Konsep Pengembangan Kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam di MTS VIP Queen Al Khadijah Cilacap

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 65
Khusnul Khotimah Maulidiyah ◽  
Al Manaf

Education in Indonesia is always experiencing development and renewal on the basis of adjusting to the needs of society and the dynamics of the times. As with the PAI curriculum, it also continues to make updates because PAI is a subsystem of the national curriculum. Therefore, PAI learning needs to be considered maximally and can also be actualized in the lives of students. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach which aims to reveal an understanding of curriculum development at MTs Queen Al Khadijah Cilacap. As for the results of his research, the curriculum development process that occurred at MTs VIP Queen Al Khadijah was a process of a series of curriculum updates carried out in an integrated-interconnection manner, by making Islamic teachings and values a guide and a source of consultancy for the development of various subjects so that they could integrate the curriculum 2013 and Pesantren and can be balanced between general science and religious knowledge. One of its implementations is the teacher collaboration learning model, meaning that general subject teachers can collaborate with Islamic religious education teachers (PAI) to compile concrete and detailed learning designs according to the theme of the learning material. Keywords: Curriculum Development, Curriculum Islamic Education, Islamic Education

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-21
Gatot Krisdiyanto ◽  
Muflikha Muflikha ◽  
Elly Elvina Sahara ◽  
Choirul Mahfud

Abstract The “Ayo Mondok” Movement is part of the pesantren's response to modernity. In the modern era like this, there are still many Muslim societies in Indonesia that make pesantren a reference for formal and informal educational institutions. Indeed, initially the pesantren was only traditional and only aimed to explore the science of religion. However, along with the modernization of the times, Islamic boarding schools have not only become institutions to explore religious sciences but also general science. This paper explains the history and development of pesantren, and how the system of pesantren education answers the challenges of modernity. To get the desired results, the research library was chosen by researchers as the research method in this study. The results of this study reveal that Islamic boarding schools are a gathering place for santri to get religious knowledge from a cleric. The beginning of the pesantren was only a simple hut which was built as a makeshift with the aim of getting closer to the kyai or the teacher intended for the purposes of studying religion. While the system of pesantren education is still using the book of salaf or more familiarly called kitab kuning.   Keywords: Islamic Boarding School, Modernity and Islamic Education   Abstrak Gerakan Ayo Mondok merupkan bagian dari respon pesantren menghadapi modernitas. Di era modern seperti ini, masyarakat Muslim di Indonesia masih banyak yang menjadikan pesantren sebagai rujukan lembaga pendidikan formal maupun informal. Memang pada awalnya pesantren hanya bersifat tradisional dan hanya bertujuan untuk mendalami ilmu agama saja. Akan tetapi seiring dengan modernisasi zaman, pesantren tidak hanya menjadi lembaga untuk mendalami ilmu agama saja tetapi juga ilmu umum. Tulisan ini menjelaskan tentang sejarah dan perkembangan pesantren, dan bagaimana sistem pendidikan pesantren menjawab tantangan modernitas. Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang diinginkan, maka  library research dipilih oleh peneliti sebagai metode penelitian dalam studi ini. Hasil dari kajian ini mengungkapkan bahwa pesantren merupakan tempat berkumpulnya para santri untuk mendapatkan ilmu agama dari seorang kyai. Awal mula pesantren hanya berupa pondok sederhana yang dibangun seadanya dengan tujuan untuk mendekatkan diri kepada kyai atau guru yang dituju untuk keperluan menimba ilmu agama. Sedangkan sistem pendidikan pesantren sampai sekarang masih tetap menggunakan kitab salaf atau lebih familiar disebut kitab kuning.   Kata Kunci: Pesantren, Modernitas dan Pendidikan Islam

