Discrimination as a Mobbing Behavior

2022 ◽  
pp. 229-247
Muhsin Kürşat Türker ◽  
Mutlu Erdem

Discrimination is one of the oldest human topics because of human characteristics. From the perspective of last two centuries, it can be supposed that discrimination history is mostly about gender, nationality, race, or skin colour. The topic interested in here is not purely about discrimination in all aspects, but especially about discrimination in the workplace, discriminatory actions, or behaviours in the work-related environment. Discrimination can be considered as a harmful behaviour psychologically in terms of people who are subjected to it. If it occurs in the workplace or in work-related environments, the people who become victim cannot prevent it. At that time, discrimination can be discussed as a mobbing behaviour. Accordingly, the main issue of this chapter is discrimination as a mobbing behaviour.

Societies ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 71 ◽  
Alexandra Titz ◽  
Terry Cannon ◽  
Fred Krüger

In all areas of academic or practical work related to disaster risk, climate change and development more generally, community and its adjunct community-based have become the default terminology when referring to the local level or working ‘with the people’. The terms are applied extensively to highlight what is believed to be a people-centred, participatory, or grassroot-level approach. Today, despite, or because of, its inherent ambiguity, ‘community’ tends to be used almost inflationarily. This paper aims to analyse the way the concept of ‘community’ has come into fashion, and to critically reflect on the problems that come with it. We are raising significant doubts about the usefulness of ‘community’ in development- and disaster-related work. Our approach is to first consider how ‘community’ has become popular in research and with humanitarian agencies and other organisations based on what can be considered a ‘moral licence’ that supposedly guarantees that the actions being taken are genuinely people-centred and ethically justified. We then explore several theoretical approaches to ‘community’, highlight the vast scope of different (and contested) views on what ‘community’ entails, and explain how ‘community’ is framing practical attempts to mitigate vulnerability and inequity. We demonstrate how these attempts are usually futile, and sometimes harmful, due to the blurriness of ‘community’ concepts and their inherent failure to address the root causes of vulnerability. From two antagonistic positions, we finally advocate more meaningful ways to acknowledge vulnerable people’s views and needs appropriately.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2016 ◽  
pp. 379-385
Paola Secchin Braga

To be interpreter and at the same time creator seems to be the rule in contemporary dance. It is expected of the dancer to contribute to the making of the piece in which he will appear. Similarly, the choreographer's assistant (also referred as rehearsal assistant) has an active role in the process of creating a dance piece. This paper proposes an analysis of a creative process in which the question of authorship emerges—in our point of view—as the main issue. The onomastic pieces of French choreographer Jérôme Bel will serve as the basis of our analysis, and especially the piece called Isabel Torres, in which the interpreter and the choreographer's assistant had a much more important role in the creation than the choreographer himself. Premiered in 2005, Isabel Torres was supposed to be a Brazilian version of Véronique Doisneau (created in 2004, for the Paris Opera). The creative work made by the dancer and the rehearsal assistant made of it more than a mere version: Isabel Torres is an autonomous piece—so autonomous that Bel offered it to both dancer and assistant, to present it wherever they wished. Who signs Isabel Torres? In which terms is it presented in programs? Do dancer and assistant consider themselves as authors? How does the choreographer deal with it? The absence of the choreographer, the people involved in it, and the kind of work developed in the creative process makes us question the notion of authorship in contemporary dance pieces.

