construction operation
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2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-36
Liang Pan

Under the context that “peak carbon emissions” and “carbon neutrality” are included in the overall plan for the construction of ecological civilization in China, this paper discusses the value of modern timber architecture as a form of low-carbon and environmental protection movement in the whole life cycle of the construction field. It mainly analyzes the reasons for the limited resources, misunderstandings of inherent concepts, the high cost of comprehensive construction, and the shortage of professionals. Based on that, several countermeasures have been proposed, such as perfecting relevant norms and policies, strengthening technology research and development as well as demonstration guidance, moderately developing forest resources, applying digital construction operation and maintenance technology, as well as cultivating compound professionals, all of which provide a reference for the development of ecological benefits in China’s construction industry.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-12
Yi Gong ◽  
Yang Liu ◽  
Qigao Li

A steel underground pipeline with a diameter of 2.4 m and a total length of 3,617 m (plate thickness of 26 mm) has been constructed in a city in central Hubei, and the engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) project has been lifted from the upstream channel to supplement water to the downstream lake inside the city. Through preliminary geological survey data, site topographic and geomorphic survey, urban construction, as well as the requirements of the construction party, the preliminary arrangement of working wells and receiving wells as well as the selection and customization of pipe jacking machines have been proposed. Frequency conversion motor and remote monitoring technology are adopted for geotechnical change and long-distance pipe jacking. Through detailed survey, the rock and soil change section as well as gradual change conditions have been determined, the accuracy of construction mechanics calculation and construction operation control have improved, the basis and analysis basis are provided, and some experiences in construction operation are summarized.

2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 279-290
Wina Waniatri ◽  
Muslihudin Muslihudin ◽  
Sri Lestari

Permasalahan dan isu strategis daerah pada bidang energi dan sumber daya mineral yang mempengaruhi kerusakan lingkungan hidup berdasarkan pada Rancangan Primer RPJMD 2018-2028 Kabupaten Kuningan  yaitu kegiatan penambangan pasir ilegal dan perubahan lahan. Salah satu lokasi pertambangan di Kabupaten Kuningan berada di Desa Luragung Landeuh. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui proses  kegiatan  pertambangan pasir;  serta mengetahui dampak negatif pertambangan pasir terhadap kualitas lingkungan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah proses  kegiatan  pertambangan  pasir PT. Anggun Jaya Mandiri di  Desa  Lurangung  Landeuh Kecamatan Luragung Kabupaten Kuningan terdiri dari tahap pra-kontruksi, kontruksi, operasi, produksi, dan rencana pasca tambang. Dampak negatif kegiatan pertambangan pasir terhadap lingkungan adalah kebisingan, debu yang bertebaran, kerusakan infrastruktur jalan; Dampak positif kegiatan pertambangan pasir PT.AJM memberikan peningkatan peluang kerja, memperbaiki fasilitas desa, serta meningkatkan kas Desa Luragung Landeuh. Pandemi Covid-19 pada awal tahun 2020 telah mempengaruhi dalam penyelesaian konflik antara masyarakat dan pihak perusahaan pertambangan.ABSTRACTRegional strategic problems and issues in the field of energy and mineral resources that affect environmental damage based on the Primary Draft RPJMD 2018-2028 Kuningan Regency, namely illegal sand mining activities and land changes. One of the mining locations in Kuningan Regency is in Luragung Landeuh Village. This research was conducted to determine the process of sand mining activities; as well as knowing the negative impact of sand mining on environmental quality. This study uses a qualitative descriptive analysis method. The conclusions of this study are: (1) The process of sand mining activities of PT. Anggun Jaya Mandiri in Lurangung Landeuh Village, Luragung District, Kuningan Regency consists of pre-construction, construction, operation, production, and post-mining planning stages. The negative impacts of sand mining activities on the environment are noise, scattered dust, damage to road infrastructure; (2) The positive impact of PT.AJM's sand mining activities provides increased job opportunities, improves village facilities, and increases the cash flow of Luragung Landeuh Village. The Covid-19 pandemic at the beginning of 2020 has affected the resolution of conflicts between the community and the mining company.

