scholarly journals Analysis of Factors Affecting Liquidity of Islamic Banking Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-61
Wiwin Yustina ◽  
Tulus Suryanto ◽  
Heni Noviarita ◽  
Erike Anggraeni

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of Non-Performing Financing, Third Party Funds, Financial To Funding Ratio, Macroprudential Intermediation Ratio and Macroprudential Liquidity Buffer on the liquidity of Islamic Banking listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange List in the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2018 to the 1st and 2nd quarters of 2018. 2019. The research design used is a quantitative approach. The data analyzed is secondary data in the form of quarterly banking financial statements listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange List for the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2018 to 1st and 2nd quarters of 2019, data for each bank. The population in this study were 15 Islamic banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange List during the study period, with a sample of 12 Islamic banks during 4 quarters of observation, so that the final sample was 48 observational data. The results of the study show that the variables of Non Performing Financing, Financial To Funding Ratio have an influence on the liquidity of Islamic banking. While other variables, namely Third Party Funds, Macroprudential Intermediation Ratio and Macroprudential Liquidity Buffer, have no effect on the liquidity of Islamic Banking. Liquidity management in banking institutions is one aspect that becomes a top priority. Liquidity is a condition where banks are able to meet their obligations as they fall due and banks are able to meet the demand for funds by customers. Banks must be able to maintain their liquidity level in a safe and optimal position in accordance with the bank soundness level parameters set by Bank Indonesia.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12

The objective of the study is to obtain empirical evidence of factors affecting the volume of financing based on cost sharing and the ratio of BOPO to Sharia Banking. The number of population in this study is the number of units analyzed consisting of all Islamic banks in Indonesia either BUS, UUS or BPRS. The method of selecting the sample used is purposive sampling. Testing using multiple regression analysis. The result of the research shows that there is influence of DPK to funding based on the result of mudharabah and musyarakah in both syariah banking institution in Indonesia. There is an effect of earnings on financing based on the sharing of mudharabah and musharaka in both Islamic banking institutions in Indonesia. There is no effect of NPF/non-performing financing on Mudharabah-based finance sharing in BUS in Indonesia. However, the NPF has a significant effect on mudharabah-based revenue sharing at the SRB. There is no effect of NPF / non-performing financing on the musharaka-based financing of the BUS in Indonesia. However, the NPF has a significant effect on the musharaka-based sharing financing in the SRB. There is no effect of interest rate on cost sharing based on mudharabah and musyarakah result in sharia banking in Indonesia. There is a funding effect based on the results of mudharabah and musyarakah on the ratio of BOPO in both Islamic banking institutions in Indonesia.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 119-127
Iskandar Muda ◽  
Nur Afifah

This study was conducted to determine the effect of NPF, FDR, deposits, and DER to Islamic banking financing in Indonesia. This study used the annual financial statements population of the entire Islamic Banks (BUS) in Indonesia in 2010-2014. The samples in this study used purposive sampling, that the sampling method using specific criteria. The amount of data used by 30 the annual financial statements of six Islamic banks which fulfilled the criteria as a sample. The results showed that the NPF, FDR, deposits, and DER simultaneously affected the murabaha financing. The magnitude of the effect of the four independent variables against murabaha financing amounted to 95.9% and the remaining 4.1% was influenced by other variables outside of this study. For partial results, variable DPK and DER positive effect were occurred on murabaha financing. As for the variable FDR and NPF, there was no significant effect on the murabaha financing.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-21
Arif Rijal Anshori

Banking is a very important part in the economy, one of them as intermediary institutions whose duty to collect funds from the public and then channel them back in the form of financing.This study aims to determine the effect Number of DPK, NPF and SBIS partially to finance portfolio of Islamic banking in Indonesia, and to determine the effect Number of DPK, NPF and SBIS simultaneously to the finance portfolio of Islamic banking in Indonesia.This study proceed from the assumption that (1) the size distribution of the funds offered by Islamic banks is very influenced by the size DPK means that the higher the number of third-party funds collected, the higher also finance portfolio, (2) the higher non-performing financing the worse the quality of banking assets, (3) the higher the bonus level set SBIS Indonesian bank will lower the financing undertaken by the banking Shari'ah. But based on data from Islamic banking statistics from the years 2008-2014 there is a gap between theory and facts on the ground. These assumptions are tested empirically so that the truth can be scientifically recognized. When there is a justification or rejection of these assumptions, then this is a scientific truth that can be considered Islamic banking in Indonesia.Quantitative research methods in this study using research formats explanation, source data used in this research is secondary data, then the type of data used in this research is quantitative data time series, the quarterly data of financing, deposits, NPF and SBIS Islamic banking in Indonesia from 2008 to 2014. Data were then processed by means of statistical analysis using Eviews 7, which comprises the classical assumption of them: normality test, heteroscedasticity, multicollinearity test, autocorrelation test. statistical tests include: regression, t test, F test and R2.The conclusion that can be drawn from this study that partially, DPK variable is positive and significant effect on the financing, NPF variable is negative but not significant effect on the financing, while SBIS is negative and significant effect on the financing. Then simultaneously the number of DPK, NPF and SBIS significant effect on the distribution of funding. Those variables could explain freely by 99.45% and the remaining 0.55% can be explained by other variables not examined.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 08-15
Lora Ferbina Bangun

Auditor switching is the turn of KAP and auditor carried out by the company for a reason or there are certain factors of the company or of the auditor itself. This study aims to determine the effect of audit fees, financial distress auditor size, client size, and management change to the auditor switching on manufacturing companies listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2011-2014 period. This study used secondary data obtained from financial statements published on the internet through the official website of Indonesia Stock Exchange research sample is manufacturing companies listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2012-2014. Sampling using purposive sampling and obtained a sample of 96 observations of 32 companies sampled in this study. Hypothesis testing is done by using logistic regression. From the test results indicate that audit fees, financial distress, auditor sie, clients size, and management changes do not influence auditor switching.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 190
Ahmad Syarif

