2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 330-336
Ayu Afriani Panyuwa ◽  
Luky Dwiantoro

Background: World Health Organization (WHO) has established a Directly Observed Treatment Short-Course (DOTS) strategy. Carrying out the DOTS strategy, the public health center is running the TB Prevention and Treatment program, in Indonesia it is called prevention and countermeasures of tuberculosis (P2TB) but in reality, the P2TB program has not been effectively implemented. Health workers who play an important role in carrying out their roles and duties in society are nurses. One of the efforts to improve the performance of nurses in TB treatment is the application of transformational leadership. The purpose of this literature review is to examine the results of the past 10 years of research related to the influence of transformational leadership on nurse performance in tuberculosis treatment. Design: This study design is a literature review to search and review article from database and theory underlying this study or guidance in this literature review using Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and PRISMA. Data Sources: The data base used in the article searches used include: Science Direct, PubMed, Google scholar, EBSCO using the keywords transformational leadership, nurse performance, tuberculosis treatment. The articles used are those between the years 2009-2019. Review Methods: The review method for this literature review using a narrative method by classifying the similar extracted data according to the research findings. Results: The main component of transformational leadership to improve The performance of nurses to play a more optimal role in an effective and efficient TB treatment effort is an idealized influence, which is that nurses have charismatic, in the fact that nurses in providing nursing care in the community must provide good paragons and become role models in the field of good health to individuals, families, groups and communities about how to live clean and healthy as behavior that can be imitated by the community, inspirational motivation for nurses as health teacher educators or health counselling which is a part of health promotion, the nurse's intellectual stimulation empowers communities to solve health problems in the community through small group discussions, and individual consideration, in this case the nurse's duty is as an advice provider and counseling is highly important and beneficial for the community. In order to achieve the fulfillment of the roles and responsibilities of nurses, there must be inner motivation among nurses in order that they can provide decent motivation to the community. Conclusion: Transformational leadership can be applied to improve the performance of nurses in TB treatment efforts.

2019 ◽  
Refty Putri Ar ◽  
hanif al kadri

The article aims to describe about transformational leadership style. The methodology used to arrange this article is Systematic Literature Review (SLR). Researcher find theories and make a conlclusion about the meaning of transformational leadership. Transformational leadership is how to influence subordinate to be properly motivated. On transformational leadership, there are some characteristic; idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration. Transformational leadership style impact on organization structure, process of management and organization culture.

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (12) ◽  
pp. 1253-1256 ◽  
A. D. Harries ◽  
R. A. Dlodlo ◽  
G. Brigden ◽  
K. Mortimer ◽  
P. Jensen ◽  

The international community has committed to end the tuberculosis (TB) epidemic by 2030. To facilitate the meeting of the global incidence and mortality indicators set by the World Health Organization's End TB Strategy, the Stop TB Partnership launched the three 90-(90)-90 diagnostic and treatment targets in 2014. In this paper, we argue that a ‘fourth 90’—Ensuring that 90% of all people successfully completing treatment for TB can have a good health-related quality of life'—should be considered. Many individuals who successfully complete anti-TB treatment are burdened with lifelong comorbidities—human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and diabetes mellitus, obstructive and restrictive lung disease, involving lung destruction, cavitation, fibrosis and bronchiectasis, that either pre-existed or developed as a result of TB (e.g., chronic pulmonary aspergillosis), permanent disabilities such as hearing loss resulting from second-line anti-TB drugs, and mental health disorders. These need to be identified during TB treatment and appropriate care and support provided after anti-TB treatment is successfully completed. A ‘fourth 90’ has also been proposed for the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets similar in scope to what is being suggested here for TB. Adoption by both HIV and TB control programmes would highlight the current focus on integrated person- and family-centred services.

2008 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-15 ◽  
Dao Thi Minh An ◽  
Nguyen Van Huy ◽  
Dao Ngoc Phong

The study aimed to investigate smoking patterns and compare knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes, as well as explore predictors of smoking status among Vietnamese health professionals. A global survey questionnaire on tobacco use among health professionals by the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was adapted for data collection. Data from 2151 health workers from the 3 largest hospitals-each of which is located in South, Central, and North Vietnam, respectively-were collected using quantitative methods. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used in the data analysis. Smoking prevalence among Vietnamese health professionals is 13.4%, dominant among male health professionals compared with female counterparts (35.6% vs 1.8%), and significantly varies by regions. Physicians and dentists display a greater smoking proportion than nurses (23.0%, 10.5%, and 7.7%, respectively). The findings highlight the importance of improving and promoting beliefs of health professionals about being role models for their patients by not smoking. Special attention should be given to the following slogan: "Health professionals should act as nonsmoking role models for their patients and the public." This message should be incorporated into cigarette restriction regulations and policies at hospitals and recognized as one of the effective measures in cigarette control in the hospital context.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1863-1874
Pinaka Swasti Ratu Suryantari ◽  
I Irnawati

