scholarly journals The implications of the Covid-19 pandemic on the field of education and training

Abdennasser Naji

Morocco was the first to take a set of precautionary measures aimed at curbing the spread of the virus, especially when it was found that the cases that had been discovered were all coming from abroad. The goal was not to allow the virus to infect residents of the homeland by closing the air, land and sea borders. This contributed to limiting the number of local cases without permanently canceling the occurrence of this matter. In line with the same proactive policy adopted by the state, several measures have been taken aimed at implementing the principle of social separation, which was mainly manifested in the application of quarantine to citizens. The school, which is attended by about a third of Moroccan citizens, has been decided to close since March 16, 2020, fearing that it constitutes hotbeds of the spread of the virus that are difficult to control, given the schools represent spaces for intense gathering of children and adults alike, which may provide an appropriate environment for the pandemic to spread between School population. According to UNESCO, as of April 21, 2020, 191 countries have closed their schools, outnumbering more than a billion and a half students involved in this procedure, which represents 90.2% of the total number of learners internationally. As for Morocco, it was affected by the decision to close schools 8.943.156 Moroccan students, which is equivalent to the total of learners at all levels of education at the national level. And like the rest of the world, Morocco has adopted distance learning as a solution to face the interruption of studies in educational institutions, and a digital platform has been designated for this purpose.

Abdennasser Naji

Morocco was one of the first countries to take a set of precautionary measures aimed at curbing the spread of the virus, especially when it was found that all the cases discovered were from abroad. The goal was not to allow the virus to infect residents of the homeland by closing the air, land and sea borders. This contributed to reducing the number of local cases, without permanently canceling the occurrence of this matter. In line with the same proactive policy adopted by the state, several measures have been taken aimed at implementing the principle of social separation, which was mainly manifested in the application of lock-down to citizens. The school, which is attended by about a third of Moroccan citizens, has been closed since March 16, 2020, for fear that it will constitute hotbeds of the virus that are difficult to control. Given that schools represent spaces for heavy gathering for children and adults alike, this may provide an appropriate environment for the spread of Covid-19 in the school population.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Karim EL GUESSAB ◽  
Rita VYAZOVA ◽  
Oksana UBEYVOLK ◽  
Andrii KURGUZOV ◽  

The article examines the state and trends in the development of distance learning in the world in conditions of covid-19, identifies the main specific difference between distance education and other forms of education, and analyzes the state of the world market of educational services via the Internet. The important features and characteristics of distance learning, examples of its organization in higher educational institutions, as well as statistics on the development of distance learning in the world are presented. The main problematic points on the way of introducing the distance education system in the context of a pandemic and the factors hindering the development of this promising form of education are identified. In addition, the article examines the psychological and pedagogical features of distance learning with the current conditions of the development of education at the university. The psychological characteristics of students and their learning difficulties have been determined. It also clarified the problems faced by teachers in the organization and implementation of distance learning. Practical recommendations for the support of distance learning for students have been developed.

Mostafa Al-Emran

A novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has been identified in Wuhan, China, in late 2019 (Zhu et al., 2020). On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the outbreak of COVID-19 as a global pandemic (Cucinotta & Vanelli, 2020). In responding to this pandemic, a series of precautionary measures have been taken forward on a global basis to combat the spread of the virus. One of such measures was the lockdown of educational institutions. To compromise between the delivery of learning to students and committing to social distancing, the transition to distance learning was the unavoidable option in such crises.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 62
Chen Chang ◽  
Getaye Aytenew

<p>Concerning the fast spread of COVID-19, countries all over the world have closed academic institutions to stop the pandemic. It is now apparent that students and teachers require other options that have to be more versatile, easily accessible, and support the current technologies and conditions to face the unpredictable future. From the review, literature disclosed that universities throughout the globe are establishing and implementing electronics learning platforms as a basic need in academic institutions. This manuscript aimed to assess the status of electronics learning in China and Ethiopian educational institutions to counter the challenges of the closure of schools because of the outbreak of the pandemic. The paper highlights concerning e-learning in the sense of China and Ethiopia, e-learning challenges, and successful experiences. This review paper also suggests educators use e-learning and distance learning as a necessity to advance learning, particularly during this pandemic season.</p>

P. Clint Rogers ◽  
Scott L. Howell

<P>Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, Baha'i, Jewish, and Christian organizations are all experimenting with distance education for various reasons and to different extents, due to religious, economic, and political factors. Religious institutions worldwide are not only turning to the World Wide Web (WWW) to place information concerning religious beliefs and provide virtual services for their constituents but are also getting more involved in formally educating their members at a distance. This paper will document some of these educational efforts and the reasons behind the expanding use of distance education by several of the major religious institutions for training, edifying, and educating their religious adherents.</P> <P><B>Keywords:</B> distance education; distance learning; religion; religious education and training; religious institutions; theology</P>

