scholarly journals Rancang Bangun Alat Peringatan Dini Dan Informasi Lokasi Kebakaran Berbasis Arduino Uno

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-18
Novaldiyanto K. Nento ◽  
Bambang Panji Asmara ◽  
Iskandar Zulkarnain Nasibu

Bahaya  kebakaran  adalah  bahaya  yang  diakibatkan  oleh  adanya  ancaman  potensial  dan  derajat terkena  pancaran  api  sejak  dari  awal  terjadi  kebakaran  hingga  penjalaran  api,  asap  dan  gas  yang ditimbulkan. Kebakaran adalah terjadinya api yang tidak dikehendaki. Proses informasi adanya kebakaran pada umumnya masih memakai cara manual, hal ini dilakukan karena belum memanfaatkan kecanggihan teknologi yang sekarang ini sangat berkembang pesat. Informasi kebakaran ini kurang cepat dan tepat khususnya pada satuan pemadam kebakaran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merancang sistem yang dapat digunakan untuk menginformasikan kebakaran dengan cepat beserta informasi lokasi pada tempat terjadinya kebakaran. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode eksperimen dan perancangan baik dalam pembuatan perangkat keras serta perangkat lunak pendukungnya. Perangkat kerasnya menggunakan sensor api, sensor asap dan sensor suhu, dan menginformasikan melalui modul GSM serta modul GPS untuk membaca koordinat lokasi kebakaran. Hasil dari perancangan alat peringatan dini dan informasi lokasi kebakaran berbasis arduino uno bekerja dengan baik. Pada alat pengirim, saat kondisi ada api, ada asap dan suhu diatas 50 derajat alat mengirimkan sms untuk menyalakan alat penerima dan sms link google maps lokasi kebakaran. Pada alat penerima, saat alat menerima sms dari alat pengirim, alat akan menyalakan buzzer. Alat bekerja sesuai dengan yang telah direncanakan dan bisa digunakan untuk mendeteksi adanya kebakaran. Fire hazard is a danger that is caused by the potential threat and the degree of exposure to fire from the start of a fire to the spread of fire, smoke, and the gas it causes. Fire is a fire incident that is not desired. In general, the information process for fires still uses the manual method, this is done because it has not taken advantage of the sophistication of technology which is now very rapidly developing. This fire information is not fast and accurate, especially for fire fighting units. The purpose of this research is to design a system that can be used to quickly inform fires along with location information at the scene of the fire. The method used in this research is the experimental method and design both in hardware and supporting software. The hardware uses fire sensors, smoke sensors, and temperature sensors, and informs via GSM module as well as the GPS module to read the coordinates of the fire location. The results of the design of early warning tools and fire location information based on Arduino Uno worked well. On the sending device, when there is a fire, there is smoke and the temperature is above 50 degrees, the device sends an SMS to the receiving device and the SMS link on the google maps location of the fire. On the receiving device, when the device receives an SMS from the sending device, the device will create a buzzer. The tool works as planned and can be used to check for fires.

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 93
Muhammad Aqib ◽  
Jonathan Cazalas

With the advent in mobile and internet technologies, there is a significant increase in the number of users using smartphones and other internet based applications. There are a large number of applications available online that use the internet and provide useful information to the users. These include ones that provide location-based services e.g. google maps etc. These applications provide many facilities to the users who want information regarding a specific area or directions using an optimal path to a destination. Due to these reasons, the number of clients using these applications is increasing on a daily basis. Although these services are very useful and are making it easy for us to get information about our surroundings, some issues are also linked with the use of these applications and their services. One of the more significant issues of using these services is privacy with respect to sending personal location information to location-based services servers. Researchers have provided many solutions to solve these issues. One of the solutions is through caching and use of k-anonymity techniques. In this paper, we have proposed a method to solve the privacy issue that uses caching data approach to reduce the number of queries sent to the location-based services server. We also discuss the use of the concept of k-anonymity when no relevant data is available in cache, and queries are sent to the server.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
Dedi Satria ◽  
Syaifuddin Yana ◽  
Rizal Munadi ◽  
Saumi Syahreza

