Edy Sofyan ◽  
Ernandia Pandikar

ABSTRACT The family is the first environment in a child's life, a place where children learn and express themselves as social beings. The family provides the basis for the formation of behavior, character, morals and education of the child. Triggers of violence against children that occur among others are first, the emergence of domestic violence, the occurrence of violence involving both the father, mother and other relatives cause inevitable violence occurs also against children. Children are often targeted by parents' anger. Second, the occurrence of family dysfunction, namely the role of parents do not work as they should. Third, the economic factor, namely violence arises because of economic factors. The character of the child will be disturbed by the occurrence of wrong treatment that often escape the attention, whereas ordinary events are very often related, in the inability and ineffective parents in dealing with children. The problem formulation in this study is how big the role of parents according to legislation and norms prevailing in society, the factors causing the occurrence of violence in the household, and how big the character of children who experience violence in the household. The research method used a quantitative descriptive approach. As for the results from the average research scores the study mostly answered "Yes". With the overall average gain in the highest percentage score is 86.7% and the lowest percentage score is 13.3%. So the conclusion of this study, domestic violence affecting the character of children in MTs.Az-zahra Selacau school in Selacau village, Batujajar sub-district, West Bandung regency. Keywords: Domestic Violence, Child Character. ABSTRAK Keluarga adalah lingkungan pertama dalam kehidupan anak, tempat dimana anak belajar dan menyatakan diri sebagai makhluk sosial. Keluarga memberikan dasar pembentukan tingkah laku, watak, moral dan pendidikan terhadap anak. Pemicu kekerasan terhadap anak yang terjadi diantaranya adalah pertama, munculnya kekerasan dalam rumah tangga, terjadinya kekerasan yang melibatkan baik pihak ayah, ibu dan saudara yang lainnya menyebabkan tidak terelakkannya kekerasan terjadi juga terhadap anak. Anak seringkali menjadi sasaran kemarahan orang tua. Kedua, terjadinya disfungsi keluarga, yaitu peran orang tua tidak berjalan sebagaimana seharusnya. Ketiga, faktor ekonomi, yaitu kekerasan timbul karena faktor ekonomi. Karakter anak akan terganggu dengan terjadinya perlakuan salah yang sering luput dari perhatian, padahal kejadian biasa sangat sering terkait, pada ketidak mampuan dan kurang efektifnya orang tua dalam menghadapi anak. Adapun rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah seberapa besar peran orang tua menurut perundang-undangan dan norma yang berlaku dalam masyarakat, faktor-faktor penyebab terjadinya kekerasan dalam rumah tangga, dan seberapa besar karakter anak yang mengalami kekerasan dalam rumah tangga. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif. Adapun hasil dari penelitian skor rata-rata penelitian sebagian besar menjawab “Ya”. Dengan perolehan rata-rata seluruhnya pada skor persentase tertinggi adalah 86,7% dan skor persentase terendah adalah 13,3%. Maka kesimpulan penelitian ini, kekerasan dalam rumah tangga berdampak terhadap karakter anak di sekolah MTs.Az-zahra Selacau di Desa Selacau Kecamatan Batujajar Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Kata Kunci : KDRT, Karakter Anak

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Janet Oluwaleye Monisola

The trend of violence against women in Nigeria has increased more than ever recently, with many women having been deprived of their fundamental rights. Violence against women in Nigeria includes sexual harassment, physical violence, harmful traditional practices, emotional and psychological violence, and socio-economic violence. This article investigates cases of domestic violence against women in South West Nigeria by assessing the role of family courts in the adjudication of such cases. Both primary and secondary sources of data were employed to examine incidents of violence against women and the role of the family courts in ensuring justice. The author employed both primary and secondary sources of data; the data gathered were analysed by frequency and simple percentages, while qualitative data were descriptively analysed. The article reveals the causes of domestic violence against women to include a cultural belief in male superiority, women’s lack of awareness of their rights, women’s poverty owing to joblessness, men seeking sexual satisfaction by force, women having only male children, the social acceptance of discipline, the failure to punish the perpetrators of violence, the influence of alcohol, and in-laws’ interference in marital relationships. It also reveals the nature of domestic violence against women. The research revealed that the family courts have played prominent roles in protecting and defending the rights of women. The author therefore recommends that the law should strengthen the family courts by extending their power to penalise the perpetrators of violence against women. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 45-47
Sodiqova Gulbarno Odiljon qizi

This article provides an overview of the role of parents and parenting methods in teenager independent decision-making in the family, and provides relevant conclusions

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 66
Eko Setyo Widodo ◽  
Kris Nugroho

