SAVE Synergy and Society Service
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Published By Triatma Mulya University


2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 56-66
I Made Bayu Wisnawa ◽  
Sulistiyo Adi Joko Saharjo ◽  
Anak Agung Ratih Wijayanti ◽  
Ni Nyoman Nidya Trianingrum ◽  
Ni Wayan Mekarini ◽  

The Covid-19 pandemic poses a threat as well as an opportunity for tourist villages. Losing tourists is a threat, while improvement to prepare quality tourism is an opportunity. The problems faced by Sangeh Tourism Village are : i) there were still many people who had not implemented health protocols, ii) the potential for village tourism had not been fully offered in tour packages. The mentoring activity for Sangeh Tourism Village aims to increase tourist satisfaction in the normal era. The method used by giving lectures and discussions. The results of the activity show: i) increased public awareness regarding the application of health protocols, ii) the formation of natural, cultural and artificial tourism packages.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 48-55
I Nengah Aristana ◽  
I Made Yudi Darmita ◽  
I Putu Bagus Suthanaya ◽  
Putu Agus Prayogi

Community service that is carried out has a purpose, namely it is expected to be able to provide benefits in the form of increasing entrepreneurial practices, related; maximizing potential, management capabilities, understanding business plans and their implementation, as well as increasing the ability to collaborate with external parties. In addition, it can improve business management that has been running and improve the quality of records owned. The methods used are 1) the presentation method is used to deliver detailed material and examples related to entrepreneurship, 2) the discussion method, 3) the simulation method and operational assistance. The activity was attended by the Cepaka Village BUMDes management/manager. Based on the assistance provided and observations, it can be seen that the participants followed and responded positively to each given program. Furthermore, they feel this assistance is very useful to assist them in carrying out their business operations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-47
Ni Made Hartini ◽  
Ni Made Ernila Junipisa

Cepaka Village is one of the villages located in the Kediri sub-district, Tabanan Regency. The area has a wide expanse of rice fields and people who are still full of agriculture. The dominant community working in the agricultural and tourism sectors is a village that has the potential to be developed into a tourist village supported by the creative economy. In Community Service Activities in Cepaka Village, Kediri, Tabanan The targets to be achieved are the formation of a Tourism Awareness group as a driver and manager of a tourist village by the local community; Village potentials that have uniqueness and beauty and community creativity can be prepared and packaged as tourist attractions in the development of tourist villages in Cepaka village; The creation of village environmental conditions according to the requirements of a tourist village, namely Sapta Pesona (safe, clean, orderly, beautiful, cool, friendly, and memorable). The method of implementing the PKM program, namely conducting socialization, debriefing and assistance to the Cepaka village community who have awareness of tourism activities. The results achieved in the PKM program are guiding in designing a proposal for the formation of a Tourism Awareness Group submitted by the community with an introduction from the Prebekel to be submitted to the Tabanan Regency Tourism Office. The proposal section consists of the background of developing a tourist village, the potentials to be developed as a tourist village, Vision, Mission and objectives of developing the village as a tourist village. The community is aware of its role and responsibility as a good host for guests or tourists who visit to create a conducive environment and atmosphere as stated in the slogan Sapta Pesona..

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 67-78
Ni Wayan Mekarini ◽  
Putu Agus Prayogi ◽  
I Ketut Sutapa

Tangkup Village has an area of 2,667 Km2, most of which is in the form of rice fields. The natural tourism potential of Tangkup Village is a rice field area located in Tangkup Anyar, a watershed located in Tangkup Desa area, and green hills that surround the village. Cultural potential in the form of cagcag woven cloth which is a typical product of Tangkup, traditional snacks called jaje tulud, tipat pesor and sangait. In other places, sangait is made from sweet potatoes, Sangait in Tangkup village is made from cassava which is widely grown by local people. However, in the process of developing this snack product, it encountered obstacles related to the dough that did not support the process of design tulud cakes with coconut shells. Even though the community wants to develop jaja tulud, the tools used should not be replaced. Because of these difficulties, not many residents survive to make jaja tulud which is usually used for ceremonial needs. Regarding its function as a typical snack, students want to develop this snack so that it can be of economic value and accepted by tourists through a more elegant presentation. Students are actively involved in the preparation for the formation of Pokdarwis so that the direction of village development is towards a managed and directed tourism village. So far, the potential management of Tangkup Village is still being handled independently by utilizing the land owned, especially those located near watersheds, in the form of cafes, rafting, Asta Gangga Park attractions and bamboo houses that are being built as tourist facilities on the hill. The village hopes that students will help generate the tourism potential of Tangkup Village, so that it is widely known and visitors enjoy the beauty of this beautiful fertile village through the preparation of local human resources to welcome Tangkup village which will soon become a tourist village.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 37-40
Komang Fridagustina Adnantara ◽  
Ni Luh Sili Antari

Sri Bantas Traditional Market is one of the traditional markets located on Jl. Raya Munggu Br. Batanduren, Cepaka Village, Kediri District, Tabanan Regency. The objective in implementing this service is to provide assistance in the governance of the Sri Bantar Village market in Cepaka. The problems identified include: some traders in the Sri Bantas market have not implemented financial accounting practices, the lack of infrastructure arrangement in the Sri Bantas market, and the lack of a promotional strategy for traditional markets in the Sri Bantas market. The methods used in this assistance were interviews, observation, and data analysis. The work programs carried out in the Sri Bantas market were: 1) providing information about simple bookkeeping to market traders, 2) procuring hand washing stations, 3) procuring market block names , 4) data collection of traders, 5) making banners, and 6) making online pamphlets. The result of this activity is that some traders know the importance of making financial reports and how to make simple financial reports, up to date trader data has been inputted into the market system, the market is better known by the wider community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-36
Komang Krishna Yogantara ◽  
Dewiwati Sujadi

