 – яблоки, обработанные препаратом «Румянец» в период созревания; 3 – яблоки, обработанные 1-метилциклопропеном перед закладкой на хранение; 4 – яблоки, обработанные препаратом «Румянец» в период созревания и 1-метилциклопропеном при закладке на хранение. Образцы яблок хранили при температуре (2 ± 1)°С и относительной влажности воздуха 85% в течение 30 сут. Установлено, что наивысшую оценку по значимым органолептическим показателям – площадь окрашенной поверхности, основная и покровная окраска кожицы, вкус и запах получил образец яблок 2. Его биохимические показатели на момент окончания срока хранения были выше по сравнению с аналогичными показателями контрольного образца. Содержание витамина С в плодах на момент окончания хранения снизилось: в контрольном образце на 7,3%, в образце яблок, обработанных в период созревания препаратом на основе 1-метилциклопропена, – на 3,6%. Дополнительная обработка яблок препаратом 1-метилциклопропена при закладке на хранение способствовала снижению органолептических показателей качества яблок (образцы 3 и 4). The problem of ensuring high quality products to optimize the cost of its production and storage is relevant for producers and processors of fruit crops. The effect of processing apple fruits with preparations based on 1-methylcyclopropene on the changes in the organoleptic and biochemical parameters of the products during storage was studied. The object of the study was apples of the Aydared variety grown on the territory of the Krasnodar region, the harvest of 2020. In preparation for the study, a part of apple plantations during the fruit ripening period was treated with the preparation «Rumyanets» based on 1-methylcyclopropene for 28 days with an interval between treatments of 7 days. After fruit picking, part of the fruits from the treated and untreated trees were treated once with 1-methylcyclopropene with a concentration of the active substance of 1.4% before being stored. 4 samples were prepared for storage: sample 1 – unprocessed apple fruits (control); 2 – apples treated with the preparation «Rumyants» during the ripening period; 3 – apples treated with 1-methylcyclopropene before storage; 4 – apples treated with the preparation «Rumyants» during the ripening period and 1-methylcyclopropene before storage. Apple samples were stored at a temperature of (2 ± 1)°C and relative humidity of 85% for 30 days. It was found that the highest score for significant organoleptic parameters – the area of the painted surface, the main and cover color of the skin, taste and smell had the sample of apples 2. Its biochemical parameters at the end of the storage period were higher than those of the control sample. The content of vitamin C in fruits at the end of storage decreased: in the control sample by 7,3%, in the sample of apples treated during maturation with a preparation based on 1-methylcyclopropene – by 3,6%. Additional treatment of apples with 1-methylcyclopropene preparation before storage contributed to a decrease in the organoleptic quality indicators of apples (samples 3 and 4).

Agronomy ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (10) ◽  
pp. 1525
Sumin Kim ◽  
Manyowa N. Meki ◽  
Sojung Kim ◽  
James R. Kiniry

Given a rising demand for quality assurance, rather than solely yield, supplemental irrigation plays an important role to ensure the viability and profitability of vegetable crops from unpredictable changes in weather. However, under drought conditions, agricultural irrigation is often given low priority for water allocation. This reduced water availability for agriculture calls for techniques with greater irrigation efficiency, that do not compromise crop quality and yield, and that provide economic benefit for producers. This study developed vegetable growing models for eight different vegetable crops (bush bean, green bean, cabbage, peppermint, spearmint, yellow straight neck squash, zucchini, and bell pepper) based on data from several years of field research. The ALMANAC model accurately simulated yields and water use efficiency (WUE) of all eight vegetables. The developed vegetable models were used to evaluate the effects of various irrigation regimes on vegetable growth and production in several locations in the Winter Garden Region of Texas, under variable weather conditions. Based on our simulation results from 960 scenarios, optimal irrigation amounts that produce high yield as well as reasonable economic profit to producers were determined for each vegetable crop. Overall, yields for all vegetables increased as irrigation amounts increased. However, irrigation amounts did not have a sustainable impact on vegetable yield at high irrigation treatments, and the WUEs of most vegetables were not significantly different among various irrigation regimes. When vegetable yields were compared with water cost, the rate decreased as irrigation amounts increased. Thus, producers will not receive economic benefits when vegetable irrigation water demand is too high.

Heritage ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 2039-2052
Aikaterini Papandreou ◽  
Marilena Papageorgiou

Built heritage constitutes an invaluable asset to be treasured and wisely managed in order to avoid loss of place identity, cultural and social degradation and loss of leisure and tourism opportunities. The present paper focuses on the modern built heritage of the Thessaly Region (Greece), giving special emphasis to the “konakia” monuments built during the late 19th and early 20th century that were once used as residences by the big landowners of the Thessalian agricultural plain (“tsiflikia”). Field research conducted, as well as a survey of secondary data, revealed that only fifteen (15) “konakia” remain in Thessaly, equally dispersed in Larisa, Trikala and Karditsa Prefectures. Given their use, all of the “konakia” are found within—or in the vicinity of—agricultural land and settlements. Most of them present severe signs of abandonment, while only four (4) of them are in use (either as second-homes or as spaces with cultural and administrative use). Starting in 1979 (until 2005), with the exception of the Averof “konakia”, all of the rest have been designated as part of the modern built heritage of Greece. Considering these facts—and that most of such properties are private—the paper proposes a six (6) step methodology, for their wise management and integration in the spatial and cultural landscape of Thessaly: (1) Selection of the proper type of (re)use of the monument(s), (2) selection (or reconsideration) of the protection status and zoning, (3) identification of the urban regeneration interventions, (4) introduction of the necessary amendments to the urban/local plan, (5) selection of the proper financial tools and (6) selection of the proper marketing strategy. The paper concludes by highlighting the need to address the “konakia” as a set of monuments, to achieve stakeholders’ engagement and local community involvement, without undermining either protection status or the private rights of owners over these cultural properties.

1990 ◽  
Vol 22 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 41-48 ◽  
Frits A. Fastenau ◽  
Jaap H. J. M. van der Graaf ◽  
Gerard Martijnse

Diffuse pollution, caused by direct discharges from individual houses, small built-up nuclei, farms, camp-sites, etc., for which connection to central wastewater treatment systems is unfeasible, may be significantly reduced by on-site treatment. Based on a large scale research, including intensive field-research work on 14 systems of different types and sizes in a range equal to population equivalents (p.e) of 5 - 200 persons, 8 different types of system were compared. The comparison involved technological features, such as removal efficiency, reliability, operational and maintenance aspects, environmental impacts and land claims, together with economical features showing significant differences. Advantages and disadvantages of each system are highlighted to enable a selection of suitable systems to be made. When no limiting factors are present, it was found that - in general-infiltration systems (infiltration pits; infiltration trenches) have the best features for on-site treatment up to 100 p.e. For larger capacities, or when infiltration is not possible, the rotating biological contactor will be the best solution mainly because of the lower costs.

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