Abd. Rouf

<p><strong>Bahasa Indonesia:</strong></p><p>Praktik pendidikan agama Islam di sekolah (umum) amatlah minim atau kurang maksimal. Secara umum, jumlah jam pelajaran agama di sekolah rata-rata 2 jam per minggu. Dengan alokasi waktu seperti itu, jelas tidak mungkin untuk membekali peserta didik dengan pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan agama yang memadai. Oleh karena itu, harus dilakukan strategi alternatif dalam memenuhi kebutuhan peserta didik akan pendidikan agama di sekolah umum, antara lain: melalui kegiatan ekstra kurikuler berbasis keruhanian, tambahan-tambahan materi kegamaan di luar jam pelajaran, menyisipkan muatan keagamaan kedalam semua bidang studi umum, dan lain sebagainya. Sumber daya guru agama Islam juga perlu terus ditingkatkan kualitasnya, baik dari segi content maupun metodologi. Di samping itu, proses pelaksanaan pendidikan agama Islam harus selalu dilaksanakan dengan baik dan maksimal. Evaluasinya tidak cukup hanya menilai aspek kognitif siswa, tetapi harus juga melihat dan menilai aspek afektif dan psikomotoriknya. Ketiga domain (kognitif, afektif, psikomotorik) pendidikan agama Islam harus dilihat dalam pelaksanaan penilaian, sehingga bersifat komprehensif.</p><p> </p><p><strong>English:</strong></p><p>Islamic education subject in secular school is quite minimal in its duration. Generally, it takes only two credit hours per week in such kind of school. Due to the time allocation, it is clearly impossible to hand down student standard religious knowledge, attitude, and skills. Therefore, the school needs to find an alternative way to respond the needs of standard religious education in secular schools. Some of the implemented strategies are the religious extra-curricular program, extra hours for the subject, and integrated the religious messages in non-religious subjects. Religious teaching staff must also be upgraded in terms of the quality, either the subject matter enrichment or the instructional process. In addition, the instructional process needs optimal implementation. The evaluation should cover the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor areas. The three previously mentioned domain in Islamic education subject must be carefully and comprehensively assessed.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 16-25
Arina Dewi Masithoh

The golden age for children at an early age is the growth of intelligence in children because this age child started to vulnerable to increased them in faith and the development and growth physical mental out of the ordinary in phase which gradual. This day and age is a period of the formation of the nature of, personality and the character of a child. Early age is the most important because of the creation of the children the most important personality. Very important start instruction and correction of the child by religion give education from an early age. If religious education is not the doctrine taught to a child in effect learning early childhood, but education by changing civilization to embody the generation who excels in intellectuals religious by instilling religious values and sticks to young kids. In the planting of Islamic values sticks teaching Islamic education having a very large share. Especially for the developments of the times sure. Keywords: Early Childhood; Education; Values Aqidah. Abstrak Golden age bagi anak-anak Usia dini merupakan masa tumbuh kembang kecerdasan pada anak, karena rentan pada usia ini anak-anak mulai mengalami masa perkembangan dan pertumbuhan fisik mental yang luar biasa dalam fase yang bertahap. Masa ini merupakan periode pembentukan watak, kepribadian dan karakter anak. Usia dini merupakan masa yang terpenting, karena masa untuk pembentukan kepribadian anak yang paling utama. Sangat penting memulai didikan kepada anak dengan memberikan pendidikan agama sejak dini. Bukanlah doktrin jika Pendidikan agama diajarkan kepada anak dalam mempengaruhi pembelajaran anak usia dini, melainkan pendidikan dengan mengubah peradaban untuk mewujudkan generasi yang unggul dalam intelektualis serta religius agamis dengan menanamkan nilai-nilai Aqidah kepada anak sejak dini. Dalam penanaman nilai-nilai Aqidah Islam Pengajaran Pendidikan agama Islam memiliki andil yang sangat besar. Terutama bagi perkembangan zaman tentunya berbeda dalam metode pengajarannya, tetapi nilai-nilai Aqidah harus tetap ditanamkan sejak anak berada pada tahapan usia dini. Pendidikan Agama diperkenalkan sejak dini kepada anak berarti telah membentuk pribadi anak yang religius, terutama dalam nilai-nilai keagaamaan yakni Aqidah dan syariat agama. Kata Kunci: Anak Usia Dini; Pendidikan; Nilai-nilai Aqidah.

Abd. Rouf

<p><strong>Bahasa Indonesia:</strong></p><p>Praktik pendidikan agama Islam di sekolah (umum) amatlah minim atau kurang maksimal. Secara umum, jumlah jam pelajaran agama di sekolah rata-rata 2 jam per minggu. Dengan alokasi waktu seperti itu, jelas tidak mungkin untuk membekali peserta didik dengan pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan agama yang memadai. Oleh karena itu, harus dilakukan strategi alternatif dalam memenuhi kebutuhan peserta didik akan pendidikan agama di sekolah umum, antara lain: melalui kegiatan ekstra kurikuler berbasis keruhanian, tambahan-tambahan materi kegamaan di luar jam pelajaran, menyisipkan muatan keagamaan kedalam semua bidang studi umum, dan lain sebagainya. Sumber daya guru agama Islam juga perlu terus ditingkatkan kualitasnya, baik dari segi content maupun metodologi. Di samping itu, proses pelaksanaan pendidikan agama Islam harus selalu dilaksanakan dengan baik dan maksimal. Evaluasinya tidak cukup hanya menilai aspek kognitif siswa, tetapi harus juga melihat dan menilai aspek afektif dan psikomotoriknya. Ketiga domain (kognitif, afektif, psikomotorik) pendidikan agama Islam harus dilihat dalam pelaksanaan penilaian, sehingga bersifat komprehensif.</p><p> </p><p><strong>English:</strong></p><p>Islamic education subject in secular school is quite minimal in its duration. Generally, it takes only two credit hours per week in such kind of school. Due to the time allocation, it is clearly impossible to hand down student standard religious knowledge, attitude, and skills. Therefore, the school needs to find an alternative way to respond the needs of standard religious education in secular schools. Some of the implemented strategies are the religious extra-curricular program, extra hours for the subject, and integrated the religious messages in non-religious subjects. Religious teaching staff must also be upgraded in terms of the quality, either the subject matter enrichment or the instructional process. In addition, the instructional process needs optimal implementation. The evaluation should cover the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor areas. The three previously mentioned domain in Islamic education subject must be carefully and comprehensively assessed.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (6) ◽  
Noor Amirudin ◽  
Mohammad Ahyan Yusuf Sya’bani ◽  
Triyo Supriyatno ◽  
Samsul Susilawati

