scholarly journals Migration policy towards skilled labor in the Russian Federation

2020 ◽  
pp. 80-102
Olga Chudinovskikh ◽  
Oxana Kharaeva

The article analyzes the policy of the Russian Federation towards skilled foreign labor in retrospect — from the moment of the collapse of the USSR to the present day. It is shown that throughout the recent history of law-making and in practice, labor migrants have been considered mainly as a temporary phenomenon despite the country’s need for qualified personnel who could become a part of its resident population. The article attempts to systematize existing channels of skilled migration and provides main principles of their operation. It is shown that, with the exception of a program aimed at the so-called highly skilled specialists (HSS), other forms of attracting foreign workers do not offer a package of conditions that can interest potential migrants in moving to Russia. The system of attracting HSS has not yet shown its effectiveness and is mainly used for simplified temporary access to the Russian labor market. The State Program of assistance to the resettlement of compatriots, formally intended for migrants with ethnic and cultural affinity to the population of Russia, actually uses the principles of selection of skilled labor migrants. Only at the end of 2019, steps were taken that made it easier for graduates of Russian universities and technical schools, as well as specialists with professions in demand, to obtain a residence permit. However, these steps look half-hearted. Comparing the Russian experience with the practice of some foreign countries gives grounds for thinking about what tools and approaches can improve the effectiveness of the Russian policy towards qualified migrants and arouse their interest in moving to our country for permanent residence.

Дарья Викторовна Гризовская ◽  
Галина Константиновна Лапушинская

В статье объектом исследования являются миграционные процессы и инструменты их регулирования. Предмет исследования связан с тем, что в исследованиях миграционных потоков часто не учитывается сложность и комплексность этих социально-экономических процессов, требующих социологических, исторических, демографических и других подходов к их анализу. Кроме того, исследования осуществляются без учета различий в целевых ориентациях субъектов, вовлеченных в миграционное регулирование, что принципиально, по мнению авторов, для принятия управленческих решений в миграционной сфере. Государство, субъекты Федерации, промышленные компании, ориентированные на привлечение трудовых мигрантов, иностранных работников и жителей территории (автохтонов), имеют различные, в большинстве случаев противоречивые побуждающие миграционные мотивы. Поэтому целью исследования является выработка комплексного, целеориентированного подхода к анализу возможного инструментария миграционного регулирования (миграционной политики) РФ на основе оценки существующей мировой практики. Инструментально-методический аппарат исследования базируется на комплексном подходе, в рамках которого уточнено понятие миграции как объективного фактора, обеспечивающего развитие региональной экономики. Авторы исходят из того, что миграция представляет собой целеориентированный процесс, заключающийся во въезде в страну иностранных граждан, основными мотивами которых являются определенные целевые установки по пребыванию ими на избранной территории, и оказывающий положительное (возможности развития) или негативное (усиление рисков) влияние на условия экономического развития региона. Научная новизна исследования представлена разработкой предложений по совершенствованию инструментов регулирования процессов привлечения иностранных кадров для Тверской области и допускающих их использование в субъектах РФ, исходя из ориентации действий на специализацию и выбранные целевые приоритеты развития территорий. The current stage of development of society and the state is characterized by a change in the role of the migration factor in the socio-economic development of territories. Given the decline in the share of the able-bodied population, a large share of low-skilled labor, and the need to implement national projects aimed at changing the demographic background of the state, which are primarily expressed in stimulating the birth rate growth, the Russian Federation is faced with the task of attracting labor migrants capable of supporting the industrial transformation of the Russian economy. In this regard, migration processes and tools for their regulation are becoming an important object of research. This does not take into account the complexity of socio-economic processes and emerging sociological, historical, demographic and other approaches to the analysis of migration processes, often inconsistent with each other. In addition, studies are carried out without taking into account differences in the target orientations of the subjects involved in migration regulation, which is a necessary element in making managerial decisions in the migration sphere, as the state, constituent entities of the Federation, and industrial companies focused on attracting labor migrants, foreign workers, and residents of the territory (autochthon) have various, in most cases, contradictory motivational migration motives. As a result, a study aimed at finding an integrated, goal-oriented approach to the analysis of possible tools of migration regulation (migration policy) of the Russian Federation based on an assessment of existing world practice seems to be most relevant. The instrumental and methodical apparatus of the study is based on an integrated approach, within which migration is considered as a goal-oriented process that has characteristic components and is influenced by objective and personalized factors that depend on the conditions of the socio-economic situation in the development of the territory, and also combines various methods of scientific knowledge: system analysis, comparative, economic and statistical, grouping, benchmarking, etc. In the course of this study were developed us suggestions to improve the regulation of migration processes in the Russian regions, based on the orientation of the action on the selected specialization and targeted development priorities of the territories.