2020 ◽  

The increasing digitization of the world of work is associated with accelerated structural changes. These are connected with changed qualification profiles and thus new challenges for vocational education and training (VET). Companies, vocational schools and other educational institutions must respond appropriately. The volume focuses on the diverse demands placed on teachers, learners and educational institutions in vocational education and training and aims to provide up-to-date results on learning in the digital age.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 2453
Sırrı Tiryaki

The first inventions made by the first humans on earth to survive started the beginning of first scientific activities. The first instruments made of bone and stone are a product of this philosophy. The fact that human beings begin to lead a life based on settled life means the world science develops rapidly. Because the settled life enabled the establishment of villages and cities for world civilization and the commencement of trade. Along with all these things, concepts such as writing, books, literature, library, astronomy, mathematics, chemistry and physics began to enter into human life. The discovery of mining revealed the facts like armed soldiers, armies and states. Along with the concept of the state, scientific activities have become more systematic and more widespread. Because it is known that states supported scientific activities within their borders. For example, the creation of the writing by the Sumerian civilization, the preparation of textbooks, the development of the calendar, the development of medical science in Egypt, the invention of the compass by the Chinese civilization, the opening of the museum in Alexandria in the Hellenistic Age and the starting of the studies about anatomy in this museum, the opening of a three different educational institutions in Rome, were all happening as a result of the encouragement and support of the respective states. In this study, we tried to put forth that all the scientific activities in the Old Era the basis of the modern science as well.Extended English abstract is in the end of PDF (TURKISH) file. ÖzetYeryüzündeki ilk insanların hayata kalabilmek için yaptıkları ilk icatlar aynı zamanda ilk bilimsel faaliyetleri başlamaktadır. Kemik ve taştan yapılan ilk aletler bu felsefenin bir ürünüdür. İnsanoğlunun yerleşik yaşama dayalı bir hayat sürdürmeye başlaması ise dünya biliminin hızla gelişmesi anlamına gelmektedir. Çünkü yerleşik yaşam dünya uygarlığı için köylerin ve kentlerin kurulması ve ticaretin başlaması demekti. Bütün bunların yanı sıra yerleşik yaşamla birlikte yazı, kitap, edebiyat, kütüphane, astronomi, matematik, kimya ve fizik gibi kavramlar insan hayatına girmeye başladı. Madenciliğin keşfi ise silahlı askerler, ordular ve devletler gibi olguları ortaya çıkardı. Devlet kavramıyla birlikte bilimsel faaliyetler daha sistematik hâle geldi ve daha da yaygınlaştı. Çünkü devletlerin kendi sınırları içerisinde bilimsel aktiviteleri teşvikleri söz konusuydu. Örneğin yazının Sümer uygarlığı tarafından icat edilmesi, ders kitaplarının hazırlanması, takvimin geliştirilmesi, Mısır’da tıp biliminin oldukça gelişmesi, pusulanın Çin uygarlığı tarafından icat edilmesi, Helenistik Çağ’da İskenderiye kentinde müzenin açılması ve bu müzede anatomi alanında çalışmaların başlatılması ile Roma’da üç farklı eğitim kurumunun açılması gibi konuların tamamı dönemin söz konusu devletlerinin teşvik ve destekleri sonucunda gerçekleşen olgulardı. Çalışmamızda Eski Çağdaki bütün bu bilimsel faaliyetlerin aynı zamanda modern bilimin temelini oluşturduğunu ortaya koymaya çalıştık.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 160-162
Oleh Pylypchuk ◽  
Oleh Strelko ◽  
Yulia Berdnychenko

