2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 37-40
Komang Fridagustina Adnantara ◽  
Ni Luh Sili Antari

Sri Bantas Traditional Market is one of the traditional markets located on Jl. Raya Munggu Br. Batanduren, Cepaka Village, Kediri District, Tabanan Regency. The objective in implementing this service is to provide assistance in the governance of the Sri Bantar Village market in Cepaka. The problems identified include: some traders in the Sri Bantas market have not implemented financial accounting practices, the lack of infrastructure arrangement in the Sri Bantas market, and the lack of a promotional strategy for traditional markets in the Sri Bantas market. The methods used in this assistance were interviews, observation, and data analysis. The work programs carried out in the Sri Bantas market were: 1) providing information about simple bookkeeping to market traders, 2) procuring hand washing stations, 3) procuring market block names , 4) data collection of traders, 5) making banners, and 6) making online pamphlets. The result of this activity is that some traders know the importance of making financial reports and how to make simple financial reports, up to date trader data has been inputted into the market system, the market is better known by the wider community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9

This study aims to determine the analysis of the factors that influence traders in the Panam-Pekanbaru Traditional Market, Indonesia. The sample in this study were 61 traders. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire. The data analysis method used SPSS version 25. Finding showed that partially the variables that had a significant effect were working hours and capital, while the non-significant variable was length of business. While the results of the research simultaneously that all independent variables have a positive effect on the dependent variable.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-52
Albaburrahim Albaburrahim ◽  
Mochamad Arifin Alatas

Implicature is an implied meaning of speech that is conveyed indirectly by the speaker to the speech partner. This study aims to describe the conversational implications of herbal medicine traders in Prenduan traditional markets, Madura. This research used a pragmatic theoretical approach (implicature) and a descriptive qualitative methodological approach. The data collection technique of this study used the technique of listening, taking notes, and recording. The data analysis technique classified conversational implicatures based on the pragmatic theory approach. The results of the data analysis indicated that there were conversational implicature in the conversations of herbal medicine traders in Prenduan traditional market. Conversational implicatures are used, namely: prohibition, approval, refuse, command, request, assure, complaint, and report.

MBIA ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-131
Anton Kurniawan ◽  
Ita Ita

Chili is an important ingredient in food processing, especially the typical foods of some regions in Indonesia that like the spicy taste. The price of fresh chili is uncertain, making the seller uneasy, so many sellers turn to imported chili supplies. Many factors affect sellers using imported dried chili, one of which is the price of red chili in the number of traditional markets in the city of Palembang is increasing. This study analyzes the factors that affect the demand for imported dried red chili by sellers in the Perumnas Market in Palembang City, South Sumatra. Primary data collection in this study through data obtained directly from respondents or informants, namely entrepreneurs/sellers of ground chili/spices in the Perumnas Market in Palembang, South Sumatra by giving questions through interviews to obtain information. Data collection techniques in this study are: the main technique used is in-depth interviews, as a supporter used observation and analysis of documents. The data analysis pattern that will be used is ethnographic, that is, from the field notes, the coding, categorization or classification will then be arranged systematically and then themes will be arranged based on the results of the data analysis. As a foothold and knife for analysis, if necessary, relevant theories and the results of previous studies that support. The results of this study indicate that the demand factor for imported dried red chili by the seller in the Perumnas Market in Palembang, South Sumatra: (1) Price factor; the price of fresh chili is relatively expensive so sellers prefer cheaper imported dried chili; (2) The quality of imported dried chili is the same as fresh chili both in color and spicy taste; (3) high consumer demand for chili; (4) Quantity/stock of imported dried chili lots.   Abstrak Cabai merupakan bahan penting dalam pengolahan makanan terutama makanan khas beberapa daerah di Indonesia yang menyukai rasa pedas. Tidak menentunya harga pasar cabai, membuat para pedagang giling resah dengan cara pemasaran cabai yang sudah sangat tinggi harganya, sehingga banyak pedagang giling beralih ke pasokan cabai impor sehingga lebih memudahkan dalam memasarkannya. Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi pedagang bumbu menggunakan cabai kering impor, salah satunya harga cabai merah di sejumlah pasar tradisional di Kota Palembang semakin meningkat. Peneliti melalui penelitian ini ingin mencoba untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi permintaan cabai merah kering impor oleh pedagang bumbu di Pasar Perumnas Kota Palembang Sumatera Selatan. Pengumpulan data primer dalam penelitian ini melalui data yang diperoleh secara langsung dari responden atau narasumber, yaitu pengusaha/penjual cabai giling/bumbu di Pasar Perumnas Palembang, Sumatera Selatan dengan memberikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan melalui wawancara untuk mendapatkan informasi. Teknik yang digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data pada penelitian ini adalah: teknik utama digunakan indeph interview, sebagai pendukung digunakan observasi dan analisis dokumen. Pola analisis data yang akan digunakan adalah etnografik, yaitu dari catatan lapangan (field note) kemudian akan dilakukan pengkodean, kategorisasi atau klasifikasi kemudian disusun secara sistematis dan selanjutnya akan disusun tema-tema berdasarkan hasil analisis data tersebut. Sebagai bahan pijakan sekaligus pisau analisis bila perlu digunakan teori-teori yang relevan dan hasil penelitian terdahulu yang mendukung. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor permintaan cabai merah kering impor oleh pedagang bumbu di Pasar Perumnas Kota Palembang Sumatera Selatan: (1) Faktor harga; harga cabai segar relatif mahal sehingga para pedagang lebih memilih cabai kering impor yang lebih murah; (2) Kualitas cabai kering impor sama dengan cabai segar baik dari warna dan rasa pedasnya; (3) Tingginya permintaan konsumen terhadap cabai; (4) Kuantitas/stok cabai kering impor tidak putus. Kata kunci: Cabai Kering, Faktor Permintaan, Pedagang Bumbu, Pasar.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 288-291
Eggi Anugriansyah ◽  
Dewi Kurniati

