scholarly journals Response is differed among the regions of the small intestine by lactic acid bacteria administration

2019 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-37
Takamitsu Tsukahara
2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (17) ◽  
Dongjun Kim ◽  
Mun-ju Cho ◽  
Seungchan Cho ◽  
Yongjun Lee ◽  
Sung June Byun ◽  

Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are generally recognized as safe (GRAS) and serve as probiotic bacteria when consumed in adequate amounts. Here, we report the complete genome sequence of Lactobacillus reuteri Byun-re-01, isolated from mouse small intestine.

2007 ◽  
Vol 2007 ◽  
pp. 104-104
S Savvidou ◽  
J. Beal ◽  
P. Brooks

The association of salmonella infections with the consumption of poultry products and the fact that in the live bird the Salmonella carriage is mainly asyptomatic have led to a demand for finding ways of preventing infection of commercially reared poultry and product contamination (Revolledo et al., 2006). One approach is the use of probiotics. The probiotic properties of lactic acid bacteria have been widely studied. Their capacity for adhesion to mucus, ability to autoaggregate and potential for coaggregation with pathogenic bacteria are potential mechanisms for providing a competitive advantage in the intestinal microbiota (Ghadban et al, 2002) and forming a barrier that prevents colonization of pathogenic microorganisms (Kos et al, 2003). In this study, a total of 53 lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were isolated from the contents of the crop, caecum and small intestine, and from the mucosa of the crop, jejunum and ileum of three organically farmed chickens, were examined for autoaggregation and coaggregation with Salmonella enteritidis.

1993 ◽  
Vol 39 (9) ◽  
pp. 841-845 ◽  
Xue Bin Zhang ◽  
Yoshiyuki Ohta

The extent to which lactic acid bacteria, intestinal bacteria, and yeast from the gastrointestinal tract of rats suppress the absorption of 3-amino-1,4-dimethyl-5H-pyrido(4,3-b)indole (Trp-P-1) was investigated. Trp-P-1 was absorbed from the small intestine very rapidly, but in the stomach it was slowly absorbed, requiring 1 or 2 h after administration. When mixtures of Trp-P-1 and freeze-dried microorganisms were administered to rats for 1 h, the amounts of Trp-P-1 absorbed from the small intestine were significantly reduced, and the levels of Trp-P-1 in blood decreased by 40.4–64.7% compared with a control in which only Trp-P-1 was administered. There were no significant differences between the organisms used. In vitro, freeze-dried cells of the strains tested bound 51-97% of Trp-P-1. The Trp-P-1 bound to cells was effectively extracted by aqueous methanol, ethanol, ammonia (50 g/L), and solutions of MgCl2 and CaCl2 (100 mM/mL), but little was extracted by water and solutions of KCl, NaCl, and buffers at various pH values.Key words: Trp-P-1, gastrointestinal absorption, binding, intestinal bacteria, mutagen–carcinogen.

1997 ◽  
Vol 80 (6) ◽  
pp. 1031-1037 ◽  
P. Marteau ◽  
M. Minekus ◽  
R. Havenaar ◽  
J.H.J. Huis In’t Veld

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 328-333
H. D. Shihah ◽  
D. Sunarti ◽  
S. Sumarsih

The balancing of digestive tract microbe can improve the digestive health of broiler chickens. Fermented lime waste flour (FLWF) contains citric acid, which can decrease digestive tract pH value to suppress pathogenic bacteria development and improve lactic acid bacteria growth in the small intestine of the broiler. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effect of using FLWF on pH value and small intestine microbial of broiler chickens. This study used 200 female broiler chickens. The research used a completely randomized design with four treatment levels of FLWF by 0%, 1%, 2%, and 3% in every ration, with each treatment replicated five times. The parameters observed are the pH value of the small intestine, lactic acid bacteria ileum, and Coliform ileum. Data were calculated using the analysis of variance and difference test with Duncan's Multiple Range Test using the SPSS 19.0 program. The result indicates that using FLWF decreased (p<0.05) Coliform in the ileum, while pH value of small intestine and ileum lactic acid bacteria among treatments were not influenced (p>0.05). It concludes that adding FLWF at a 1% level could decrease ileum Coliform. Still, it could not decrease the pH value of the small intestine and increase the total lactic bacteria ileum. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-164
Lilik Krismiyanto ◽  
Nyoman Suthama ◽  
Hanny Indrat Wahyuni

