2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 36
Greace Tinuwo ◽  
Siegfried Berhimpon ◽  
Nurmeilita Taher ◽  
Grace Sanger ◽  
Eunike Louisje Mongi ◽  

Wooden fish, better known as Katsuo-bushi, which is done in stages. Wood fish has a weight around 20–30% of raw materials with a moisture content of 15–17% because it experiences fumigation/drying. The problem for products that are smoked long (Hard Smoking) is the content of carcinogens which also settles on fish is quite high, therefore fumigation technology with liquid smoke become an alternative in wood fish processing to minimize the content of carcinogens. The purpose of this study is to determine the isotherm of water sorption in wood fish (Katsuo-bushi) which is made with different concentrations of liquid smoke and soaking time. Method used in this study the method of analysis, water content, ph analysis method and Isothermic sorption (ISA) analysis method.Keyword: Isotherm sorpsi water (ISA) Katsuo-bushi, liquid smoke. Ikan kayu atau lebih dikenal dengan Katsuo-bushi termasuk dalam produk olahan pengasapan, yang dilakukan secara bertahap. Ikan kayu memiliki berat sekitar 20–30% dari bahan baku, dengan kadar air 15–17% karena mengalami proses pengasapan/pengeringan. Masalah bagi produk yang diasapi lama (Hard Smoking) adalah kandungan senyawa karsinogen yang ikut mengendap pada ikan cukup tinggi. Karena itu teknologi pengasapan dengan asap cair menjadi alternatif dalam pengolahan ikan kayu untuk meminimalisir kandungan senyawa karsinogen. Pengolahan ikan kayu menggunakan asap cair memiliki beberapa kelebihan yaitu rendah kandungan PAH (<25ppb), ramah lingkungan karena tidak ada polusi udara, dan hemat bahan bakar kayu, serta waktu pengolahan singkat. Parameter yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode analisa kadar air (AOAC, 2005) metode analisa pH (AOAC, 2005) dan metode analisa isotermi sorpsi air. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ISA ikan kayu asap cair mendapatkan model kurva ISA tipe 1 dengan persamaan nilai Henderson 4,915 yang sangat tepat sedangkan untuk persamaan Hasley 6,522 yang agak tepat. Persamaan Oswin, Caurie, dan Chen Clayton memiliki model persamaan yang tidak tepat karena lebih dari angka 10. Hasil yang didapatkan berbeda dari penelitian sebelumnya serta mempunyai perbedaan konsentrasi asap cair dan lama perendaman yang berbeda, karena penelitian sebelumnya mendapatkan nilai MRD Oswin16,44 yang sangat tepat.Kata kunci: isotermi sorpsi air (ISA), ikan kayu, asap cair.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 110
Prilya Zhatrawati Mentang ◽  
Moh Nuh Ibrahim ◽  
Kobajashi Togo Isamu

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan Untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama perendaman asap cair, konsentrasi asap cair interaksi antara lama perendaman dan konsentrasi asap cair terhadap mutu pokea asap.Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial (RALF) yang terdiri dari dua faktor. Faktor pertama yaitu waktu perendaman (5, 10, 15 menit), faktor kedua yaitu konsentrasi asap cair (2%, 4%, 6%) dengan tiga kali ulangan. Pokea asapterhadap interaksi lama perendaman dan konsentrasi asap cair terhadap organoleptikrupa, bau, tekstur, rasa, kadar air dan kadar protein berpengaruh sangat nyata. Kadar benzo(a)pyrene pada T3N1 sebesar 2,47 mg/kg, T3N2 sebesar            5,46 mg/kg dan T3N3 sebesar 3,84 mg/kg. Rerata organoleptik rupa diperoleh nilai tertinggi pada T2N2 sebesar 4 (suka), bau pada perlakuan T2N3 sebesar 4 (suka), rasa pada perlakuan T2N3 sebesar 3 (agak suka), tekstur pada perlakuan T2N3 sebesar           4 (suka), kadar air pada perlakuan T3N1 sebesar 9,91% dan kadar protein pada perlakuan T2N3 sebesar 45,69%. Kata kunci: Pokea, asap cair, kadar air, kadar protein, organoleptik  AbstractThe aims of this study was to determine the effect of liquid smoke soaking time, liquid smoke concentration and interaction between soaking time and liquid smoke concentration on the quality of smoke pokea. This research used a Factorial Completely Randomized Design (FCRD) consisting of two factors. The first factor is soaking time (5, 10, 15 minutes), the second factor is the concentration of liquid smoke (2%, 4%, 6%) with three replications.Smokedpokea for interaction of soaking time and liquid smoke concentration on organoleptic appearance, odor, texture, taste, water content and protein content had a very significant effect. The level of benzo(a)pyrene on T3N1 was 2.47 mg/kg, T3N2 was 5.46 mg/kg and T3N3 was 3.84 mg/kg. The mean organoleptic obtained the highest value on T2N2 of 4 (likes), odor at T2N3 of 4 (likes), taste on T2N3 of 3 (rather like), texture on T2N3 of 4 (likes), water content on T3N1 was 9.91% and protein content in T2N3 was 45.69%.Key words: Pokea clam, liquid smoke, moisture content, protein content, organoleptic

