2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 157
Muhammad Rajif Ali

This study aims to describe the public perception of the existence of asphalt minning in relation to the environmental inpact caused in the Winning Vilage of Pasar wajo Distric in Buton District. This research is descriptive qualitative whit case study approach. Data collection is done by using method: questionare, interview, observation and documentation. Data obtained from 55 respondents, then presented in tabular from percentage, then described qualitatively. The result showed that the public response about the presence of asphalt mining in Winning Vilage, divided into positive and negative impacts. Positive impacts of asphalt mining such as: increased local income, creation of employment opportunities for local communities, exposure of territories from isolason. While the negative impact is asphalt mining activities caused environmental damage include: 1) land danmage, land disruption, 2) Damage to flora and fauna, communities responding to asphalt mining activities caused damage to vegetation and people responded to asphalt mining activities causing damage/wild animal/wildlife, 3) The contamination river water, times and swamps where people respond to the mining activitie of asphalt cause pollution of riverwater/times and swamps, 4) Air pollution mainly dust produced from the development process and the means of transportation passing by, 5) Noise, where people respount to asphalt mining activities generate noise, 6) The existence of healt problems where people respoud to asphalt mining activities cause public health problems,

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 41 ◽  
S Suharnomo ◽  
Devita Permatasari

The purpose of this research was to explore the experience of some informants regarding the phenomenon of queen bee in Indonesia. Our study used qualitative method with case study approach. Data was gathered using in-depth interview on seven informants. The result shows that the queen bee leader did intimidating and mostly not supporting the career of her subordinate woman. Besides, the queen bee leader make distance not only to her subordinate which are female, but also to her female colleagues at work. Queen bee leader tend to give preferential treatment to men. This phenomenon has more negative impacts than positive impacts. The negative impact caused by the queen bee phenomenon is that it can cause victim to be feel intimidatied and stressed, the work atmosphere becomes less conducive, uncomfortable, disrupts the operations of the company. While the positive impact of the existence of the queen bee leader is the job need to be due became quicker to be completed.

2021 ◽  
Hary Murcahyanto ◽  
Wirasandi ◽  
Mawardi ◽  
Abdul Majid Junaidi

The purpose of this research is to know the performance of women in carrying out tasks, to know the perception of the figures, village staff, and the community of Selong Village about the performance of Lurah Perempuan, and to know the challenges and obstacles faced by Lurah women in carrying out their leadership. along with the gender equality of women now not only work in the domestic area but many who work in the public area become leaders as well as those in the Selong village area led by a woman. This study uses a qualitative method using a case study approach located in Selong Subdistrict Selong East Lombok. The subjects of this study were Selong Village Staff, Lurah Selong, Selong Village Community, Religious Figures, Indigenous Figures, and Community Leaders in Selong Village. Data types and data sources are primary and secondary data. Data analysts are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion withdrawal. The test of data validity is the extension of observations, peer discussions, and triangulation. The results of the research showed that the performance of Lurah women is good performance, responsible discipline, and never procrastinate their duties. As well the equitable development is continuously implemented in accordance with the programs that have been run. This is recognized by some Selong Village Staff and the Selong village community. While the public perception of the performance of women's Lurah is the performance of women's Lurah is considered quite good when compared to the previous performance of Lurah. His high participation often invites the community in working together and makes Selong Village more advanced than before. Meanwhile, the challenges and obstacles faced by Lurah women are when taking care of children and their husbands. In addition to being a housewife, Lurah's mother also became a State Civil Apparatus (ASN) should be able to divide time between housework and her service work. When his son was sick he couldn't leave him. So when needed is represented by the secretary or staff of Selong Village.

Damianus Krismantoro ◽  
Vernando Rony Oktavany

The presence of waste can have negative impacts as well as positive impacts. Waste has a negative impact when the management and utilization of waste is not optimal so that it can cause environmental damage. However, waste becomes useful when it is managed properly. The handling and management of waste must receive special attention from the Government. This study uses a normative juridical approach. The results showed that the management of household waste and household-like waste by the Government of the Special Region of Yogyakarta was carried out based on Perda DIY No. 3 of 2013 concerning Management of Household Waste and Waste Similar to Household Waste, by increasing supervision both in efforts to reduce waste and in handling waste. However, the limitations of the waste collection area become an obstacle in proper waste management.

