scholarly journals Revitalisasi Implementasi Kurikulum Pendidikan

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-91
Fauzi Fahmi ◽  
Wahyu Bitasari

This study aims to analyze the revitalization of curriculum implementation in formal educational institutions. This research uses qualitative research methods based on literature study. Sources of data used in this study are various government policies related to the education curriculum in Indonesia, especially government policies concerning the 2013 curriculum. Data analysis was carried out by analyzing descriptive analytic data. The results of this study indicate that: 1) curriculum implementation includes: a) program development, b) learning implementation, and c) evaluation. 2) Preparation from teachers and school authorities, namely: a) Readiness of material can be in the form of readiness such as curriculum tools, school infrastructure, financial elements, and elements of the school environment. b) Non-material readiness can be in the form of reliable and professional educational staff (principals/ teachers), readiness of employees and readiness of elements of students and parents of students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-69
Ahmad Nurdin Kholili ◽  
Syarief Fajaruddin

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1.) Mengkaji implementasi manajemen strategik peningkatan mutu lembaga pendidikan Muhammadiyah di SMP Al-Mujahidin dan SMP Muhammadiyah Semin Kabupaten Gunungkidul; dan 2.) Menemukan formulasi alternatif manajemen strategik lembaga pendidikan Muhammadiyah dalam meningkatkan mutu sekolah di Kabupaten Gunungkidul. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian studi kasus yang bersifat kualitatif, dengan mengunakan metode observasi, interview dan dokumentasi terhadap dua lembaga pendidikan Muhammadiyah. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teori Miles dan Huberman dengan tahapan reduksi data, penyajian data dan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi manajemen strategik yang dilakukan oleh SMP Muhammadiyah Al-Mujahidin dan SMP Muhammadiyah Semin melibatkan semua stakeholder. Sekolah terlebih dahulu merumuskan visi misi sekolah dengan mempertimbangkan faktor internal dan eksternal lingkungan sekolah, dilanjutkan merumuskan tujuan dan target mutu sekolah diikuti dengan penentuan strategi yang akan digunakan oleh sekolah demi terealisasinya semua target mutu yang disepakati. Implementasi strategi yang dilakukan SMP Muhammadiyah Al-Mujahidin dan SMP Muhammadiyah Semin dalam meningkatkan mutu sekolah adalah dengan menjabarkan dan melaksanakan semua strategi yang telah dirumuskan dalam bentuk kegiatan-kegiatan terprogram dan terukur. Evaluasi strategi yang digunakan SMP Muhammadiyah Al-Mujahidin dan SMP Muhammadiyah Semin adalah melalui rapat formal maupun informal. AbstractThe objective of the present study is to: 1.) Review the implementation of strategic management for the improvement of the Muhammadiyah educational institution quality in the context of Al-Mujahidin Junior High School and Muhammadiyah Junior High School Semin, the Regency of Gunungkidul; and 2.) Identify the alternative formula for the implementation of the strategic management within the Muhammadiyah educational institution quality toward the improvement of the school quality in the Regency of Gunungkidul. The nature of the study is qualitative research using observation, interview, and documentation with two Muhammadiyah educational institutions as the objects of the study. Throughout the data analysis, the technique that has been implemented is the data analysis technique proposed by Miles & Huberman under the following sequence: (1) data reduction; (2) data presentation; and (3) conclusions. The results of the study show that the implementation of strategic management by the Al-Mujahidin Junior High School and the Muhammadiyah Junior High School Semin has involved all stakeholders. The two Muhammadiyah educational institutions formulate the school vision and the school mission in the very first place with considerations toward the internal factors and the external factors of the school environment. Then, the two Muhammadiyah educational institutions proceed to the formulation of the objectives and the targets for the school quality followed by the definition of the school strategy in achieving all of the quality targets that have been formulated. Furthermore, the strategic management by the Al-Mujahidin Junior High School and the Muhammadiyah Junior High School Semin in improving the school quality is elaborating and implementing all strategies that have been formulated in the form of programmed and measured activities. The strategies will be evaluated by the Al-Mujahidin Junior High School and the Muhammadiyah Junior High School Semin through the mechanism of both formal and informal meetings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-42
Dhea Nur Aini ◽  
M Ismail Nasution

