Water quality status of rivers in the coastal city of Manado, North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia

Markus T Lasut ◽  
Adianse Tarigan

A study on water quality status of three riverine systems, S. Bailang (SB), S. Maasing (SM), and S. Tondano (ST), in coastal city of Manado, North Sulawesi Province, has been conducted to measure several water quality parameters, to analyse source and quality of wastewater discharge, and to assess the status of the rivers related to the water quality. Measurement of the parameters was conducted using three indicators, i.e. organic (BOD5) and in-organic (N-NO3 and P-PO4), and pathogenic microorganism (Escherichia coli [EC] and total coliform [TC]). The result showed that the level of water quality varied between the rivers. The average level of water quality (based on the observed parameters) in SB, respectively, was 0.317 mg/l, 0.093 mg/l, 2 mg/l, >2420 MPN, and  >2420 MPN; in SM, respectively, was 0.029 mg/l, 1.859 mg/l, 17.7 mg/l, >2420 MPN, and >2420 MPN; and in ST, respectively, was 0.299 mg/l, 0.252 mg/l, 3.5 mg/l, >2420 MPN, and >2420 MPN. The level of water quality between the rivers was not significantly different (p>0.05), except based on the parameter of N-NO3 which was significantly different (p<0.01). The status of the observed rivers varied based on the classes of their water utilities (according to the Government Regulation of Indonesia, No. 82, 2001); mostly was "unsuitable". Kajian tentang status kualitas air di 3 perairan sungai di kota pesisir Manado, S. Bailang (SB), S. Maasing (SM), dan S. Tondano (ST), Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, telah dilakukan yang bertujuan untuk mengukur beberapa parameter kualitas air, menganalisis sumber dan kualitas buangan limbah domestik, dan menilai status ketiga perairan sungai tersebut. Tiga indikator digunakan, yaitu: bahan organik (BOD5), bahan anorganik (N-NO3 dan P-PO4), dan mikroorganisme patogenik (Escherichia coli [EC] dan coliform total [TC]). Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kualitas air perairan tersebut berbeda-beda. Konsentrasi rerata parameter kualitas air  (BOD5, N-NO3, P-PO4, EC, dan TC) di SB, berturut-turut, sebesar 0.317 mg/l, 0.093 mg/l, 2 mg/l, >2420 MPN, dan >2420 MPN; di SM, berturut-turut, sebesar 0.029 mg/l, 1.859 mg/l, 17.7 mg/l, >2420 MPN, dan >2420 MPN; dan di ST, berturut-turut, sebesar 0.299 mg/l, 0.252 mg/l, 3.5 mg/l, >2420 MPN, dan >2420 MPN. Konsentrasi kualitas air ketiga sungai tersebut tidak berbeda secara signifikan (p>0.05), kecuali parameter N-NO3 (p<0.01). Secara umum, kondisi kualitas air ketiga sungai tersebut, menurut Peraturan Pemerintah No. 82, 2001) berada dalam status “tidak cocok” untuk peruntukannya.

Yuni Yolanda ◽  
Hefni Effendi ◽  
Bagus Sartono

The operation and development of the harbour is closely related to pollutant sources in the waters, especially the waters of the Belawan Harbour in Medan. This study aims to assess the status of water quality and determine the index of pollution in the waters. The data used in this study are water quality data from the Medan Harbour's environmental management monitoring and reharbouring book in 4 (four) years during 2015 to 2018. Methods for determining the level of water quality status using the STORET method (Water Quality Data Retention and Retrieval System) and compared to the quality standards of Environmental Decree from Republic Indonesia Number 51 of 2004. Based on the analysis of the testing of 14 seawater sampling points around the waters of harbour, results of measurements of seawater quality in physics, chemistry and biology were varied. The level of pollution of the waters of Belawan Harbour shows the results of analysis that the waters of the Belawan Harbour are in the moderate polluting class with a value of -12 to -19, while 1 (one) station is in the light polluted class with a value of -10.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Yulia Anggraini ◽  
Eka Wardhani

Cibaligo River is the polluted rivers in Cimahi City. The river that flows through three districts and 6 sub-districts in Cimahi City catchment  area of 666.19 hectares of watershed with a total length of 7 km. The land use of the district through which this river passes is domestic, trade, agriculture, livestock and industry whose waste will end into the Cibaligo River. The impact of these activities causes the river to be polluted and a decrease in water quality. The purpose of this study was to determine the status of water quality from upstream to downstream which represents the transition, dry, and rainy seasons. Knowledge of water quality status can be used as basic data for controlling water pollution in rivers. The pollutant index (IP) method used in this study is in accordance with the Decree of the State Minister for the Environment Number 115 of 2003 concerning guidelines for determining water quality status. The results showed that the water quality status of the Cibaligo River from upstream to downstream represented that each season was categorized as heavily polluted with the highest index value being in the rainy season at the downstream point. The main contributor that causes river water to be heavily polluted is domestic wastewater, especially the presence of total coliform and fecal coliform that exceed the established quality standards. Based on the results of the research, efforts to tackle domestic waste are needed to improve the quality of this river water.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Yuniarti Yuniarti ◽  
Danang Biyatmoko