2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 279-290
Wina Waniatri ◽  
Muslihudin Muslihudin ◽  
Sri Lestari

Permasalahan dan isu strategis daerah pada bidang energi dan sumber daya mineral yang mempengaruhi kerusakan lingkungan hidup berdasarkan pada Rancangan Primer RPJMD 2018-2028 Kabupaten Kuningan  yaitu kegiatan penambangan pasir ilegal dan perubahan lahan. Salah satu lokasi pertambangan di Kabupaten Kuningan berada di Desa Luragung Landeuh. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui proses  kegiatan  pertambangan pasir;  serta mengetahui dampak negatif pertambangan pasir terhadap kualitas lingkungan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah proses  kegiatan  pertambangan  pasir PT. Anggun Jaya Mandiri di  Desa  Lurangung  Landeuh Kecamatan Luragung Kabupaten Kuningan terdiri dari tahap pra-kontruksi, kontruksi, operasi, produksi, dan rencana pasca tambang. Dampak negatif kegiatan pertambangan pasir terhadap lingkungan adalah kebisingan, debu yang bertebaran, kerusakan infrastruktur jalan; Dampak positif kegiatan pertambangan pasir PT.AJM memberikan peningkatan peluang kerja, memperbaiki fasilitas desa, serta meningkatkan kas Desa Luragung Landeuh. Pandemi Covid-19 pada awal tahun 2020 telah mempengaruhi dalam penyelesaian konflik antara masyarakat dan pihak perusahaan pertambangan.ABSTRACTRegional strategic problems and issues in the field of energy and mineral resources that affect environmental damage based on the Primary Draft RPJMD 2018-2028 Kuningan Regency, namely illegal sand mining activities and land changes. One of the mining locations in Kuningan Regency is in Luragung Landeuh Village. This research was conducted to determine the process of sand mining activities; as well as knowing the negative impact of sand mining on environmental quality. This study uses a qualitative descriptive analysis method. The conclusions of this study are: (1) The process of sand mining activities of PT. Anggun Jaya Mandiri in Lurangung Landeuh Village, Luragung District, Kuningan Regency consists of pre-construction, construction, operation, production, and post-mining planning stages. The negative impacts of sand mining activities on the environment are noise, scattered dust, damage to road infrastructure; (2) The positive impact of PT.AJM's sand mining activities provides increased job opportunities, improves village facilities, and increases the cash flow of Luragung Landeuh Village. The Covid-19 pandemic at the beginning of 2020 has affected the resolution of conflicts between the community and the mining company.

Public Voices ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 8 ◽  
Michelle C. Pautz ◽  
Laura Roselle

Perceptions of government and civil servants are shaped by a variety of factors including popular culture. In the public administration literature the significant role that film and other narrative forms have on citizens’ perceptions is duly noted, and there is ample research on politicians and military heroes in film, but a focus on civil servants remains largely elusive. Among the sparse literature centered on civil servants are studies that employ a case study approach or focus on a few films. In contrast, our research employs a large sample of 150 films. These films comprise the top ten box-office grossing films from 1992 through 2006; therefore we examine the films most likely to have been seen by a majority of movie-watching Americans. More than 60 percent of the films in our sample portray government as bad, inefficient, and incompetent. However, the data on more than 300 civil servants yield intriguing findings. Surprising, in light of the negative depiction of government, is the positive depiction of individual civil servants. Half of civil servants were positively portrayed, and only 40 percent were negatively depicted. Americans may view government negatively, but they see in film positive depictions of how individual civil servants can and do make a positive difference.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-220
Rina Himaturipa ◽  
Abdul Azis Maarif ◽  
Yusuf Zaenal Abidin

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui proses pengelolaan dimulai dari pencarian data dan fakta, perencanaan, pengaplikasian program, serta tahap evaluasi. Proses ini merupakan rangkaian dari pengaplikasian konsep four step public relations yang dijalankan oleh humas Kantor Wilayah Kementrian Agama Provinsi Jawa Barat, yaitu tahap fact finding, planning and programming, taking actions and communications, and evaluations. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma konstruktivisme , pendekatan kualitatif dan metode studi kasus, mengenai suatu lembaga atau organisasi dengan berupa fenomena yang ada dan terjadi nyata disuatu lembaga atau organisasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menerangkan bahwa proses pengelolaan website menghasilkan data yang terbagi kedalam dua bagian yaitu fakta primer dan sekunder , setelah data didapatkan selanjutnya perencanaan program aplikasi yang memudahkan publik, lalu pengaplikasian program aplikasi seperti halnya E-MTQ, SIMKAH, dan lain-lain, tahap akhir yaitu evaluasi yang dilakukan seperti Rapat Koordinasi dengan Pemerintah Provinsi dan Kab/Kota. Kata Kunci :  Pengelolaan; Humas; Website       The purpose of this research is to find out the management process, Fact Finding, Planning and programming, Taking Actions and communications, and evaluation stages. This process is a series of applications of the four-step public relations concept run by the PR of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of West Java Province. Researchers also use a case study approach that is about an institution or organization in the form of phenomena that exist and occur real in an institution or organization. The results of this study explain that the website management process produces data which is divided into two parts, namely primary and secondary facts, after the data is obtained then the planning of application programs that facilitate the public, then application of application programs such as E-MTQ, SIMKAH, and others, the final stage is an evaluation conducted such as a Coordination Meeting with the Provincial and District / City Governments. Keywords: Management; PR; Website

