scholarly journals Nilai-nilai Pendidikan Jiwa dalam Buku Tasawuf Modern Karya Buya Hamka

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 178-195
Nurhadi Nurhadi ◽  
Fahrul Rozi

Soul education is the process of growth, maintenance, and education of what is called the soul as a totality of people with good and bad potential. The soul is the basic substance of man to produce thoughts, behaviors, actions, and perspectives, which can be positive or negative. This study aims to reveal the values ​​of mental education according to Buya Hamka. This research is a library research with a content analysis approach. The source of the data was obtained through Buya Hamka's book titled Modern Tasawuf published by Panjaka Panjimas Library, Jakarta in 1990. The research found that in the modern Sufism book by Buya Hamka there were values ​​of mental education, among others; 1) Associating with wise people; 2) Getting used to thinking work; 3) Maintain lust and anger; 4) Tadbir, weigh before working (work regularly); 5) Investigate the defects (disgrace) yourself; 6) Angry; 7) Ujub; 8) Arguing and breaking friends' words 9) Senda banter and banter; 10) Zuhud; 11) Fair; 12) Fear of death; 13) Upside down promises and grudges.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 193
Elimartati Elimartati

<p><em>In common tradition, m</em><em>aking a living is a husband's obligation, but now many wives play a role in earning a living. The aim of the study was to find out the law of the wife looking for a nafka, viewed the condition and ability of the husband to provide a living, in the review of Maqashid Shari'a proposed by Syatibi. The influence of science and technology and the increase in household needs triggers many wives to take part in making a living, and become the main breadwinner. This certainly raises the question, how does the view of Islamic law on wives earn a living in library research, using the normative qualitative method of gender analysis approach is content analysis. Islamic law explains that a wife cannot leave her house without her husband's permission and her main task is at home. This certainly raises the question, how does the view of Islamic law on wives earn a living. The results of the study explain that wife's law makes a varied living circumcision, makhruh and haram based on the ability of the husband to provide his wife with the benefit and the level of family needs (maqashid).</em></p><p><em><br /></em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 437-445
Muhammad Nur Ihsan

  The book “Riyadhus Sholihin” is a monumental work written by one of the great scholars who has a high reputation among the Muslims, namely Imam Nawawi. Although the main topic of the book is about encouragement and warningsand also purification of the self, the book also includes themes of faith and oneness of Allah conceptualized by the author in separate chapters accompanied by the arguments from the Qur’an and hadiths, including the Chapters Talqin “al-Muhtadhar” LaaIlaahaIllallah. Then, how is the correlation of the hadiths that he presented with this chapter and with the tawhid uluhiyyah ‘oneness of worship’? This qualitative research paper attempts to answer these questions using the library research method with a content analysis approach. The discussion of this paper is divided into several sub-sections: introduction, brief biography of Imam Nawawi, the meaning of tawhid uluhiyyah, the chapter Talqin and the correlation of the chapter and its arguments with tauhid uluhiyyah, and conclusions, including the following conclusions: (1) Riyadhus Sholihin is not a mere hadith book that discusses the themes of encouragement and warnings and purification of the self, but also contains theme on faith, (2) Imam Nawawi’s foresight in conceptualizing the chapters of the book and selecting related arguments withinthem, (3) The correlation between chapter Talqin "al-Muhtadhar" Laa Ilaaha Illallah and tawhid uluhiyyah is obvious, because LaaIlaahaIllallah is a tawhid propositionwhich content is the obligation to give worship only to Allah, that is the essence of tawhid uluhiyyah, (4) The correlation of two hadiths which arestated in the chapter Talqin "alh-Muhtadhar" Laa Ilaaha Illallah with tawhid uluhiyyahis very firm and clear.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-74
Lilik Faiqoh ◽  
M Khoirul Hadi Al-Asy’Ari

