scholarly journals Gerakan Masyarakat Sehat Berbasis Masjid Sebagai Upaya Pengelolaan Mandiri Penyakit Kronik Degenaratif Di Desa Menganti Kecamatan Kesugihan Kabupaten Cilacap Tahun 2020

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-119
Arief Hendrawan ◽  

Increased lifestyle causes an increased risk of degenerative diseases. The costs incurred for the treatment of degenerative diseases are quite high. In order to reduce the cost burden, community participation is required in the community movement for healthy living. One of the efforts to increase community participation is through optimizing the role of the mosque as a medium for religious da'wah to become a social religious media. Community service was carried out from May 2020 to September 2020. The location of the service was at Nurul Huda Mosque, Tembok Hamlet, Kesugihan District, Cilacap Regency. The target of the activity is 18 people in the mosque congregation. The community service method is health education and health screening / examination of mosque congregations. The results obtained from the service program were in the form of an increase in the congregation's understanding of the role and function of the mosque as a social religious facility, an increase in the congregation's understanding of the preparation for the elderly to face old age, the congregation's understanding of degenerative diseases and an increase in understanding of the independent management of degenerative diseases

Gerontology ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 63 (6) ◽  
pp. 580-589 ◽  
Juan Diego Naranjo ◽  
Jenna L. Dziki ◽  
Stephen F. Badylak

Sarcopenia is a complex and multifactorial disease that includes a decrease in the number, structure and physiology of muscle fibers, and age-related muscle mass loss, and is associated with loss of strength, increased frailty, and increased risk for fractures and falls. Treatment options are suboptimal and consist of exercise and nutrition as the cornerstone of therapy. Current treatment principles involve identification and modification of risk factors to prevent the disease, but these efforts are of limited value to the elderly individuals currently affected by sarcopenia. The development of new and effective therapies for sarcopenia is challenging. Potential therapies can target one or more of the proposed multiple etiologies such as the loss of regenerative capacity of muscle, age-related changes in the expression of signaling molecules such as growth hormone, IGF-1, myostatin, and other endocrine signaling molecules, and age-related changes in muscle physiology like denervation and mitochondrial dysfunction. The present paper reviews regenerative medicine strategies that seek to restore adequate skeletal muscle structure and function including exogenous delivery of cells and pharmacological therapies to induce myogenesis or reverse the physiologic changes that result in the disease. Approaches that modify the microenvironment to provide an environment conducive to reversal and mitigation of the disease represent a potential regenerative medicine approach that is discussed herein.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-137
Weeke Budhyanti ◽  
Lucky Anggiat ◽  
Citra Puspa Juwita

The  purpose  of  the study. Arthritis of the joint and hypertension are two conditions that the elderly are prone to face. Both of these conditions affect the movement and function of the human body. The Physiotherapy study program considers it important to continue to provide service to the elderly community in Kelurahan Cawang, which is a fostered area of the Fakultas Vokasi. Materials and methods. Program socialization with health education videos for the elderly exercises for arthritis pain and hypertension were options to continue providing community service during a pandemic. Empowerment of public health agents and families is also carried out to disseminate information about the health of the elderly in terms of hypertension and arthritis pain which are prepared by lecturers of the physiotherapy study program. Results. With the health educational video, the elderly still pay attention to their health even though they are not as effective as usual. Conclusions. As conclusion, the elderly still felt helped and were enthusiastic about participating in the health educational videos provided by the lecturers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 167-175
Hari Siswoyo ◽  
Dwi Priyantoro ◽  
M. Taufiq ◽  
Andre P. Hendrawan ◽  
Eri Widayanti

The Grajagan village had a library located at the village office. So far, the library has not been managed and utilized optimally. The problems that occur in this library include the lack of book collections, the absence of chairs and tables for readers, the condition of the library is not well organized, and the library staff were not trained in managing the library. These problems have resulted in the low interest of the people of Grajagan village to visit the village library. To solve the problems, it was necessary to provide assistance in library development. Library development is carried out through the addition of book collections, providing chairs and tables for readers, arranging library space, and training for library staff. Based on the results of community service activities that have been carried out, it can be stated that the library's book collection has increased by 88 books, the library space becomes more comfortable with the increase in furniture, and the library staff has increased their knowledge in terms of library management. To further increase the role and function of the library, promotion or introduction to the library's book collections and facilities to local villagers is required.