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 301
Thessa Anial John

<p>Abstract</p><p>This article aims to study the bank’s responsibility towards fraud against customer with a case study of Bank Mega Fraud against PT. Elnusadeposito funds. This research is a normative legal research using constitutional and case study approach. The result of this research show that Bank Mega liquefyPT. Elnusadeposito funds carelessly without PT.Elnusa consent is an act against the law. Bank Mega hasfailed to fulfil it’s responsibility towardsthe customer as regulated Article 37 B paragraph (1) UndangUndang Nomor 10 Tahun 1998 concerning banking service that stipulate every bank must guarantee the public funds deposited in the bank concerned The action of Bank Mega has caused losses both material and immaterial loss so that Bank Mega has to give responsibility and compensation for damage and consumer loss according to Article 19 paragraph (2) Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 regarding consumer protection.</p><p>Keywords: Responsibility; prudential principles; banks; and customers.</p><p>Abstrak</p><p>Artikelini bertujuan mengkaji tanggung jawab perbankan terhadap pembobolan dana nasabah dengan</p><p>studi kasus terhadap Bank Mega dalam kasus pembobolan dana deposito PT.Elnusa, Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif dengan melakukan pendekatan undang-undang dan pendekatan kasus.Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa tindakan Bank Mega mencairkan dana deposito milik PT.Elnusa secara tidak hati-hati dan tanpa sepengetahuan PT. Elnusa merupakan tindakan yang melanggar hukum. Bank Mega telah tidak memenuhi kewajibannya terhadap nasabah sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 37 B ayat (1) Undang-Undang Nomor 10 Tahun 1998 tentang Perbankan yang menyebutkan bahwa setiap bank wajib menjamin dana masyarakat yang disimpan pada bank yang bersangkutan. Tindakan Bank Mega telah menimbulkan kerugian baik materiil maupun immateriil sehingga Bank Mega selaku pelaku usaha berdasarkan Pasal 19 ayat (2) Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen bertanggung jawab untuk memberikan ganti rugi atas kerusakan, pencemaran, dan/atau kerugian konsumen akibat mengkonsumsi barang dan/atau jasa yang dihasilkan.</p><p>Kata Kunci: Tanggung jawab; prinsip kehati-hatian; bank; dan nasabah.</p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 61 ◽  
Yayan Hikmayani ◽  
Riesti Triyanti