                This study aims to describe the elements of character, role, and character in Putu Wijaya's monologue drama script. This type of research is qualitative research using descriptive methods. The data in this study are the sentences and utterances of the characters or narrators. The research stages were carried out in the following steps: (1) reading and understanding the drama script of Putu Wijaya's monologue Aeng; (2) literature study related to the matters under study in order to obtain an understanding of the problem to be studied and (3) to take inventory of data. After the data has been collected, it is analyzed using the following steps: (1) classifying the data; (2) interpret data; (3) draw conclusions; and (4) reporting the results of data analysis. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded, namely: (1) the characters in the monologue drama script of Aeng by Putu Wijaya, the characters contained in this monologue drama script are Alimin, Nensi, Hakim, Bapak, Karpo, Ibu, and Bastard; Besides that, it is also found the role of characters in the drama script of Aeng's monologue by Putu Wijaya about the roles of lion, mars, sun, earth, scale, and moon; (2) the character of a character can be seen based on three aspects, namely physiological aspects, sociological aspects and psychological aspects.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 25
Riri Fadri Azhari ◽  
Afifah Asriati

This study aims to describe the meaning of Alang Suntiang Pangulu dance in Padang Laweh village, Sungai Pua district, Agam regency. This is a qualitative research with a descriptive analysis method. The object of this research was Alang Suntiang Pangulu dance in Padang Laweh village, Sungai Pua district, Agam regency. The main instrument used was the researcher itself and was assisted by tools such as stationery and cameras to collect data in the field. The data were collected through literature study, observation, interview, and documentation. The data analysis was conducted by reducing the data, describing the data, and making conclusion.The results show that Alang Suntiang Pangulu dance describes lessons about things a Pangulu (a leader) uses to maintain his crown or honor. These are found in Alang Suntiang Pangulu dance which gives textual meanings elaborated through motion, floor patterns, music, dancers, make-up, performance, and venues. Key words: Alang Suntiang Pangulu Dance, Meaning

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 55
Lidya Indrawati ◽  
Indrayuda Indrayuda

This study aims to reveal the procedures for presenting Persembahan Bungo dance in a guest welcoming event in Bungo Regency, Jambi Province. This is a qualitative research resulting descriptive analysis data. The main instrument in this study was the researcher itself and was assisted by supporting instruments such as writing instruments and cameras. The data used were primary and secondary data. The data were collected through literature study, observation, interview, and documentation. The data analysis was conducted bycollecting the data, reducing the data, presenting the data, and making conclusion. The results show that Persembahan Bungo dance has parts and sequences in each presentation. They are preparation before performing, initial stage, during the performance, and the end of the performance.Persembahan Bungo dance has 9 movements: Sembah Penghormatan, gerak selamat datang, sembah paduko, lenggang, putri malu, berinai, limbai, zapin bungo, and mambuko pagar ayu. The rules for performing Persembahan Bungo dance are compiled by custom or according to the customary rules in Bungo Regency, are in accordance with the motto of Bungo Regency, and pay attention to the values in a reception. For example, in the rule of washing betel, the betel must be washed first by the queen. This symbolizes cleanliness, purity, and respect for the welcomed guests by people of Bungo regency.Keywords: presentation, bungo dance, guest welcome

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
Kasmah Usman ◽  
Achmad Abubakar ◽  
Muhsin Mahfudz

This paper describes, knows, understands, and analyzes self-evaluation from the perspective of surah Al-Isrā verse 14. Self-evaluation in psychology is called self-introspection, which means self-correction, while in Islam, it is called muḥāsabah or muḥāsabah al-nafṣ. Muḥāsabah, in the person of a Muslim in particular, is an attempt to count and evaluate himself, how many sins he has committed and what good he has not done. This study is qualitative research under the literature study method, which focuses on the question of self-evolution from the perspective of surah Al-Isra verse 14. The data source comes from the ministry of religious affairs' translation of the Qur'an, and books related to self-evaluation contain self-evaluation from surah Al-Isra' verse 14. Data were analyzed using the qualitative data analysis method. Self-evaluation in QS Al-Isra': 14refers to the word al-ḥisāb, if an evaluation may be done by oneself on all the deeds that have been done. Explaining this, in surah Al-Isrā'a verse 14, Allah evaluates His creatures on the day of reckoning (the trial of the Hereafter). Therefore it is a man who is commanded to judge his own deeds. Suppose it is associated with the point of evaluation of education. In that case, the meaning of al-ḥisāb indicates that the assessment results depend on the intensity of the subject in completing the exam question. Therefore, the task of educators is to motivate the subject of the learner to learn and maximum when completing the exam question seriously.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Deria Sepdwiko