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-32
Erma Suryani ◽  
Virna Muhardina

(Effect of Ascorbic Acid Concentration and Soaking Time on Water Content And Peroxide Numbers of Copra Oil) ABSTRACT. Copra oil is a product produced from the dried coconut through several stages of drying until the moisture content reaches 5-6%. Copra oil susceptible to oxidation due to containing high fat content. This causes the oil susceptible to rancidity, discoloration and odor. One of the efforts to prevent the oxidation of foods high in fat can be done with the giving ascorbic acid as an antioxidant. The purpose of this study was to determine the ascorbic acid concentration and coconut meat soaking time in the solution as well as to determine the effect of ascorbic acid on the water content and peroxide numbers of copra oil. This study used a Complete Randomized Design (CRD) with 2 factorial and three levels: (1) ascorbic acid concentration (0.5%, 1% and 1.55%) and (2) soaking time (10 minutes, 20 minutes and 30 minutes). The results showed that ascorbic acid concentration has significant effect (P≤0,01) on peroxide number. While soaking time has significant effect on the water content and peroxide.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Yisia Katiandagho ◽  
Siegfried Berhimpon ◽  
Albert Royke Reo

Dried smoked skipjack or better known as Katsuo-bushi is a popular type of smoked fish in Japan. It has a distinctive flavor and widely used in traditional Japanese cuisine. The weakness of commercial Katsuo-bushi nowadays is the high content of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) (may exceed 10 ppb).  Recent study examined the low PAH Katsuo-bushi product made with liquid smoke. However, the sensory acceptance of this product has not been determined yet.  The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of liquid smoke concentration (1%, 2% and 3%) and soaking time (10, 20 and 30 min) on the sensory quality of Katsuo-bushi. Duo-trio method was used for sensory evaluation. Additional chemical analysis such as moisture content and pH were performed. Significant differences were found among liquid smoke Katsuo-bushi product compare to traditional Katsuo-bushi (P<0.1). Also, it is suggested that the longer the soaking time, the higher the moisture content and pH value. Keyword: Katsuo-bushi, liquid smoke, Duo trio method.   Ikan kayu atau lebih dikenal dengan Katsuo-bushi adalah sejenis ikan asap yang telah lama dikenal dan memiliki flavor yang khas yang biasanya digunakan pada masakan tradisional di Jepang.  Kelemahan ikan kayu yang ada di dunia dewasa ini adalah tingginya kandungan Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) yang melebihi 10 ppb. Penelitian terkini (Berhimpon, dkk 2016) meneliti ikan kayu asap cair yang rendah PAH, tetapi belum diteliti tingkat kesukaan secara organoleptik. Penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan ikan kayu asap cair yang rendah PAH tetapi disukai oleh konsumen. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi asap cair dan lama perendaman terhadap mutu organoleptik ikan kayu asap cair yang dibuat dengan berbagai konsentrasi dan lama perendaman, dan dibandingkan dengan ikan kayu konvensional. Parameter pengamatan ialah analisa organoleptik dengan metode duo trio (Berhimpon, dkk. 2005), analisa kadar air dan pH (AOAC, 2005). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ikan kayu yang direndam dalam asap cair dengan konsentrasi 2% dan 3% masing-masing selama 30 dan 10 menit berbeda sangat nyata (P<0,1) dengan ikan kayu konvensional. Sedangkan perlakuan yang lain sama dengan ikan kayu konvensional. Untuk analisa kadar air dan pH menunjukkan bahwa lama perendaman memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap nilai kadar air dan pH dari ikan kayu asap cair, dimana semakin lama waktu perendaman dalam larutan asap cair maka semakin tinggi kadar air dan pH dari ikan kayu tersebut. Kata Kunci: Ikan kayu (Katsuo-bushi), asap cair, metode duo trio.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 24 ◽  
Neil Steward Lala ◽  
Jenki Pongoh ◽  
Nurmeilita Taher

