On the Conception of Human Being by Seiran in the Beginning of Meiji Period

1958 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 298-301
Eishun Ikeda
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 75
Helena Anggidesialamia

Abstract This research is backed by a declining interest in adolescents who have resulted in their lack of knowledge and concerns in the misuse of the Youtube app which became one of the applications often accessed by Indonesian adolescents. The study aims to read people's interest in growing and grammar and their attitudes are changing in a positive way through a lot of reading. The foundations of the theory used in this study are theories of reading interest, technological literacy theory, and folklore theory. The method used is a qualitative approach using a descriptive method through interview techniques. The results of this study show that the content of folklore becomes one of the alternatives capable of stimulus learning citizens to be more interested in listening and reading through the content of folklore that aired. The discussion suggests that there is difficulty in the beginning when inviting citizens to learn to watch a video of folklore content that has been given because of the assumption that the content is only given to early childhood, but in the The passage of time they are able to follow this program and their ability to read is able to increase. The conclusion of this research is that literacy is important for every human being, no matter the age and position, the Youtube app is proof that technological developments are able to positively impact people learning when an educator Able to provide positive examples and habits as well.Abstrak Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh menurunnya minat baca pada usia remaja yang mengakibatkan rendahnya pengetahuan mereka dan kekhawatiran di dalam penyalahgunaan aplikasi Youtube yang menjadi salah satu aplikasi yang sering diakses oleh remaja Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan agar minat baca warga belajar menjadi meningkat dan tata bahasa serta sikap mereka mengalami perubahan kearah yang positif melalui banyak membaca. Landasan teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori minat baca, teori literasi teknologi, dan teori cerita rakyat. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif melalui teknik wawancara. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konten cerita rakyat menjadi salah satu alternatif yang mampu menstimulus warga belajar untuk dapat lebih tertarik dalam mendengarkan dan membaca melalui konten cerita rakyat yang ditayangkan. Pembahasan mengemukakan bahwa terdapat kesulitan di awal ketika mengajak warga belajar untuk menyaksikan video konten cerita rakyat yang telah diberikan karena adanya anggapan bahwa konten tersebut hanya diberikan untuk anak usia dini, akan tetapi seiring berjalannya waktu mereka mampu mengikuti program ini dan kemampuan mereka dalam membaca mampu meningkat. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu literasi merupakan hal yang penting bagi setiap manusia tidak terkecuali usia dan jabatan, aplikasi Youtube menjadi bukti bahwa perkembangan teknologi mampu berdampak positif bagi warga belajar ketika seorang pendidik mampu memberikan contoh dan kebiasaan yang positif juga.

2017 ◽  
Vol 36 (6) ◽  
pp. 219-231
Tomasz Bocheński

The article examines the relation between Tuwim’s poetry and modern colloquial language. The avant-garde artists for whom in the beginning of the 20th-century art was an elite occupation, treated every-day speech as a mass form of communication. Tuwim’s poetry was frequently criticised for banality. Matywiecki presents the poet as a hero fighting with the demon of commonness. The crucial thesis of the article is that banality which is modified in a creative way says more about the epoch than elitist visions. In his poetry, satire and cabaret work Tuwim transformed triviality into dialog and a common human being into a creative person. Transition of the street talk into original speech is the defence against reducing individual being to cliché which means the fear of 20th-century killing ideologies.

