2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 124-132

This research aims to improve the ability to perform mandatory prayers through modeling the way strategies in students of grade IV SDN Tri Mulya Agung Semester even the 2018/2019 school year with the number of students 23 students. The methods used in this study are class-action research methods, data collection through observation, interviews and tests or assignments, while data analysis is done with interactive models. While the activity is carried out in interactive form with the process of collecting data as a cyclical process. The results showed that through modeling strategies the way can improve the ability to perform mandatory prayers in students of grade IV SDN Tri Mulya Agung Semester even the year of study 2018/2019. Learning activities from cycle I to cycle II there is an increase: aspects of reading the pillars of prayer (average value increases 1.1; percentages rise 21.8%; from good category to very good), aspect of reading prayer conditions (average value up 0.7; percentage up 14.8%; from good category to very good); aspects of reading things that cancel prayers (average value increased 0.7; percentage rose 15.7%; from good category to very good), and aspect of prayer practice (average value rose 0.9; percentage rose 18.3%; from good category to very good). Student learning outcomes from the initial condition to cycle II increased, from 7 students (30%) who got completed grades to 23 students (100%). There was an increase of 16 students (70%) and the grade point average from 60.2 to 85.0, an increase of 24.8. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan melakukan sholat wajib melalui strategi modelling the way pada siswa kelas IV SDN Tri Mulya Agung Semester genap tahun pelajaran 2018/2019 dengan jumlah siswa 23 siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian tindakan kelas, pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan tes atau penugasan, sedangkan analisis data dilakukan dengan model interaktif. Sedangkan aktifitas dilakukan dalam bentuk interaktif dengan proses pengumpulan data sebagai proses siklus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa melalui strategi modelling the way dapat meningkatkan kemampuan melakukan sholat wajib pada siswa kelas IV SDN Tri Mulya Agung Semester genap tahun pelajaran 2018/2019. Aktivitas belajar dari siklus I ke siklus II terdapat peningkatan: aspek membaca rukun sholat (nilai rata-rata meningkat 1,1; persentase naik 21,8%; dari kategori baik menjadi amat baik), aspek membaca syarat sholat (nilai rata-rata naik 0,7; prosentase naik 14,8%; dari kategori baik menjadi amat baik); aspek membaca hal yang membatalkan sholat (nilai rata-rata meningkat 0,7; persentase naik 15,7%; dari kategori baik menjadi amat baik), dan aspek praktek sholat (nilai rata-rata naik 0,9; prosentase naik 18,3%; dari kategori baik menjadi amat baik). Hasil belajar siswa dari kondisi awal ke siklus II mengalami peningkatan, yaitu dari 7 siswa (30%) yang mendapat nilai tuntas menjadi 23 siswa (100%). Terjadi peningkatan sebanyak 16 siswa (70%) dan nilai rata-rata kelas dari 60,2 menjadi 85,0, meningkat sebesar 24,8.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 27-32
Yeni Yeni ◽  
Santi Endriani

This study aims to: (1) To improve learning activities by using concrete media on economic subjects, (2) To improve the learning outcomes of Economics by using concrete media on students of class XI YPSEI Vocational School in Palangka Raya. The method used by researchers is to use a class action research design (CAR) that seeks to solve or answer the problems faced in the current situation. For data collection techniques used are tests and observations. While in this study using the percentage of classical and individual completeness formula. The results of the study show that: (1) Learning activities of students using concrete media money in learning is more active and applied. In the first cycle the score of learning activities was 3.4 with good categories, then in the second cycle 3.73 with good criteria, (2) There was an increase in student learning outcomes in economic lessons using concrete money media. The pre-action average value of 35.25 and completeness in classical 5%. The average value in cycle I 51.25 and completeness in classical 45%. The average value in cycle II 88 is 100% classical.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-50
Achmad Afandi ◽  
Ira Andriani

This research is a study that aims to improve student learning outcomes in anatomy courses at IkIIP in favor of Utomo Malang. class action research (PTK) which involves repeated reflection consisting of four stages (4 D), namely: planning, action, observation and reflection. Each cycle was conducted two meetings. The results of the study showed that there was an increase in learning outcomes with the use of media Lactora in the subject of motion systems in humans in senior high school VI-A 2017/2018 school year. This can be seen from the average value of the test class I cycle (74.48) with learning completeness (83.87%), indicating an increase compared to before the action with the class average value (60.8) and the learning completeness (38, 71%). Then in the second cycle, the average score of the class increased (83.29) with learning completeness (100%) compared to the results of the first cycle test (74.48%). In the results of this second cycle test all students have completed their study by achieving the specified SKM. The learning process has been proven to improve student learning outcomes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-61
I Gusti Ngurah Bagus Aryotejo