AbstractCompliance in treatment and taking Anti Tuberculosis Drugs (OAT) in pulmonary TB Patients is very necessary for consistency in increasing the success rate of treatment. Pulmonary TB Treatment must be done regularly. Otherwise, resistance to Anti Tuberculosis Drugs (OAT) will occur, the duration of taking the drug will be longer, and there will be an increase in the dose consumed. Especially, it is about an adherence to take OAT in patients with Multy-Drug Resistant (MDR) TB and TB with HIV. To find out the description of medication adherence in pulmonary TB patients and and characteristics in pulmonary TB patients. This study used a literature review design. The pill count compliance measurement method was conducted through a keyword search and used 5 articles from Google Scholar, ProQuest, and PubMed published in 2017 – 2021. From the 5 articles reviewed, the results showed that most of the respondents were male (68% or 314 respondents). The education level of most of the respondents was elementary school education (34% or 105 respondents). Most of the respondents were employed (62% or 164 respondents). Compliance with taking medication in pulmonary TB patients was 322 (70%) compliant, given intervention was 159 (92%) compliant, without intervention was 163 (56%) compliant, MDR TB non-adherent was 105 (95%), and TB with HIV 135 was (86%) complied. Compliance with taking Anti Tuberculosis Drugs (OAT) in pulmonary TB patients must be continuously improved and maintained to achieve the World Health Organization's target of increasing the success of pulmonary TB treatment consistently at results of 90%.Keywords: Compliance, Taking Medicines, TB Drugs, Pill Count, and Pulmonary TB AbstrakKepatuhan dalam pengobatan dan minum Obat Anti Tuberkulosis (OAT) pada pasien TB Paru sangat diperlukan konsistensinya dalam meningkatkan angka keberhasilan pengobatan. Pengobatan TB Paru harus dilakukan secara teratur, jika tidak akan terjadi resistensi pada Obat Anti Tuberkulosis (OAT), semakin lama durasi minum obat dan terjadi peningkatan dosis yang dikonsumsi. Terutama kepatuhan minum OAT pada pasien TB Multy Drug Resistant (MDR) dan TB dengan HIV. Mengetahui gambaran kepatuhan minum obat pada pasien TB Paru dan karakteristik pada pasien TB Paru. Desain Literature Review dengan metode pengukuran kepatuhan pill count melakukan pencarian melalui kata kunci dan menggunakan 5 artikel dari database hasil penulusuran elektronik pada Google Cendekia, ProQuest, Pubmed yang dipublish pada tahun 2017 – 2021. Dari 5 artikel yang di review di dapatkan hasil responden pada artikel sebagian besar berjenis kelamin laki – laki yaitu 314 (68%). Tingkat pendidikan responden sebagian besar berpendidikan SD yaitu 105 (34%), dan sebagian besar responden bekerja yaitu 164 (62%). Kepatuhan minum obat pada pasein TB dengan mengabaikan intervensi yang diberikan yaitu 322 (70%) patuh, diberikan intervensi 159 (92%) patuh, tanpa intervensi yang diberikan 163 (56%) patuh, TB MDR tidak patuh 105 (95%), dan TB dengan HIV 135 (86%) patuh. Kepatuhan minum Obat Anti Tuberkulosis (OAT) pada pasien TB Paru harus terus ditingkatkan dan dipertahankan untuk mencapai target World Heatlh Organisation dalam meningkatkan keberhasilan pengobatan TB Paru secara konsisten pada hasil ≥ 90%.Kata kunci: Kepatuhan; Minum Obat; Obat TB; Pill Count; dan TB Paru

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 31-42
Khoirunnisaa' Khoirunnisaa' ◽  
Binti Maunah