Javad Hekmat-panah

The objective of this study was to investigate and describe how the use of the term “elderly” contributes to bias and problems within the medical system. A systematic review of the relevant literature and history was conducted. The term “elderly” does not define age accurately and carries bias and prejudice that lead to harm through discriminatory practices, institutional prejudices, and “ageist” policies in society and medicine. Doctors and healthcare providers seldom intentionally try to harm any patient, but might do so through unconscious anti-elderly bias. Studies indicate that medical students already demonstrate anti-elderly bias; researchers may lump patients aged 65 and over together, confounding specific information needed for individualized treatments; and out of unwarranted concern, medical and surgical treatments may be denied, despite minimal increased risk of mortality. When the cost of healthcare rises, it is the elderly against whom rationing is suggested. The term “elderly” has no place in medicine. Anti-elderly health care rationing is as unethical as rationing targeted against any group. It is reverse paternalism to make rules that limit others’ medical care, happiness, and life span without their consent. Medicine is the science and art of individual communication, evaluation and treatment. Once we deny care to any one group, we open the door to denial to others.

Philipus Keban ◽  
Yayan Sakti Suryandaru ◽  
Nanang Haryono

Learning media is an important part of the distance learning process, especially in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Online learning implemented in the midst of a pandemic demands innovation. The process of learning media innovation with the use of information technology is a big part of the progress of education. E-learning as a learning model in education provides a big role and function for the world of education. E-learning as a distance learning model in the education sector provides a big function and role for the world of education, especially since the Indonesian Government since March 2, 2020 ( is facing the Covid-19 outbreak where all students at all levels are studying at home. Teachers at all levels of education as the spearhead of the implementation of education need to be empowered by providing knowledge and skills in making innovative learning media using technology. Community service that has been carried out aims to empower teachers in making technology-based learning media. This is based on the special problems faced by teacher partners (SMP Muhammadiyah 14 Paciran), the difficulty in making innovative learning media using technology. After empowerment through lectures on the importance of e-learning, followed by training on innovative learning media with movavi, and direct assistance and use of zoom, it was concluded that (a) teacher partners of SMP Muhammadiyah 14 Pondok Pesantren Karangasem Lamongan have increased knowledge (b) Teachers are capable converting PPT into visual learning media using Movavi software, (c) The teacher is able to take pictures, edit using Movavi on a smartphone. (d) At this stage the teachers are able to make learning media starting from planning by selecting important materials, taking pictures, editing learning media, to rendering so as to produce learning media that attracts students. abstrakMedia pembelajaran menjadi bagian penting dalam proses pembelajaran jarak jauh terlebih ditengah pandemi covid-19. Pembelajaran daring yang diimplementasi ditengah pandemi menuntut inovasi. Proses inovasi media pembelajaran dengan penggunakaan teknologi informasi bagian besar untuk kemajuan Pendidikan. E-learning sebagai model pembelajaran dalam pendidikan memberikan peran dan fungsi yang besar bagi dunia pendidikan. E-learning sebagai model pembelajaran jarak jauh sektor pendidikan memberikan fungsi dan peran yang besar bagi dunia pendidikan lebih-lebih saat ini Pemerintah Indonesia sejak 2 Maret 2020 ( menghadapi wabah covid-19 dimana semua siswa pada semua jenjang belajar dirumah. Guru pada semua jenjang pendidikan sebagai ujung tombak pada pelaksanaan Pendidikan perlu diberdayakan dengan memberi bekal pengetahuan, ketrampilan dalam membeuat media pembelajaran yang inovatif dengan pemanfaatan teknologi. Pengabdian masyarakat yang telah dilaksankaan bertujuan untuk pemberdayaan guru dalam membuat media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi. Hal tersebut didasari permasalahan khusus yang dihadapi mitra guru (SMP Muhammadiyah 14 Paciran) kesulitan dalam pembuatan media pembelajaran inovatif dengan penggunaan teknologi. Setelah dilaksankaan pemberdayaan melalui ceramah pentingnya pembelajaran e-learning, dilanjutkan dengan pelatihan inovasi pembaatan media pembelajaran dengan movavi, dan pendampingan baik melalui langsung dan penggunaan zoom disimpulkan (a)  mitra guru SMP Muhammadiyah 14 Pondok Pesantren Karangasem Lamongan  telah bertambah pengetahuannya (b) Guru mampu mengubah PPT menjadi media pembelajaran visual dengan menggunakan software movavi, (c) Guru mampu untuk pengambilan gambar, editing menggunakan movavi pada smartphone. (d) Pada tahap ini guru-guru mampu membuat media pembelajaran mulai dari perencanaan dengan memilih materi penting, pengambilan gambar, melaksanakan editing media pembelajaran, sampai rendering sehingga menghasilkan media pembelajaran menarik siswa.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-118
Lusi Lestari ◽  
Lia Purwaningsih ◽  
Rike Mulyani

IHC is one form of community-sourced health efforts (UKBM) managed from, by, for and with the community, to empower the community and provide facilities for the community to obtain basic health services. Efforts to improve the role and function of IHC are not merely the responsibility of the government, but all components in the community, including cadres. The role of cadres in the implementation of IHC is very large because in addition to being a provider of health information to the community to come to the IHC and carry out clean and healthy life behaviors. Linggasari is one of the villages in Ciamis Sub-District, Ciamis Regency, which has good potential about the existence of IHC. The number of IHC in Linggasari Village are 8 units. Cempaka Putih is one of the IHC in Linggasari Village. The IHC is still in progress, which requires assistance. Based on the situation, it is necessary to have assistance for the development of it by conducting community service, namely through fostering and counseling cadres on the management of IHC that is carried out from November 27, 2017 to January 03, 2018.