1972 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-57
William Michelsen

Hil dig, Frelser og Forsoner. An essay in close readingBy William MichelsenThis article should be read as a reply to Niels Egebaks interpretation of the same hymn in Grundtvig-Studier 1971. Jørgen Elbek3s characterisation of Grundtvig’s Sang-Værk - the point that it “demands to be regarded as the unanimous hymn of praise of the Danish church of today” (ibid. 1959) - and Magnus Stevns’s analysis of the difference between Grundtvig’s and Kingo’s Easter hymns are adduced in support of the claim that from beginning to end this hymn aims at the paradoxical goal of loving life while bearing in mind the reality of death. It is only in the beginning of the poem, however, that this aim is enigmatic, where the image of winding a rose garland round the Cross is employed. - Egebak seems to regard the religious feelings expressed in Grundtvig’s hymns as an ideology created by the human mind, that is, something that man can trace back to himself. Instead, the claim is made that faith is confidence in something beyond man. Man cannot live without a greater or lesser amount of confidence in his environment. Confidence in an extra-human outside world is a condition for existence, which manifests itself in religion or religious feelings. The Gospel of Christ presupposes this situation. So does the hymn we are concerned with.The writer of a poem is speaking for himself, but the hymn writer is speaking on behalf of any Christian. In this point lies the difference in kind between the poem “De Levendes Land” and the hymn “O Christelighed!” - A hymn presupposes faith. A poem may lead towards faith or away from faith or be indifferent towards faith. A poem may express nihilism, a hymn may not. – An ideology or theology may be a conceptual superstructure on the fundamental faith. But neither ideology nor theology is faith. It is inconceivable that the word “ troer” in st. 2 should express a mere assumption, let alone st. 8 and st. 11.The reason that the Danish Hymn Book leaves out st.2-4 may be certain offending expressions, or that they express a belief that is not common to all worshippers (“Thi jeg troer, Du er tilstæde” ). Here, then, we have an aspect of faith that is disputed, but not an assumption. Egebak identifies the “ I” of the hymn with “the writer” rather than with the individual Christian singing the hymn, and he confronts the two persons with each other. This confrontation is at odds with the concept of “hymn” as a literary genre. But it is particularly unreasonable when, as here, we are dealing with a new version of an old hymn.Egebak’s opposition between “ the world” and “ I” (of st. 1) as if it covertly pervaded the whole hymn presupposes a pietistic line of thought that is alien to the hymn. I cannot change “Hjertets Haardhed, Hjertets Kulde” – only God can. Egebak is right that death is the personal cause of the despair and doubts of human being - and this is true not only in the case of the hymn writer. Faith is an answer to this, but to man it remains an insoluble mystery. The poet cannot redeem himself; but a hymn is the literary expression of faith, frequently wavering, in a superhuman power.

1985 ◽  
Vol 38 (4) ◽  
pp. 565-581
Frank G. Kirkpatrick

At the heart of both feminist and Christian-Marxist liberation theology is a concern for community or personal relationship. ‘In the beginning is the relation’, claims Isabel Carter Heyward in her book The Redemption of God: A Theology of Mutual Relation. God and humanity, she argues, need to be understood in radically new categories, many of which arise out of women's experience of relation, as ‘relational and co-operative, rather than as monistic (synonymous) or dualistic (antithetical) … The experience of relation is fundamental and constitutive of human being.’

2015 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 107
Sri Nardiati

Every human being involves in story activity. Therefore, the elements of NP (narrative paragraph) in Javanese should be investigated. The aim of investigation is to describe every element based on the character and the chronological event, its direct utterance, and the writer’s point of view. The scope of narrative paragraph study covers lingual unit of paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, and word. The approach used is structural descriptive. The data is obtained by using listening and noting technique. The analysis uses orthografic method and distributional method, by using direct element division technique and then omission, substitution, insertion, and reversion. Narrative paragraph (NP) elements are participant and event. Participant element is filled with a character or more. Event element comprises of act, process, or state verb that relates to each other as stimulus-responsse. NP usually has direct utterance that is unmarked and marked. The mark is located in the beginning, middle, and the ending. NP is written based on the point of view, both the first and third person. In the first point of view, the character is central character or an observer, which is marked by using I (aku, saya) pronoun; meanwhile, in the third person point of view is marked by he/ she (ia/dia/dheweke) pronoun.

Bernardino Fernando da Costa Marques ◽  

William of Auxerre († 1231), theology master in the University of Paris, was the procurator of the pope Gregory the IX of the Bull Parens scientiarum. The same pope named him, by letter of April 23, 1231, president of the Commission entrusted to examine Aristotle’s books and to expurgate the noxious doctrine for the Christian faith contained in them. He wrote Summa Aurea, following the structure of Peter Lombardic’s Liber Sententiarum, but with his own ordo disciplinae. His thought registers in the average platonic-agustinian, opening up prudently to the novelty of the aristotelism. In the path of the fides quaerens intellectum, Master William treats, for the first time in a theological summa, the problem of the faith-reason relationship. Like this the rationes humanae, while seeking the knowledge of the divine things, are the rationes theologicae and not the rationes propriae rerum naturalium, just as it is demanded by the nature of the subject of knowledge of the theological science. Assuming the dialectic of the Magnificent Doctor’s greatness, he presents in the beginning of the Summa Aurea four proofs of the existence of God, founded in philosophical arguments. The fourth argument belongs to the magister Anselmus Cantuariensis\ Intelligibile est aliquidquo maius excogitari nonpotest.... And if we ask him for the role of the reason in the ambit of the theology, he answers: the human reason guarantees, in fact, the validity of the reflexive understanding, and the credibility of the knowledge of the divine things in the pattem of a qualitative scale of the human being noetic possibilities.

