The Technology Selection Method

Richard Caladine

In the previous chapters the learning activities model (LAM) and the learning technologies model (LTM) have been developed and examples of their use have been provided. These tools are individually useful as they provide theoretical frameworks for the analysis of learning activities and learning technologies. However, they can be put to a different use and meet a far greater need. They can also be used together in the practical process of the design of learning events and specifically for the selection of learning technologies that are appropriate to the learners, the material, the context, and the budget. This chapter forms the conceptual center of this book as it brings the first two models together to form the technology selection method (TSM). The TSM, an original tool or method, is presented. Examples of the method are provided and it is placed within the context of a generic flowchart for the design of learning events. The TSM can also be used in the conversion of existing learning events from traditional, face-to-face techniques to online learning events.

Richard Caladine

The learning activities model (LAM) developed in the previous chapter provides a theoretical framework for the analysis of the process of learning through the categorization of activities. During the design of learning events, different techniques, methods, and technologies can be applied to activities within each category or to complete categories of the LAM. This matching process is, in essence, the basis of the technology selection method (TSM), presented in Chapter VIII. However, before technologies that are appropriate to learners and learning events can be selected it is essential to have a clear understanding of the nature and capabilities of the technologies. To assist in the understanding and analysis of learning technologies, a theoretical framework of them, called the learning technologies model (LTM), is presented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 20-22
Faris Salman Faza

The existence of the COVID-19 outbreak has an impact on all sectors of life, one of which is in the education sector, many schools are forced to dismiss their students and teaching and learning activities are carried out online. the transition of Geography teaching and learning activities at MA PPPI Miftahussalam Banyumas from face to face to online creates new problems in learning so that a special strategy is needed in this learning. Although online learning is not effective for achieving learning goals, the teacher must be able to make new innovations so that learning objectives can be achieved. This study uses a qualitative description method by observing the behavior of students when online learning takes place. Learning online Geography class XII at MA PPPI Miftahussalam Banyumas uses educational games. This study aims to find out the right media in learning Geography class XII during the COVID-19 pandemic at MA PPPI Miftahussalam Banyumas. The results of this study showed that 76 students of class XII MA PPPI Miftahussalam Banyumas who had taken the test showed an average value> 8.00. This shows satisfactory results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 14-23
Claude Jeffrey Renaud ◽  
Zhi Xiong Chen ◽  
Heng-Wai Yuen ◽  
Lay Ling Tan ◽  
Terry Ling Te Pan ◽  

Introduction: The Coronavirus-19 pandemic has had profound effects on health professions education (HPE) posing serious challenges to the continued provision and implementation of undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing medical education (CME). Across these HPE domains, the major disruptions included the exclusion of undergraduate learners from clinical learning environments, restricted intra-, inter-institutional and overseas movement of medical professionals, termination of face-to-face learner-educator interactions, deployment of postgraduate learners into non-scope service settings, and CME postponement. Methods: In this review we report on how in Singapore various adaptive measures were instituted across the 3 HPE domains at institutional and national level to maintain adequate resources at the frontline to meet service exigencies, promote healthcare professionals’ wellbeing and safety as well as mitigate the spread of the pandemic. Results: We identified several strategies and contingencies developed to address these challenges. These involved the use of online learning platforms, distributed and asynchronous learning, an undergraduate Pathway Programme, and use of innovative hands-on technology like simulation. Robust, well pre-planned pandemic preparedness, effective communication, as well as provision of psychological support resources ensured maintenance of service and academic continuity, trust and resilience within HPE. However, several challenges remain, namely the timing and manner of conducting formative and summative assessments, cybersecurity, and the indispensable hands-on, in-person experiential learning for surgical training. Conclusion: Strong leadership with vision and planning, good communication, prioritising learners’ and educators’ wellbeing and safety, and harnessing existing and emerging online learning technologies are crucial elements for effective contingencies for HPE disruption during pandemics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (9) ◽  
pp. 914-921
Binti Itsnania ◽  
I Nyoman Suputra