Program nasional pemberdayaan masyarakat mandiri kelautan dan perikanan pada sektor perikanan diwujudkan dalam bentuk pengembangan usaha mina pedesaan. Program penanggulangan kemiskinan melalui pemberdayaan masyarakat kelautan dan perikanan seringkali tidak tepat sasaran dan tidak memperhitungkan keberlanjutan program sehingga kemiskinan tidak berkurang bahkan semakin bertambah. Pengembangan Usaha Mina Perdesaan (PUMP) merupakan salah satu program Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP) ditujukan untuk menanggulangi kasus kemiskinan pada kelompok masyarakat tertentu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan Pengembangan Usaha Mina Perdesaan (PUMP) pada kelompok masyarakat pengolah dan pemasar hasil perikanan di Kota Banda Aceh, mengetahui respon masyarakat terhadap Pengembangan Usaha Mina Perdesaan Pengolahan dan Pemasaran Hasil Perikanan (PUMP P2HP), dan mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan program tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi dan desk study. Pengambilan sampel ditentukan secara purposive dengan responden anggota kelompok pengolah dan pemasar hasil perikanan (POKLAHSAR) penerima program. Metode analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan PUMP P2HP di setiap tahapannya secara normatif memang telah terlaksana dan terdapat kesesuaian antara ketentuan pedoman program dengan pelaksanaannya di masyarakat. Namun demikian, dalam hal pelaksanaannya sebagai sebuah program pemberdayaan, secara substansi masih jauh dari tujuan yang diharapkan. Hal ini didukung dengan analisis mengenai respon masyarakat terhadap pelaksanaan program, baik itu mengenai keberlanjutan program, keterlibatan dalam program, manfaat program, dan konflik selama pelaksanaan program. Faktor-faktor dominan yang dapat menghambat pelaksanaan program ini secara keseluruhan perlu dilakukan perubahan dan perbaikan. Faktor yang menjadi penghambat dan penunjang keberhasilan program yaitu kesesuaian lokasi, pemberian peralatan yang menunjang produksi, dan ketepatan calon penerima bantuan. Rekomendasi kebijakan untuk perbaikan pelaksanaan program bantuan langsung tunai (BLT) di masa depan yaitu (1) Penyederhanaan dalam prosedural kegiatan program, (2) Ketepatan pemilihan calon penerima, (3) Pelatihan dan pendampingan kepada para calon penerima maupun penerima bantuan, dan (4) Evaluasi terhadap program bantuan untuk pengembangan usaha dan kemandirian penerima bantuan secara berkelanjutan. (Implementation of The National Program for Marine and Fisheries Community Empowerment in The Fisheries Processing Business : A Case Study in Banda Aceh City)Fish business development in the village level is considered as the natural program for marine and fisheries community empowerment. Poverty reduction programs through marine and fisheries community empowerment are does not effective and take into account the sustainability of the program so that poverty can not be reduced even increasing. National program of marine and fisheries in the fish processing business are considered one of the MMAF program intended to eliminate poverty in a certain society. The aims of this study was to analyze implementation of PUMP P2HP, particularly in Banda Aceh City, identify the public response to the PUMP P2HP, and identify factors that affect the implementation of the program. This research used a qualitative approach and data collection through interview, observation and desk study. Sample was determined using purposive sampling with respondents “kelompok pengolah dan pemasar” (POKLAHSAR) members participating in the program. The method of data analysis was carried out descriptively. Results show that the implementation of PUMP P2HP in each stage have indeed been implemented as in the guidelines on the implementation of programs in the community. However, in terms of its implementation as a policy of empowerment, it is still far from the expected goals. This is supported by an analysis of the public response to the implementation of the program, in relation to the sustainability of program, the participation in program, the benefits of program, and conflict occurred during implementation of the program. The dominant factors that can support and prevent the implementation of the program as a whole, that the implementation procedures should be be changed and improved. Inhibitory and supporting factor for success of the program were namely the suitability of the location, provision of equipment to support the production, and the accuracy of the prospective beneficiaries. Policy recommendations to improve implementation of the programs of direct cash assistance (BLT) in the future were identified as follows: (1) simplification of the program process, (2) accuracy in selecting candidates (3) training and assistance to the recipients and beneficiaries, and (4) evaluation of the programs for business development and self-reliance of beneficiaries sustainable manner.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 225
Fadhli Zul Fauzi ◽  
A. A. Gede Brahmantya Murti ◽  
Laili Alfiati Imamah ◽  
Nimas Hapsari

This article aims to examine the issue of infrastructure development in Papua Province, Indonesia. This article specifically discusses the problems confronted during the process of infrastructure development in Jayapura and the challenges in expanding them. The method used in this study is the qualitative method with a case study approach, wherein the infrastructure development case selected is the Papua Bangkit Stadium and Holtekamp Bridge located in Jayapura. Both infrastructure development cases serve as sample cases that show the extent of infrastructure development impact in Papua, and the issues that were confronted, starting from the development process up to the expansion. The study results indicate that although previous studies have shown positive correlation between development and welfare, in reality, there are several problems occurring in Papua’s infrastructure development. Preparedness of human resources, cultural issues, and weak coordination between every level of regional government institution, these are the main problems in Papua’s infrastructure development. This article is expected to assist in resolving the issues found in Papua’s infrastructure development, and to provide recommendations for resolving those issues.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 852
Florin Teodor Boldeanu ◽  
José Antonio Clemente-Almendros ◽  
Ileana Tache ◽  
Luis Alberto Seguí-Amortegui

The electricity sector was negatively impacted by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), with considerable declines in consumption in the initial phase. Investors were in turmoil, and stock prices for these companies plummeted. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the significant negative influence of the pandemic on abnormal returns for the electricity sector, specifically for traditional and renewable companies and the influence of ESG scores, using the event study approach and multi-variate regressions. Our results show that the pandemic indeed had a negative impact on the electricity sector, with renewable electricity companies suffering a sharper decline than traditional ones. Moreover, we find that ESG pillar scores affected electricity companies differently and are sector-specific. For renewable electricity companies, the returns were positively influenced by the environmental ESG scores and negatively by governance ESG scores.

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