This research was conducted to reveal the existence of Gong Buleuh Music in Sungai Penuh City Community, Jambi Province, this type of research is a qualitative research method of interpreting phenomena based on art issues in the Sungai Penuh community. The object of this research is the existence of Gong Buleuh music in the Sungai Penuh community of Jambi Province. Data collected through literature study, observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out based on ethnographic techniques. The findings of this study indicate that the existence of this Gong Buleuh music in the community plays an important role in the Kenduhai Sko ceremony. The uniqueness of an instrumental made of reeds in accordance with the ecological conditions of the Sungai Penuh city. Thus the existence of this Gong Buleuh music does not decline for the younger generation, of course, to explore its existence so that it is preserved by culture, especially Sungai Penuh City. Gong Buleuh music as a traditional art gives meaning to the life of the Kerinci community and its appearance has certain rules that must not be violated. If it is violated, there will be sanctions so that Gong Buleuh's music is a ritual in the Kenduri Sko ceremony. The Kenduri Sko ceremony, which is held once every ten years as a cleanser for heirlooms, is also a gathering place between layers of society. In this event without performing Gong Buleuh music, the ceremony is considered meaningless for the people of Sungai Penuh City. With the music of Gong Buleuh in the Kenduri Sko ceremony, the community can communicate with traditional and community leaders to officiate the opening of the Kenduri Sko.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 1
Vhellani Harza Dena ◽  
Darmawati Darmawati

This study aims to describe and analyze the meaning of Kain dance in marriage ceremony at Pauh V, Pauah district, Padang city. This is a qualitative research using a descriptive method. The object of this research was Kain dance in Pauh V community, Pauh district, Padang city. The data used in this study were primary and secondary data. The main instrument was the researcher itself and was assisted by supporting instruments such as writing instruments, cameras, and cellphones. The data were collected through literature study, observation, interview, and documentation. The data analysis was conducted by reducing the data, displaying the data, and making conclusions. The results show that Kain dance is a traditional dance which is a manifestation of the values of Pauh V community in a marriage ceremony. The instructions are given by niniak mamak (headmen) and bako (fathers’ family) as people who are responsible. This is depicted in a dance by dancers who invite the bride and groom to dance as a form of learning.Kain dance depicts a man who is married and is recognized as an adult who must have dexterity, strength, and vigilance in facing challenges in life's journey. This dance is performed in a marriage ceremony during the malakek an gala (giving a title). However, over the time, Kain dance may be performedat religious events in Pauh V Community, Pauh District.Keywords : meaning, cloth dance, wedding ceremony

Amin Maghfuri

In recent years, the landscape showing a conservative tendency in religion hassignificantly increased. The Islamic Conservatives in Indonesia experienced unexpected and quite surprising growth and development, and perhaps reached its peak in the last 3-5 years. The negative excesses of this conservative tendency are quite worrying and have the potential to disrupt the sustainability of democracy and the integrity of the nation. This research seeks to elaborate efforts to mainstream moderate Islam which is the main agenda of the government (Ministry of Religion) as a step to counter conservative understanding and see how the role of educational institutions there. This research is a qualitative research focusing on the literature study and using a descriptive-analysis approach. The results of this study indicate that in an effort to mainstream moderate Islam, educational institutions play a significant role although not the only determinant. This role can be realized through several aspects such as curriculum and learning processes in educational institutions, supervision and guidance of programs or activities outside the curriculum of educational institutions starting from elementary to high levels, as well as through educational institutions policies.

2018 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 00119
Arleiny ◽  
Damoyanto Purba ◽  
IIe Suwondo ◽  
Manungku Trinata P

The objectives og this research is to describe the factors causing ship accident in Indonesia and know the effectiveness of SAR emergency in ship accident in Indonesia. The research method used in this research is qualitative research. Techniques Collection of literature study data and documents. Data validity method using triangulation. Data analysis uses interactive data analysis. The conclusions of this study are Factors that cause the occurrence of ship accidents in Indonesia, among others, the resources of the crew, the eligibility of ships, supporting facilities for shipping, operators, lack of supervision of apparatus, service users and other factors. The high number of ship accidents in Indonesia shows the ineffective implementation of SAR in ship accident in Indonesia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 64
Badrianti Anugrah Putri ◽  
Ardipal Ardipal

This study aims to describe the implementation of the choir extracurricular at SMA Adabiah 2 Padang. This is a qualitative research with a descriptive analysis approach. The research instrument used was the researcher itself and was assisted by supporting instruments such as writing instruments and cameras. The data were collected through observation, interviews, documentation, and literature study. The data analysis was conducted by collecting the data, clarifying the data, and concluding the data. The results show that the implementation of choir extracurricular activity at SMA Adabiah 2 Padang  run well due to the fact that it was conducted through the correct stages, starting from gathering students who were interested in choir extracurricular activities, scheduling, training agendas, and giving materials. In the implementation stage of the choir, students can sing the Ayam Den Lapeh song in a choir which consists of two voices, soprano and the alto voice. The choir extracurricular activity was held for the first time at SMA Adabiah 2 Padang, but the results are quite good because it was supported by sufficient facilities. Eventhough they do not have a permanent trainer, the teacher has been able to carry out these extracurricular activities well.Keywords: Implementation, Extracurricular, Choir

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