The family planning village in Jambewangi village of Banyuwangi regency has been awarded the title of provice and national pilot KB Village in the year of 2019. Motivated by the commitment and active role of various components of stakeholders to foster and accompany the society in the process of implementation of the KB village policy. All stakeholders involved can provide coaching and facilitation to improve the utilization of all potential of the welfare and acceleration of the development of Jambewangi village. Each stakeholder involved has different influences and interests. It is also influenced by power or authority over the policy itself. This study was qualitative with a descriptive approach. Data were collected using observation and deep interviews. After examining the validity, data were analyzed by presenting the data that is simultaneously analyzed and interpreted according to the analysis theory of stakeholder role to be concluded. This study explains the analysis of the role of stakeholders involved in the implementation of family planning village in Jambewangi village of Banyuwangi regency, which are grouped based on interests and power on policies in accordance with Bryson's stakeholder analysis theory. From the results of this study, it was concluded that the grouping of stakeholders in this study had the aim to find out the parties involved in the implementation of the policy including its roles, interests, and impacts arising from the implementation of the policy program.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 124
Nurul Istiqomah

<p>Entrepreneurship is very important to instill independence in the younger generation. There are a number of things that have an important influence on a child's soul, including family, school and the environment. The role of the family, especially mothers as early educators who put the most important foundation for the growth of the personality and maturity of children's thinking. There are several research focuses that exist in, among others, (1) to know parents in instilling entrepreneurial education values in the central tempe chips industry in Sanan, Malang. (2) to knowing the form or result of the cultivation of entrepreneurial education values in the central tempe chips industry in Sanan, Malang (3) to knowing the obstacles in cultivating entrepreneurial education values in the Tempe chips industry center in Sanan, Malang. This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of research of community phenomena because researchers take data directly in the field. The technique of collecting data uses observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques include data collection, data reduction, and data presentation. The conclusion of this study is the role of parents in instilling entrepreneurial values is to guide and support the activities of their children in the field of entrepreneurship. The results have been well implemented through habituation. The obstacle in implementing entrepreneurship for children is the lack of parental trust so that it is difficult to teach entrepreneurship, it is difficult to determine which products are sold because they are too expensive, and the difficulty of the child to divide time.</p><p class="CPKeyword"><em><strong>Keywords: the role of parents; entrepreneurship</strong></em></p>

Afifah Fatihakun Ni'mah Wahidah ◽  
Muhammad Alfatih Suryadilaga

Urgency Parents have an important role for Early Childhood Education especially with the covid outbreak so that children have to learn from home. This article aims to examine the urgency of Early Childhood Education education in the perspective of hadith, especially the hadith on the obligations of parents in educating children, which is associated with conditions in the era of the Coronavirus pandemi. Family is the first and foremost education for a person. Education in the family plays a role in developing character, personality, cultural values, religious and moral values, and simple skills. There is a physical distancing policy so that learning is carried out online (in a network) so that the role of parents is very urgent in ensuring the continuity of their children's education. is the responsibility of the parents; Second, the best gift parents give their children is a good education; Third, parents as the first and foremost madrasa, especially for early childhood, are responsible for their children's education.

Ahmad Yanizon

Perkembangan moral pada masa kanak-kanak masih dalam tingkat yang rendah. Hal ini disebabkan karena perkembangan intelektual anak-anak belum mencapai titik di mana ia dapat mempelajari atau menerapkan prinsip-prinsip abstrak tentang benar dan salah. Orang tua merupakan tempat pertama terbentuknya moral anak. Kasih sayang yang diberikan orang tua terhadap anak, membangun sistem interaksi yang bermoral antara anak dengan orang lain. Hubungan dengan orang tua yang hangat, ramah, gembira dan menunjukkan sikap kasih sayang merupakan pupuk bagi perkembangan moral anak. Dengan demikian, maka penting sekali peranan orang tua di keluarga dalam perkembangan moral anak, karena orang tua merupakan pendidik pertama yang diterima anak ketika mereka terlahir kedunia. Adapun peran orang tua dalam pembentukan moral anak dilihat dari pegembangan pandangan moral, perasaan moral dan tingkah laku moral. Ketiga unsur tersebut terbentuk dari interaksi orang tua anak dalam keluarga yang berlangsung dari anak-anak hingga dewasa. Oleh karena itu, sudah seharusnyalah orang tua berperan sebagai teladan yang baik di keluarga untuk menjadi contoh bagi anak-anaknya.Kata Kunci: Moral, Peran Orang Tua Moral development in childhood is still in a low level. It is because of the children’s intellectual development has not already reached the level where he is able to learn or apply the abstract principles about right and wrong things. Parental is the first point of children’s moral formation. Parents’ Affection toward children, build their moral interaction systems. A warm, friendly, happy relationship and affection between parents and children are children’s moral development fertilizer. Thus, parents’ roles toward children’s moral development are very essential, because parents are the first educators for children when they got born into the world. Parents’ roles toward children’s moral formation are viewed from children’s developing moral vision, a sense of morality and moral behavior. These three elements were formed from parents and children’s interaction in a family since childhood to adulthood. Therefore, it is a must for parents to figure well in the family to be as a good example for their children.Keywords: Moral, Parents’ Role  

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (87) ◽  
Elena Vishtalenko ◽  
Emma Andreasyan ◽  