Sungai Jaing merupakan salah satu sungai yang melintas di Kabupaten Tabalong dengan panjang 39 km yang bermuara di Sungai Tabalong. DAS Jaing memiliki luas area ± 298 km2bagian dari DAS Barito di Kalimantan Selatan. Sungai Jaing diklasifikasi sebagai sungai kelas I (satu). Alih fungsi lahan cukup besar terjadi disekitar daerah aliran sungai jaing, bagi sektor pertambangan batubara, sektor migas, sektor industri, perkebunan dan pertanian. Banyaknya aktivitas ini menyebabkan sungai jaing berpotensi cukup besar mengalami penurunan kualitas. Pengamatan lapangan menunjukkan bahwa beberapa kegiatan berpotensi memasukkan unsur pencemar ke Sungai Jaing yang mana kemungkinan membuang limbah produksi secara langsung ataupun run off (limpasan) limbah produksi kedalam sungai. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kualitas Sungai Jaing melalui penentuan Status Mutu Air dari Sungai Jaing. Wilayah penelitian dilaksanakan di Sungai Jaing sejauh 39 Km di Kabupaten Tabalong, Kualitas air sungai diukur dan diamati pada 3 titik pengambilan sampel terhadap parameter fisika, kimia dan biologi. Analisis kualitas dan penentuan status mutu air menggunakan metode STORET dan metode indeks pencemaran. Hasilnya adalah (1) parameter DO, BOD, COD, Fecal coliform dan Total Coliform telah melebihi baku mutu air sungai Kelas I menurut Peraturan Gubernur Kalimantan Selatan                    No. 5 Tahun 2007 sehingga menyatakan kualitas air sungai jaing menurun ( 2) Terjadi pergeseran status mutu air sungai jaing dari hulu ke hilir yang ditandai dengan nilai STORET dan nilai indeks pencemaran (IP) yang cenderung semakin meningkat berdasarkan kriteria sungai menurut PP nomor 82 Tahun 2001. Nilai STORET sungai jaing adalah antara -108 sampai dengan -110 dengan status mutu Cemar Berat dan nilai indeks pencemaran (IP) berkisar antara 4,027 sampai dengan 4,173 yang menyatakan bahwa status mutu air sungai jaing adalah cemar ringan. Kata Kunci: Indeks polusi, kualitas air, metode STORET, status kualitas. Sungai Jaing is one of the rivers that flows in Tabalong District which has length of 39 km and empties into the Tabalong River. The Jaing watershed has an area of ± 298 km2 of the Barito watershed in South Kalimantan. This river is classified as class I (one) river. Several activities for the coal mining sector, oil and gas sector, industrial sector, plantation and agriculture considered to take over the land function widely surrounding the river. Those activities actually have a potential to reduce the water quality of the river. Field observations found pollutants which are likely to dispose of production waste directly or run off (run off) of production waste into the river. Hence, the purpose of this study was to analyze the quality of Sungai Jaing through determining the status of water quality from Sungai Jaing. The research area was carried out in Sungai Jaing as far as 39 Km in Tabalong District where river water quality was measured and observed at 3 sampling points based on physical, chemical and biological parameters. Quality analysis and determination of water quality status using the STORET method and pollution index method. The results are (1) the parameters of DO, BOD, COD, Fecal coliform and Total Coliform have exceeded Class I river water quality standards according to Governor of South Kalimantan Regulation No. 5 of 2007 stating that the quality of river water is decreasing (2) There is a shift of the water quality status of the Sungai Jaing from upstream to downstream which is characterized by the STORET value and pollution index value which tends to increase based on a river criteria according to PP number 82 of 2001. In addition, STORET value of river jaing is between -108 to -110 with the status of Heavy Pollution quality and the pollution index value (IP) ranges from 4,027 to 4,173 which states that water quality status of the Sungai Jaing is mild pollution.  Keywords : Water Quality, Quality Status, STORET Method, Pollution Index

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Nida Nida ◽  
Mijani Rahman ◽  
Abdur Rahman