The purpose of this research is to determine the quality of the smoked mackerel tuna (Euthynnus affinis) processed with liquid smoke from nutmeg shell at various concentration (6, 8 or 10%) by drying for 6 hours or 8 hours. The tested parameters tested were moisture content, pH, organoleptic and texture. The lowest water content (36.25) and pH value (5.5) was obtained from a smoked fish that was dried for 8 hours using 10% liquid smoke. The organoleptic results of taste and smell indicated that the panelists preferred smoked fish which was made with 6% concentration of liquid smoke and dried for 6 hours. Keyword: Mackerel tuna, liquid smoke, nutmeg shell.   Ikan tonggkol (Euthynnus affinis) adalah salah satu jenis ikan yang banyak terdapat di perairan Indonesia terlebih khusus di daerah Sulawesi Utara. Pengolahan ikan menggunakan asap cair memiliki beberapa kelebihan antara lain, mudah diterapkan dan praktis penggunaannya polusi ke lingkungan dapat diperkecil dan yang paling penting senyawa karsinogen yang terbentuk dapat dieliminasi. Asap cair cangkang Pala dapat dijadikan solusi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui penggunaan asap cair cangkang Pala dengan konsentrasi 6, 8, 10% terhadap mutu ikan tongkol (Euthynnus affinis) asap. Manfaat yang di peroleh dari penelitian ini ialah mengetahui penggunaan asap cair dari cangkang pala yang direndam pada ikan tongkol dengan konsentrasi berbeda-beda, dengan perlakuan perendaman pada konsentrasi 6, 8, 10% dengan pengeringan selama 6 jam dan pengeringan selama 8 jam. Dengan parameter uji Kadar air, pH, Organoleptik dan Tekstur. Hasil yang diperoleh dari ikan tongkol asap cair cangkang pala konsentrasi 6, 8, 10%. Kadar air dengan pengeringan selama 6 jam memiliki kadar air tertinggi kosentrasi 6%, 44,75%. 8%, 38,75%. 10%, 36,25%. Dan pengeringan selama 8 jam memiliki kadar air terendah. Hasil pH dari ikan tongkol asap cair cangkang Pala dengan konsentrasi 6%, 8%, 10%. Dengan pengeringan selama 6 jam memiliki nilai tertinggi yaitu konsentrasi 6%, 5,76. 8%, 5,65. 10%, 5,61. dan pengeringan selama 8 jam memiliki nilai terendah. Organoleptik kenampakan setelah dari uji direngking diperoleh konsentrasi 10% yang dikeringkan 6 jam memiliki nilai tertinggi yaitu 66,5 Untuk organoleptik bau setelah di uji rengking konsentrasi 6% dikeringkan selama 6 jam memiliki nilai tertinggi yaitu 59,5. Organoleptik rasa setelah dari uji rengking dengan konsentrasi 6% dengan lama pengeringan 6 jam memiliki nilai tertinggi 75,5. Dan untuk tekstur dimana konsentrasi 10 % dengan pengeringan 8 jam memiliki nilai terendah 0,28 dari konsentrasi lainnya. Kata Kunci: Ikan tongkol, asap cair, cangkang pala.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 226-238
I Ketut Budaraga ◽  
Eva Susanti ◽  
Asnurita Asnurita ◽  
Elliza Nurdin ◽  
Ramaiyulis Ramaiyulis