Abstract As the effects of Covid-19 pandemic, Indonesia’s education experienced numerous changes. The previously face-to-face learning activities have been replaced by the online learning that relies on Internet access. Meanwhile, during a learning process, teachers use media to facilitate students learning. Therefore, the implementation of online learning rises the need for learning media in online learning. Mobile learning is invented as a learning media that can be implemented in this situation. It is developed using a number of programing applications, such as Sublime Text, to generate user friendly media. This study developed a Sublime Text based mobile learning application that can be accessed through android smartphones. This media has been confirmed to help teachers deliver learning materials, learning videos, and exercises accessible at anytime and anywhere. This Sublime Text based mobile learning application is called Study Fill. The learning media has been tried out to the students in tenth grade of State Vocational High School 2 Kediri, while the result suggest that the learning media is feasible and valid. Abstrak Pendidikan di Indonesia saat ini mengalami perubahan karena dampak dari pandemi Covid-19. Kegiatan belajar mengajar yang sebelumnya dapat dilakukan secara tatap muka di sekolah, saat ini ditiadakan dan diganti dengan kegiatan pembelajaran secara jarak jauh. Pembelajaran jarak jauh mengandalkan akses internet sebagai sarana pembelajaran. Pada kegiatan belajar mengajar, guru biasanya memanfaatkan media yang dapat digunakan untuk membantu berlangsungnya proses pembelajaran. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, dibutuhkan media pembelajaran yang tepat sehingga dapat membantu guru dalam pembelajaran daring. Mobile learning merupakan salah satu media yang tepat untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Mobile learning dapat dikembangkan dengan menggunakan beberapa aplikasi pemrograman, seperti Sublime Text, sehingga dapat menghasilkan aplikasi yang bersifat user friendly. Hasil penelitian ini berupa Mobile Learning Application berbasis Sublime Text yang dapat diakses melalui smartphone android. berupa Mobile Learning Application berbasis Sublime Text terbukti mempermudah guru membagikan materi, video pembelajaran maupun soal-soal dan peserta didik dapat mengaksesnya dimanapun dan kapanpun. Mobile Learning Application berbasis Sublime Text yang diberi nama StudyFill ini layak digunakan untuk siswa kelas X OTKP SMK Negeri 2 Kediri karena memperoleh hasil validasi sangat valid.

2020 ◽  
Ester Lina Situmorang

Technology has significantly brought changes in all aspects of human life, thechanges that occur require everyone to change from old habits to new habits thatare not used to be done. Changes in general in face-to-face classes began to shift tovirtual classes. Even the elements of education have undergone many changes bothparents, students and teachers. They experience new teaching patterns and ways ofteaching. Learning places are transformed and can be done at home, public places,and so on. Time and place are no longer a barrier to teaching and learning activitiesbecause they can be done online. Online learning is carried out by utilizing existingtechnology through media that uses the internet to carry out teaching and learningprocesses such as cellphones and laptops. This media will support the teaching andlearning process through available applications such as whatsApp, googleclassroom and so on. Learning brings many challenges and obstacles faced byparents in particular. Of course this is a challenge in itself for parents in monitoringchildren's learning activities, especially in the application of technology as alearning medium for children.

Rian Sugianto

<p><em>The implementation of learning activities in schools has undergone a very big change with the covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia, learning activities that were initially carried out face-to-face in schools were replaced with online learning or commonly known as online learning. This change certainly has a serious impact on the systems and techniques of implementing educational activities in Indonesia, especially in school learning activities. The pros and cons of course become a natural thing when there is a change in policy. Online learning is not only technically problematic, but the essence or purpose of learning has not really been tested for its effectiveness in the online learning system. This study uses descriptive qualitative research that describes tutoring services in reducing students' learning difficulties during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results showed that the barriers to online learning were parents of ignorant students, internet access, difficulty understanding the material, feeling lazy and having difficulty concentrating. The solutions are: making online learning media systems, communicating with parents, making learning summaries, giving assignments that encourage students to be active.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 73
Partono Partono

<p class="05Abstrak">Abstract</p><p class="06IsiAbstrak">The purpose of this study is to find out about the efforts or strategies for implementing teacher professionalism during the pandemic because learning activities are no longer carried out face-to-face but are completely digital / online. This type of research is field research with a descriptive qualitative approach that tries to explore the meaning of teacher professionalism as a step to develop the quality of educational institutions while still adjusting educational goals. The results of this study indicate that the majority of MI Hikmatun Najah teachers can implement their professionalism through online learning properly and right. They still carry out their duties and obligations in a professional manner even though the learning process is online / online. This research also shows that teachers can put their professionalism in accordance with the place and conditions.</p><p class="061AbstrakIndonesia">Abstrak</p><p class="05Abstrak">Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tentang upaya-upaya atau strategi implementasi profesionalisme guru pada masa pandemi dikarenakan kegiatan pembelajaran tidak lagi dilakukan dengan tatap muka melainkan dengan serba digital/online. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif yang mencoba mengeksplorasi makna profesionalisme guru sebagai langkah mengembangkan mutu lembaga pendidikan dengan tetap menyesuaikan tujuan pendidikan.. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa mayoritas guru MI Hikmatun Najah dapat mengimplementasikan sikap profesionalisme mereka melalui pembelajaran online dengan baik dan tepat. Mereka tetap melaksanakan tugas dan kewajiban mereka secara profesional walaupun proses pembelajaran melalui online/daring. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa para guru dapat menempatkan sikap profesionalisme mereka sesuai dengan tempat dan kondisi.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 149
Amdika Tri Sakti Tri Sakti ◽  
Esy Maestro