This paper aims to analyze transformational leadership characteristics in traditional and modern Islamic educational institutions by referring to four transformational features: idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. The method used is a qualitative method with a library research approach. Inductive data analysis describes data from facts and the field associated with the theory. Sources of data used are the results of literature from books and journals. The results of the study show that the characteristics of transformational leadership in the Salaf and modern Islamic boarding schools, among others; 1) Build creative ideas through vision and mission to achieve goals, become role models, and influence subordinates through their behavior and charisma; 2) Provide inspiration and motivation through a clear vision; 3) encourage subordinates to find practical ideas in solving problems; 4) understand and appreciate subordinates based on needs and pay attention to the desire to achieve and develop.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 682
Dwi Kartika Cahyaningtyas ◽  
Evi Diliana Rospia ◽  
Desi Rofita ◽  
Indriyani Makmun ◽  
Rizkia Amilia ◽  

ABSTRAKWHO (World Health Organization) telah menyatakan Covid-19 sebagai pandemi dunia. Covid-19 masuk ke Indonesia sejak awal tahun 2020 dan angka kejadian dikonformasi positif terus mengalami kenaikan hingga saat ini. Indonesia memiliki rencana memberikan vaksinasi Covid-19 kepada anak-anak berusia 12-17 tahun. semakin lama anak tidak divaksinasi, maka semakin tinggi potensi munculnya varian baru Covid-19 yang lebih mengancam. Tujuan dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini yaitu menjalankan tugas tenaga kesehatan dalam memutuskan mata rantai penularan covid-19. Hal ini juga berdasarkan peraturan pemerintah mengharapkan pelaksanaan proses belajar mengajar dapat berjalan normal kembali dan dengan proses tatap muka. Metode dalam Pelaksanaan kegiatan vaksin menggunakan penyederhanaan 4 meja menjadi 2 meja dengan 2 tahapan yaitu perencanaan dan pelaksanaan kegiatan. Target sasaran pada kegiatan vaksinasi ini adalah 2000 siswa. Hasil pengabdian yang didapatkan bahwa jumlah yang telah melakukan vaksinasi sebanyak 1900 siswa dan 100 siswa yang tunda. Berdasarkan hasil kegiatan pelasanakan pengabdian masyarakat dengan menjalankan program vaksinasi masal pada siswa siswi SMA, SMK dan SLB se-Kota Mataram didapatkan hasil siswa siswi yang telah divaksin sebanyak 1900 siswa dan ditunda untuk melakukan vaksin sebanyak 100 siswa. Adapun faktor penundaan vaksin yaitu tekanan darah yang tinggi, memiliki riwayat penyakit seperti jantung, kanker, gula darah tinggi, sedang tidak dalam keadaan sehat seperti batuk, pilek, demam. Presentasi yang didapatkan pada kegiatan vaksinasi ini sebanyak 95% dari target yang telah ditetapkan. Kata kunci: anak sekolah; usia 12-17 tahun; vaksinasi; covid-19. ABSTRACTWHO (World Health Organization) has declared Covid-19 a global pandemic. Covid-19 has entered Indonesia since early 2020 and the number of positive confirmed cases continues to increase until now. Indonesia has a plan to give Covid-19 vaccinations to children aged 12-17 years. The longer a child is not vaccinated, the higher the potential for new, more threatening Covid-19 variants to emerge. The purpose of this community service is to carry out the duties of health workers in breaking the chain of transmission of COVID-19. It is also based on government regulations that expect the implementation of the teaching and learning process to run normally again and with a face-to-face process. The method in implementing vaccine activities uses the simplification of 4 tables into 2 tables with 2 stages, namely planning and implementing activities. The target for this vaccination activity is 2000 students. The results of the service found that the number of students who had vaccinated was 1900 students and 100 students who were delayed. Based on the results of community service activities by running a mass vaccination program for high school, vocational and special school students throughout the city of Mataram, it was found that 1900 students had been vaccinated and postponed to vaccinate 100 students. The factors for delaying the vaccine are high blood pressure, having a history of diseases such as heart disease, cancer, high blood sugar, being not in good health such as cough, runny nose, fever. The presentation obtained in this vaccination activity was 95% of the target that had been set. Keywords: school children; 12-17 years old; vaccination; covid-19.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-69
Charles Muthui Gitonga ◽  
Jackim Nyamari ◽  
Judy Mugo