ABSTRACT. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji perkembangan bakteri usus halus dan performan ayam kampung silangan kampung-leghorn (KL) akibat ditambahkan ekstrak umbi dahlia dalam ransum. Ternak percobaan yang digunakan adalah persilangan ayam kampung silangan KL sebanyak 200 ekor umur 22 hari dengan rata-rata bobot badan 180,46 ± 1,21 g. Bahan perlakuan meliputi umbi dahlia, ethanol 70%, kertas saring halus serta bahan pakan penyusun ransum (jagung giling, bekatul, bungkil kedelai, tepung ikan, CaCO3 dan mineral dan vitamin mix). Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 4 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan (masing-masing unit percobaan diisi 10 ekor). Perlakuan yang diterapkan meliputi: P0=Ransum kontrol/RK, P1=RK+0,39% ekstrak umbi dahlia, P2=RK+0,78 ekstrak umbi dahlia, dan P3= RK+1,17 ekstrak umbi dahlia. Parameter yang diukur meliputi populasi bakteri asam laktat, Escherichia coli, pH digesta tiap masing-masing segmen usus halus dan pertambahan bobot badan harian (PBBH). Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji sidik ragam dan jika berpengaruh nyata dilakukan uji beda nyata Duncan pada taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan ekstrak umbi dahlia berpengaruh nyata terhadap populasi bakteri asam laktat, Escherichia coli, pH digesta tiap masing-masing segmen usus halus dan PBBH. Kesimpulan adalah penambahan ekstrak umbi dahlia sampai taraf 1,17% sebagai sumber inulin di dalam ransum dapat meningkatkan populasi bakteri asam laktat, menurunkan pH dan Escherichia coli pada masing-masing segmen usus halus serta memperlambat laju digesta dan meningkatkan PBBH.  (Population of small intestine bacteria and performance of native chicken-leghorn crossbreed duo to feeding of dahlia tuber extract) ABSTRAK. This study aims to examine the development of small intestine bacteria and the performances of native chicken-leghorn crossbreed due to the addition of dahlia tuber extract in the diet. Experimental animals were 200 unsex native chicken-leghorn crossbreed, 22 days old with an average body weight of 180.46 ± 1.21 g. Treatment materials include dahlia tuber, ethanol 70%, fine filter paper and feed stuff (yellow corn, rice bran, soy bean meal, fish meal, CaCO3, and vitamin-mineral mix). The present experiment was assigned in a completely randomized with 4 treatments and 5 replications (10 birds each). The treatments were: P0=Control Diet/CD, P1=CD+0,39% dahlia tuber extract, P2=CD+0,78% dahlia tuber extract and P3=CD+1,17% dahlia tuber extract. Parameters measured were the number of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB), Escherichia coli, intestinal potential hydrogen (pH) (duodenal, jejunal and ileal), rate of passage and daily body weight gain (DBWG). Data were subjected to ANOVA and followed by Duncan Multiple Range Test on 5% level. The results indicated that feeding native chicken-leghorn crossbreed with the diet containing dahlia tuber extract (DTE) significantly (P0.05) increased LAB population and DBWG, decreased E. coli population and intestinal pH, and slow the rate of passage down. In conclusion, feeding of dahlia tubers as a source of inulin in the form of dahlia tuber extract to a level of 1.17% increased the population of lactic acid bacteria, reduced pH and Escherichia coli in each segment of the small intestine and retard the rate of digestion and increased body weight gain.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Lilik Krismiyanto ◽  
Nyoman Sutama ◽  
Vitus Dwi Yunianto ◽  
Fajar Wahyono ◽  
Citra Ardelia ◽  