The purpose of this study was to determine the application of discovery learning methods to improve learning activities and learning outcomes Graphic Design Printing Material Picture Forms and Perspectives One-Point Missing Class XI Students of SMK Negeri I Tampaksiring Academic Year 2019/2020. This research is a class action research (Classroom Action Research). The study was conducted in class XI of Tampaksiring I Public Vocational School which was conducted from June to August 2019. Based on the results of the study showed that the application of discovery learning method can improve learning activities and learning outcomes of graphic design printing data material normally distributed Class XI SMK Negeri 1 Tampaksiring 2019-2020 Academic Year. This is indicated by 1) increasing each cycle in the pre-activity cycle of students obtained a percentage of 41% included in the unfavourable category, in cycle 1 the percentage of student activity increased to 72% included in the sufficient category and in the second cycle the process increased to be better by 89% included in either category. 2) Increased student learning outcomes in the pre-cycle stage, Cycle I, and Cycle II increased learning outcomes. In the pre-cycle stage, from 33 students, data obtained that there were 25 students or 76% who scored less than the cut-off score is 75 and 8 students or 24% whose scores were more than the cut-off score is 75 with an average value of 64.84. Furthermore, the first cycle of 33 students obtained data that there were 13 students or 39% who received grades less than the cut-off score is 75 and 20 students or 61% whose values ​​were more than the cut-off score is 75 with an average value of 70.69, and in the second cycle from 33 students obtained data that there are 4 students or 12% who scored less than the cut-off score is 75 and 29 students or 88% whose value was more than the cut-off score is 75 with an average value of 77.42.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Aldini Aldini ◽  
Nono Sebayang

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran gambar konstruksi bangunan melalui penerapan media audio visualpada siswa kelas XI Program keahlian Teknik Gambar Bangunan SMK Negeri 1 Percut Sei Tuan semester genap Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aktivitas belajar siswa meningkat, pada siklus I nilai rata-rata komulatif aktivitas siswa siklus I yaitu 75 dengan capaian 26,92% siswa tidak aktif dengan nilai <75 dan 73,08% siswa aktif  dengan nilai ≥75. Pada hasil nilai rata-rata aktivitas siswa siklus II yaitu mencapai 85 dengan capaian 100% siswa aktif  dengan nilai ≥75. Nilai hasil belajar siswa mengalami peningkatan, yaitu pada siklus I rata-rata hasil belajar siswa 76,91 dengan presentase ketuntasan siswa mencapai 73,08%, dengan capaian target 26,92% nilai <75 dan 73,08% nilai ≥75. Pada siklus II mengalami peningkatan nilai rata-rata hasil belajar siswa mencapai 85,08 dengan presentase ketuntasan siswa mencapai 100 % atau 26 siswa dengan keterangan “Tuntas” yang mendapat nilai ≥75. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan media audio visual untuk meningkatkan Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar Gambar Konstruksi Bangunan Pada Siswa Kelas XI Program Keahlian Teknik Gambar Bangunan SMK Negeri 1 Percut Sei Tuan Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017 membuktikan peningkatan hasil belajar dan aktivitas belajar siswa.Kata Kunci : Aktivitas, Hasil Belajar, Media Audio Visual ABSTRACT This research aims to know the increase in activity and results of student learning in the subjects building construction drawing through the application of audio visual media on the grade XI Engineering Program  Image of the building at SMK Negeri 1 Percut Sei Tuan even semester academic year 2016/2017. The research design used was class action research (PTK). Research results drawn from the test results of student learning and the observation sheet. The study is said to be successfully measured by average komulatif activity and the results of learning students acquire a minimum 75 and finished in classical if the whole class ≥ 75% of its students has been completed. The results showed increased student learning activities, in cycle I, the average value of komulatif student activity cycle I i.e. 75 with close 26.92% of students not actively 73.08 and 75% < students active ≥ 75. On the results of the average value of the student's activity cycle II IE achieve 85 with close to 100% active ≥ 75 students. Student learning outcomes and value increase in cycle I, the average student learning 76.91 results with the percentage of the ketuntasan students reached 73,08%, close to the target of 75 per cent < 26.92 and 73.08% value of ≥ 75. And in cycle II experienced an increase in the average value of student learning outcomes achieved with 85.08 ketuntasan percentage of students achieving 100% or 26 students with the description "Complete" that gets a value ≥ 75. Thus, it can be concluded that the application of audio visual media to enhance the activity and results of the Study On building construction Drawing Students of Class XI Engineering Program Image of the building a SMK Negeri 1 Percut Sei Tuan school year 2016/2017 proves an increased yield learning and learning activities of students.Keywords: Activities, Audio Visual Media, Learning Outcomes

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 321
Saminan Saminan ◽  
Roza Zulfira

