scholarly journals Islam Rimba: Islamic philosophy and local culture engagement in Sumatera

2021 ◽  
Vol 77 (4) ◽  
Waryono A. Ghafur ◽  
M. Nurdin Zuhdi ◽  
M. Anwar Nawawi ◽  
Elmansyah Elmansyah

This research aims to reveal the historical roots and elements of the background for the formation of the Orang Rimba’s religion. This study is based on field research with a descriptive approach of religious phenomenon. The research derives some conclusions: (1) the Orang Rimba is monotheist, that is, they are not adherents to dynamism, polytheism, or animism as it has been understood. (2) The history of the Orang Rimba’s religion is affected by two elements; namely, Rimba culture and Islamic culture. (3) Evidence suggests that Islam is one element of Orang Rimba’s religion as the following: (a) Mantra of Getting Honey, such as Basmallah, Allah, Istighfar, Muhammad and Ya Karim; (b) Orang Rimba Faith in God, the Prophet Muhammad, the Angel and Doomsday; (c) the values of the ceremony of Death: Ratib Laa Ilaha Illallah; and (d) the values of the ceremony Berdekir. (4) It has proved the existence of a new theory about the spread of Islam in the Suku Anak Dalam community since the 14th century and at the same time undermined the old theory of the Orang Rimba’s religion that has been misunderstood over the years.Contribution: Researchers can use this new theory’s findings as reference material on the Orang Rimba’s religion (Suku Anak Dalam). They can also use this theory to compare other views about the Orang Rimba’s religion.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 172-193
Sarton Abdullah ◽  
Arten Mobonggi ◽  
Najamuddin Petta Solong ◽  
Muh Arif

This article aims to reveal the implications of Information and Communication Technology on the learning achievement of students in the Religious Education subject group at Muhammadiyah High School in Gorontalo, using qualitative methods with a descriptive approach. The results showed that making ICT-based learning media with topics contained in the syllabus and lesson plans with due regard to the value of competency standards. The Qur'anic Hadith teacher and the history of Islamic culture have not used much but many motivate learning to students through material presentation. The implications of ICT on the learning achievements of fiqh students and moral aqidahs that use power points and digital teaching materials have not had an impact on learning achievement because they are not adjusted to the learning styles of students and are not accompanied by motivation from teachers and sometimes abusing ICT use for something which is not expected by the teacher. While the teacher of the Qur'an's Hadith and History of Islamic Culture, despite the lack of use of ICT in learning, is balanced by giving motivation when presenting material and ease of learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Muhammad Teguh Saputra

This study aims to find out what kind of learning model is used by the teachers of Taman Pendidikan Al-Quran Musholla Darussalam from time to time, which is explained by analyzing: (1) what learning paradigm is used, (2) what learning theory and methods are applied, (3) and what activities are carried out. This research is important to describe because it raises the learning strategies carried out in research from time to time, so that they are relevant to the problems of the times that require teachers to quickly adapt to the dynamic development of science and technology. The method used in this research is qualitative in the form of field research. The results used are: (1) the paradigm used shifts from teacher-centered to student-centered (2) the theory used consistently uses behavioristic theory and the dominant method used is the demo method (3) the activities carried out include; (a) reading iqra and quran books; (b) summarize books on Islamic creed and the history of Islamic culture; (c) memorizing the quran and hadith, and so on.