Cooperatives For cooperatives in Indonesia, one of the biggest challenges is how the management can carry out financial management in the cooperative. Finance becomes the "blood" for every institution that deals with business because this is a measurable indicator and can be seen by every stakeholder, including cooperative members who, nota bene, are the parties who really pay attention to the financial aspects of their business. This research was conducted in Sanggau Regency, West Kalimantan Province with the research location in KUD Tut Wuri Handayani, Trimulya Village, Mukok District. The Data using qualitative methods with several data collection techniques such as observation, discussion interviews, and documentation. Cooperative financial management consists of sources of cooperative capital, cooperative financial reports, elements that require cooperative financial reports, objectives and the benefits of cooperative financial reports,the characteristics of cooperative financial reports and the concept of financial accounting standards for cooperatives. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-13
Muhammad Alief Ramadhany ◽  
Widyatmike Gede Mulawarman ◽  
Syamsul Rijal

In the interactions carried out by traders and buyers in the process of buying and selling transactions in the Samarinda Animal Traditional Market, there are speeches that violate the principle of politeness in language. This has prompted researchers to analyze language politeness in the Samarinda Animal Traditional Market. This study aims to describe the level of politeness in the use of community language in the Samarinda Veterinary Traditional Market and describe the violation of the politeness principle spoken by the Samarinda Animal Market community. This study uses a qualitative method. Data collection techniques in this study are tapping techniques, listening techniques, recording techniques and note-taking techniques. The data analysis technique uses a pragmatic equivalent technique. The data in this study are the speeches of traders and buyers at the Samarinda Animal Traditional Market which violate the politeness principle and the politeness scale proposed by Leech. The results of the analysis of the analysis of language politeness violations in buying and selling transactions in the traditional animal market of Samarinda in terms of politeness resulted in an analysis of the Leech politeness scale consisting of cost benefits or the scale of loss and gain, optionality scale or scale of choice, and indirectness scale or indirectness scale. This study also resulted in violations of Leech's six politeness maxims which consist of the maxim of wisdom, the maxim of generosity, the maxim of acceptance, the maxim of humility, the maxim of agreement and the maxim of sympathy

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 706-713
Tri Asih ◽  
Dewi Kurniati ◽  
Shenny Oktoriana