Agricultural and plantation wastes, especially cocoa plants, have not been widely used, although in some conditions they have potential as animal feed ingredients and raw materials for composting. So needs a  program potential utilization of waste produced by the plant cocoa is cocoa shell waste such as being liquid smoke. Liquid smoke is a natural food preservative. One of the advantages of liquid smoke is antioxidant compounds. This study aims to know the antioxidant activity of cocoa shell liquid smoke on a variety of different water content. This research is an experimental quantitative descriptive method so that an analysis of the antioxidant activity of liquid smoke from cocoa peel is obtained. The results showed that the liquid smoke of cocoa peels at a moisture content of 25%, 20%, 15%, and 10% had strong antioxidant activity because the IC 50 values obtained were below 50 ppm.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 115-124
Ulfa Reza ◽  
Bambang Sukarno Putra ◽  
Diswandi Nurba

Abstrak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik tepung labu kuning.   Parameter penelitian meliputi rendemen, kadar air, derajat keasaman (pH), kadar pati, uji organoleptik hedonik warna dan aroma. Data di analisa menggunakan ANOVA dan  excel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan  nilai rata-rata rendemen tepung labu kuning tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan 0 menit yaitu 11,33%, nilai rata-rata kadar air tepung labu kuning tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan 60 menit yaitu 9,33%, nilai rata-rata derajat keasaman (pH) tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan 0 menit yaitu 6,79,  nilai rata-rata kadar pati tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan 40 menit yaitu 72,95%, nilai rata-rata uji organoleptik hedonik warna tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan 60 menit yaitu 4,20 dengan skor 4 (suka), nilai rata-rata uji organoleptik hedonik aroma tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan 0 menit yaitu 3,71 dengan skor 4 (suka).The Effect of soaking time in sodium metabisulfite solution on the characteristics of pumpkin Abstract. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of pumpkin flour. The research parameters included yield, moisture content, acidity (pH), starch content, hedonic organoleptic color and aroma test. Data was analyzed using ANOVA and Excel. The results showed that the highest yield of pumpkin flour was at 0 minutes treatment which was 11.33%, the highest average value of water content of pumpkin flour was at 40 minutes treatment which was 9.33%, the average value of acidity degree (pH) is highest in 0 minute treatment, which is 6,793, the highest average value of starch is found in 40 minutes treatment which is 72.95%, the highest average hedonic organoleptic test value is found in 60 minutes treatment which is 4,20 with a score 4 (likes),  the highest average hedonic organoleptic test score was found at 0 minutes treatment which was 3.71 with a score 4 (likes).

Jurnal MIPA ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 184
Netty Salindeho ◽  
Engel Pandey

Tujuan penelitian yaitu: menentukan konsentrasi dan lama perendaman dalam larutan asap cair yang optimum melalui percobaan untuk mengaplikasikan asap cair hasil pirolisis cangkang pala pada pengawetan ikan julung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai Aw tertinggi pada  perendaman 90 menit dengan konsentrasi larutan asap cair 10 %. Kadar air tertinggi pada lama perendaman  90 menit dengan konsentrasi larutan asap cair  15 % yaitu 26,34 %. dan kadar protein tertinggi yaitu 54,23 % pada lama perendaman 30 menit pada konsentrasi larutan asap cair 10 % kadar lemak terendah 1,21 % pada lama perendaman 90 menit pada konsentrasi asap cair 5 % dan kadar abu terendah pada lama perendaman 60  menit dengan konsentrasi asap cair 10 % yaitu 1,12 %. Hasil penelitian julung asap cair pada lama perendaman 30 dengan konsentrasi 5 %, 10 % dan 15 % menunjukkan bahwa kandungan total PAH paling rendah dihasilkan pada konsentrasi larutan asap cair 5 % di ikuti oleh pengasapan cair dengan konsentrasi larutan asap cair 10 %, dan 15 %The purpose of this research is to determine the optimum concentration and soaking time in a liquid smoke solution through an experiment to apply liquid smoke from the pyrolysis of nutmeg shells to the preservation of julung fish. The results showed that the highest Aw value at 90 minutes immersion with a liquid smoke concentration of 10%. The highest water content in the 90 minute immersion with a liquid smoke concentration of 15% is 26.34%. and the highest protein content is 54.23% at 30 minutes soaking time at the concentration of liquid smoke solution 10% the lowest fat content is 1.21% at 90 minutes soaking time at 5% liquid smoke concentration and the lowest ash content at 60 minutes soaking time with concentration liquid smoke 10% which is 1.12%. The results of the liquid smoke rolls in the immersion period 30 with concentrations of 5%, 10% and 15% showed that the lowest total PAH content was produced at a concentration of 5% liquid smoke solution followed by liquid fuming with a concentration of liquid smoke solution of 10%, and 15%