Julia V. Nadtochiy

В представленной научной работе анализируются все изменения санкций норм главы 26 УК РФ «Экологические преступления», внесённые законодателем с момента принятия действующего уголовного кодекса Российской Федерации по настоящее время, а также изменения медианы санкций по наиболее стро-гому виду наказания – лишению свободы на определённый срок – в каждой части каждой статьи составов рассматриваемых преступлений. Проведённое по данной методике исследование позволило наглядно продемонстрировать изменения оценки законодателем степени общественной опасности конкретных экологических преступлений на протяжении всего периода действия УК РФ, выявить расхождения в её оценке между смежными составами, а также в соотношении основного и квалифицированного составов. Кроме того, сделан вывод о том, что, несмотря на общую тенденцию к гуманизации и ослаблению уголовной репрессии, на сегодняшний день в рассматриваемой сфере наблюдается перевес пенализационных процессов над депенализационными, за счёт повышенного законодательного интереса к так называемым составам браконьерства. The present research work reviews all changes in the sanctions of the norms of Chapter 26 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Environmental Crimes”, introduced by the legislator from the moment of adoption of the current criminal code of the Russian Federation until the present time, as well as the changes in the median of sanctions for the most severe form of punishment – imprisonment for a fixed term in each part of each article that constitutes the crimes under consideration. The study that was carried out by using this methodology made it possible to clearly demonstrate the changes in the legislator’s assessment of the degree of public danger of specific environmental crimes throughout the entire period of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, to reveal the discrepancies in its assessment between adjacent structures, as well as in the ratio of basic and qualified personnel. In addition, it was concluded that, despite the general trend towards humanization and the weakening of criminal repression, today in the area under consideration there is a preponderance of penalization processes over the depenalization ones, due to the increased legislative interest in the so-called poaching compositions.

M. L. Galas

This article discusses investment opportunities and business migration in the Russian Federation in the context of the experience of foreign countries . The author treated investment migration as an aggregate of the cost of materials, labour and money in artificial body and/or natural foreign persons, legitimate and free-roaming in the recipient country, aimed at expanded reproduction, fixed assets of all branches of the host economy . In this regard, analyses the mechanism of regulation of economic migration in Russia . Attention is paid to the innovations of migration law and public policy objectives of the Russian migration policy . Investment migration of individuals is stimulated by the recipient in modern states preferences in obtaining a temporary residence permit, residence permit or citizenship . Legal entity investing abroad, encouraged by the tax, credit preferences, banking programs, favourable economic conditions, legal regimes, the reduction of administrative barriers . Each recipient country strives to create favourable conditions for foreign investment in the priority areas of economic and social development . Each recipient country seeks to create favourable conditions for foreign investment in the priority areas of economic and social development . The Russian Federation, as one of the leading contemporary recipients, poses a strategic task of creating an effective model of economic migration, which directly involves labour and migration investment .

E.V. Bolshakov ◽  
I.D. Nazarov ◽  

The subject of the research within the framework of the article is the criminal procedure institute for the detention of a person on suspicion of committing a crime. The legal nature of this institution is analyzed, and comments are given on the normative legal acts and judicial practice regulating the issues of detention. The theoretical basis of the research is based on the publications of the last two decades on this problem, in particular, reflecting the discussion of the process scientists S. A. Shafer, S. B. Rossinsky and A. A. Tarasov, the subject of which was the issue of the legal nature of a suspect detention in a criminal case. In the paper, the authors ask the following questions: What is the detention of a person on suspicion of committing a crime in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation? From what moment does the detained person acquire the status of a suspect? Is it possible to detain a person before initiating a criminal case? The study concludes that a person acquires the actual status of a suspect from the moment of direct detention, that is, before documenting this status and, as a result, before initiating a criminal case. Amendments to the articles of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation are proposed, and the authors` versions of the definitions of the concepts «detention of a suspect», «the moment of actual detention» and «pre-trial proceedings» are given.