Non-adherence to Tuberculosis treatment is a major barrier for TB control programs because incomplete treatment may result in prolonged infectiousness, drug resistance, relapse and death. Successful treatment of TB involves taking anti TB drugs for at least six months as per the doctors advise. Currently, Tuberculosis has become a resurgent public Health problem in developing countries and is the leading cause of death from any single infectious agent. The purpose of the study was to identify factors contributing to non-adherence to TB treatment amongst pulmonary TB patients in Maragua Sub-County of Murang’a County. The objectives included were to determine the social-economic related, healthcare-related, patient-related and disease and medicine related factors associated with non-adherence of TB treatment amongst patients in Murang’a County. The study was guided by the Health Belief model as the theoretical framework. A cross-sectional survey study design was used. Census method was used and all 270 people were considered. Data was collected using a mixed method approach of interview guides, questionnaires and Focus Group Discussions. A total of 270 adult Pulmonary TB patients, amongst whom 59 (47%) were adherents and 67(53%) non adherents with TB treatment, who received treatment in 2017 and had completed treatment, Community Health workers, and Health Personnel in the TB clinic participated in the study. Data was entered to EPI INFO version 3.5.3 and analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22. Multiple logistic regressions was used to identify associations and to control potential confounding variables. Chi Square was used to test independence of categorical variables with p value of less than 0.05 at 95% confidence interval being considered significant. Data presentation was done using figures and tables. From the results of the study only the distance taken to collect drugs in the health facility was found to be associated with non-adherence to TB treatment (n=9 ,13%). The study recommends that measures should be undertaken so as to reduce the non-adherence level to TB treatment by ensuring anti-Tb treatment is accessible to patients at the nearest Health facility from their residence. Additionally, the study proposes that the patients should be sensitized on the importance of adherence to TB drug mediction. Interventions with Health promotion initiatives emphasizing the benefits of treatment adherence should be enhanced in the communities by further large scale multicentred studies and that an enabling environment which is conducive for good patient interactions should be created. The study concludes that there are challenges facing adherence of TB treatment which ought to be addressed. The study, suggests that measures to improve drug adherence such as improving health conditions, increasing the availability of drugs and conducting health educations to the patients is essential in minimizing the drug  non-adherence to TB drugs.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (10) ◽  
pp. 320
Ursulla A. Okoth

Leadership practices promote accomplishment of goals in organizations. This paper focuses on the application of transformational leadership practices: Idealized influence, Inspirational motivation, Intellectual stimulation and Individualized consideration in curriculum implementation, Environmental Education (EE). The sample consisted of 183 teachers randomly selected from 30 secondary schools in Siaya County. A questionnaire was used in a descriptive survey research. The findings using the selected indicators were that head teachers: strived towards the collective goal of fulfilling a vision and were positive role models; had trust of teachers’ ability; made decisions all the time; encouraged students to work hard; and organized meetings with other schools to achieve subject objectives.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 12-19
Muhammad Agung Krisdianto, Maula Mar’atus Solikhah

Efforts to improve the quality of education are currently being made by starting to add learning methods that are more applicable and able to meet stakeholder demands. The World Health Organization (WHO) has launched a program to address human resource problems in health and the health service system by implementing collaborative practices among health workers. Interprofessional Education (IPE), also known as interprofessional learning, is an education concept recommended by WHO as integrated education to build collaboration between health workers. Objective: To analyze the benefits of IPE on mental health nursing education and practice. Methods: This study used a literature review method. PICO is used in selecting and determining article data to be used as material for a literature review. The data is processed using content analysis. Result: IPE is useful for mental health nursing education and practice based on scientific studies that have been conducted. Conclusion: IPE has benefits in nursing education and practice so that it can overcome problems that arise in mental health nursing.

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-23
Eltony Mugomeri ◽  
Bisrat S. Bekele ◽  
Charles Maibvise ◽  
Clemence Tarirai

Tuberculosis is a global public health problem. Lesotho, a sub-Saharan country with high HIV and tuberculosis burden, launched the Three I’s programme of the World Health Organization in 2013. However, the outcomes of this intervention are scarcely known. This study evaluated the profile of tuberculosis diagnostic techniques used, treatment outcomes and the associated factors across the baseline period (2010–2012) and after the launch of the Three I’s programme (2013–2015) based on a retrospective cohort review of patient records at a major clinic in Maseru, Lesotho. In total, 812 cases with complete records from 1 066 randomly selected cases treated (every second case from the sampling frame) were included in the study. Factor analysis was based on logistic regression analysis. The use of the GeneXpert MTB/RIF technique remained below 20% throughout the study period. Overall, 28.9% (n = 812) cases had unsuccessful tuberculosis treatment. Male gender (p = 0.046), extra-pulmonary tuberculosis (p = 0.002) and treatment observation by community health workers (p = 0.001) were significantly associated with unsuccessful treatment outcome. Overall, treatment outcomes did not differ significantly (p = 0.636) before and after the launch of the intervention. These findings indicate the need to strengthen the implementation of the Three I’s programme, taking into account the significant factors in this study.

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