2014 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 176
Suharsono Suharsono

The study of the metaphor in a literary work can be used to find out the author’s creativity in utilizing words to concretize an abstraction through the use of metaphor. Because every human being is essentially unique, each author is assumed to have his/her own style in creating metaphors. The two questions in this article are: 1) how is the typical form of metaphor in Layla Majnun as the embodiment of creativity? ; 2) what is the function of the use of metaphor in Layla Majnun? Based on the analysis of data, a metaphor can be classified into a phrase, clause, and sentence. At the phrasal level, position or location of the image element can be either in the beginning or in the end of the topic. Meanwhile, at the level of the clause and sentence, image elements are always in the end of the topic. This latter sequence is possible because the clause part of the “explained or described” is filled syntactically by the predicate. The predicate in Indonesian is predominantly located after the subject. The study of the use of metaphor in Layla Majnun leads to the conclusion that the creativity of the author in creating metaphor reflected on how human (the author) sees the world. Because human perception is inseparable from the environment in which the author lives, develops, and interacts, the use of metaphor in Layla Majnun reflects an overview of the social life, values of culture, and customs of the Arab people at that time.

Miikka Ruokanen

Luther’s Pneumatologically accentuated view of grace directs its criticism, first, at Nominalism with its teaching on the concept of free choice, and, second, at Scholasticism with its teaching on justification based on the idea of habitual grace in the human soul created by a process of cooperation between divine grace and its human receiver. Luther follows Augustine: Grace means participation in the personal reality of the Spirit of Jesus Christ and of his Father. The presence of Christ in the sinner—his personal righteousness, his divine life, and his gifts of salvation accomplished on his cross and in his resurrection—is the “alien justice” on the basis of which the sinner is imputed as righteous. The favor (forensic forgiveness) and the donum (the indwelling of the Spirit), the Christological and Pneumatological aspects of justification, are simultaneous and inseparable. For Luther, the Late Medieval teaching of grace, represented by Erasmus, is “cheap grace” contrasting salvation sola gratia. Permitting any human role in salvation promotes secret pride and leads to self-righteousness. In the beginning of creation, the Spirit was the provider of the union between the Creator and the human being. He/she was fully dependent on God’s Spirit, there was no freedom in relation the “things above him/herself.” Sin broke off the relationship, and the humans lost God’s Spirit; consequently, the “slavery of God” was replaced by the slavery of unfaith. The humans became mortal, flesh cannot exist eternally without God’s Spirit; the re-entrance of the Spirit changes the situation.

sjesr ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-76
Nasim Ullah Khan ◽  
Syed Qasim Shah ◽  
Muhammad Bilal

The study investigates the fact that man is evil by nature and this evil surfaces itself when it finds favorable circumstances. These favorable circumstances make themselves available in the removal of societal rules and parental control. Golding connects the evil nature of man to the Original Sin, when Adam did something sinful by violating the command of God in the Garden of Eden. When the boys feel that they are free from parental control and there is no check of the teachers, they start to violate rules on the Island and even go to the extent of killing each other and there is a reversion to barbarism. In the beginning, the boys behave rationally as they have recently been coming from a civilized society but with the time they regress to savagery and barbarism, they feel themselves above the law free from societal disciplines. The study is significantly significant in the sense that it familiarizes the readers with the psyche of human beings who will, consequently, be conscious of their actions. The methodology used for the article is qualitative. The framework used for the paper is thematic. The paper finds out that human being is evil by nature as a result of which there is mischief and evil deeds in society performed by man.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-2
Elfahmi Elfahmi ◽  

Biosciences and biotechnology have become the interesting topics since long to be investigated in order to understand science and technology, develop many tools and instrumentation, discovery of new drugs including natural base drugs and biopharmaceutical, contribute in energy sources, interact with the environment as well as to improve the quality of human being. The researches of the field have dramatically contributed for many other field and for better life. Uncounted numbers publications in these field will be continuously rising. To contribute in dissemination of research output which have been done by researcher around the world, the Current Research on Biosciences and Biotechnology so called CRBB is published in this year. In the beginning this journal will publish 2 issue in the year and will be increased in the future. All researchers in the field of bioscience and biotechnology are invited to submit the manuscripts to CRBB. The manuscript will be peer reviewed prior to publish.

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