distributional method
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Balqis Majesty Wahana ◽  
Ambalegin Ambalegin ◽  
Nurma Dhona Handayani

The aim of the study was to identify and analyze the types of presupposition implied in the BBC news of corona virus in Indonesia. In this research, the researchers used descriptive qualitative research as the research design. The research design was conducted to design is a qualitative approach in which express the outcome in words and provide an explanation of the result. In collecting the data, the researchers used the observational method and non-participatory technique by Sudaryanto (1993). In analyzing data, the researchers applied pragmatic identity method and distributional method. As for the theory, the researchers used the presupposition theory proposed by Yule (1996). The types are existential, factive, non- factive, lexical, structural and the counter factual presupposition. The research was existing in the  BBC news “Indonesia corona virus”. The research found the types of presupposition are existential, factive, non- factive, lexical, structural and the counter factual presupposition. The most type of presupposition which could be found is existential presupposition.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 161-171
Asriani Abbas ◽  
Kaharuddin ◽  
Muhammad Hasyim

Makassarese language belongs to the Austronesian language family, currently spoken as a mother language by a group of people in South Sulawesi province, eastern Indonesia. This research focuses on personal pronoun organization in the sentence construction of the Makassarese language. The form, position, and function of personal pronouns in the language sentences are explained. It used ‘simak’ (to-observe) method in form of a conversational involved-observation technique including recording and note-taking in collecting data. The data sources were oral data and text data. The oral data were taken from five informants selected purposively. The text data were taken from the folklore script of South Sulawesi written in the Makassarese language. The data were presented descriptively and analyzed by using the distributional method. The findings show two forms of personal pronouns used dominantly in constructing sentences: free personal pronoun and bound personal pronoun (clitic). Position of the free personal pronoun is in front of, in the middle of, and at the end of a sentence. The clitic is in front of and at the end of the verb. In addition, there is also clitic attached at the end of the noun that serves as possessive. The sentence starting with a free personal pronoun forms the pattern of SV (subject-verb) or SVO (subject-verb-object) and the sentence starting with clitic-attached verb forms the pattern of VS (verb-subject) or VSO (verb-subject-object). The basic structure of the Makassarese sentence is VS or VSO. The derivative structure is SV or SVO with other varieties.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 180
Rona Almos

This article is about noun phrases that basically consists of a noun. The data used in this article is taken from the novel "Imaji Terindah" by Sitta Karina with a generative transformation approach. The theory of generative transformation is a system of rules consisting of a limited set of rules but capable of generating or creating a limited number of sentences. There are three stages followed in this research method, namely the stage of providing data. In this step, the listening method is used. Then in analyzing the data analysis, the author uses the distributional method. And the last stage presenting the results of data analysis. At this stage the author uses a formal method. The characteristic of noun phrases in this novel is the noun as the main element. Noun phrases is functioned the subject, predicate, and object. Based on the characteristics of noun phrases in this novel, the elements of noun phrases are grouped into two types, namely primary elements and modifier elements. In the novel "The most beautiful image" by Sitta Karina, there are many sentences using the 'yang' relator.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 257-271
Mutaallim Hafidz ◽  
Fahmi Reza Alfani ◽  
La Mahidin ◽  
Yuana Dwi Agustin ◽  
Damon Wicaksi

Comparative adjectives of Kangean Dialect of Madurese Language (KDML) are the basic adjectives that has A+D+(-an) stucture or lebbi. This study explored the function of comparative adjectives in KDML and its impact for the Kangean community. The theories used to explore and determine the comparative adjective function are descriptive and pragmatic theories. The research is a qualitative research. The method used in this research is the participatory observation method. The data were obtained from interviews with the dialect speakers by voice recording and field note-taking. Besides, researchers used the introspectiveve method (reflective-introspection method). The data that has been collected were transcribed into written form of orthographic transcription, then translated and classified according to its function. The method applied for analyzing the data are equivalent and distributional method. Meanwhile, the methods used for displaying the results of data analysis are informal and formal steps. The results showed that in KDML, there are several functions of comparative adjectives, namely to motivate, praise, admonish, command, insinuate, advise, criticize and accuse. Meanwhile, the impact of adjective utterances, people become more optimistic, comfortable, easy to appreciate, entertained, strong, cautious, deterred, and humble. Adjektiva komparatif bahasa Madura dialek Kangean (BMDK) merupakan adjektiva dasar yang memiliki struktur A+D+(-an) atau lebbi. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi fungsi adjektiva komparatif dalam BMDK dan dampaknya bagi komunitas Kangean. Teori yang digunakan untuk menggali dan menentukan fungsi adjektiva komparatif adalah teori deskriptif dan pragmatik. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode observasi partisipatif. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara dengan penutur dialek Kangean melalui rekaman dan catatan lapangan. Selain itu, peneliti menggunakan metode introspektif (metode reflektif-introspekturis). Data yang sudah terkumpul ditranskrip ke dalam bentuk tulisan dengan transkripsi ortografis, kemudian diterjemahkan dan diklasifikasikan sesuai fungsinya. Metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data adalah metode ekuivalen dan metode agih dan metode yang digunakan untuk menampilkan hasil analisis data adalah langkah-langkah formal dan nonformal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam BMDK terdapat beberapa fungsi adjektiva komparatif yakni untuk memotivasi, memuji, menegur, memerintah, menyindir, menasihati, mencela dan menuduh. Sedangkan dampaknya adalah masyarakat lebih optimis, peka, mudah menghargai, terhibur, kuat, berhati-hati, jera, dan rendah diri.   