Angélica María Gómez Medina ◽  
Fabiola Miranda Perez

<p><strong>Resumen</strong></p><p>Este artículo busca mostrar los efectos de la incursión del Estado chileno en la lucha contra las violencias hacia las mujeres en el ámbito doméstico. Para esto acudimos a dispositivos legales y políticos. Se mostrará el rol de las instituciones de justicia y del Servicio Nacional de la Mujer (SERNAM) en tanto que instrumentos de atención y protección a las personas afectadas por la problemática, durante los gobiernos de Michelle Bachelet (2006-2010) y de Sebastián Piñera (2010-2014). Durante el desarrollo del análisis, se caracterizará cómo entra en tensión el enfoque familiarista de la ley con los dispositivos propuestos por el Estado. Avanzando que el género como categoría crítica si bien es invisibilizado, de igual modo aparece como ordenador de relaciones de poder y dominación. Lo anterior ocurre tanto en la construcción de la legislación, como en la intervención de la problemática en niveles locales.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>This article seeks to show the effects of the incursion of Chilean State in the struggle against violence towards women in the domestic sphere. For this, we focus on political and legal devices. We will show the role of the Courts of Justice and National Women’s Service (SERNAM) as instruments of attention and protection for the people affected by the issue, during the latest governments of Michelle Bachelet (2006 – 2010) and Sebastian Piñera (2010-2014). During the development of the analysis, it will be characterized how the familiarist approach of the law comes into tension with the devices proposed by the State. Stating that gender as a critical category, while being invisible, likewise appears as a power and domination relation ordering. This occurs both in the construction of legislation and in the intervention of the main issue at local levels.</p><div id="SLG_balloon_obj" style="display: block;"><div id="SLG_button" class="SLG_ImTranslatorLogo" style="background: url('chrome-extension://mchdgimobfnilobnllpdnompfjkkfdmi/content/img/util/imtranslator-s.png'); display: none; opacity: 1;"> </div><div id="SLG_shadow_translation_result2" style="display: none;"> </div><div id="SLG_shadow_translator" style="display: none;"><div id="SLG_planshet" style="background: url('chrome-extension://mchdgimobfnilobnllpdnompfjkkfdmi/content/img/util/bg2.png') #f4f5f5;"><div id="SLG_arrow_up" style="background: url('chrome-extension://mchdgimobfnilobnllpdnompfjkkfdmi/content/img/util/up.png');"> </div><div id="SLG_providers" style="visibility: hidden;"><div id="SLG_P0" class="SLG_BL_LABLE_ON" title="Google">G</div><div id="SLG_P1" class="SLG_BL_LABLE_ON" title="Microsoft">M</div><div id="SLG_P2" class="SLG_BL_LABLE_ON" title="Translator">T</div></div><div id="SLG_alert_bbl"> </div><div id="SLG_TB"><div id="SLG_bubblelogo" class="SLG_ImTranslatorLogo" style="background: url('chrome-extension://mchdgimobfnilobnllpdnompfjkkfdmi/content/img/util/imtranslator-s.png');"> </div><table id="SLG_tables" cellspacing="1"><tr><td class="SLG_td" align="right" width="10%"><input id="SLG_locer" title="Fijar idioma" type="checkbox" /></td><td class="SLG_td" align="left" width="20%"><select id="SLG_lng_from"><option value="auto">Detectar idioma</option><option value="">undefined</option></select></td><td class="SLG_td" align="center" width="3"> </td><td class="SLG_td" align="left" width="20%"><select id="SLG_lng_to"><option value="">undefined</option></select></td><td class="SLG_td" align="center" width="21%"> </td><td class="SLG_td" align="center" width="6%"> </td><td class="SLG_td" align="center" width="6%"> </td><td class="SLG_td" align="center" width="6%"> </td><td class="SLG_td" align="center" width="6%"> </td><td class="SLG_td" width="10%"> </td><td class="SLG_td" align="right" width="8%"> </td></tr></table></div></div><div id="SLG_shadow_translation_result" style="visibility: visible;"> </div><div id="SLG_loading" class="SLG_loading" style="background: url('chrome-extension://mchdgimobfnilobnllpdnompfjkkfdmi/content/img/util/loading.gif');"> </div><div id="SLG_player2"> </div><div id="SLG_alert100">La función de sonido está limitada a 200 caracteres</div><div id="SLG_Balloon_options" style="background: url('chrome-extension://mchdgimobfnilobnllpdnompfjkkfdmi/content/img/util/bg3.png') #ffffff;"><div id="SLG_arrow_down" style="background: url('chrome-extension://mchdgimobfnilobnllpdnompfjkkfdmi/content/img/util/down.png');"> </div><table width="100%"><tr><td align="left" width="18%" height="16"> </td><td align="center" width="68%"><a class="SLG_options" title="Mostrar opciones" href="chrome-extension://mchdgimobfnilobnllpdnompfjkkfdmi/content/html/options/options.html?bbl" target="_blank">Opciones</a> : <a class="SLG_options" title="Historial de traducciones" href="chrome-extension://mchdgimobfnilobnllpdnompfjkkfdmi/content/html/options/options.html?hist" target="_blank">Historia</a> : <a class="SLG_options" title="ImTranslator Ayuda" href="http://about.imtranslator.net/tutorials/presentations/google-translate-for-opera/opera-popup-bubble/" target="_blank">Ayuda</a> : <a class="SLG_options" title="ImTranslator Feedback" href="chrome-extension://mchdgimobfnilobnllpdnompfjkkfdmi/content/html/options/options.html?feed" target="_blank">Feedback</a></td><td align="right" width="15%"><span id="SLG_Balloon_Close" title="Cerrar">Cerrar</span></td></tr></table></div></div></div>

