Аида Руслановна Гашарова ◽  
Абусупьян Татарханович Акамов

В статье рассматривается вопрос воздействия религии на этнокультуру и фольклор, исследуются различные формы интерпретации и заимствования коранических текстов, их трансформация и использование в устно-поэтическом творчестве. Религия находится в тесной взаимосвязи с национальной культурой и фольклором. Она проникает во все сферы жизни: социально-бытовую, общественную, политическую, культурную, психологическую и др. Соответственно, она занимает главенствующее место в жизни человека, чем можно объяснить и широкое применение паремий на религиозную тематику. Пословицы и поговорки - это подлинное афористическое творчество, в котором в лаконичной форме содержатся основы народной философии, провозглашаются нормы морали, раскрываются черты всеобщей эстетики и мировосприятие, находит отражение мудрость этносоциума. Данное исследование выполнено на материале мусульманских религиозных текстов, под влиянием которых с установкой на идеологию и национально-специфическое религиозное мышление складываются самобытные пословицы и поговорки. Единицы, указывающие на религию, и их философское и смысловое содержание в репрезентации вербальной картины мира анализируются на материале фольклорных текстов, главным образом, народных пословиц и поговорок. Сложность объекта исследования состоит в том, что в этнофольклоре кумыков и лезгин этот аспект изучен слабо. The article discusses the issue of the interaction of religion on ethnoculture and folklore, explores various forms of interpretation and borrowing of the Koran texts, their transformation and use in oral poetry. Religion is closely related to national culture and folklore. It occupies a dominant place in human life, which can explain the widespread use of paremias on religious topics. This study was carried out on the basis of Muslim religious texts, under the influence of which original proverbs and sayings are formed. Substantial pictures of folk life, socio-historical experience, religious beliefs, national culture - all this is reflected in folk proverbs and sayings. The purpose of our study is to examine the influence of the scriptures on the people’s consciousness, on oral and poetic creativity, to identify generally accepted moral and ethical rules of behavior, integrated in wise sayings, which are akin to the Koran moral principles. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the implementation of a comparative analysis of the Kumyk and Lezgin folk proverbs and sayings in comparison with the Koran translations. The units indicating religion and their philosophical and semantic content in the representation of the verbal picture of the world are analyzed on the basis of folk proverbs and sayings. The complexity of the object of the research lies in the fact that this aspect is poorly studied in the ethnofolklore of the Kumyks and Lezghins.

S.B. Kamesheva ◽  

This article discusses the development of new technologies in the field of social robotics and humanmachine interaction interfaces. A comparative analysis was proposed about the availability levels of technologies in Russia and in the world. The consequences of the development and integration of social robotics in human life are considered.

2005 ◽  
pp. 49-65
Vitaliy I. Docush

The problem of resurrection is one of the most pressing issues of any eschatology (from the Greek Eschatos - the last, logos - the doctrine - the religious doctrine of the ultimate destiny of mankind and the world) and religious futurology (religious prediction of the future of humanity). She has always interested not only theologians and scholars, but also ordinary believers. After all, it is about believing in the possibility of continuing human life, life in eternity. The doctrine of the resurrection is at the heart of Scripture because it is directly related to the problem of salvation. It should be noted that in the secular religious studies this issue has been researched, most scholars have given it a negative characteristic.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 58
Maha Qahatn Sulaiman

A comprehensive investigation of Thomas Hardy’s poetry reveals the doctrines of Existentialism which were new and not common during the 19th century. Hardy’s poetry, combining both Modern and Victorian elements, proclaims the emancipation from the fetters of money and religious oriented orthodox heritage. Hardy believes that the struggle for existence is the canon of life and, therefore, human cooperation is a necessity to man’s wellbeing. Though Hardy’s religious beliefs declined, mainly the concepts of divine intervention, absolution, and afterlife, he did not relinquish his faith in the moral principles of the Christian Church. This is expressed in his poetry through an intense desire to elevate man’s status in the world, to secure the transition of man’s existence from insignificance to accomplishment and excellence. The present study examines Hardy’s poetry in the light of the existentialists’ belief that man can achieve supremacy by being conscious of one’s limitations, ethical responsibilities, and duties. The focus of the study is on female characters in Hardy’s poetry, whose elevated consciousness and self-realisation present an ethical model that can assist the development of humanity and improve the world.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 643-652
Natalia Vasilievna Gorinova