Purpose: This study provides an overview of the importance of massive reform in the Curriculum of Islamic Education at the Faculty of Islam, University of Muhammadiyah Gresik. This reform is needed so that the Islamic education curriculum can answer the challenges and demands of the times that continue to change globally. Besides, this deafness also poured out the results of a solution to Islamic religious education in the face of the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0. Method: this type of research is a type of field research. To obtain the data of this study used the observation method, interviews, and documentation. The research was analyzed with descriptive qualitative. To analyze the factors that influence the internalization of Islamic values, reduction analysis, data presentation and verification are used. Findings: The era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 had a broad impact on all lines of life, including in the field of education, especially Islamic education. The era that gave birth to this disruption phenomenon demanded the world of Islamic religious education to participate in adjusting. Graduates of Islamic education are now faced with new challenges, demands, and needs that have never existed before. So it is necessary to update and innovate the system, governance, curriculum, human resource competencies, facilities and infrastructure, culture, work ethic, and others. Implications for Researh and practice: Islamic religious education will be increasingly left behind and outdated. Therefore, it is necessary to look for concrete steps for Islamic religious education in order to be able to remain competitive in this disruption era.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-97
Yayuk Purwati ◽  
Aulia Diana Devi

This paper aims to describe the concept of reasoning bayani, irfani and burhani on the learning of Aqidah Akhlak in Islamic education. aqidah akhlak learning innovations in Islamic education in schools to overcome the growth of children. The direction and purpose of Islamic education is to foster students with early integrity and national loyalty, so that it is necessary to multiply its efforts in the field of science. Some aspects of science that need attention include: First, updating the epistemological method of the history of Islamic civilization and learning from the relevant curriculum organization. Second, the epistemological paradigm reform of Bayani's reasoning aims to be Abid al-Jabiri's trilogy of reasoning, namely Bayani reasoning, Irfani reasoning and Burhani reasoning in the learning of Aqidah Akhlak. All three are very linear reasoning that goes hand in hand but still only bayani is made a top priority. And the third circular linking between the three and all reasoning can complement each other. And thirdly in accordance with the value of global issues in the learning materials aqidah Akhlak, as well as the progress of the times and the complexity of the issues faced by mankind, especially the Muslim community, the issue must be acted on locally but globally. This is a response to the progress of modern architecture, so Islamic religious education in the school is very necessary and needs to be considered its existence.

1970 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 222-240
Dwi Priyanto

This paper is intended to map the problem of integration of Islamic Education (Pendidikan Agama Islam - PAI) with science and technology. It is expected, by this way, PAI is not only a vehicle for the transfer of religious knowledge, but also a planting of Islamic values that will be able to be applied by learners in public life as a Muslim. Hopefully, the Muslim will be able to play a role in solving the people and national problem and face the fast development of science and technology with all the impact. Ideally, integration of PAI with science and technology can be implemented as well as possible in an effort to establish Islamic religious education materials, and as a means of clarifying the problems that arise in the delivery of Islamic educational material that seems to be dogmatic at the beginning of Islam, as well as faith increasing to the truth of all that delivered Qur’an and Hadith. Tulisan ini ditujukan untuk memetakan problematika integrasi Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) dengan sains dan teknologi. Dengan cara ini diharapkan PAI tidak sekadar sebagai wahana transfer pengetahuan keagamaan semata, tetapijuga penanaman nilai-nilai keislamaan yang nantinya mampu diterapkan oleh peserta didik dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat sebagai seorang muslim. Diharapkan, muslim itu mampu berperan dalam menyelesaikan problem umat maupun bangsa menghadapi perkembangan sains dan teknologi yang begitu pesat dengan segala dampak yang ditimbulkan. Idealnya integrasi PAI dengan sains dan teknologi dapat dilaksanakan dengan sebaik-baiknya sebagai upaya dalam memantapkan materi pendidikan agama Islam, dan sebagai sarana memperjelas permasalahan yang timbul dalam penyampaian materi pendidikan agama Islam yang pada awalnya bersifat dogmatis, juga sebagai peningkatan rasa keimanan akan kebenaran segala yang disampaikan al-Qur’an dan Hadis.