a b s t r a c tThe development of flood early warning technology has grown rapidly. The technology has led to an increase in technology in terms of communication and information. Internet of Things technology (IoTs) has provided a major influence on the development of early warning information system. In this article a protipe-based flood monitoring information system of Google Maps have been designed by integrating Ultrasonic sensors as the height of the detector, the Arduino Uno as a processor, U-Blox GPS modules Neo 6 m GSM module and as the sender of data is the height of the water and the coordinates to the station of the system informais flood. The design of the prototype produces information flood elevations along with location based Google Maps interface.Keywords:Flood, Arduino, Internet of Things Technology (IoTs), Ethernet a b s t r a kPengembangan teknologi peringatan dini banjir telah tumbuh dengan cepat. Teknologi tersebut telah mengarah kepada peningkatan di segi teknologi komunikasi dan informasi. Teknologi Internet of Things (IoTs) telah memberikan pengaruh besar terhadap perkembangan sistem informasi peringatan dini. Didalam artikel ini sebuah protipe sistem informasi monitoring banjir berbasis Google Maps telah dirancang dengan mengintegrasikan sensor ultrasonik sebagai pendeteksi ketinggian, Arduino Uno sebagai pemroses, modul GPS U-Blox Neo 6m dan modul GSM sebagai pengirim data ketinggian air dan koordinat ke stasion sistem informais banjir. Perancangan prototipe menghasilkan informasi ketinggian banjir beserta lokasinya berbasis antarmuka Google Maps.Kata Kunci: Banjir, Arduino, Internet of Things Technology (IoTs), Ethernet

2011 ◽  
Vol 368-373 ◽  
pp. 1175-1181
Shu Ping Zhang ◽  
Wen Jun Wei

This paper took a large store building from Xi'an city which was on fire in 2008 to be the research object, simulating fire smoke, temperature and flame situation with FDS computer numerical simulation, and performed a comparative analysis with its real fire scene pictures. The research shows that during the early 12 minutes, the flamed area is small, the simulated temperature, smoke are highly coherent with the real scene; In the mean time, when considering the whole spreading tendency of building fire in a period of time from macro angle, large eddy simulation can truly reflect fire transient turbulence properties, but the volumetric heat source method has some limitations in fire spreading simulation, thereby it will have a certain affect on smoke flowing simulation.

2011 ◽  
Vol 368-373 ◽  
pp. 1182-1185
Chan Juan Xu ◽  
Shu Ping Zhang ◽  
Jing Jing Zhang

To a large comprehensive convention center as an example, this paper analyses the flow characteristics of fire smoke of the main hall and the feasibility for sharing space as "Quasi safety zone". First, the fire scenario was identified through the fire hazard analysis, then, set a model and take a simulation analysis by fire simulation software FDS, based on this fire scenario which have been established. At last, draw conclusions according to the smoke flow properties.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 33 ◽  
Sri Safrina Dewi ◽  
Dedi Satria ◽  
Elin Yusibani ◽  
Didik Sugiyanto

a b s t r a c tThe fire disaster was one of the disasters that frequently occurred in Indonesia. Fires often occur in particular in the area of dense population average is affected by the presence of shorting electric and gas leakage from household kitchens. many cases fires are known at the time of the fire, and little has happened can be detected early. Based on community-based information system that has been done today, then needed a fire disaster information systems that can provide information and notification in real-time in the form of initial conditions information from source fire and its location to the firefighter or the community effectively and efficiently. The purpose of the research was the design of a prototype fire information system building based Google Map using lines of communication the GSM module. The prototype was built using the DHT11 temperature sensor, Sensor Smoke MQ2, Arduino Uno, GPS module and GSM modem SIM9000. The research produces information systems monitoring fires in two systems namely fire detection system and information systems fire location based Google Maps. Both systems have been run in accordance with experiments that have been conducted resulting in fire occurrence data location information with data on the condition of the presence of smoke and temperature/temperature. And expected with this prototype development research community or parties associated with catastrophic fires can be helped to anticipate disasters and takes a lot of sacrifice.Keywords: Early Warning Systems, Fire, GSM, Google Maps, Arduino a b s t r a kBencana kebakaran merupakan salah satu bencana yang kerap terjadi di Indonesia. Kebakaran sering kali terjadi khususnya di kawasan padat penduduk yang rata-rata dipengaruhi oleh adanya korslet listrik dan kebocoran gas dari dapur rumah tangga. banyak kasus kebakaran diketahui pada saat sudah terjadi kebakaran dan sedikit dapat dideteksi lebih awal. Berdasarkan sistem informasi berbasis masyarakat yang telah dilakukan saat ini, maka diperlukan sebuah sistem informasi bencana kebakaran yang dapat memberikan notifikasi dan informasi secara real-time dalam bentuk informasi dari awal kondisi sumber kebakaran dan lokasinya kepada pihak petugas pemadam kebakaran maupun masyarakat secara efektif dan efesien. Tujuan penelitian adalah perancangan prototipe sistem informasi kebakaran gedung berbasis Google Map dengan menggunakan jalur komunikasi modul GSM. Prototipe dibangun menggunakan sensor suhu DHT11, Sensor Asap MQ2, Arduino Uno, modul GPS dan modem GSM SIM9000. Penelitian menghasilkan sistem informasi monitoring kebakaran dalam dua sistem yaitu sistem deteksi kebakaran dan sistem informasi lokasi kebakaran yang berbasis Google Maps. Kedua sistem telah berjalan sesuai dengan percobaan yang telah dilakukan sehingga menghasilkan informasi data lokasi terjadinya kebakaran beserta data kondisi adanya asap dan suhu/temperatur. Dan diharapkan dengan penelitian pengembangan prototipe ini maka masyarakat atau pihak terkait dengan bencana kebakaran dapat terbantu untuk mengantisipasi bencana yang lebih besar dan memakan banyak korban.Kata Kunci:Sistem Peringatan Dini, Kebakaran, GSM, Google Maps, Arduino