The beginning of the 21st century opened a new page in the development of Komi literature connected with the activity of female authors earlier unprecedented on a dramatic field. In the 2000s Nina Kuratova, Elena Kozlova and Nina Obrezkova addressed dramaturgic genres. By this time they had already been popular writers. Having addressed a dramaturgic genre, new to itself, each writer introduced organic features in a palette of dramaturgic poetics, enriching and updating national culture. We devoted this work to research the specifics of Komi female dramatic art. Gender approach and method of the comparative analysis allowed us to reveal features of Komi female dramatic art. The Komi female dramatic art is not stereotypical and cliched, there is no similarity in the creation of plots and the features of characters in plays by the playwrights. N. Kuratova's, E. Kozlova's and N. Obrezkova's plays differ on the one hand from each other, on the other hand from plays by male Komi playwrights. It is not only about female playwrights reproducing in plays the female character and especially female household reality, but also about reproduction of how women feel and understand the world. In the Komi female drama we see the desire of the woman to live in harmony with the world, to constantly feel safe, to arrange family cosiness, to keep and transfer to the subsequent generations family values, love and respect (Kuratova). Also female drama transmits that pain which is felt by the woman, building relations with men, feeling their pressure and even violence (Kozlova). The female drama reveals changes the woman in modern society experiences, her finding new social roles, finding male features against the background of spiritual weakening of men (Obrezkova). So, the female consciousness gets into Komi dramaturgic space, opening new ways in an artistic judgment of reality, enriching an aesthetic paradigm.

Gulchehra T. Kabulniyazova ◽  

The article analyzes the ideas of the Sufi thinker, poet Jalaladdin Rumi, the prominent Indian philosopher Sri Aurobindo Ghosh, and Henri Bergson about intuition and spiritual love. These thinkers, who lived in different historical eras, who were not familiar with each other’s creativity, expressed a number of similar ideas. These are ideas of spiritual love and intuition. According to Rumi, the idea of a person as God’s slave or servant is significantly lower than the idea of a person as a beloved of God, since it prevents one from seeing the im­age of God in the inner world of a person; the enlightened human soul strives to merge with the world soul. The highest goal of the integral yoga of Aurobindo is the unity of body, soul and spirit, thanks to which a latent spiritual force with a divine nature manifests itself in a person, a person turns into an instrument of action of divine will – Shakti. Rumi sees the meaning of human life in the dis­closure of creative abilities. Bergson defines intuition as the energy of benevo­lence, with the help of which the intellectual limitations of people are over­come. A person, according to Bergson, is a creative being, in whose activity a creative impulse is manifested; in turn, this impulse gives rise to intuition. Comparing the views of three thinkers, we find a pantheistic attitude that makes different worldviews comparable and provides a basis for their comparative study, which was pointed out in the 11th century. outstanding Central Asian en­cyclopedist Abu Rayhan al-Biruni. In our opinion, the ideas of spiritual love and intuition are the bridge that connects Western and Eastern cultures, which are very different from each other.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 4-16
A.G. Timchenko ◽  
Yu.E. Seredkina ◽  

Statement of the problem. The conceptual world picture of an author of a text is a key element to his/her understanding and correct interpretation. It helps to make conclusions about the author’s individual understanding of the world. The concept “way” is one of the basic concepts both in the Russian language and in the individual author’s pictures of the world, and is put on a par with such universal concepts as life, death, God, etc. The purpose of the article is to study the semantic content of the concept “way” in V.O. Pelevin’s novel “Yellow Arrow” and the ways of its lexical representation, identifying the features of the individual author’s picture of the world. Methodology (materials and methods). Research material consists of contexts verbalizing the concept “way”, extracted by continuous sampling from the text of the story “Yellow Arrow” by V.O. Pelevin. Basic analysis methods include descriptive and conceptual analysis, contextual and component analysis of lexical units, semantic analysis of dictionary definitions. Research results. In the aspect of verbal contextual representations, the concept “way” denotes a direction, a vector of development of human life in the novel: the common human route moves to the “destroyed bridge”. This idea is embodied in the lexemes of the near periphery (passengers, arrow) and the far periphery (knocking of wheels, low-style proper nouns). Not everyone can find an individual path, but the main character was able to “get off the train”.