The research problem is motivated by the existence of teachers’ activities in implementing 2013 Curriculum, especially in the form of implementing curricular activities (learning and non-learning) during Covid-19 pandemic. This is due to the fact that even though the teachers do not teach students face to face, curricular activities at school must be conducted both in the form of online learning and other non-learning activities. This study aims to explain various non-face-to-face curricular activities which can be conducted by music teachers at SMP Negeri 3 Muaro Bungo Jambi during the Covid-19 Pandemic.This is a qualitative research using descriptive analysis approach. The research object was music teachers at SMP Negeri 3 Muaro Bungo Jambi. The research instruments were observation, interview, and documentation study.The results explain that since the government has implemented health protocol rules to prevent Covid-19 transmission in schools, the music teachers at SMP Negeri 3 Muaro Bungo Jambi continue to carry out non-face-to-face curricular activities. The learning activities carried out online by teachers. In addition, the teachers conduct other non-learning curricular activities such as adjusting semester programs, reconstructing lesson plans, simplifying subject matters, making video tutorials for teaching preparation, and so on.Keyword : Teacher Aktivity, Curriculum, Pandemic, Covid-19

2020 ◽  

Covid-19 atau sering disebut Virus Corona adalah suatu wabah penyakit yang berasal atau pertama kali di temukan dari Tiongkok, penyakit tersebut menyebar dengan cepat ke seluruh dunia. Covid-19 tersebut menyebar ke Indonesia pada awal Maret 2020. Penyebaran virus Corona ini menyebabkan beberapa kerugian yang cukup besar ke negara kita yaitu Indonesia terutama dalam bidang ekonomi, dan merambat ke bidang pendidikan, Covid-19 juga mengubah model pembelajaran secara drastis, dari pembelajaran secara konvensional dan sekarang menjadi pembelajaran dilakukan secara daring, dari yang bertatap muka dan sekarang Cuma bisa melalui via aplikasi saja, yang terdampak mulai dari tingkat sekolah dasar (SD) sampai perguruan tinggi. Pada kegiatan pembelajaran dengan mode daring di Universitas Lambung Mangkurat sudah lumayan efektif dengan memanfaatkan aplikasi Google Classroom, Google Meet dan E-learning. Kalau kendala dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran daring yaitu masalah koneksi internet mahasiswa yang kurang mendukung pada setiap wilayah mahasiswa tersebut. Covid-19 or often called the Corona Virus is an outbreak of a disease that originated or was first discovered from China, the disease spreads rapidly throughout the world. The Covid-19 spread to Indonesia in early March 2020. The spread of the Corona virus caused quite a number of losses to our country, namely Indonesia, especially in the economic field, and spread to the field of education, Covid-19 also drastically changed the learning model, from learning conventionally and now learning is done online, from face to face and now it can only be via the application, which is affected starting from elementary school (SD) to college level. Online learning activities at Lambung Mangkurat University have been quite effective by using the Google Classroom application, Google Meet and E-learning. If the problem in the implementation of online learning is the problem of the student's internet connection that is not supportive in each student area

2020 ◽  
Ester Lina Situmorang

Technology has significantly brought changes in all aspects of human life, thechanges that occur require everyone to change from old habits to new habits thatare not used to be done. Changes in general in face-to-face classes began to shift tovirtual classes. Even the elements of education have undergone many changes bothparents, students and teachers. They experience new teaching patterns and ways ofteaching. Learning places are transformed and can be done at home, public places,and so on. Time and place are no longer a barrier to teaching and learning activitiesbecause they can be done online. Online learning is carried out by utilizing existingtechnology through media that uses the internet to carry out teaching and learningprocesses such as cellphones and laptops. This media will support the teaching andlearning process through available applications such as whatsApp, googleclassroom and so on. Learning brings many challenges and obstacles faced byparents in particular. Of course this is a challenge in itself for parents in monitoringchildren's learning activities, especially in the application of technology as alearning medium for children

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