This study aims to determine the status of water quality in the Riam Kanan Reservoir seen from the physical parameters (Temperature and Brightness) and chemical parameters (pH, DO, Total Phosphate, Nitrate and Ammonia) using Pollution Index (IP) method, knowing trophic level in Riam Kanan reservoir seen from the parameter of Brightness, Total Phosphate and Total Nitrogen and know the influence of floating net cage activity to water quality status of Riam Kanan reservoir.Of the result on measurement of IP method water quality which based on the,  the status of water quality in station 1, 2, and 3 was complied with water quality standard (good condition), either for class I, II, III, or IV. Based on the regulation of the state minister for environment Number 28 Year 2009 was found that the fertility level in station 1, 2, and 3 was in the same trophic status, which was oligotrophic. The value of thit nitrate (X1), total P (X2) and ammonia (X3) either for class I, II, III, or IV was lower than ttabel for significance in 5% or sig/.probability > 0,05 which meant that H0 was accepted; KJA activities did not affect the water quality status of Riam Kanan dam.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Hery Setyobudiarso ◽  
Endro Yuwono

Metro River is a river that passes through Malang City and empties into Karangkates Dam. The increasing number of residents of Malang City resulted in more volume of waste water produced, and one of them is dumped on the Metro River. This affects the increasing pollution load received by the river so that it affects the decreasing of tamping capacity of river pollution load. Changes in water quality in rivers lead to changes in macrozoobenthic community composition. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the quality status of Metro River by using macrozoobentos animals. The purpose of this research is to make the classification of Metro River based on macrozoobentos animal community in determining the water quality status of Metro River based on macrozoobentos and the classification of pollution level that happened. The research method is field observation, water quality measurement of Metro river and macrozoobentos sampling. The results showed that the distribution of macroinvetebrata in the Site of group of Banana Temple was from Gastropoda family, Leptophlebiidae, Chloroperliidae, and Baetidae on rocks with fast current velocity (1.02 m3 / s), 17-27 ° C, BOD level 3.7 mg / l, and COD content of 20.8 mg / l. While on the Site of group Merjosari, Karang Besuki, Bandulan and Sitirejo were found macrozoobentos from Chironomidae, Hydrop sychidae and Lumbri cullidae families, on the substrate of mud and sand, with slow flow rate (0.0052 - 0.0675 m3 / s), BOD 21, 8 - 45.7 mg / l, and COD content 107.8 -267.2 mg / l. The status of upper Brantas river waters determined by using the BMWP Index of the Pisang Candi, Merjosari, Karang Besuki, Bandulan and Sitirejo groups has medium gray water status with ASPT values ranging from 4 to 6.2.  Keywords: macrozoobentos, Water Quality Status of River, BOD, COD

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Rosye Hefmi Rechnelty Tanjung ◽  
Baigo Hamuna ◽  
Alianto Alianto

Kondisi kualitas air suatu perairan yang baik sangat penting untuk mendukung kehidupan organisme yang hidup di dalamnya. Penentuan status mutu air perlu dilakukan sebagai acuan dalam melakukan pemantauan pencemaran kualitas air. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji status mutu air laut berdasarkan konsentrasi parameter surfaktan dan minyak di perairan Distrik Depapre, Kabupaten Jayapura. Pengambilan sampel air laut dilakukan di lima stasiun penelitian, kemudian hasilnya dibandingkan dengan baku mutu air laut untuk biota laut berdasarkan KEPMEN-LH No. 51 Tahun 2004. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi surfaktan di perairan Distrik Depapre berkisar antara 0,08–0,22 mg/L, sedangkan konsentrasi kandungan minyak berkisar antara 0,14–0,41 mg/L. Berdasarkan baku mutu air laut, konsentrasi surfaktan dan minyak belum melampaui baku mutu dan masih sesuai untuk biota laut di perairan Depapre, Kabupaten Jayapura. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan informasi bahwa kondisi perairan Depapre belum tercemar oleh limbah surfaktan dan minyak. Namun tidak menutup kemungkinan bahwa konsentrasi tersebut dapat terus meningkat, sehingga perlu upaya lebih lanjut dari pemerintah dan masyarakat untuk meminimalkan jumlah limbah surfaktan dan minyak yang masuk kelingkungan perairan laut. Good water quality is critical to support the life of organisms. The determination of water quality status was needed as a reference to monitor water pollution. This study aimed to assess the condition of water quality based on the concentration of surfactant and oil parameters in the Depapre waters, Jayapura Regency. Sampling was carried out in five research stations; then the results were compared with water quality standards based on KEPMEN-LH No. 51 Tahun 2004 for marine biotas. The result showed that the concentration of surfactant in Depapre waters was 0.08–0.22 mg/L, while the oil concentration was 0.14–0.41 mg/L. Based on water quality standards, surfactant and oil concentration has not exceeded the quality standards and are suitable for marine biotas in Depapre waters, Jayapura Regency. Results showed the condition of  Depapre waters had not been polluted by surfactant and oil waste. However, it does not rule out the possibility that the concentration can increase so that it needs further efforts from the government and the community to minimize the amount of surfactant and oil waste entering the marine environment.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Ahmad Rizqan ◽  
Idiannor Mahyudin ◽  
Mijani Rahman ◽  
Jamzuri Hadie