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-53
Vera Magria ◽  
Asridayani Asridayani ◽  
Rosa Winda Sari

This research analyzes about word formation process of slang word used by gamers in the game online “Mobile Legend”. The purposes of this research are to classify and to analyze the types of word formation processes of slang words used by gamers  using theory word formation process by  Yule (2010) and  Katamba (2005) and to describe the meaning of slang words used by gamers. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The data is formed of slang word in chat feature by gamers. In collecting the data, the researcher used  participant observational method (SLC). Then, the analysis in this research, the researcher used agih method (distributional method) and used Segmenting Immediate Constituents Techniques (Teknik Bagi Unsur langsung/BUL) as the basic technique and delition technique (teknik lesap) as an advanced technique. The results of this research are stated as follows. Firstly, six types of word formation process  in slang word used by gamers; abbreviation, acronym, borrowing, compounding, multiple process, and clipping. Then, the researcher found twelve slang words that utterances by gamer. While for word formation process, the type that dominant is compounding. In the meaning of slang word, the researcher only finds two from seven types of meaning by Leech (1981), they are: firstly social meaning and secondly connotative meaning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 80-88
Anang Ramadlon ◽  
Hasan Busri ◽  
Zaim Elmubarok

Mubtada 'isim marfu' which is free from amil lafadz. While khabar (comment) is an isim marfu' to complete the meaning of mubtada' (topic). This research is a qualitative research with library research research design. The instruments used in this study were data cards and recapitulation sheets. Data collection techniques using documentation techniques. The data analysis technique uses the distributional method for the direct element, and the data validity check technique uses the credibility test technique to increase persistence. Based on the research conducted by the researcher, the researcher found 279 data in the form of mubtada (topic) and khabar (comment), because the amount of data was almost the same, the researcher took 89 data for in-depth analysis. Of the 89 mubtada'(topic), 89 are mubtada'(topic) sharih and none of the mubtada'(topic) muawwal. Based on the terms of use, there are no mubtada '(topics) that are obligatory mahdzuf and 3 may be mahdzuf, 82 are obligatory muqaddam and 2 may be muqaddam, and 1 is obligatory muakhkhar and 1 may be muakhkhar. Based on the grammatical markers, it consists of 75 mubtada' (topic) with the grammatical marker dlammah, none with the grammatical marker alif, waw, and nun, and 14 mubtada' (topic) which occupies the function of mubtada' (topic) (machal rafa'). And of the 89 khabar (comments), 64 are mufrad khabar (comments) and 25 are ghairu mufad khabar (comments). Based on the terms of use, there is no khabar (comment) that is obligatory and can be mahdzuf, 1 is mandatory and can be muqaddam, and 85 is obligatory muakhkhar and 2 may be muakhkhar.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 74-79
Dimas Kurnia Aji ◽  
Muchlisin Nawawi ◽  
Ahmad Miftahuddin

The discussion of nahcw science is very large, one of which is about Ism  Al- Ma’rifah (Definite Noun) Genitive Case. The researcher chose the book  Khulashoh Nurul Yaqin chapter 2 since there are many kinds of ism al- ma’rifah genitive case so that they can be analyzed to improve the readers‟ understanding  of this book and is expected to be useful for increasing knowledge development.  This is  a qualitative study with library research design. Data in the form of ism al ma’rifah (definite noun) genitive case are sourced from the book Khulashoh  Nurul Yaqin chapter 2. The instrument used in this study was a data card. The data  collection technique used the documentation method. The data analysis technique  used the distributional method. The result of this study showed that there are  about 430 data on ism al- ma’rifah (definite noun) genitive case found in the book  Khulasoh Nurul Yaqin chapter 2. The researcher took 100 data samples with  purposive sampling technique (1) type ism al- ma’rifah (definite noun) genitive  case consisting of 26 data types ism ‘alam, 15 data types ism dhamir, 1 data types  ism isyarah, 1 data types ism maushul, 41 data types ism al-mu’arraf bi al, 16 data  types ism al-mudhafu ilal ma’rifah. (2) Functions of ism al- ma’rifah (definite  noun) genitive case consist of 43 data as majrur which changes into jarr with harf  jar, 41 data as majrur which changes into jarr with idhafah, 16 data that function  as majrur which changes into jarr with attawabi’ (9 data as na’at and 7 data as athaf (ma’thuf)).