1994 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 211-224 ◽  
C. W. Vertucci ◽  
J. Crane ◽  
R. A. Porter ◽  
E. A. Oelke

AbstractChanges in the properties of water in excised embryos were measured during the late stages of grain development in two cultivars of Zizania palustris and a population of the endangered species Z. texana. The relationships between water content and water activity were determined from water sorption isotherms, measured at temperatures between 35 and 5°C and then derived for lower temperatures. The freezing and melting behaviour of water in embryos at different water contents was determined using differential scanning calorimetry. The moisture content of embryos at high water activities decreased with maturation, as did the moisture content at which freezing transitions were not observed. While the temperatures of freezing and melting transitions decreased as the moisture content of embryos decreased, there were no discernible differences among embryos at different developmental stages. The properties of water measured in maturing Zizania embryos approached those for orthodox seeds as determined from the strength of water sorption, the enthalpy of the melting transition and the moisture content at which water is unfreezable. From these data we conclude that the properties of water in recalcitrant Zizania embryos change with development to resemble those of embryos of desiccation-tolerant seeds, but that the seeds never achieve the orthodox condition. The effects of interactions between moisture content and temperature on desiccation damage, freezing damage and germination in Zizania are predicted, based on the physical properties of water reported here and the correspondence of these properties with physiological function reported for other species. The resulting ‘phase diagram’ defines possible combinations of moisture content and temperature for storage under equilibrium conditions.