M. Amin Abdullah

<div><p><strong>Abstract :</strong> This paper attempts to consider how the history of world religions, including the history of Islamic civilization, always have, through and documenting the cultural encounter, i.e. the relationship between center and periphery and the experience of the encounter in the frontier. Two-ways relationship shaping a dyadic pattern, that is the encounter of Muslim with the local culture in which the regional and national states dimensions is being ignored, or vice versa, and also an encounter of Muslim with the nation states which forgetting the aspirations and local culture, yet to meet and to relate the two with international issues, either an encounter of religion and international community as well, is almost impossible to bring about the new problems within the  dynamics of the global era today. Thus, the role of philosophical interpretation and contemporary Islamic philosophy is to provide a discern socio-cultural analysis in its interplay more complete and accurate between regional, national and mondial.</p><p><em>Keywords : Philosophical interpretaion, cultural encounters, the perma-nence, the change, univocality of being, gradation of being, maqāṣid sharī’ah, interpreted sharī’ah, Islamicate</em></p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstrak :</strong> Tulisan ini mencoba menilik bagaimana sejarah agama-agama dunia, termasuk sejarah peradaban Islam, selalu mengalami, melalui dan mendokumentasikan proses hubungan perjumpaan yang bercorak kultural (cultural encounter), baik hubungan antara pusat dan pinggir (centre and periphery) maupun pengalaman perjumpaan di wilayah tapal batas (frontier). Hubungan dua arah yang bercorak diadik, yaitu perjumpaan pemeluk agama Islam dengan budaya lokal dengan melupakan dimensi regionalitas dan nasionalitas (nation states) atau sebaliknya, juga perjumpaan pemeluk agama Islam dengan negara-bangsa (nation states) dengan melupakan aspirasi dan budaya lokal, belum lagi menghubungkan dan memperjumpakan keduanya dengan isu-isu global-internasional (world citizenship), begitu pula perjumpaan agama dan masyarakat internasional dengan menepikan keterkaitannya dengan permasalahan lokal dan nasional (nation states) hampir-hampir tidak mungkin dapat menyelesaikan masalah-masalah baru pada era digital global seperti saat sekarang ini. Di sinilah peran tafsir falsafi dan filsafat Islam kontemporer dalam memberi ketajaman analisis sosial kultural dan saling keterkaitan antara regional, nasional dan mondial yang lebih utuh dan akurat.</p><p><em>Kata kunci : Tafsir falsafi, perjumpaan budaya (cultural encounters), yang tetap, yang berubah, univokalitas wujud, gradasi wujud, maqāshid syarī’ah, interpreted syarī’ah, Islamicate</em></p></div>

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-92
Dwi Afrianti

The history of Islam in Indonesia cannot be separated from the affected of local culture, religion, belief earlier, and culture of the spreader of Islam which are also influenced by religion and beliefs held previously, as well as the entry period into certain areas of different life times, willingness to form the teachings of the scholars/king. All of this shows the complexity of the uniqueness of Islam in Indonesian as the majority religion among diverse religions in Indonesia. Sufism are directly involved in the spread of Islam in Indonesia with a unique teaching that facilitate the engaging of non-Muslim communities into Islam, compromise or blends Islam with religious and beliefs practices rather than local beliefs change from an international network to the local level. The terms and the elements of the pre-Islamic culture are used to explain Islam itself. Islamic history of Sundanese, there is a link in teachings of Wihdat al-Wujud of Ibn al-‘Arabi who Sufism Scholar that connected between the international Islamic networks scholars and Sundanese in Indonesia. It is more popular, especially in the congregation of Thariqat Syattariyah originated from India, and it is widespread in Indonesia such as Aceh, Minangkabau and also Pamijahan-Tasikmalaya that brought by Abdul Muhyi since 17th century ago.