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 46-57
Nur Yanti ◽  
Fathur Zaini Rahman ◽  
Taufik Nur

At Indonesia, cases of residential house fires are still rampant. This resulted in considerable losses for the population of Indonesia. If there is no prevention or countermeasure, it is possible that the danger of a house fires will continue. Therefore, this system exists to create a condition where the system is able to detect the potential that will bring a fire hazard. In this system using a method that is the application of a multisensory system in detecting the presence of fire, smoke and temperature in the room. The sensors used include KY-026 fire sensor, MQ-9 smoke sensor and DS18B20 temperature sensor. Then the system also implements an intelligent system that is fuzzy logic to process sensor reading data. The three sensor inputs will be processed through the fuzzification stage, rule evaluation and the deffuzification. The output of this system is in the form of firm values, namely the values 1 to 5 from the results of the multisensory defuzzification in each module. So the error of the defuzzification average is 0.99% after being compared with the MATLAB output. This system is expected to be able to provide early warning of the threat of fire, reduce the risk of casualties, and be able to be implemented to a wider scale or scope.

Foristek ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Abdi Chaerunnas ◽  
Mery Subito

Vehicle theft is one of the most common cases in big cities. The absence of a security system on a vehicle is one of the causes of the case. Therefore, we need a security system on the vehicle in the form of an alarm and can also perform the tracking function. This study aims to design a vehicle security system using GPS and SMS Gateway technology. This system uses the u-blox Neo6m GPS module, GSM SIM 800L v2 module and Arduino Uno microcontroller. The tracking system uses data from GPS coordinates sent to the user's smartphone number and displayed on the Google Maps application. The accuracy of GPS coordinates in this system when compared to GPS on smartphones has a gap of between 1 - 26 meters. The response time when the user sends a command to track the vehicle to get a reply sms that is ± 37.6 seconds.

Akeem Olowolayemo ◽  
Teddy Mantoro

Location referencing relative to landmarks or between two points of interest is often presented by navigation systems (e.g., GPS, Google Maps) in quantitative terms (e.g., 100m, 2km, etc.). However, humans refer to distances between points of interests in linguistic forms, such as very close, far, almost there, nearby, etc. When location information is presented to humans in quantitative terms, they often reprocess the quantities into linguistic terms and articulate it in linguistic labels because quantitative articulations are not directly in line with the natural human cognition. Therefore, this research seeks to evaluate the possibility of applying perceptive computing to reprocess quantitative location references from landmarks or two points of interest into linguistic labels easily understood by humans. A comparative analysis between the perception of quantitative distances and similar physical distances in an environment familiar to the subjects has been carried out, and there is a clear disparity between the perceptions in these two contexts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 126 ◽  
pp. 103446
Serhat Bilyaz ◽  
Tyler Buffington ◽  
Ofodike A. Ezekoye

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (6) ◽  
pp. 4238-4242

With the development of science and technology, the design of modern architecture is becoming more and more attractive. The large-scale public buildings such as shopping malls, office buildings, Research centres and education centres are increasing dramatically. In case of sudden disasters and the overloaded electricity may easily cause fire and the fire smoke, fire in large buildings spread over a wide range of areas and produces physical damages, several hazard to life and property and atmospheric pollution. This paper proposes An Intelligent IOT based People Evacuation Guidance Model for Fire Hazard to guide the people by constructing the evacuation path dynamically based on the real time situation to reach the safety exit quickly in large public buildings using their Personal Digital Assistant like mobile phone, tabs etc. Whenever a fire breaks out, IOT module alerts the people to find the safety exit. Thus, the proposed system minimizes danger and economic losses by guiding the optimized evacuation path. The performance of the proposed system will be compared with the existing system and the result of improvement will be shown.

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