Siti Chaizatul Munasiroh

Abstract   Discussing about the role of Islamic boarding schools in the formation and development of education, especially Islamic education, in Indonesia is hardly debated and doubtful. Long before Indonesia's independence, this institution which was in charge of ulama (kyai) was present in the archipelago. The history that goes through shows that the pesantren is not only able to maintain the survival of the times, but also can take care of its development which continues to increase from time to time. According to available data, this institution was first established, especially in Java, in the 15th century by Maulana Malik Ibrahim (one of the oldest walisongo) and later developed by other walisongo. By the end of the 19th century, the number of Islamic boarding schools in Java had grown to 300, and based on the records of the Indonesian Ministry of Religion Islamic Boarding School Database, the number of Islamic Boarding Schools in 2018 was around 21,321. The survival and continuous development of the boarding school certainly cannot be separated from the scientific tradition developed which has a strong enough distinction. One of them is the transformative education pattern. This makes the pesantren not just a religious institution that is merely active in the world of religious education for the santri, but at the same time has a concern and active role together with the community in empowering themselves. These values ​​also did not escape the Al-Istiqomah Islamic Boarding School in Kebumen. This pesantren which is famous for its 'Arab Village' has more value which requires the Al-Istiqomah Islamic boarding school to be developed into an international standard education. This internationalization is important to be put forward, in addition to developing and strengthening the quality of Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia and in Kebumen in particular, Internationalization will also be the biggest contribution to the development and strengthening of its own academic community. It will also make Islamic boarding schools play a greater role in making concrete contributions to global life.   Keywords: Survive Management of Islamic Boarding Schools, International Islamic Education, Quality of Islamic Boarding Schools  

Ummu Kulsum

The constructivist learning model is formulated in three problem formulations, 1) What is the new literacy-based contructivist learning model in Islamic Education? 2) What is the concept of transmission from constructive-based learning to new literacy in Islamic Education? 3) What is the strategy for transforming constructivist learning based on new literacy in Islamic Education? The aim is to describe the learning model, and also describe the concept of transmission from learning and analyze the strategies of transformational constructivist learning based on new literacy in Islamic religious education. The method uses the inductive qualitative literature method, to explain the results of several scientific works then reduced to a finding by developing existing findings into an innovation and invasion for the development of Islamic religious education. The findings are in the form of PAI learning strategies using constructivistic learning models and new literacy theories that produce reflection meta-cognition for students. Constuctivistic learning needs to be developed also in the affective domain in order to be able to provide changes in the character of students so that students feel a change in him every PAI subject matter is given to him.

Nadwa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 219
Rahmat Ryadhush Shalihin ◽  
Hendro Widodo

<p>This paper aims to analyze the problematics of teacher  to develop curriculum Islamic Religious Education . This research used qualitative methods and data were gathered from literature reviews, observations, and in-depth interviews from teacher and student. The data analyzed with reduction, presentation, and conclusion. The results of this research revealed that The problems of Islamic education teachers in transmigration areas can be summarized into five things. They are first, they have to deal with active time management Secondary learning, management documents, such as students daily paper sheets, Learning Perfoming Plan / RPP, and other extra tasks from school and headmaster to the teacher for some training. Third, the lack of teaching materials causes. Fourth, the problem of conditional and competency teachers. Fifth, they have passive students</p><p>Keywords: Islamic education; transmigration era, problem teacher; curriculum development</p><p class="KEYWORD"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p class="KEYWORD"><em>Makalah ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis problematika guru dalam mengembangkan kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan data dikumpulkan dari tinjauan literatur, observasi, dan wawancara mendalam dari guru dan siswa. Data dianalisis dengan reduksi, presentasi, dan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa masalah guru pendidikan Islam di daerah transmigrasi dapat diringkas menjadi lima hal. Mereka adalah yang pertama, mereka harus berurusan dengan manajemen waktu aktif Pembelajaran sekunder, dokumen manajemen, seperti kertas harian siswa, Rencana Pembelajaran Perfoming / RPP, dan tugas tambahan lainnya dari sekolah dan kepala sekolah kepada guru untuk beberapa pelatihan. Ketiga, kurangnya bahan ajar menyebabkan. Keempat, masalah guru bersyarat dan kompetensi. Kelima, mereka memiliki siswa pasif</em></p><p class="KEYWORD"><strong><em>Kata kunci:</em></strong><em> pendidikan Islam; era transmigrasi, guru bermasalah; pengembangan kurikulum</em></p>

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