1976 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 306-315
Ronald G. White ◽  
Kenneth R. Mitchell

In recent years, a strong case has been made by education and health theorists for an allocation of resources aimed at preventing the onset of psychological, social and educational problems among school aged children. Psychologists, counsellors, and educators working in the field have, however, tended to focus their limited resources on established problem areas and crisis intervention, rather than on preventive programs. This paper questions the long-term effectiveness of “bandaid” intervention and develops a broader conceptual framework for the delivery of psychological services to a school community. A service model is proposed that balances the traditional focus on remediation with an emphasis on the prevention of psycho-educational problems. Attention is given to the role and function of the school counsellor in the implementation of such a model.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 203
Sri Maharani

Menopause is a period of cessation of menstruation that will be experienced by all women and can not be avoided. Some symptoms of menopause will be experienced by women from mild symptoms to things that can interfere with life. As a result of changing lifestyle patterns that are relaxed, lack of movement and exercise and eating patterns that lead to a ready-to-eat dish containing fat, protein and salt but low in fiber, bring consequences to the development of degenerative diseases such as obesity, diabetes mellitus, diabetes, osteoporosis, disease coronary heart disease (CHD), and hypertension. The problems faced by partners today include the lack of knowledge about menopause, so it is considered necessary to provide counseling to provide knowledge to the elderly to overcome complaints experienced by the elderly in the face of menopause. Community service activities are carried out at the Al-Mutjahidin mosque in Jambi City. Timing in January 2018. The target is the elderly. Community service methods survey approach, lecture, discussion, demonstration / simulation. The results obtained are the elderly are able to understand about menopause. It is recommended that health workers, especially at the Puskesmas, give more information about menopause to the elderly by participating in elderly pengajianpara activities to get information about menopause and can undergo menopause well.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-136
Endang Sri Wahyuni ◽  
Roh Hastuti Prasetyaningsih

Background:  The temporary suspension of  Posyandu Elderly activities has resulted in a decline in the role and function of health cadres in monitoring the health of the elderly. This is also accompanied by a decrease in the health condition of the elderly because they cannot carry out social leisure activities, which are generally carried out in the Elderly Posyandu activity forum. The purpose of this community service activity is so that cadres can optimize their role and function in monitoring the health of the elderly during a pandemic. The health of the elderly is maintained through the leisure activity program provided. Meanwhile, the elderly who are affected by Covid-19can still be guaranteed their basic needs through the distribution of existing assistance. Methods: For cadres are given counseling and training on the role of health cadres during a pandemic. Elderly people are given leisure activity programs carried out both individually and in small groups, facilitating leisure activities, counseling on preventing the spread of Covid-19, and distributing basic needs assistance for elderly people affected by Covid-19. Results: Kader has demonstrated its performance in monitoring the health of the elderly and helping facilitate elderly leisure activities. Elderly people can do leisure activities during the pandemic so they don't feel lonely anymore, feel happy because they can meet other elderly people of their age, don't feel overly afraid, and can participate in social activities to support the basic needs of elderly people affected by Covid-19. The awareness of the elderly in applying the new health norms has also increased. Conclusion: Of community empowerment with leisure activities during the pandemic can be realized thanks to cross-sectoral cooperation. This activity requires a follow-up in the form of evaluation and monitoring of existing programs.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 500-507
Lufthiani ◽  
Evi Karota ◽  
Nunung F Sitepu

Health problems in the elderly begins with the process of deterioration of body cells, which causes a decrease in function and immune system so that it can increase risk factors for disease. Some diseases that are often experienced by the elderly include, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, rheumatism, gout, hearing loss, vision problems, osteoporosis, and others. These conditions will have an impact on increasing morbidity and mortality, declining quality of life, and increasing health financing. The method of implementing community service activities is carried out by educating health issues, providing guidance, counseling and mentoring to 20 elderly groups. The purpose of community service activities is to increase health care efforts which are expected to implement programs to create or improve the ability to live healthy in the community both individuals and groups to be able to solve various problems related to health improvement and disease prevention on an ongoing basis. Education is carried out with health education about general elderly diseases that often occur, namely Diabetes and Gout, then conduct guidance and counseling by dividing into groups, and provide assistance by teaching foot exercises and foot care. Results The implementation of community service activities shows the results that Good Knowledge about degenerative diseases (85.0%), after the mentoring activities namely guidance, counseling, foot gymnastics simulation and foot care. Paired t-test results before and after the assistance was given p value of 0.007. It is expected that the elderly group can be independent in efforts to prevent degenerative diseases that are focused on diabetes mellitus

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