2021 ◽  
Matt Selway ◽  
Markus Stumptner ◽  
Wolfgang Mayer

The integrated management of industrial systems in future environments like Industry 4.0 requires the effective management of information throughout the engineering life cycle. As systems pass through phases of design, construction, operation, maintenance, renewal or replacement, they will be administered via different information ecosystems, requiring changing perspectives on their descriptive information. A central role in the interplay of software and hardware artefacts, functions, documentation and managing software is played by the descriptions of concepts (i.e. formalised definitions of concepts within the domain of quantification). In this paper we propose a unified formalisation of descriptions that permits consistent analysis of the relationships between the designs, types, products, and concrete artefacts that can be found in the industrial engineering life-cycle. The approach is consistent with our earlier framework that describes artefacts, requirements and functional roles in the context of the DOLCE foundational ontology.

2021 ◽  
Anqi Shi ◽  
Sara Shirowzhan ◽  
Samad M.E. Sepasgozar

Three-dimensional printing in construction (3DPiC) is known as a trending technology in the construction industry. While scholars and practitioners seek to learn more about the applications of 3DPiC, there are no efficient workflows and open data sets available for further investigations. This paper intends to present the data produced in a laboratory for creating new models. The paper first presents the experimentation data collected from 60 models, and selected thermal digital images can be used for further sustainability analysis. The recorded data includes the time of crafting each layer of the model, the total time of creating a model and thermal measures. Based on the 60 experimentations and an intensive literature review, the paper presents a proposed computational workflow, including the use of Revit, Dynamo, Fusion 360, Navisworks and a selected 3D printer, which can be utilised for further data collection and analysis in the field. This model will assist in automating the cost estimation as an upgrade for 3DPiC. This paper is helpful for scholars and practitioners since it shows how laboratory data can be helpful for construction operation design.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Yi Jiang

In order to improve the construction effect of intelligent buildings, this paper combines the BIM digital twin technology to construct the overall structure of the building construction operation and maintenance system driven by the BIM digital twin. Moreover, this paper conducts intelligent simulation of the construction process of the building and combines the construction process of the intelligent building to apply the BIM digital twin technology to the construction management of the intelligent building. In addition, this paper uses BIM to simulate the construction process. After the construction management plan is developed, BIM can be used to simulate the construction, find the problems in the construction, and formulate a reliable construction management plan in time. Through simulation experiment research, it can be known that the intelligent building construction management model based on BIM digital twin proposed in this paper can help the deployment of intelligent building construction process in many aspects and help improve the efficiency of building construction management.

Nereus Tugur Redationo

Abstrak   Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat berupa pelatihan dan pendampingan masyarakat RT 31 RW 06 Pandanlandung Wagir Malang. Masalah yang dihadapi masyarakat adalah bahwa kesadaran penggunaan energi alternatif terbarukan yang ramah lingkungan, kebutuhan listrik yang penting, biaya listrik yang mahal, dan lisrrik PLN sering mati. Kegiatan yang dilakukan ini adalah membuat Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) sebagai  penghasil listrik. Pelatihan ini memberikan pemahaman, sosialisasi, dan penyuluhan agar warga RT 31 bisa membuat dan menghasilkan energi listrik. Beberapa langkah yang dilakukan adalah sosialisasi/penyuluhan pembuatan PLTS serta Pembuatan, Pelatihan dan Pemahaman Pengoperasian dan Pemeliharaan. Sosialisai/penyuluhan  PLTS berisi tentang: Fisika dasar, Matahari sebagai sumber energi, Pembangkit listrik tenaga surya (PLTS), Potensi PLTS di Indonesia, Aplikasi Teknologi PLTS: On-grid dan Off-grid dan Pedoman Perancangan PLTS. Pembuatan/perakitan PLTS ditunjukkan proses dan pemanfaatan penghasil listrik, langkah-langkah pengoperasian dan pemeliharaan. Prosedur pengoperasian PLTS yang dilakukan antara lain: persiapan pengoperasian, pemeriksaan awal, pemeriksaan tegangan keluaran, dan pengoperasian. Paska pengoperasian PLTS   dilakukan pemeliharaan dengan memperhatikan prosedur yang dilakukan.Hasil luaran yang dilakukan adalah pertemuan, handout sosialisasi/penyuluhan  PLTS, Panduan Pengoperasian dan Pemeliharaan dan pemanfaatan untuk penerangan Balai RT 31 RW 06 Pandanlandung Wagir Malang.   Kata kunci: listrik, pelatihan, panel surya,       Abstract   The community service carrying out were training and assistancing in the use of solar panels as an electricity producer at RT 31, RW 6, Pandanlandung Vilalge, Wagir District of Malang. The problem faced by the community is the ignorance of the use of the renewable alternative energy that is environmentally friendly. The need of electricity is important, but the cost of it is expensive, while the electricity managed by PLN often goes out. The activity carried out was to make a Solar Power Plant (SPP) as a producer of electricity by giving counseling and training to the residents about the construction, operation, and mantainance of PV mini-grid. They were also given knowledge about basic physics, the sun as an enery source, solar power plants, SPP potentials in Indonesia and its applications: On-grid and Ogg-grid, as well as SPP Dsign Guidelines. The process and utilization of electricity generators steps were also shown tho them. The output of this activity was the handout for SPP socialization and maintanance guidelines and utilization for lighting. Key words: solar panels, electricity producers, training