Most researchers of socialization processes agree that the primary socialization carried out in the family is crucial. The phenomenon of the family was considered in terms of psychological, sociological, anthropological, philosophical, biological and cultural approaches. Now the question of surrogacy is being studied in terms of the psychology of the life path of the individual; as manifestations of the meaning of life, will, responsibility; as a world of the subjective, where is always something more. Many scientists pay attention to the methodology, organization, functioning of foster families; the problems of lifestyle of orphan children in general, and in particular – in a professionally foster family. Scientists have considered the motivation of the adopted child into the family and some socio-psychological characteristics of parents. However, there are almost no studies of some individual-typological features that dysfunctionally affect family relationships, although these features may be the reason for the denial of the family's ability to be a substitute. The relevance of the study is due to the need of supplement the structural and semantic components of the psychological diagnosis of potential parents in foster families. The empirical study was conducted on the basis of the Odessa Regional Center for Social Services for Families, Children and Youth, a territorial division of the Odessa Regional State Administration. In testing took a part about 30 applicants for foster parents. With the help of Individual-typological questionnaire LM Sobchyk (ITO) there was created an average statistical portrait of candidates for the role of parents in foster families. They are characterized by a high level of extraversion (48.6%); average level of rigidity (82.9%), aggression (54.3%), anxiety (82.9%), introversion (71.5%), lability (74.3%), sensitivity (62.9%), spontaneity (60%). All these qualities positively characterize all members of the sample and confirm their reliability as potential parents in foster families. These conclusions can be used by psychologists in the selection of candidates for the role of foster parents in foster families, as well as in psychological counseling.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 329
Faisal Bukhari

According to miankabaunese’s traditional law, when a dispute or disagreement occurs in a community, it is resolved by consensus among members of the clan or clan leaders which ends in the fellowship of local custom assosiation called with “Kerapatan Adat Nagari (KAN)”. The problem formulation of this research is; what is the role of Kerapatan Adat Nagari (KAN) in resolving communal land (tanah Ulayat) disputes in one of local villager called Kenagarian Bukik Sikumpa, Lima Puluh Kota Regency? and how the efforts of Kerapatan Adat Nagari (KAN) to overcome obstacles in resolving communal land disputes in Kenagarian Bukik Sikumpa, Lima Puluh Kota Regency. The method of the research is an empirical juridical approach. The conclusion of research is that the role of Kerapatan Adat Nagari (KAN) of Bukik Sikumpa of Lima Puluh Kota district is as the mediator any disputes where the provisions of Perda No. 7 of 2018 as the legal basis. This provision declares that every local villagers have to prioritie in conducting local wisdom deliberation as solving problem among the family, community, and tribal levels. Kerapatan Adat Nagari (KAN) acts as an intermediary in resolving disputes if these three domains of local deliberation have been taken by the disputing families. Due to local religious philosophy "Adat basandi syarak, syarak basandi Kitabullah", every customari chiefs whether they are members of the Kerapatan Adat Nagari (KAN) or who are not, should increase the sense of justice and be wiser for people's trust restoration.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 109
Ikeu Nurhidayah ◽  
Neng Lani Ligina

Sexual violence in children case happens most in age 6-12 years. Impact of sexual violence in children is post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and revictimizations in adulthood. Role of parents in prevention sexual violence is very important because parents is the people closest to the child. The Purpose of this study is to get an overview of parents roles to prevention sexual violence in children at SDN 061 Cijerah Bandung Kulon Bandung. This study used quantitative descriptive method with samples 141 of parents at SDN 061 Cijerah from populations 530 students and used accidental sampling method.  The instrument used is a quistionnaire by researcher combined prevention sexual violence based on government program PANTS with role of parents based on BKKBN. Reability of this study has a alfa cronbach of 0,918. Data analysis used with calculate cut of point from each role of parents and categorize to good roles or less good roles. The results of this study showed that of  141 parents in general that is 93,6% had good roles. The role of parents as educators 88,7% parents had good role as educators. For incentive 90,8% had good role as incentive. For role models, 91,5% parents be a good role models.  As supervisor 85,1% parents be a good supervisors. For counselor 91,5% parents had good role as counselors. For comunicator 72,3% had good role as comunicators.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-103
Husnul Khatimah

This study analyzes the role of sukuk in national economic development. During this time the source of development financing consists of several kinds including taxes, bonds, foreign debt and Islamic bonds (sukuk). Sukuk has been developed in Indonesia since 2002 (published Indosat) and is still growing and the number of issuers are even greater. The research method using descriptive quantitative, data source in this research is secondary data obtained, balance of payments in the government, the state budget. This study uses a quantitative descriptive approach. Data were processed using matrix comparison of the performance of sukuk and conventional bonds to finance national development. The role and contribution of sukuk to finance the construction has been increasing. In 2011 amounted to 34% of financing needs are met through sukuk. Until 2016 the proportion was 60%. Instead the role of foreign debt be decreased. In 2011 only 7%, and by 2016 the portion close to 0%.

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