Cepaka Village as a partner village of Triatma Mulya University has expressed their desire to form a tourist village, but their limited knowledge of tourism villages becomes an obstacle in making it happen. The focus of this activity is carried out based on the above grouping, namely realizing, packaging / packaging tourism villages by involving all existing potential, and involving village communities, management / governance of SMEs and services that will become the core products of tourism villages and the impact of tourism villages, implementing mentoring activities for community financial institutions in cooperatives, LPDs, traditional markets, waste banks and BUMDES. In accordance with the problems faced by partners in this service activity, the implementer can provide several solutions in accordance with existing conditions in the field. The implementation of community service activities in Cepaka Village includes several activities that have been carried out to increase the number of tours. As for the implementation of the program, namely: Programs in the Environmental Sector that have been implemented in Cepaka Village, including Community Service in the Cepaka Harum Plastic Bank area.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Ni Nyoman Sri Rahayu Trisna Dewi ◽  
Tiara Kusuma Dewi

Garbage is a major problem in the community which can cause environmental pollution, the daily life of the village community is more about processing the final waste by burning it at a certain time, therefore with the existence of a waste bank there will be an increase in environmental awareness and perhaps economic awareness. The Garbage Bank is a business entity engaged in inorganic waste management. People can sort and save waste at the Garbage Bank, so that it can generate economic value. The Garbage Bank serves customers in saving waste, but most of the Garbage Bank still uses conventional transaction facilities, which causes the transaction data to be lost, damaged, or inaccurate calculation of transaction data. The Garbage Bank also serves garbage collection to customer locations around the Garbage Bank. This research has the main objective to provide assistance in the making and provision of administrative bookkeeping to the Management of the Cepaka Harum Plastic Bank.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-20
Ni Luh Putu Agustini Karta ◽  
I Ketut Sutapa ◽  
Rani Kusumo Wardani ◽  
Erna Wiles

The Covid 19 pandemic has weakened the economy of the world community. The resulting impact is felt by all levels of rural and urban society; among parents, adults and children. Amid the economic downturn, people must survive. Various alternative efforts were made so that people could still eat and receive education. Especially school children who are very risky if their education is stopped for a relatively long time. This condition motivates the HIMA Accounting and Management of Triatma Mulya University to implement the PHP2D program through the optimization of the Banjar Hall as a Learning Center in the Covid 19 Pandemic Era in Cepaka Village, Tabanan, Bali. used as an arena for monthly meetings. Through this PHP2D program, the Banjar Hall is now equipped with internet facilities, work desks and bookshelves for libraries. Every day at 15-18 wita the children in each banjar; come to study with the help of students and lecturers. The availability of free internet and the presence of 5 students as teachers / mentors in each banjar make a positive contribution to the community and children in Cepaka village. After four months of this activity, a very harmonious relationship was formed between students and school children ranging from elementary and junior high schools. School children, totaling nearly 150 children, are trained in their learning, academic, soft skills and hard skills in order to grow into a superior generation. This activity received a warm welcome from the community, even the Head of Kediri Sub-district was very grateful and made Cepaka Village the first project pilot village to provide a learning house with free wi-fi. It is hoped that in the next period other villages can also be developed, students help children in learning so that they can achieve their goals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-30
I Ketut Yudana Adi ◽  
Kukuh Rian Setiawan ◽  
Ida Ketut Kusumawijaya

Covid 19 pandemic has a huge impact on the Cepaka Village Community, starting from the closure of the tourism sector for foreign tourists, SMEs with low orders, culinary selling products with a low cost strategy, jogging tracks and bicycle tracking which are crowded with domestic tourists, cannot provide economic benefits, so does not give value to farmers who own rice fields that are traversed by cycling tourists or tourists who jog and take selfies as well as the financial behavior of rural communities that tends to be consumptive, causing the Cepaka Village community to not be economically prosperous. The focus of this activity is carried out based on this grouping, namely Creating, packaging / packaging tourism villages by involving all existing potentials, and involving the village community. Management / governance of UKM and services that will be the core products of tourism villages and the impact of tourism villages, and Carry out assistance activities for community financial institutions in cooperatives, LPDs, traditional markets, waste banks and BUMDES of Cepaka Village.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-12
I Made Hedy Wartana ◽  
AA. Ketut Sri Asih ◽  
NLK.Julyanti Paramita

The condition of Cepaka Village is that it is strategically located and surrounded by large expanses of rice fields which have been developed into a tourist village. Because in Cepaka village, several villas have been established which are usually inhabited by foreign guests who want a rural atmosphere and have close access to the coastal area. The existing traking routes have not been optimally utilized so that economically, the existence of the traking routes is not yet visible. This traking route is a potential that requires serious management so that the route can be worked on optimally so that later there will be an economic contribution. Of the problems faced, the solution that can be given is to rearrange the traking properly so that it is more comfortable and beautiful so that the route is more attractive. to be visited and can be offered as a package in traking tours. Another solution offered is traking route management, which can be done by recording the number of tourist accommodations in Cepaka village because the restaurants and villas in Cepaka village can later be invited to collaborate to take advantage of the traking route's facilities which are used as mutually supportive packages. agreement with tourism actors regarding rights and obligations so that the contributions obtained are mutually beneficial, determine the entrance of a centralized trekking so that it can invite the attention of the community for their curiosity, involve the participation of the Cepaka Village community in order to maintain environmental cleanliness for the realization of a beautiful atmosphere in Cepaka village

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