Chlara Noni Patty ◽  
Verly Dotulong ◽  
I Ketut Suwetja

Fish is a source of food that is needed by humans because it contains a lot of protein. Protein and water contained in fish is quite high, so the fish including perishable commodities. Therefore, it is necessary to inhibit the process of decay by means of preservation and processing. Fumigation is one of the ways of fish processing that works to preserve and provide aroma with a distinctive flavor. Curing fish intended to have lasting power and gives a distinctive aroma. Roa fish or halfbeak (Hemiramphus sp.) Smoke (traditional name is Galavea) is one of the processed fish products consumed by the people who processed traditionally done by generations in North Sulawesi. Roa smoked fish processing business is done today is done with a simple technique using wood as fuel. This study aims to determine the quality of fish roa Fumes that are sold in traditional markets in the city of Manado through a test moisture content, Total Volatile Base Nitrogen (TVB-N), Total Plate Count (TPC), pH and Organoleptik during 0, 7, 14 and 21 days of storage at room temperature. The method used is descriptive exploratory method which collects data fact that has been available in the field through the records and observations in detail and then systematically analyzed data based on quantitative and qualitative data. The parameters used in this study is a test moisture content, pH, TVB-N, TPC and Appearance. With the results obtained from the analysis of the highest water content (14.4), the lowest (12.1); The highest pH test (6.75), the lowest (5.87); TVB-N test the highest (63), the lowest (41.58); The highest TPC test (39.5×103), the lowest (13×102); organoleptic highest appearance (7.4), the lowest (5.3); The highest odor organoleptic (7.9), the lowest (6.5); organoleptic taste of the highest (7.9), the lowest (6.9); organoleptic texture highest (7.5), the lowest (7.1). Keyword: Fish halfbeak (Hemiramphus sp.), Quality of Fish, Water content, pH, TVB-N, TPC, Appearance.   Ikan merupakan salah satu sumber makanan yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh manusia karena banyak mengandung protein. Kandungan protein dan air yang terdapat pada ikan cukup tinggi, sehingga ikan termasuk komoditi yang mudah busuk. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan upaya untuk menghambat proses pembusukan dengan cara pengawetan dan pengolahan. Pengasapan adalah salah satu cara pengolahan ikan yang berfungsi untuk mengawetkan serta memberi aroma dengan cita rasa yang khas. Pengasapan ikan ditujukan untuk mendapatkan daya awet dan memberi aroma yang khas. Ikan Roa atau Julung-julung (Hemirhamphus sp.) asap (nama tradisionalnya adalah Galavea) adalah salah satu produk ikan olahan yang dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat yang diolah secara tradisional yang dilakukan secara turun-temurun di Sulawesi Utara. Usaha pengolahan ikan roa asap yang dilakukan saat ini masih dilakukan dengan teknik yang sederhana dengan menggunakan kayu sebagai bahan bakarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mutu ikan roa asap yang di jual di pasar tradisional di kota Manado melalui uji Kadar air, Total Volatile Base Nitrogen (TVB-N), Total Plate Count (TPC), pH dan Organoleptik selama 0 hari, 7 hari, 14 hari dan 21 hari penyimpanan pada suhu ruang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksploratif deskriptif yaitu mengumpulkan data fakta yang telah tersedia dilapangan melalui pancatatan dan pengamatan secara terperinci dan sitematik kemudian dilakukan analisa data berdasarkan data kualitatif dan data kuantitatif. Parameter yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Uji Kadar air, pH, TVB-N, TPC dan Organoleptik. Dengan hasil yang diperoleh dari analisa kadar air tertinggi (14,4), terendah (12,1); uji pH tertinggi (6,0), terendah (5,87); uji TVB-N tertinggi (60.9), terendah (43,26); uji TPC tertinggi (39,5×103), terendah (13×102); organoleptik kenampakan tertinggi (7,4), terendah (5,3); organoleptik bau tertinggi (7,9), terendah (6,5); organoleptik rasa tertinggi (7,6), terendah (6,9); organoleptik tekstur tertinggi (7,5), terendah (7,1). Kata Kunci: Ikan Julung-julung (Hemirhamphus sp.), Kadar Air, pH, TVB-N, TPC, Organoleptik.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 487-492
Rosdiani Azis ◽  
Ingka Rizkyani Akolo

Fish is one source of high protein and included a commodity which is easily to decay. The way to inhibit the decay process of fish is fumigation. One of the smoked fishes that is often consumed by Gorontalo people is smoked Roa fish (Hemiramphus sp.). Smoked Roa fish is processed with traditional way through burning using woods as the fuel. Simply or conventionally fish processing like that has several flaws such as less protected of the sanitation aspects in the processing protocol. In order to improve the traditional processed product of Gorontalo, that is a smoked Roa fish, a new breakthrough in making smoked Roa fish was made by using the liquid smoke method. Liquid smoke contains compound of phenol and organic acids that are antibacterial and antioxidant compounds. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the effect of using different fumigation methods on organoleptic quality (appearance, smell, taste, and texture) of smoked Roa fish. The fumigation methods used were fumigation with liquid smoke and fumigation with traditional method. This research used a completely randomized design with 2 treatments and 3 times of replications. The results showed that liquid smoked Roa fish were preferred by panelists, compared to traditional smoked Roa fish. Liquid smoked Roa fish had a bright appearance, the smoke color was spread evenly (uniform), the smell of soft smoke, delicious fish taste, and hard texture that were different from traditional smoked Roa fish which appearance tended to be dull, the color of the smoke was not evenly distributed, the smoke taste in the fish was also quite sharp. Liquid smoked Roa fish also had a lower water content than traditional smoked Roa fish. Statistical tests showed that the fumigation method had a significant effect on the smell and water content of smoked Roa fish. Keywords: hedonics, liquid smoke, organoleptic, Roa fish, traditional fumigation

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