Дмитрий Викторович Кияйкин

В статье проведен анализ существующей практики защиты имущественных интересов уголовно-исполнительной системы Российской Федерации при участии в уголовном процессе в качестве представителя потерпевшего, изложены рекомендации по улучшению данной работы с учетом особенностей сложившейся практики. Раскрываются особенности уголовно-процессуальной защиты на основе материалов территориальных органов и анализа дел указанной категории схарактеристикой эффективных решений иимеющихся проблем по защите имущественных интересов уголовно-исполнительной системы (далее - УИС), материалов практики защиты поуказанным вопросам, аналитических и статистических данных за 2018-2020 гг. Обращено внимание, чтона практике имеются сложности с определением размера возмещаемого ущерба и сроков исковой давности, а также с фактическим исполнением судебных решений овзыскании ущерба в связи с финансовой несостоятельностью должников. Важной проблемой по защите имущественных интересов остается отсутствие методики определения размера причиненного репутационного вреда органам иучреждениям уголовно-исполнительной системы Российской Федерации. Обеспечение своевременного допуска представителя органа илиучреждения УИС имеет существенное значение для защиты имущественных интересов, поскольку юридическое лицо получает фактическую возможность по отстаиванию своих законных интересов лишь смомента допуска представителя - физического лица. Автором определены направления работы должностных и иных заинтересованных лиц по реализации защиты имущественных интересов УИС при участии в уголовном процессе в качестве представителя потерпевшего. The article analyzes the existing practice of protecting the property interests of the Penal system of the Russian Federation when participating in criminal proceedings as a representative of the victim, and provides recommendations for improving this work, taking into account the features of the current practice. The article reveals the features of criminal procedure protection based on the materials of territorial bodies and the analysis of cases of this category with the characteristics of effective solutions and existing problems in protecting the property interests of the Penal system (hereinafter the FPS), materials of defense practice on these issues, analytical and statistical data for the period 2018-2020. Attention is drawn to the fact that in practice there are some peculiarities in determining the amount of damage to be compensated and the limitation period. Due to the financial insolvency of debtors in practice, there is a difficulty with the actual execution of court decisions on recovery of damages. An important problem in protecting property interests remains the lack of a methodology for determining the amount of reputational damage caused to the bodies and institutions of the Russian Federation's penal system. Ensuring the timely admission of a representative of a body or institution of a penal system is essential for the protection of property interests, since a legal entity gets the actual opportunity to defend its legitimate interests only from the moment of admission of a representative - an individual. The author defines the directions of work of officials and other interested persons to protect the property interests of the Penal system of the Russian Federation when participating in criminal proceedings as a representative of the victim.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 464-478
Ahmad Mohammad Chahoud ◽  
Van Vuong Le ◽  
Mohannad Hosain

This article examines the evolution of priorities, main directions and conditions of the Russian Federation’s cooperation with Syria and Vietnam in the sphere of education, and it analyzes the historical experience of the cooperation between these states. The authors analyze the main tasks and areas of research for the cooperation of the Russian Federation with other states, the contextual priorities of their development, the needs of the labor market and the characteristics of the higher education systems. Particular attention is paid to a comparative study of the institutional and regulatory resources for the development of higher education systems of the countries under consideration. The authors emphasize the relationship between higher education and the national economy. The novelty of the research lies in rethinking the conceptual framework, objectives and key areas of interaction between countries that can together form the necessary basis for understanding the basic essence of cooperation between the Russian Federation and Syria and Vietnam in the field of educational policy, its state and development prospects. The authors identified features of the cooperation of the Russian Federation with Syria and Vietnam in the field of educational policy in the 2000s, which are expressed in their orientation to common priorities as expressed in international higher education documents, and the development of a consensus on the need to increase the volume of cooperation in the field of training highly qualified personnel in accordance with the requirements of the modern labor market.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
Ksenia Minakova

The article analyzes methods of ensuring the migrants rights by the public authorities of the Russian Federation, the individual elements of the migration policy of the Russian Federation relating to the activities of public authorities. It considers the activities in the field of protection of the migrants rights by such authorities as the Russian President's Office for Constitutional Rights of Citizens, the Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights, the Council for Interethnic Relations, General Directorate for Migration, Chief Directorate for Migration Issues of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, their normative documents, that regulate their activities. It examines separately the activities of the RF Government in the field of protection of the migrants rights, as well as judicial authorities; it identifies the special role of the RF Constitutional Court in the field of ensuring the rights of migrants, refugees, the internally displaced and stateless persons. It underlines the role of authority bodies of the RF entities in ensuring the migrants rights in terms of Irkursk Oblast. The article offers to differentiate strictly the role of each authority body in the field of migrants rights protection, as well as to pay specific attention to regulation of activities of the FR entities authority bodies in this direction.

