Moh Sofwan Zauri Azizi

AbtrsakPenelitian ini berlatar belakang pada kenyataan bahwa dalam pembelajaran Tarikh, guru masih menggunakan metode ceramah, hal ini membuat siswa bosan dan tidak semangat belajar, sehingga pemahaman materi siswa sangat rendah. Di dalam kegiatan pembelajaran guru tidak menggunakan metode pembelajaran yang menarik sehingga proses belajar siswa kurang kondusif.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang terdiri dari dua siklus. Dengan menggunakan metode observasi aktivitas siswa dan tes sselama proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode role playing. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMA Muhammadiyah 5 YogyakartaNilai rata-rata pada penerapan metode role playing dapat meningkatkan pemahaman belajar Tarikh, hal ini terlihat dari hasil pra siklus, siklus I, dan siklus II, rata-rata persentase,hal ini terlihat dari rata-rata hasil lembar observasi yang terus meningkat pada setiap siklusnya. Rata-rata aktivitas belajar siswa pada siklus I sebesar 64,00% dan pada siklus II meningkat menjadi 83,88%, sedangkan peningkatan pemahaman siswa dari siklus I ke siklus II sebesar 19,88%.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan metode role playing dapat meningkatkan pemahaman materi tarikh.Kata kunci : peningkatan pemahaman, metode Role-Playing, pembelajaran tarikhAbstracThis research is based on the fact that in the learning date, the teacher still uses the lecture method, this makes students bored and not enthusiastic about learning, so that the students' material understanding is very low. In learning activities the teacher does not use interesting learning methods so that the learning process of students is less conducive.This research is a classroom action research (CAR) consisting of two cycles. By using the observation method of student activities and tests during the learning process by using role playing methods. This research was conducted at Muhammadiyah 5 High School YogyakartaThe average value on the application of role playing methods can improve understanding of learning dates, this can be seen from the results of pre cycle, cycle I, and cycle II, the average percentage, this can be seen from the average results of the observation sheet that continues to increase in each the cycle. The average learning activity of students in the first cycle was 64.00% and in the second cycle increased to 83.88%, while the increase in understanding of students from cycle I to cycle II was 19.88%.Based on the results of these studies it can be concluded that the application of role playing methods can improve understanding of date materialKeywords: kognitif improvement, role playing metdhod, Tarikh lesson

Tri Mutmainnah ◽  
Munoto Munoto ◽  
Marniati Marniati ◽  
Tri Rijanto

The purpose of this study was to determine the activities of students in the basic learning activities of sewing technology using video media, to determine the learning outcomes of basic students of sewing technology using video media, and to determine students' responses to the basic learning activities of sewing technology using video media. This type of research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). The learning method is implemented using the direct learning method. Data collection techniques use observation to get data about student activities, performance tests to determine student learning outcomes, and questionnaires to determine student responses. Data analysis using quantitative descriptive. The results showed that student activities which include preliminary, core, and closing activities were said to be very good with an average value of 93% in the first cycle and rose to 96% in the second cycle. Student learning outcomes reached 73% grade completeness in the first cycle and rose to 82% in the second cycle. The average percentage of success in cycle I and II was 77% in the good category. The results of students' responses stated that they agreed that video media made them have a high willingness to participate in learning by 56%, with 47% of students strongly agree that learning with video media was very interesting and not boring, 58% agreed that it was easier to understand learning materials with video media, and 39% agree that video media motivate students to excel.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 135
Komariah Komariah

Teaching and learning activities at school should be interesting and funny, student activities as learning is always enthusiastic in following each subject. But the reality in the field shows another, learning activities that should attract, full of activities, creativity and bright ideas that do not exist, there is only a passive class hanayalah. Teachers are the spearhead in the success of teaching and learning process, therefore teachers are required to be able to innovate and master the various methods in delivering learning meteri that will be conveyed to the students. Lack of variation in the model of learning is one of the factors lazy students in following the teaching and learning process resulting in the level of mastery of student learning. To cultivate the spirit, cheerfulness in learning and not boring required a method of learning such as "shake the dice" as one of the active learning model, is essentially a traditional game with the aim that students in implementing learning is not saturated because this learning invites students to play while learning. Keywords. Learning Activity, Learning Model, Beat Dice