This research is based on library research. this study aims to reveal the interpretation of al-Luqman according to KH. Bisri Mustofa. Luqman's teaching is in accordance with the Javanese lifestyle that forms a harmonious life. this is illustrated in a way to explain it that is easily understood and able to link the content of the Qur'an with the Javanese thinking. the content analysis approach is used to explain the concept of mauizah in Surat al-Luqman, its relation to Javanese cultural tradition in KH. Bisri Mustofa’a perspective, and historicity to study the history of al-Luqman's letter. in this study, it is known that there is an interesting hierarchy in KH. Bisri Mustofa’s interpretive strategy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 142-151
Wisliy Wisliy

The appearing Khilafiah in Indonesian Islamic History because of the side opinion of Ulama – Moslem Theologian – in using a nash as be an evidence in distinction of the rule of figh usage. It’s always influenced by the time and the condition, for instance among modernists and traditionalists acknowledge al Qur’an and as Sunnah are interpretable; while it’s also insisted by the aspect of government’s  politics as a need such as it’s happening until today. This writing uses the method of library research by using historical and content analysis approach. Key word : Khilafiah, Theology, Decision, Politics.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-33
M. Nurul Qomar

Abstract. The concept of gender is an even more interesting problem when it is associated with the perspective of Islam and the Koran. The role of women in the fabric of life is not in doubt. But there is still debate about permitting women to work outside the home among scholars. To better understand the concept of gender (women in the workplace) attached to Surat al-Qashash (28) verse 23, further analysis is needed using the content analysis approach in the commentary science corridor. Also, the library research approach is used to explore primary and secondary libraries to support this paper. Resulting in the conclusion that the Mufassir mentioned above does not differ significantly in interpreting Surah al-Qashash verse 23. However, the scholars differed in interpreting the father of two women who were assisted by Prophet Musa. b. Economic wisdom that can be learned from Surat al-Qashash verse 23 is that women are allowed to work as long as they can maintain their honor. Also, through this verse, it is understood that for economic activities (mu'amalah), a man is allowed to talk and see the opposite gender.Abstrak  Konsep gender merupakan isu menarik lebih-lebih jika dikaitkan dengan perspektif islam dan al-Qur’an. Peran perempuan dalam tatanan kehidupan tidak diragukan lagi. Namun masih menjadi perdebatan tentang diperbolehkannya perempuan untuk bekerja di luar rumah di kalangan ulama’.  Untuk lebih memahami konsep gender (wanita dalam bekerja) yang melekat pada surat al-Qashash (28) ayat 23 tentu diperlukan analisa lebih lanjut dengan menggunakan pendekatan analisis konten dalam koridor ilmu tafsir.  Selain itu pendekatan library research digunakan untuk menelusuri pustaka baik primer maupun sekunder untuk mendukung tulisan ini. Sehingga menghasilkan simpulan bahwa: a. Para Mufassir yang disebut di atas tidak berbeda jauh dalam menafsirkan surat al-Qashash ayat 23. Akan tetapi para ulama’ berbeda pendapat menafsirkan ayah dari dua perempuan yang ditolong oleh Nabi Musa. b. hikmah ekonomi yang dapat dipetik dari surat al-Qashash ayat 23 adalah diperbolehkan perempuan dalam bekerja, asalkan mampu menjaga kehormatannya, selain itu melalui ayat ini dapat dipahami bahwa atas kegiatan ekonomi (mu’amalah), seorang laki-laki diperbolehkan berbicara dan memandang lawan jenis. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 155
Cucu Surahman

This article examines Nasr Abu Zayd’s (d. 2010) thought of tafsir and takes a close look at its implementation when he interprets “polygamy verses”. With library research method and content analysis, I conclude that Abu Zayd uses thematic method of interpretation, by using contextual analysis approach. This method is similar to Fazlur Rahman’s Double Movement method. Abu Zayd’s contextual interpretation theory (al-qira’ah al-siyaqiyyah) operates in the following steps; first, turn to the meaning (ma’na) of the text in its historical and cultural context (tarikhiyyat al-dalalah); and second, implement its significance (maghza) in contemporary context. Based on his contextual analysis (al-qira’ah al-siyaqiyyah) to polygamy verses, Abu Zayd concludes that polygamy is not the final purpose Islamic teaching (shari’ah al-Islamiyah). Polygamy is a temporal decision which is related to the very tight prerequisites. According to him, the significance (maghza) of the Qur’an text talking about polygamy is however justice and equality. Otherwise, Abu Zayd says that the implicit (maskut ‘anhu) final purpose of the revelation of “polygamy related-verses” are monogamy.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-128
Maulana Khusen