The development of modern markets in Pontianak City is very rapid which can certainly have an impact on traditional markets. The existence of a modern market will affect the pattern or behavior of consumers, so that consumers often choose to shop at the modern market. This condition is a threat to traditional market traders, so tradional market traders need a special strategy in retaining their consumers. This study aims to formulate a competitive market strategy to deal with modern markets in Pontianak. The method used is descriptive method and analyzed using SWOT. Data collection uses questionnaire instruments for consumers, traders and several key informants. The results show that the competitive strategy of traditional flamboyant market traders to face modern markets in the city of Pontianak is to use SO strategies, by providing good service to customers, increasing sales of people's basic needs, offering products at low prices with the hallmark of bargaining culture, increasing small economy and loves local products. Efforts that can be given are for traders to maintain facilities and infrastructure in the market, continue to pay attention to the needs of consumers, change the market healthier and cleaner. The government must also always pay attention to the comfort, freedom of consumers, handle every complaint, select every trader who is always active and inactive so that there are no empty booths and increase the ability of resources to traders.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 812-824
Sonny Leksono ◽  
Choirul Anam ◽  
Rizal Nur Firdaus ◽  

This paper aims to establish a code of conduct framework in Pasar Besar Malang. The approach used is the qualitative grounded theory by involving market participants and market authorities as informants for ten months. Data analysis used is open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. Field findings stated that the code of conduct could make the arrangement more extensive than man’s cooperation in biographical, interactional, and organizations to increase the turnover for creating a sustainable traditional market. In addition, the code of conduct can create a rule, written or unwritten, at Pasar Besar Malang.

Jurnal Office ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
M. Yusuf A. Ngampo ◽  
Sahade Sahade

This study aims to determine the effect of cooperative burden on profitability at the Cooperative Employees of the Republic of Indonesia (KPRI) of Higher Education in Makassar City. The population of this research is all KPRI Universities in Makassar City, while the sample in this study is KPRI Universities in Makassar City which have financial reports for the last five years (2015-2019). Data collection was carried out using documentation techniques. Data analysis was performed using simple regression analysis techniques, correlation coefficient, and t-test. The results showed that an increase in the cooperative burden on the KPRI of Higher Education in Makassar City would result in a decrease in profitability at the KPRI. Vice versa, if the burden of cooperatives has decreased, the profitability of the KPRI of Higher Education in Makassar City will increase. This can occur because the operating expense is one of the deductions from the income in the KPRI to generate SHU. So that if the cooperative load is in a small amount, the resulting SHU is quite large.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-25
Sriyana Sriyana ◽  
Bumbun Bumbun

The descriptive study of Blauran Traditional Market Traders in Palangka Raya City was motivated by problems arising from the rapid emergence of modern markets which were feared to shift the existence of traditional markets in Palangka Raya City. Where the problems that occur in traditional markets greatly affect the existence of the traditional markets themselves, from the problems of services provided by traders to the most frequent problems that arise, namely regarding the cleanliness in traditional markets. This study aims to describe and analyze the social dynamics of traders in the Blauran traditional market, Palangka Raya City. While the research method is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach, with data collection techniques through interviews, observation and documentation study. The results showed that the Blauran traditional market traders instilled values ​​and norms that had existed from generation to generation from generation to generation before them. So that traders can easily overcome problems that arise as a result of the emergence of modern markets, and with the development of the era traders provide other innovations from pre-existing values ​​and practice them directly to buyers in order to provide comfort obtained from the work ethic produced directly by traders.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-53
Wafi Riadhotul huda ◽  
Himmatul Miftah ◽  
Arti Yoesdiarti

Vegetables can be in the form of plants or parts of plants that are consumed fresh or ripe as part of the diet. There are very diverse types of vegetables in the form of tubers, fruit, flowers or leaves. Leaf vegetables are the type most consumed. 97.29% of the Indonesian population consumes vegetables, the types of vegetables consumed by the Indonesian population are leaf vegetables such as kale, chicory and caisim. The purpose of this research is to analyze the efficiency of trading channels and marketing functions carried out by each marketing actor in the Bogor City Traditional Market by using trading margin, farmer share, profit ratio and R / C cost. This research was conducted on the trading channel actors in the Traditional Market in Bogor City. The number of respondents in the study were 15 farmer respondents and 42 merchant respondents from both markets. The data analysis used purposive method for lapak traders and snowball sampling from retailers to farmers. The results of this study were four leaf vegetable trading channels in the Traditional Market of Bogor City with the efficiency level of the three vegetables considered to be the most efficient, namely channel IV on kale vegetables, channel II on chicory and channel IV on caisim, with each having a margin of yield of 3500, 800, 700 and the highest farmer's share was 82.93%, 81.40% and 59.52%. Thus it is necessary to do more analysis related to the strategy of developing vegetable commodities of kale, chicory and caisim in traditional markets related to marketing activities.

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