The year 2020, verging to a close, is one of the most difficult and hardest years in the life of mankind over the last century. Unfortunately, it is in the 20th year of each century for the last several hundred years that human civilization has been suffering from another global pandemic (to say nothing of local and regional pandemics)… Several pandemics of plague killed at least 300 million people, and the highest incidence in Europe occurred in 1720‒1722. In 1817‒1824, the First Cholera Pandemic spread across the world. One hundred years later, in 1918‒1920, fifty million lives worldwide were claimed by the Spanish flu (H1N1). For a year now, starting in December 2019 and throughout 2020, the entire world is fighting the 21st century pandemic – the global COVID-19 outbreak caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Despite all the difficulties that humanity faces today, life goes on, and the world scientific community is persistently looking for ways to get out of the latest pandemic trap. The world has learned the lessons of pandemics and learned to use the acquired knowledge and scientific legacy of past generations. This led to a quick response to the challenges that life presents us. In December 2020, at this writing, several pharmaceutical companies have already announced the invention of vaccines and the final stages of their trials. We hope that our esteemed authors and readership will witness yet another victory of science over the world's evil. 10 years ago to the day, creation of the History of Science and Technology journal began. Therefore, we would like to summarize some of the work undertaken over the years. The first issue of History of Science and Technology was published in 2011. The founder of the journal was the State Economy and Technology University of Transport. State Economy and Technology University of Transport was one of the three universities in Ukraine that mainly trained specialists for the railway industry. It is the teachers, students and staff of the State Economy and Technology University of Transport who became the primary authors of the first journal issues. Therefore, in the first years after the journal was created, its focus on the study of the history of the development of railway transport and related areas was apparent. Back then the journal was titled History of Science and Technology: Collection of scientific papers of the State Economic and Technological University of Transport. Printed versions of the journal were regularly distributed in libraries of higher educational institutions and research institutions of Ukraine. The electronic version of the full-text issue of the journal (without division into separate articles) was posted on the University library website. Gradually, the journal began to gain popularity, and as far back as in 2013‒2015 it received a large audience of readers and authors across regions and organizations from all over Ukraine. Accordingly, the themes of the articles changed, being no longer limited to rail transport, but extended to the study of the history of all branches of science and various technologies instead. In 2016, the journal History of Science and Technology replaced its founder. It was the State University of Infrastructure and Technologies which was established through the decree of Ukrainian government dated February 29, 2016 by way of merger of two metropolitan higher educational institutions – Kyiv State Maritime Academy named after hetman Petro Konashevych-Sahaidachnyi and State Economy and Technology University of Transport. Accordingly, the name of the journal has changed into History of Science and Technology: Collection of scientific papers of State University of Infrastructure and Technologies. The next stage in the life of the journal was the creation of its separate website in March 2018. Since then, work has begun on a deeper reform of the journal, which continues to this day. History of Science and Technology journal is constantly changing. Thus, steps have been taken to improve the design of the journal and bring it into line with internationally recognized standards. The composition of the journal's editorial board has undergone significant personnel changes. In April 2019, it underwent state re-registration of the print media and acquired its current name – History of Science and Technology journal. However, fundamental steps have been taken towards filling the journal with original and high-qualty scientific content that would be of interest not only to the Ukrainian reader but also to foreign reader. Strict analysis in the selection of articles, strict plagiarism policy, independent double-blind peer review, as well as numerous other steps and innovations, have affected the number of published articles. If in 2019 approximately 25% of submitted articles were rejected, in 2020 this figure reaches almost 60%. Although hopefully, a change in quality of articles for the better followed the change in their number. They have really become interesting to the international world community, as evidenced by statistics on daily visits to the journal's website by representatives from around the world. The journal generated interest among authors from different countries and continents. In the first issue of History of Science and Technology for the year 2020, articles by authors representing universities and research organizations from Ghana, Canada, USA, Spain, Russia and Ukraine were published. Thus, in the second issue of 2020, History of Science and Technology journal introduces its readers to articles by authors from around the world, namely Azerbaijan, India, Indonesia, Italy, Spain and Ukraine. While summing up our 10 years’ work, we would like not to be limited to bare figures. Thus, History of Science and Technology has published 10 volumes and 17 issues over the years, which include more than 400 articles by various authors. And of course, each of these published articles has undergone a great deal of work by authors, editors, reviewers, proof-readers, print workers, etc. All these people primarily have always been trying to make History of Science and Technology journal interesting for you, our Readers! Our team will keep working enthusiastically and persistently on it!

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 353-362
Halyna Ponomarova ◽  
Alla Kharkivska

The object of the research is the history of development and the didactic foundations of distance education. To implement the research, a complex of theoretical and empirical methods was used: theoretical analysis of pedagogical, psychological, methodological and specialized (subject) literature on the problem under study. In the course of the research, the following results were obtained: the world experience in the development of distance learning was studied; clarified and concretized the content of the concepts of "distance learning" and "distance learning"; the author's interpretation of the concept of "distance learning" is given; based on the analysis of domestic and foreign experience, the principles of organizing distance learning were identified and supplemented; the experience of using distance learning in higher educational institutions of Ukraine has been studied and systematized.

2022 ◽  
pp. 276-293
Mısra Ciğeroğlu Öztepe ◽  
Hakan Akca

The issue of “ethics,” which is frequently emphasized in the development and transformation processes of public administration (PA) and stands out in the context of combating problems, crises, and corruption in the discipline, is becoming more important in today's global world. In parallel, studies on the place and importance of ethics education in PA have been increasing in recent years, especially with the emphasis on the ability of ethics to provide solutions to these problems. In this context, this study addresses the place and importance of ethics education in PA education and training in the world and in Turkey. In this framework, firstly, the relationship between PA and ethics and the importance of ethics education in PA are examined. After that, the examples of educational institutions providing ethics education in the world and in Turkey and their educational contents are analyzed. The study ends by making a comparison concerning the subject in the world and Turkey and making various suggestions.

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