Ketidakadilan gender yang terjadi pada pendidikan formal di sekolah, sering kali tanpa disadari oleh para pendidik. Melalui buku-buku pelajaran wajib, seperti buku pelajaran bahasa Arab, konsep bias gender tersosialisasikan kepada para siswa-siswi. Hal ini diakibatkan kurang selektifnya guru dalam memilih bahan ajar.Fokus pada penelitian ini adalah untuk menjawab permasalahan mengenai bentuk bias gender dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Arab untuk tingkat Madrasah Tsanawiyah yang selama ini tersosialisasikan kepada siswa-siswi dalam kegiatan pembelajaran di kelas, tanpa disadari oleh para guru.Penelitian ini termasuk library research. Data diperoleh dari tulisantulisan yang berbicara tentang bias gender dalam buku pelajaran. Selanjutnya data dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode content analysis. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, buku pelajaran bahasa Arab untuk tingkat Madrasah Tsanawiyah mempunyai peran yang sangat besar dan bermakna dalam penyampaian pesan-pesan kultur dan budaya, di antaranya tentang konsep bias gender. Dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Arab, bias gender tersosialisasikan melalui rumusan teks, kalimat dan gambar (ilustrasi dalam buku). Bentuk bias gender yang ditemukan adalah posisi mendominasi lakilaki dan tersubordinasinya perempuan, pelabelan sifat maskulin untuk lakilakidan feminim untuk perempuan, dan pembagian peran gender di mana lakilaki cenderung bekerja pada sektor publik, sementara perempuan pada sektor domestik. Sementara itu, bentuk bias gender yang paling banyak ditemukan dalam setiap buku pelajaran bahasa Arab adalah posisi mendominasi laki-laki dan tersubordinasinya perempuan, baik dalam rumusan teks, kalimat, maupun gambar.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 48-64
Umi Baroroh

Abstract: This research was conducted to find out how reward and punishment according to Irawati certainly does not conflict with the value of Islamic education. This is a library research the data of which were taken from several works of Irawati Istadi and direct interviews with her. The researcher also took some data from several researchers who discussed Irawati Istadi's thoughts and from Islamic education figures whose thoughts had relevance to the research theme. Content analysis methods is applied to draw conclusions. From this research, it can be concluded that the concept of reward and punishment according to Irawati Istadi turns out to be compatible with the Islamic education. However, in Irawati's thought, there are also some differences shows the development of thoughts from previous figures of Islamic education and certainly did not conflict with the values of Islamic education. Keywords: reward, punishment, Islamic education, Irawati Istadi, educator.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 161
Chamim Tohari

Relation between the different of religion comunity in the multicultural nation as in Indonesia be a natural phenomenon that it cannot be avoided. As to one of the problem that had appeared in this case is about wedding problem betweena moslem with the difference religion womans. Majority of the Indonesia religious scholars as scholar in Majelis Tarjih Muhammadiyah had been prohibiting wedding like that with various reason. while a part little of the contemporary moslem scholars have been permiting the wedding. The points which will discussed in this research is how is opinion of Majelis Tarjih Muhammadiyah about the law of wedding with the woman from Ahl Al-Kitab and its ijtihad methodology. This research should analyze the argumentation of the Majelis Tarjih that make forbidding a muslem married with the difference religion womans. This research using library research approach dan content analysis. The results of this research are: (1) Majelis Tarjih of Muhammadiyah forbidding the wedding with sad al-dzari’ah as its argumentation; (2) Majelis Tarjih’s opinion has been irrelevant because two reason, the mistake of methodology and the change of the Indonesian contemporary society (based on an empiric data). Keywords: Ahlu Kitab; Majelis Tarjih; Different Religion Marriage

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