This study aimed to analyze the water quality of Sungai Batang Alai. Water quality of physics and chemistry properties were analized in location of sand mining and without sand mining. Research conducted at Sungai Batang Alai Village Wawai District of South Batang Alai Hulu Sungai Tengah. Parameters of physical and chemical of water which analyzed were temperature, TSS, TDS, Debit, BOD, COD, DO, pH, Fe, and Mn. The sample were taken at 4 points with 3x replicatation. Status of water water quality were  determined by using STORET method, then the results were compared with status of river water quality status of Class I based on South Kalimantan Governor Regulation No. 5 of 2007 on the status of river water quality. The results showed that the sand mining activities negatively impact the water quality of the river Batang Alai than the location there are no sand mining. This can be seen by the river water quality status in the area before the sand mining in the category of Class I to Class III down to the location of the existing sand mining.

Bambang Suharto ◽  
Liliya Dewi ◽  
Aulia Nur Mustaqiman ◽  
Tyas Roro Anggraini Kyai Marjo

<strong>Aim:</strong> The purpose of this study was to determine the status of water quality in a river by using the Pollution Index method as stated in the Decree of the Minister of Environment No. 115/2003 regarding Guidelines for Determining the Status of Water Quality and to determine the effect of quality status on development efforts towards ecotourism. <strong>Methodology and Results:</strong> The measurement of water quality was carried out at two points, namely T1 (upstream) and T2 (downstream) points. The parameters included BOD, COD, DO, TSS, Temperature, pH, Zn, S, P, No3, and No2. From the test results for class I, II, and III criteria, almost all parameters exceeded the quality standard. The status of the river water quality, according to the Pollution Index, has increased from moderate polluted upstream and heavily polluted to certain parameters downstream. <strong>Conclusion, significance and impact study: </strong>The quality standards that are met for the river are criteria for class IV. The increase in pollution is indicated by human activity around the river which is characterized by increasing population and land use in agriculture and plantations. The increasing pollution reduces the quality of the river if it is developed into an ecotourism area due to its low water quality status.

I Made Sara Wijana ◽  
Ni Made Ernawati ◽  
Abd Rahman As-syakur

It is very important to know the status of river water quality, in order to determine the direction of resource management which is decreasing in quality according to its allocation. Analysis of the status of the water quality of the Ayung River in Bali Province using secondary data in the form of data on illness results from 2014 to 2018. The number of parameters applied to the fire is 16 parameters with class II water quality standards referring to attachment XII of Bali Governor Regulation No. 16 of 2016 concerning Environmental Quality Standards and Environmental Damage Standard Criteria. The analysis used the Storetic Method (Decree of the Minister of Environment Number 115 of 2003). The results of the analysis show that the status of Ayung River water is at very good, good and moderate levels. The status of the Ayung River's air quality tends to decline from year to year and from upstream to downstream. Status determining parameters are: BOD5, phosphate, phenol, detergent and sulfide. Key words: water quality status; ayung river; storet.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 867-874 ◽  

Setyono P, Himawan W. 2018. Analyses of bioindicators and physicochemical parameters of water of Lake Tondano, North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 19: 867-874. The water quality of Lake Tondano is affected by various anthropogenic activities on the water body and catchment area. The purposes of this research were (i) to identify a pollution load based on the study of bioindicators and physicochemical parameters and (ii) to identify the trophic level of the Lake Tondano. The research data were collected by direct water sampling and analyses of a secondary data. The plankton identification was conducted in a laboratory. The data were analyzed to determine biodiversity index (ID) using the Shannon Weiner formula. A comparison between physicochemical parameters and the standard in the government regulation number 82, the year of 2001 and the value of diversity index were used to determine the pollution level. The trophic level was calculated with the Carlson Formula. The results showed that the diversity index (H') in Lake Tondano was 1.904 (phytoplankton), 1.712 (zooplankton) and 2.086 (benthos) which indicated a low to mid-level pollution. Based on the government regulation, the Eris station had inappropriate water quality for the present utilization (Class II). The trophic state was categorized as eutrophic towards hypertrophic condition indicated by domination of the phytoplankton and large covers of the water hyacinth.

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