2021 ◽  
Krishnaraj Ramaswamy ◽  
Leta Tesfaye Jule ◽  
Nagaprasad Nagaraj ◽  
Kumaran subramanian ◽  
Shanmugam Ramaswamy ◽  

Abstract Right from the olden days, many products have been made according to foundry practices in order to generate prosperity in the societies in which they operate, while reaping these types of benefits through the operation of foundries. It is alarming that the emissions released by foundries affect human health. Therefore, foundries installed Pollution Control devices (PCDs), in accordance with this development; researchers examined the effectiveness of these PCDs in controlling emissions from foundries in different parts of the world. The emission control obtained by installing these PCDs is explained in this article based on the data gathered from the survey. The result of the study indicated that the cartridge filter built into the induction furnace achieves the best efficiency in controlling contamination from foundries. Interestingly, the operation of the cartridge filter has yet to be documented. Therefore, the construction, operation, the performance of the cartridge filter, and its efficiency in achieving contamination control in foundries are described. The article ends by emphasizing the need to conduct surveys in foundries in which a cartridge filter is installed. The results of this study will provide useful information on the use of cartridge filters in induction furnaces to reduce foundry emissions.

Mark Berdnykov ◽  
Svetlana Shekhorkina ◽  
Marina Bordun

The construction industry is the main consumer of natural resources, characterized by significant consumption of non-renewable resources and the impact on environmental pollution. Up to 50% of carbon dioxide emissions are accounted for by the construction industry. In addition, the main feature of the traditional construction industry is the overuse of energy, which affects the process of global warming and climate change. Energy is consumed in the extraction of raw materials, production and transportation of materials, in the process of construction, operation, repair and liquidation of buildings. Awareness of global environmental problems has led to a rethinking of the process of design, construction, operation and disposal of buildings in the European Union, the United States, Canada and others and the emergence of the concept of sustainable development and "green" construction. In this aspect, the main criteria for designing buildings are to minimize the impact on the environment, as well as reduce energy costs, reduce waste and harmful emissions. The solution of the above problems, taking into account national specifics, can be achieved by developing typical resource- and energy-efficient, cost-effective design solutions for load-bearing and enclosing elements and their joints using environmentally friendly materials of local origin (wood and materials based on it, clay materials, straw, reeds, etc.

Наnna Shpakova ◽  
Andrew Shpakov

In the materials of the article, the topical issues of reconstruction of the most vulnerable, from the point of view of operation, elements of buildings and structures - load-bearing facade elements, extensions and balconies are considered. The relevance of the research topic is determined by the prevalence of defects of this type of structures arising in the process of construction, operation and refurbishment. Examples of typical design solutions for balconies are given and factors of influence on the lability of building structures of this type are analyzed, depending on the sources of their occurrence and the stage of the life cycle of the building and structure. The types of operational loads and typical deformation processes in the structures of balconies and design solutions aimed at leveling the negative consequences of the impact on structures of environmental factors, organizational and technological errors during construction and operation, as well as a combination of these factors that can lead to a decrease in operational characteristics and bearing capacity of the structures under consideration. The most effective from a constructive, economic and organizational point of view, solutions for the reconstruction and restoration of various types of external elements of facades and balconies have been determined. The article notes the importance of ensuring the compliance of the characteristics of the external elements of facade structures by creating regulations for the maintenance of structures based on state regulatory documents and the methodology for the rational choice of appropriate technology systems for the reconstruction and restoration of a structural element so important for the normal operation of civil buildings and structures as balcony structures of various types.

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