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 401
Sinta Ramadhan Silvi ◽  
Suarman Suarman ◽  
Rr Sri Kartikowati

Not all students have the ability to speak or to express opinions in public well, and not all students are able to engage in the learning process with a student centered approach. Therefore, the learning model with a student centered approach should still be juxtaposed with the considered percentage of lecture method (teacher cantered approach). This research aims to produce an Articulation learning model development oriented towards student activities. The data analysis was referring to the ISMAN model which consists of the stages: input, process, output, feedback, and learning. Based on the validity test to the validator, the Articulation development model is declared suitable for the Economics learning process. The students responses to the utilization of the Articulation development model obtained an average percentage of 88.62% in the category of very effective.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 329
Ni Wayan Rusniati

The process and student learning outcomes in science learning material properties of light is a problem faced by class IV SD Negeri 3 Mengwi. Student activity and learning outcomes have not been maximized because the teacher delivered science learning materials using the lecture method. This is the background of the researchers to conduct research with the aim of improving the process and learning outcomes of science with material properties of light with learning models Contextual Teaching and Learning. This research is a type of classroom action research conducted in SD Negeri 3 Mengwi. The subjects of this study were fourth grade students, amounting to 27 students consisting of 14 female students and 13 male students. The implementation of this study used 2 cycles. Instruments used to collect data are observation sheets, interviews, documentation and test questions. The results of this study indicate that science learning outcomes with material properties of light using the Contextual Teaching and Learning model in SD Negeri 3 Mengwi have increased in two cycles with quite satisfactory values. There was an increase in learning outcomes from cycle 1 an average value of 68.51 to 75.37 in cycle 2. In addition, there was an increase in the learning process of students in science learning carried out by teachers using the Contextual Teaching and Learning model. Keywords: Learning process, learning outcomes, Contextual Teaching and Learning

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Elya Yuliana

The purposes of this research are to increase the students asking activity and student learning outcomes in class V of MI Yusuf Abdussatar Kediri, totaling 23 people. Learning to apply the process skills approach, teaches students to discover and develop the facts by themselves. the concept of learning presenting, students' courage in ideas, opinions and questions, effort, activity and creativity in the learning process and the level of student attitudes that dominate in the learning process. This learning activity helps students to be more active in asking.This research is a classroom action research conducted in two cycles, consisting of the action planning stage, the stage of implementation of the action, observation, and the stage of evaluation and reflection. Students and teacher activity data derived from observations and interviews for the assessment process, while data on student learning outcomes obtained through tests given at the end of each cycle. Indicators of success of this study extend from the average value grade students can reach the KKM 65 and with a percentage of 85%. The results showed that the average value of students in cycle I and II increased from 72.70 into 82.43 with the difference in value of 9.73. While the percentage of students who earn a minimum value standard upward cycle I and II also increased from 73.91% to 86.95% by a margin of 13:04%. This means that action research is in compliance indicators to be achieved. The results showed that the application process can increase the skill of asking activity and science learning outcomes in science teaching class V.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 696-714

Abstract. This journal discusses the development of variations in teaching in increasing learning motivation. The learning process is an activity that involves an individual (physical and spiritual), learning activities are never carried out without a strong motivation or motivation from within the individual or from outside the individual who participates in learning activities. Therefore, the learning process requires the development and use of variations in teaching to generate student motivation. Variations in teaching include variations in teaching styles, variations in media and materials, and variations in teaching and learning interactions. Motivation has a very important role in learning activities, there is no learning activity without motivation, therefore motivation has a strategic role in achieving the goals or results of learning. Keywords: Development Of Teaching Variations and Motivation to Learn

Nurasiah Nurasiah

The purpose of this study was to improve students' motivation and learning outcomes of students of class XI IPA SMAN 2 Tanjung Jabung Timur. The classroom action research was conducted in the second semester of the academic year 2013-2014 in period of January until March, as much as four times the meetings which were divided into two cycles. Each cycle was performed twice meetings and one evaluation. The subjects of the study were the  students of class XI IPA 1. To measure students' motivation and learning outcome used student’s activity data during the learning process with guidance observation data, questionnaire data and achievement test data. Then these data were analysed using descriptive analysis method. In the first cycle shows the percentage of student activities, at the first meeting and the second meeting of 45, 71% and 74, 28%. While in the second cycle, the first meeting and the second meeting of 88, 57% and 94, 28%. The Increasing of learning outcomes in the first cycle was shown learning mastery of 59, 38% with an average value of 70, 17. Whereas in second cycle was shown learning mastery of 87,50% with an  average value of 82,76. In addition, the student’s responses are positive towards learning process by implementation of cooperative learning (model STAD) in determination of acid-base solution properties and acidity of solution using natural indicators. It is based on student questionnaire answers which feel happy or satisfied (agree) was 86, 89%. Keywords: Learning outcomes, Learning activities, STAD model, Natural indicators, Learning mastery