This study aims to feeding of protein source feed ingredients in macroparticle or microparticles with the addition of bitter mustard root to the small intestinal bacteria population and nutrient intake in quails. The experimental livestock used by the layer phase quail were 200 birds with an average weight of 149 ± 10.88 g, protein feed ingredients in the form of soybean meal and fish meal, calcium comes from eggshells and mustard root powder as a prebiotic. The research design was a completely randomized design with 4 treatment and 5 replaice (each 10 bird). The treatment were P1= Feed with protein and calcium macroparticles; P2= Feed with protein and calcium microparticles; P3= Feed with protein and calcium macroparticles + bitter mustard root powder 1,2% dan P4= Feed with protein and calcium microparticles + bitter mustard root powder 1,2%. The parameters measured were population of  lactic acid bacteria, coliform, pH, protein and calcium intake. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (Anova) and different test (Duncan) on 5% level. The results showed that the use of rations with protein and calcium feed ingredients in macroparticles or microparticles with the addition of bitter mustard root powder had a significant effect (p<0,05) on  population of small intestine bacteria and nutrient intake. The use of protein and calcium microparticles with the addition of 1.2% bitter mustard root powder (P4) was able to increase the population of lactic acid bacteria and nutrient intake (protein and calcium) and decreased coliform population and small intestine pH compared to other treatments (P1-P3). The conclusion is feeding of protein and calcium microparticles and addition of 1.2% bitter mustard root powder could increase the population of lactic acid bacteria, protein and calcium intake and reduce the coliform population and the pH of the small intestine.

2013 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-48 ◽  
Meisji Liana Sari ◽  
Arfan Abrar ◽  
Merint Merint

The isolated and characteristic lactic acid bacteria in broiler’s intestineABSTRACT. The objective of the research was to evaluate and characterize of a Lactic Acid Bacteria isolated frombroiler’s small intestine. The research was done by three steps : (1) Isolated Lactic Acid Bacteria, (2) Gram colourize and microscopic observation and (3) Inhibitory test with pathogen bacteria. The isolation of lactic acid bacteria was proceed by clone from broiler’s small intestine with MRS Broth for 24 hours, thinned until 10 ̄ 9with serial number, invested in MRS jell, purify by streak plate method and storage the lactic acid bacteria in an MRS angle jell. Gram colourize was done with crystal violet liquid, Iodium, Alkohol 95% and  Safranin, and also microscopic observation was done by electron microscope with 40 zooming. Inhibitory test with pathogen bacteria was evaluated with  Escherichia coli as testing bacteria in 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 24 dan 48 hours incubation period. The isolation result showed two sample of isolate (A1 dan A2) and consist of the observation in shape as well as colour of the bacteria growth, for sample of isolate A1 the colonies had coccus  and white colour. The isolate of A2 had sarcinar. After that, gram colouring was done and microscopic observation were identified into gram-negative bacteria became bacill and bacill cocco. Inhibitory test with pathogen bacteria showed that it produced antimicrobial with 11 mm clearing zone diameter. The result of the research got Lactobacillus sp as the genera of Lactic Acid Bacteria. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-14
Andri Kusmayadi ◽  
Novia Rahayu

The number of beneficial microbial populations (lactic acid bacteria/LAB) and pathogens (coliform) in the digestive tract of ducks is one indicator of duck health status. Healthy ducks have a beneficial microbial population more than pathogenic bacteria. The addition of herbal ingredients such as mangosteen peel and turmeric flour is thought to improve the health of ducks by increasing the LAB population. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the combination of mangosteen peel flour and turmeric flour on the total lactic acid bacteria and coliform of small intestine and caecum of Cihateup duck. The study was conducted experimentally using 60 male Cihateup ducks grouped into 5 feed treatments which contains a combination of mangosteen peel and turmeric flour at different levels as follows: 0.5% (R1); 1.0% (R2); 1.5% (R3); 2.0% (R4); and 2.5% (R5), respectively. The variables studied were total lactic acid and coliform bacteria in the small intestine and caecum of Cihateup ducks. The results showed that the treatments of feed significantly (P<0.05) affected the total lactic acid bacteria (except caecum) and coliform bacteria. The population of lactic acid bacteria tended to increase along with the increasing dose of combination treatment of mangosteen peel and turmeric flour. In contrast, the total population of coliform bacteria in the small intestine and caecum of ducks showed a tendency to decrease with increasing treatment doses. The use of a combination of mangosteen peel and turmeric flour at higher levels (2.0 – 2.5%) can increase the total LAB and decrease coliform bacteria in the small intestine and cecum of Cihateup duck.

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