2021 ◽  
Vol 68 (07) ◽  
pp. 39-43
Вафа Самед гызы Алиева ◽  

There is a close link between culture and language. Phraseological units reflect the world view of definite nation, and the idioms with phytonyms make one of the biggest groups of phraseological units. Plants are an inseparable part of human life. They are used for making food, clothes and shelter; moreover, they play an important role in understanding of religious, symbolic, aesthetic components of culture. The article discusses the frequency of use of various phytonyms in English, Russian an Azerbaijan languages. Some idioms with phytonyms have the precise equivalents which lexical, grammatical and semantical structure coincide in these three languages, but most of such kind of idioms lack the precise equivalents, and while translating the most important thing is to preserve their semantics, expressiveness and imagery. The article also provides information about the origin of some of the idiomatic expressions with phytonyms. Key words: idioms, plants, culture, phytonyms, frequency of use of phytonyms, origin of idiomatical expressions with phytonyms

V. G. Gusakov ◽  
A. A. Kovalenya

The article outlines the complicated path of formation of the Belarusian language. On a number of examples, in general terms, it is noted that the Belarusian language for many centuries has been the most important means of transmitting socio­historical experience, the formation of national culture, traditions, identification of people and the formation of national statehood. Based on the historical experience, the authors emphasize the importance of preserving and developing the Belarusian language in the context of globalization of the world community – as an important task for every Belarusian.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 385
Utsmanul Hakim Efendi ◽  
Shofiatun Nikmah

<p>Kajian hadis Gender telah mendapat perhatian dari berbagai ilmuwan Muslim di dunia. Di Indonesia, KH. Husein Muhammad dan Abdul Mustaqim merupakan Tokoh yang aktif menarasikan kesetaraan gender dengan merelevansikannya dengan Teks-teks Agama. Keduanya memiliki Latar belakang Pendidikan yang berbeda, sehingga mendorong peneliti untuk melakukan kajian komparasi terhadap Pemikiran keduanya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui metode pemahaman hadis perspektif gender dari keduanya. Melalui analisa komparasi, penelitian ini hendak menunjukkan perbedaan dan persamaan metode keduanya dalam memahami hadis dengan perspektif gender. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode komparasi dengan analisis Gender. Metode ini digunakan untuk melihat sejauhmana hadis dapat dipahami dan diaplikasikan dengan menggunakan analisis gender, sekaligus untuk memahami secara komprehensif perbedaan dan persamaan dari kedua tokoh. Pada penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa keduanya menggunakan prinsip-prinsip gender secara mendasar seperti kesetaran, kemanusiaan dan keadilan dalam memahami hadis. Keduanya juga menjadikan Maqashid al-Shariah sebagai basis penafsiran, dimana makna hadis harus sejalan dengan Prinsip yang terdapat dalam Maqashid al-Syariah. Namun KH. Husein Muhammad dan Abdul Mustaqim memiliki latarbelakang pendidikan akademik yang berbeda, dalam penelitian ini diketahui bahwa metode yang dipaparkan Abdul Mustaqim lebih sistematis dan metodis serta memudahkan pembaca untuk memahami langkah-langkah metodiknya dalam memahami hadis perspektif Gender.</p><p>[<strong>Understanding Hadith on Gender Perspective: A Comparative Study of KH. Husein Muhammad and Abdul Mustaqim</strong>.<strong> </strong>The study of Gender-hadith has received attention from various Muslim scientists in the world. In Indonesia, KH. Husein Muhammad and Abdul Mustaqim are figures who actively narrate gender equality by relevating it with religious texts. Both of them have different educational backgrounds, thus encouraging researchers to do a comparative study of their thought. This study aimed to determine the method of understanding the hadith from the gender perspective of both. This research aims to show the differences and similarities of two methods in understanding the hadith from a gender perspective through a comparative analysis. The method used is a comparative method with gender analysis. This method is used to see the extent to which the hadith can be understood and applied by using gender analysis, as well as to comprehensively understand the differences and similarities of the two figures. In this research, it can be concluded that both of them use basic gender principles such as equality, humanity and justice in understanding hadith. Both of them also make maqashid al-syariah as the basis for interpretation, where the meaning of hadith must be in line with the principles contained in maqasid al-shariah. However, KH. Husein Muhammad and Abdul Mustaqim have different academic educational backgrounds, in this research, it is known that the method described by Abdul Mustaqim is more systematic and methodical and makes it easier for the reader to understand his methodical steps in understanding the hadith from a gender perspective.]</p>

2012 ◽  
pp. 132-149 ◽  
V. Uzun

The article deals with the features of the Russian policy of agriculture support in comparison with the EU and the US policies. Comparative analysis is held considering the scales and levels of collective agriculture support, sources of supporting means, levels and mechanisms of support of agricultural production manufacturers, its consumers, agrarian infrastructure establishments, manufacturers and consumers of each of the principal types of agriculture production. The author makes an attempt to estimate the consequences of Russia’s accession to the World Trade Organization based on a hypothesis that this will result in unification of the manufacturers and consumers’ protection levels in Russia with the countries that have long been WTO members.

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