Дмитрий Сергеевич Дядькин

В статье представлены результаты анализа наказуемости за одно из наиболее распространенных в последнее время в Российской Федерации преступление, предусмотренное ст. 282 УК РФ - возбуждение ненависти либо вражды, а равно унижение человеческого достоинства. В последние годы имеет место резкий рост количества осуждений лиц по ст. 282 УК РФ. Данная практика крайне репрессивна, не поддерживает одобрения в обществе, существенно критикуется и негативно оценивается даже властью, которая в последнее время предприняла действия по изменению сложившейся ситуации. Изменение структуры привлечения и осуждения лиц по ч. 1 и ч. 2 ст. 282 УК РФ - исчезновение квалификации действий лиц по ч. 2 - свидетельствует об изменении характера данных преступлений, способа их совершения, а самое главное - подходов к привлечению лиц к ответственности за совершение преступлений экстремистской направленности. Работа правоохранительных органов полностью переключилась с выявления, пресечения и наказания экстремистских деяний, совершаемых в реальной жизни, и на данный момент абсолютное большинство лиц, привлеченных по ст. 282 УК РФ, - это лица, допустившие те или иные высказывания» в социальных сетях. Ч. 2 ст. 282 УК РФ (квалифицирующие признаки, ее составляющие) на данный момент потеряли свою актуальность и не отвечают современным реалиям. Наказуемость за преступления, предусмотренные ст. 282 УК РФ, атипична по отношению к общей структуре применения наказаний в РФ за преступления в целом: за данное преступление осуждается к условному лишению свободы 61 % лиц, 11 % - к реальному лишению свободы. Данное положение вещей отражает ситуацию, когда дефиниция преступления по своему существу не отвечает ожиданиям современного российского общества, при этом внутреннее убеждение судейского корпуса также находится в определенном диссонансе. Современные российские реалии не позволяют судам выносить оправдательные приговоры в достаточном количестве, и судам приходится применять к лицам, по сути невиновным, наказания крайне незначительные или условно. По ст. 282 УК РФ данная тенденция явно прослеживается. Results of the analysis of punishability for one of the most widespread in the Russian Federation the crime provided by Art. 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation are presented recently in article there is an arousing hatred or hostility, and humiliation of human dignity is equal. In recent years the sharp growth of number of condemnations of persons according to Art. 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation takes place. This practice is extremely repressive, does not support approval in society, is significantly criticized and negatively estimated even by the power which took actions for change of a situation to the sphere recently. Change of structure of attraction and condemnation of persons according to Pt. 1 and Pt. 2 of Art. 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - disappearance of qualification of actions of persons according to Pt. 2 - demonstrates to change of nature of these crimes, a way of their commission, and the most important - approaches to involvement of persons to responsibility for commission of crimes of extremist orientation. Work of law enforcement agencies completely switched from identification, suppression and punishment of the extremist acts made in real life, and at the moment the vast majority of the persons involved according to Art. 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation are faces the allowed these or those statements on social networks. Pt. 2 of Art. 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (the qualifying signs, it making) at the moment lost the relevance and do not answer modern realities. The punishability for the crimes provided by Art. 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is atypical in relation to the general structure of application of punishments in the Russian Federation for crimes in general: for this crime it is condemned to conditional imprisonment 61 % of persons, 11 % - to real imprisonment. This state of affairs reflects a situation when the crime definition on the being does not answer expectations of modern Russian society, at the same time the internal belief of judiciary also is in a certain dissonance. Modern Russian realities do not allow vessels to pronounce justificatory sentences in enough, and vessels should apply to persons, in fact the innocent, punishments extremely insignificant or is conditional. According to Art. 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation this trend is obviously traced.

2018 ◽  
Vol 212 ◽  
pp. 04007
Olga Nikishina ◽  
Olga Nikishina

The study is devoted to the objects of unfinished construction (hereinafter - UCO). The problem of the UCOs is urgent both for the regions and for the Russian Federation as a whole. The main reasons for the large number of the unfinished construction objects are analyzed in the paper. The global experience of solving the issue of long-term construction is considered. The unfinished objects spoil the architectural outlook of the city, while the lands are used inefficiently and the necrosis of capital occurs. In Russia, as a rule, conservation of these objects is not done that creates a real threat to life and health of people. The state and society cannot count on the economic effect of these objects, and they do not justify the goals and the means invested in them. Based on the conclusions drawn, measures are proposed that will allow preventing the suspension of the objects under construction at the moment, and complete the construction of the objects that begun earlier.

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