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-144
Dwi Jatmoko ◽  
Arif Susanto ◽  
Riawan Yudi Purwoko ◽  
Zainal Arifin ◽  
Purnawan Purnawan

Current learning is needed to emphasize student activities to be more constructive. However, learning emphasizes more on the target material and focuses on the final result. This study aims to improve student learning activities and outcomes in Automotive Engineering Basic Work subjects by implementing the ARCS learning model. This type of research is classroom action research, each cycle consisting of stages of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The research subjects were 40 students of tenth grade State Vocational High School in Purworejo, Indonesia. Data were collected through observation to determine the description of student activities during the learning process. Then the evaluation test was used to determine the final results of student learning after being given the ARCS learning model in the classroom. The study results indicate that the implementation of ARCS learning in the process provides progress on student learning activities and outcomes during the learning process. The results showed that the implementation of the ARCS model increased student learning activities by 74% and increased learning outcomes by 82%. Thus, it can be concluded that the ARCS learning model, in general, can have a potential effect because students are more constructive in learning so that it can be used as a learning reference in vocational high school.

Four Marito Marbun

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the cooperative Student Teams Achievement Devision (STAD) learning model on the ability to understand students 'mathematical concepts and students' responses to the STAD cooperative learning model type. This research method is a quasi experimental method. This research was conducted in State 2 Junior High School of Sorkam at the even semester of the 2016/2017 Academic Year. The sample of this study was class VIIIA as the experimental class and VIIIB as the control class. From the research data obtained a regression equation Y = 74,857 + 8.857X (there is a positive effect). The average value of students' understanding of mathematical concepts learned by the STAD cooperative learning model is 83,714, while the conventional learning model is 74,857. The coefficient of determination is 21.6%, meaning that 21.6% of the influence of the STAD type cooperative learning model on the ability to understand students' mathematical concepts. The results of the analysis of student responses were obtained (1) by 98.2% stating they were interested and the rest not; (2) amounting to 95.05% stating that there are benefits obtained and the rest not; (3) amounting to 86.78% stated that there were no obstacles experienced during the learning process and the rest stated there were; (4) 94.04% hoped the STAD type cooperative learning model was used in the learning process and the rest did not expect. So, it can be concluded that the student response is very positive because the average percentage of student approval responses to the STAD type cooperative learning model is ≥ 85%.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Muslimin Annas ◽  
Pairun Roniwijaya

This study aims to improve the learning activity through the hydraulic system of Jigsaw Learning method in class X TKR SMK Muhammadiyah 1 KarangmojoThis study is an action research (PTK). The subjects were students of class X of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Karangmojo TKR. Data was collected through observation, interviews, field notes, and nontes testing, documentation, and analysis of documents. This study consisted of three cycles. Each cycle consists of four stages, namely (1) the action plan; (2) the implementation of the action; (3) observation; and (4) reflection and revision. Data analysis was performed by descriptive qualitative and quantitative skills is to describe the hydraulic system before and after the implementation of the action. The validity of the data obtained through validity (the validity of the results, the validity of the process, the validity of the dialogic, democratic validity) and reliability.The results showed that there is an increase in the hydraulic system of learning activities in class class X TKR SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Karangmojo through Learning through Jigsaw method. This increase is reflected by an increase in the quality of the process and outcomes of learning activities hydraulic system. The increase reflected the quality of the increasing activity of students during the lesson. Improved quality of results reflected increased average value of the hydraulic system of students' learning activities before and after the action. Average ability of students before and after the action was 63.33 subject to measures for cycle three times the average value of students rose to 78.93. This shows that there has been growing positive attitude in students' learning activities so that the ability of the hydraulic system began to increase. Hydraulic system enhancements increase of 15.6 or 24.63%.

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