Muhammad Burhanuddin

The Charter of Medina was able to unite of tribes in the Medina (Yastrib) to lived peacefully, pillars, and protect to each others. Peace is not be separated from the presence of conflicts before there. The reseacrher a formulation to tree problems. 1. Why the Charter of Medina was able use to unite the tribers or etnich are  fused in to one friday? 2. How is the concept of conflict mapping the Charter of Medina? 3.What is the main issue and supporting issue the formation of Chater of Medina?. This reseacrh use library reseacrh. The Method of this reseach is critical analysis description. The research results get that are; first  the Charter of Medina is a peace charter to unit the tribes that still ethnicity and often be in conflict as sosio-culture condition that has been in force in the community. Second the conflict mapping Charter of Medina could be the existence of the condition a  position of Muhammad and his folowers in Mecca. So the presence of closely related conflict mapping intern between tribes, tribes of Medina who positioned Muhammad as universal. Second the main issues in the Medina Charter; safety, power, and resource. The suppoting issues are; unity of the people, rule of law, islamic union, public protection, protection of minorities, and highest power in the law of Medina as stated in the articles of the Charter of Medina.Keywords: conflict, the Charter of Medina, conflict mapping, issues, and sociocultural. 

2010 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Lindra Darnela

<p>The  1945  Constitution  of  Indonesian  Republic  (UUD  1945)  has  been  a  set  of  sacred  norm and national administration reference for four decades. However, since the reform era Indonesian people are now able to review, discuss, and criticize its content consistent with recent national progress. Amendment of the 1945 Constitution becomes a new momentum to improve the state’s management, which has apparently deviated from the country’s foremost objectives written in the national philosophy of “Pancasila”. In response to the amendment, there are three diverse perspectives that highlight its process. First, there are people who wish to keep the ori ginality of the 1945 Constitution. Second, there are individuals who agree with the last amendment of the 1945 Constitution. Lastly, there is a public view which supports the continuous amendment process of the 1945 Constitution until it achieves the supreme mandate of the country and the people. This paper will focus on the third perspective as the main issue of <br /> discussion.<br /> UUD 1945 telah menjadi norma yang sakral dan referensi administrasi nasional selama empat dekade ini.Akan tetapi, sejak era reformasi masayarakat Indonesia mampu mereview, endiskusikan dan mengkritik isi dari UUD 1945 seiring dengan keajuan bangsa saat ini. Perubahan UUD 1945 menjadi momentum untuk meningkatkan manajemen Negara yang nampaknya menyimpang dari tujuan Negara pada awalnya yang tercantum dalam pancasila. Dalam menyikapi perubahan UUD 1945 tersebut, ada tiga pendapat yang berbeda yang menggarisbawahi proses tersebut. Yang pertama, sebagian masyarakat menginginkan keaslian dari UUD 1945. Yang kedua, sebagian masayarakat menginginkan perubahan terkhir dari UUD 1945. Yang  terakhir,  ada  pendapat  publik  yang  mendukung  keberlanjutan  dari  proses  perubahan UUD 1945 hingga mencapai mandat tertinggi dari Negara dan rakyat. Tulisan ini secara fokus akan mendiskusikan isu dari pendapat yang terakhir dari amandemen UUD 1945</p>

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
Sowmya Pendyala ◽  
P. Karunakar

In recent years, there is a reported increase in the number of people suffering from work related musculoskeletal disorders; though all the people related to medical profession are included, there has been an increase incidence in dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants. Maintaining one's own health is important for overall performance and understanding the principles of ergonomics helps to achieve this goal. Ergonomics is the science of designing jobs, equipments and workplaces to fit workers. Proper ergonomic design is necessary to prevent work related musculoskeletal disorders and the conditions which might lead to it, thereby increasing the performance of the dentist.