Financial activities that are often carried out by people in developed and developing countries. Banks can collect public funds directly from customers, then distribute them to the public. Islamic banks still have a good reputation in the community so that the assets and third party funds of Islamic commercial banks grow. This is also reinforced by public optimism due to regulation of Banking Synergy in One Ownership for the development of Islamic Banking. The purpose of this study is to forecast the growth of Islamic banking after the implementation of banking synergy regulations in one ownership as an effort to increase the efficiency of the Islamic banking industry. This study used the secondary data all of  the Islamic Banks in Indonesia from Financial Service Authority by Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) period 2015-2019 as the estimated data and 2020-2022 as the forecasting data in quarter. This study used two variables, asset and third-party fund, to estimate the best model. The result shows ARIMA (0,1,1) has the small AIC and significant value as best estimation model. The growth of Islamic banks in 2020 will increase by 7.4 % in assets and 7.3 % by the end of 2022 to IDR 437 trillion. Meanwhile, third party funds by the end of 2022 will increase by 8 % with total third party funds of IDR 361 trillion. Banking Synergy in One Ownership Order has the potential to increase the effectiveness and the efficiency of the Islamic Banking Industry at future. 

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 79
Mega Ayu Maharanie ◽  
Sri Herianingrum

The objectives of this research to analyze the influence of capital adequacy as measured by Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), intermediary functions as measured by Non Performing Financing (NPF), financial problems as measured by Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), and operational cost as measured by BOPO to profitability as measured by Return On Asset (ROA) of Islamic Banking Industry in the period of 2010-2012. The population used for the study is Islamic banks whose financial statements have been published to Bank Indonesia from 2010-2012. The sampling techniques is cencus sampling, so the sample in this study is every unit in a population. The data of this study used secondary data from the website of Bank Indonesia. The method of data analysis which was used is multiple linier regression analysis.From the result of analyse indicate that CAR, NPF, and BOPO variables has significantly affcet in partial toward ROA at level of significant less than 0,05, but only FDR variable has no significantly affect to the ROA. While, CAR, FDR, NPF, and BOPO variables in simultan has no affect to the ROA with a significance level of 0,000.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 35-44
Wishnu Kameshwara Armand ◽  
Bambang Leo Handoko ◽  
Felicia Felicia

Financial reporting in a timely manner is one of the important factors to maintain the relevance of the information contained in the financial statements of a company. The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of profitability, solvability, the complexity of operations, audit firm’s reputation and company’s age on audit delay, partially and simultaneously. This research uses secondary data obtained from goods and consumption industry sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2015-2018. This study used a purposive sampling method that produced 28 companies and 112 samples. Sample data were processed using descriptive statistical analysis, classic assumption test and multiple linear regression. The result of the partial significance test shows that the profitability and complexity of operations influence audit delay, while the simultaneous significance test shows that all variables simultaneously influence audit delay.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Diyah Santi Hariyani ◽  
Agung Sujianto

<p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong><br />The purpose of this research to provide empirical evidence that the Model Altman , Springate , and Zmijewski is the most appropriate model for predicting bankruptcy Islamic Bank in Indonesia . The population in this study are all Islamic banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange . This study uses secondary data from the financial statements of Islamic banks in 2010-2014 . Testing the hypothesis in this study using normality test, homogeneity test, and one way ANOVA test ( different test ) . The results showed that Springate model is the most appropriate model to predict the Islamic banks in Indonesia with an accuracy of 38.00 % , then Model Zmijewski with 28.00 % accuracy rate and Altman with an accuracy of 0.00 % .</p><p><br /><strong>Keywords : Altman Z-Score Model, Springate S-Score Model, Zmijewski X-Score Model.</strong></p>

Kiki Sagita ◽  
Rendra Erdkhadifa

The research is motivated by the level of profitability which is a benchmark for Islamic banks in generating profits which is still not stable and tends to decrease every year. The factors that can affect the level of profitability of Islamic banks are Third Party Funds (DPK), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Non-Performing Financing (NPF), Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), Net Operating Margin (NOM), and Operating Expenses for Operating Income ( BOPO). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the variables TPF, CAR, NPF, FDR, NOM, and BOPO on the profitability of BRI Syariah Bank and to find out which variables had the most significant effect on the profitability of BRI Syariah Bank. The data used in this study is secondary data obtained from the quarterly financial statements of BRI Syariah Bank for the period 2012 to 2020. The data analysis technique used multiple linear regression consisting of multicollinearity test, multiple regression analysis, simultaneous test, partial test, and classical assumption test of residuals. The test results show that NPF, CAR, NPF, FDR, and NOM have a significant effect on the profitability of BRI Syariah Bank

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 101-107
Leni Lawati

ROE level is the main thing for investors and potential investors. Issues of liquidity, performance efficiency, and strengthening of capital are still the main discussions. These can also affect the value of ROE. So that the research aims to determine with certainty the effect of the Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) and the Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) on the Return on Equity (ROE) in the Islamic banking sub-sector listed on the IDX for the 2014-2018 period. The independent variables are LDR and DER while ROE is the dependent variable. The method used is quantitative. Meanwhile, the data used in this study is secondary data from the Company's Annual Financial Statements obtained from the official website of the Indonesia Stock Exchange at Data testing was carried out by descriptive statistical analysis, multiple regression analysis, and hypothesis testing using SPSS. The results showed that partially LDR had a positive and significant effect on ROE and DER had no effect on ROE, while simultaneously LDR and DER had a significant effect on ROE.

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