Рамиль Тагирович Юзмухаметов

В статье содержатся результаты исследования усвоения арабо-персидских лексических заимствований в индонезийском (малайском) языке. Актуальность исследования обусловлена интересом к истории распространения арабо-мусульманской письменной традиции в ареале Малайского архипелага, а также способами усвоения иноязычных слов носителями индонезийского языка. В статье рассматриваются фонетические, морфологические и лексико-семантические изменения арабо-персидских заимствований в индонезийском языке на материале словарей современного индонезийского языка. Методологической и теоретической базой для исследования стали труды отечественных и зарубежных языковедов и востоковедов. Арабо-персидские лексические заимствования начали проникать в язык малайцев одновременно с их знакомством с исламом примерно с XIV века. Изначальной формой присутствия ислама на Малайском архипелаге был суфизм, который органично вписался в местную культуру, так как имел общие черты с индуизмом и буддизмом. Появление суфизма здесь очевидно связано с деятельностью индийских и иранских торговцев. Благодаря суфиям распространилась грамотность среди населения, началось знакомство с образцами арабо-персидской мусульманской литературы; так язык малайцев стал насыщаться арабизмами и иранизмами. Хотя в индонезийском языке количество арабских заимствований значительно больше, чем персидских, тем не менее возможно предположить, что арабизмы попали в индонезийский язык уже после усвоения мусульманами, говорящими на индоиранских языках, а не от арабов напрямую. Арабо-персидские заимствования в структурном плане приобрели индонезийские фонологические и морфологические черты. The article contains the results of the study on the assimilation of the Arabic and Persian lexical loanwords in the Indonesian (Malay) language. The relevance of the study is due to the interest in the history of the spread of the Arab-Muslim written tradition in the area of the Malay Archipelago, as well as the ways of assimilation of foreign words by native speakers of the Indonesian language. The article considers the phonetic, morphological and lexical-semantic changes of the Arabic and Persian lexical loanwords in the Indonesian language based on the material of the dictionaries of the modern Indonesian language. The methodological and theoretical basis for the study is the works of the domestic and foreign linguists and orientalists. The Arabic and Persian lexical loanwords began to appear in the Malay language at the time when the Malay people became acquainted with Islam in the 14th century. The initial form of the presence of Islam in the Malay Archipelago was Sufism, which organically fit into the local culture as it had common features with Hinduism and Buddhism. The emergence of Sufism here is obviously associated with the activities of Indian and Iranian merchants. Thanks to the Sufis, literacy spread among the population, the Malays got acquainted with the samples of the Arab-Persian Muslim literature. Thus, the Malay language began to get saturated with Arabisms and Iranisms. Although the number of the Arabic lexical loanwords in the Indonesian language is much larger than the Persian ones, it is nevertheless possible to assume that the Arabisms entered the Indonesian language after being adopted by Muslims speaking the Indo-Iranian languages, and not directly from Arabs. The Arabic and Persian lexical loanwords structurally acquired Indonesian phonological and morphological features.

Ali Syamsuddin

This research tries to explain the acculturation between Islam and Sundanese culture in the Nyiramkeun tradition. The problems raised in this study are the origin, procession, or implementation of the Nyiramkeun ritual tradition, the form of acculturation between Sundanese and Islamic culture, the meaning or the perceptions of the Talagawetan villagers on the influence of tradition on their lives. This research was field research, according to the theory of acculturation according to Koentjaraningrat. In essence, field research aims to find out the specifics and realities of what happens in society. The anthropological approach used in this research is ethical and emic theory. With data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. The research results can be seen from several things, namely, first, the Nyiramkeun ceremony tradition in the village of Talagawetan has existed around the 1820s, namely since the Talaga Manggung government was transferred to Sindangkasih. Second, the acculturation process in the Nyiramkeun ceremony tradition, namely the prayer's recitation. The do'a uses do'a-do'a in Arabic acculturated with the Sundanese language, which is combined in the prayer, where the prayer in the Sundanese language is known as Hadoroh. In addition to the acculturation prayer between Sundanese and Islamic cultures, namely the staging of traditional arts such as karinding, sada awi, debus, gembyung, and jaipong, know that these arts do not originate from Islamic culture but are acculturation between Hindu-Buddhist culture and culture. Islam. The three public perceptions of Islamic acculturation can give the meaning that this Nyiramkeun Traditional Ceremony is an activity to carry out and preserve the heritage of the Talaga Manggung Kingdom, to purify oneself, and as a suggestion to strengthen the ties of brotherhood between descendants of the Talaga Manggung kingdom and members of the community in Talagawetan Village. Generally, as well as maintaining the preservation of the surrounding natural environment. The community has accepted the tradition of the Nyiramkeun ceremony. However, this ceremony tradition was far from Islamic elements, and gradually this tradition has merged with Islamic teachings.