Herni Purnaningsih ◽  
Agus Mulyana

This article entitled “Bagus Rangin Resistance: The Forgotten National War”. The main issue discussed in this essay is “Why there is resistance of Bagus Rangin in the year of 1806-1812 and how it affects society in the future”. The problem is assesed using the historical method through four steps of activity, there are; heuristic, criticism, interpretation and historiography. The result showed that the background of the Bagus Rangin resistance in 1806-1812 are because the high tax system applied by the colonial government, colonial exploitation and political domination of the Sultante of Cirebon which cause a reduction in the role of the Sultan in Cirebon residency. The leader of this resistance movement was called Bagus Rangin, people assumed that he is the messiah that being perceived as ‘Ratu Adil’ who will save the people, especially farmers and students from colonial tyranny. The impact of Bagus Rangin resistance is giving inspiration for the people of Cirebon to fight colonialism.

2008 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Paul Callister

Pick up any official New Zealand publication which includes photographs representing the population and it is highly likely that the people featured will have visible characteristics, including skin colour, that are stereotypically associated with the main ethnic groups living in this country. Equally, examine official reports which consider differences in outcomes between groups of people, such as in health and education, and it is very likely that ethnicity will be a key variable in the analysis. But it is extremely unlikely that skin colour will be explicitly mentioned in either type of report.

Work ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Vidya Sundar ◽  
Debra Brucker

BACKGROUND: People’s work life and career can ultimately be deconstructed to the day-to-day job tasks they perform, the people they interact with, and the value and meaning attached to their jobs. Individuals with work limitations and disabilities consistently experience disparities in the workplace resulting in a less than optimal work experience in all three areas. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to conduct a pilot study to test the effectiveness of job crafting as an occupational therapy (OT) intervention strategy for workers with health conditions and impairments. Job crafting is a proactive, strengths-based, bottom-up approach where workers renegotiate and redefine their job tasks in a personally meaningful way. METHODS: A mixed-methods study (n = 11) was conducted with workers who experience work limitations and disabilities. OT graduate students conducted in-depth interviews and facilitated the use of job crafting to improve work-related outcomes. Pre-and post-intervention data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and Wilcoxon signed-rank tests. Qualitative data was transcribed, coded, and synthesized. RESULTS: The job crafting intervention improved work-related self-efficacy (p <  0.05) and crafting behaviors (p <  0.05) in the workplace. Participants accomplished goals to manage their work limitations, meet job demands, and other non-disability related challenges. CONCLUSIONS: Job crafting has the potential to be used as a holistic OT intervention strategy to improve work-related self-efficacy among workers with work limitations and disabilities

Esam Hasan Al-Aqrabawi

This paper deals with the subject of the penalty resulting from the violation of the obligations of the legal expert in accordance with Jordanian law, it is known that many of the courts of different types and degrees draw in many of the lawsuits the opinion of the people of experience and study on certain issues, or cannot prevent the judge deciding which of its own. Because for his judicial expert of the work is directly related to individuals of society and liberties and rights, which requires him a lot of time and accuracy in achievement, and as the nature of his work related to justice, there must be controls allow opponents of his claim for compensation whenever their right to harm illegal according to the principles Civil responsibility. So the study came to discuss the penalty resulting from the breach of the expert legal obligations for damages that may be caused to opponents and my study was divided through a preliminary study, and two. In the introductory section, it dealt with the civil liability of the judicial expert from the act, damage and causal relationship between the act and the injury. And proving the civil liability of the judicial expert in the first subject. The second part dealt with the effects of the responsibility of the judicial expert in the suits of compensation. This section was divided into two requirements, which dealt with the first requirement of compensation and the judge's discretion, and the second demand on how to compensate the expert's damages.

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