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 1465
Ade Rahima ◽  
Irda Wahyuni

This research aims to describe phatic forms in the oral text of family conversations in the Jambi Malay society at Kelurahan Pulau Temiang Kabupaten Tebo Jambi province. This study uses qualitative descriptive method, data collection techniques that are done with observation and recording. In this study, the data is in the form of phatic forms of the Jambi Malay language was taken from 2 families of 5 families who are native speakers of Jambi Malay in Kelurahan Pulau Temiang. Data are analyzed by using the distributional method. The results of this study show the forms of phatic of Jambi Malay in Kelurahan Pulau Temiang. It can be found there are three forms of phatic that include (1) phatic forms in the form of particles there are 30 data including 'kan', 'iyo', 'nak', 'dih', 'dek', (2) phatic in the form of the word there are 28 data including 'nelah', 'kan ko', 'kejaih', 'nonggok nelah', 'kalu', and (3) phatic in the form of phrases there are 2 data namely 'komsalam', 'salammelekom'.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 101
Ade Rahima Amir

The objective of this research is to describe the classification of numeral forms in the Jambi Malay Language. The method used in this research is descriptive. Sources of research data include oral data from informants and written data taken from a collection of Jambi folklore. Overall this research was conducted in two locations, namely the district of Muaro Jambi and Jambi city. The research data were in the form of words, phrases, and sentences containing Jambi Malay Language numeral forms. The techniques collection used include interview, observation, introspection, and elicitation techniques. Data analysis is done by distributional method through substitution, expansion, and permutation technique. The results of data analysis showed that the numeral forms of Jambi Malay Language can be classified into 2 forms namely: 1) Basic form that includes monomorphemic form and polymorphemic form. Both forms are classified based on the amount of morphemes. 2) Complex forms or derivatives are classified based on their morphological processes, i.e. forms of affixed and reduplication. Based on these results, it can be concluded that from the morphological and syntactic aspects, the numeral forms of Jambi Malay Language has its own classification which is different from other word forms. AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan klasifikasi bentuk kata bilangan bahasa Melayu Jambi (BMJ). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan struktural. Sumber data penelitian mencakup data lisan yang berasal dari informan dan data tulisan yang diambil dari kumpulan cerita rakyat daerah Jambi. Secara keseluruhan penelitian ini dilakukan di dua lokasi yakni Kabupaten Muaro Jambi dan Kota Jambi. Data penelitian berupa kata, frasa dan kalimat-kalimat yang mengandung kata bilangan BMJ. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan meliputi teknik wawancara, observasi, introspeksi, dan elisistasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan metode distribusional melalui teknik subsitusi, ekspansi dan permutasi. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa secara umum bentuk kata bilangan BMJ dapat diklasifikasikan atas 2 bentuk yakni: 1) bentuk dasar yang mencakup bentuk monomorfemis dan bentuk polimorfemis. Kedua bentuk ini diklasifikasikan berdasarkan jumlah morfemnya. 2) bentuk kompleks atau turunan diklasifikasikan berdasarkan proses morfologisnya, yakni  bentuk berafiks dan bentuk reduplikasi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa klasifikasi bentuk kata bilangan bahasa BMJ merupakan kajian linguistik dari aspek morfologi dan sintaksis mempunyai klasifikasi tersendiri yang berbeda dari bentuk kata lainnya.

Trials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Anca Chis Ster ◽  
Rachel Phillips ◽  
Odile Sauzet ◽  
Victoria Cornelius

Abstract Background Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) provide valuable information for developing harm profiles but current analysis practices to detect between-group differences are suboptimal. Drug trials routinely screen continuous clinical and biological data to monitor participant harm. These outcomes are regularly dichotomised into abnormal/normal values for analysis. Despite the simplicity gained for clinical interpretation, it is well established that dichotomising outcomes results in a considerable reduction in information and thus statistical power. We propose an automated procedure for the routine implementation of the distributional method for the dichotomisation of continuous outcomes proposed by Peacock and Sauzet, which retains the precision of the comparison of means. Methods We explored the use of a distributional approach to compare differences in proportions based on the comparison of means which retains the power of the latter. We applied this approach to the screening of clinical and biological data as a means to detect ‘signals’ for potential adverse drug reactions (ADRs). Signals can then be followed-up in further confirmatory studies. Three distributional methods suitable for different types of distributions are described. We propose the use of an automated approach using the observed data to select the most appropriate distribution as an analysis strategy in a RCT setting for multiple continuous outcomes. We illustrate this approach using data from three RCTs assessing the efficacy of mepolizumab in asthma or COPD. Published reference ranges were used to define the proportions of participants with abnormal values for a subset of 10 blood tests. The between-group distributional and empirical differences in proportions were estimated for each blood test and compared. Results Within trials, the distributions varied across the 10 outcomes demonstrating value in a practical approach to selecting the distributional method in the context of multiple adverse event outcomes. Across trials, there were three outcomes where the method chosen by the automated procedure varied for the same outcome. The distributional approach identified three signals (eosinophils, haematocrit, and haemoglobin) compared to only one when using the Fisher’s exact test (eosinophils) and two identified by use of the 95% confidence interval for the difference in proportions (eosinophils and potassium). Conclusion When dichotomisation of continuous adverse event outcomes aids clinical interpretation, we advocate use of a distributional approach to retain statistical power. Methods are now easy to implement. Retaining information is especially valuable in the context of the analysis of adverse events in RCTs. The routine implementation of this automated approach requires further evaluation.

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