Metahumaniora ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 54
Erlina Zulkifli Mahmud ◽  
Taufik Ampera ◽  
Yuyu Yohana Risagarniwa ◽  
Inu Isnaeni Sidiq

Kedudukan dan fungsi bahasa sebagai alat komunikasi manusia mencakup seluruh bidang kehidupan termasuk ilmu pengetahuan antara lain terkait sejarah peradaban manusia; bagaimana manusia mempertahankan hidupnya, bagaimana manusia memperlakukan alam, bagaimana alam menyediakan segala kebutuhan manusia. Apa yang dilakukan manusia saat ini, saat lampau, dan apa yang dilakukan manusia jauh di masa prasejarah, bagaimana kondisi alam di masa-masa tersebut, apa perubahan dan perkembangannya, dapat didokumentasikan melalui bahasa, divisualisasikan kembali, lalu dipajang sebagai salah satu upaya konversai dan preservasi dalam satu institusi yang disebut museum. Penelitian ini membahas kedudukan dan fungsi bahasa dalam permuseuman. Bagaimana kedudukan dan fungsi bahasa dalam permuseuman baik dalam informasi yang disampaikan oleh pemandu wisata museumnya maupun yang terpajang menyertai benda-benda dan gambar-gambar merupakan tujuan dari penelitian ini. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah gabungan antara metode lapangan dan metode literatur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum kedudukan bahasa Indonesia berada pada urutan pertama setelah Bahasa Inggris dan keberadaan kedua bahasa dalam permuseuman ini melibatkan dua fungsi utama bahasa, yakni fungsi komunikatif dan fungsi informatif.The existence and function of language  as a medium of communication covers all fields of human life including knowledge, one of them is the history of human civilization; how humans survived, how human utilized nature for their lives, and how nature provides all the necessities for humans. What humans have been doing now, what they have done in the past and far before that in the pre-history time, how the conditions of the nature at those times were and what changes as well as progresses occurred are documented using language, then re-visualized,  displayed as one of conservation and preservation acts in an institution called museum. This research discusess the existence and function of language in museums. How important the existence of a language in museums and what language functions used in museums both in informations given by the museum guides and on the displays accompanying objects and pictures are the aims of this research. The methods used are the combination between field research and library research. The results show that generally the existence of Indonesian language plays more important role than English and both languages have two main functions; communicative function and informative function.     

2008 ◽  
Vol 2008 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-72
Sarhan Dhouib

In contemporary Arab-Islamic philosophy there is increasing interest in the criticism of conceptions of culture and identity. The paradigms of these criticisms can be studied in an exemplary way in the works of the Moroccan philosopher Mohammed 'Abid al-Garibi. They reflect the close relationship between the problem of identity and the question of the »heritage« of Arab-islamic philosophy. The topics discussed include al-Garibi's rejection of the ahistorical interpretations of the religious, orientalistic, and Marxist Salafiyya and the extent to which his criticism of these intellectual currents is based upon a rational revival of the critique of Arab-islamic culture. Finally, the essay considers the basic ideas of a critique of »arabic reason« and its reformulation of Rationalism and seeks to show that al-Gabiri's return to Averroes opens up a new way out of the intellectual crisis in Arab-islamic societies.

This issue of the history of universities contains, as usual, an interesting mix of learned articles and book reviews covering topics related to the history of higher education. The volume combines original research and reference material. This issue includes articles on the topics of Alard Palenc; Joseph Belcher and Latin at Harvard; Queens College in Massachusetts; and university reform in Europe. The text includes a review essay as well as the usual book reviews.

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