One of the factors of low student learning outcomes on physic learning coursed lack of ability teachers in effecting the pedagogic practice and knowing subject matter in the learning environment. Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) is the blending of pedagogical knowledge and content knowledge which must have by teachers in realizing learning objectives. This research aims to showed the implementation pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of physic teacher based on students learning outcomes on measurement and magnitude material at class of X IA4 SMAN 4 Banda Aceh. Outcomes of this research are: the average value of students learning outcomes is 80 with description the PCK of physic teacher are 95% teacher have understood students of characteristics in learning process, 67% teacher success in planning of learning, 70% teacher success in implementing learning activities, 67% teacher success in evaluating learning outcomes, 75% teacher has been able developing the potentials of the students, and 75% teacher has mastered the science of substances.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 272-289

This study aims to increase student learning outcomes on mathematics subjects in the material measuring angles with standard units by applying the Problem Based Learning learning model at SDN 106788 PURWODADI, Sunggal District, Deli Serdang Regency. This type of research is Classroom Action Research. The subjects of this study were students of class IV-B, which amounted to 29 students consisting of 11 male students and 18 female students. This research was conducted in two cycles. Data from the results of this study were obtained from tests of student learning outcomes and observations.Based on the results of the study, it was shown that there was an increase in the learning outcomes of material students measuring angles with simple aircraft standard units by applying the Problem Based Learning learning model. This can be seen from improving student learning outcomes every cycle. In the pre-test of student learning outcomes carried out before the application of learning there were 4 students (32%) completed learning while 17 students (68%) had not yet finished with a grade point average of 50.93. In cycle 1 completeness of student learning outcomes there were 17 students (72%) completed in 8 students (28%) not yet completed with an average value of 70.4. The results of teacher observation amounted to 67.27% with a good category while the observations of students amounted to 64% with sufficient categories. Student learning outcomes have increased to 23 students (92%) completed 2 students (8%) have not been completed while the average value of 86.4. Teacher observation results have increased by 92.72% with very good categories while student observations amounted to 92% with very good categories. By looking at the percentage of learning outcomes and observations it can be concluded that the Application of Problem Based Learning Learning Models can improve student learning outcomes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-85
Achmad Alim Asriadi

IMPROVING STUDENT ACTIVITY AND LEARNING OUTCOMES IN INHERITANCE MATERIALS IN LIVING INTERESTS WITH MICA PLASTIC TOOLSThis study aims to determine the increase in student activity and learning outcomes, describe the process of increasing student activity and learning outcomes, and measure the magnitude of the increase in activity and learning outcomes in inheritance material in living things. The use of plastic mica props in class IXC SMP Negeri 8 Bogor City Semester 1 of the 2019/2020 school year. This research is a Classroom Action Research by providing action on research subjects in two learning cycles. The results of this study indicate that using plastic mica props can be a fun variation of learning for students so that it is proven to improve student learning outcomes. Before using the plastic mica props, the learning outcomes of students only reached an average value of 68.18 then an increase occurred after using the mica plastic props to 85.15 in cycle 1 and 90.15 in cycle 2. So it can be concluded that the use of props mica plastic is very popular with students and there is an increase in student learning outcomes. Therefore, researchers suggest that the use of plastic mica props be socialized and used as an alternative in science learning in schools

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 61
Lidia Muri

The study aimed to describe the implementation of scaffolding game media to improve learning outcomes of thematic learning in VI-grade at SDN 27 Pontianak (Pontianak 27 State Elementary School). The research method used by researchers was descriptive. The form of research was Classroom Action Research. Data collection techniques in this study were observed and questionnaire responses of students. Research collection tools in the form of observation sheets. This research was conducted for two cycles. The results of this study included the ability of teachers to plan learning using scaffolding game media, namely cycle I (85.81%), increased 9.94% in cycle II (95.75%) with an average value of 87.41% (category very good). The ability of teachers to implement learning in the first cycle (76.19%) increased by 16.27%, and the second cycle to 92.46% with an average value of both cycles of 92.46% (very good category), an increase of 16, 27%. The first cycle learning activities with an average of 76.45% increased by 14.84% in the second cycle with an average value of 89.07%, the average score of the second cycle learning activities 81.65% (once category) and the questionnaire response positive students as much as 85.93% (very good category). The first cycle learning outcomes test with an average value was 76.45, and the second cycle was 79.48%, the average value of the learning outcomes test was 77.97% (good category), and an increase of 30.3%. Based on data analysis of student learning outcomes, shows that the use of Scaffolding Game media can improve student learning outcomes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 166-184
Nely Hartika ◽  
Ira Ismeylia Saputri

This study aims to find out how the application of inquiry learning models in accounting subjects in class X AK in SMKN 4 Serang City and to find out whether the inquiry learning model can improve student learning outcomes in class X AK in Accounting Basic Subjects in SMK 4 Serang City.This research uses a class action research method which consists of two cycles.  Each cycle consists of four stages, namely planning, implementing, observing reflection.  The subjects of this study were participants in grade X SMK 4 Serang City consisting of 36 students and teachers in Accounting as a team of collaborators.  These results indicate that the Inquiry learning model can improve student learning outcomes based on cycle one, from 36 students who succeeded in getting grades above the KKM of 36.56% with an average value of 66, whereas in the second cycle there was a significant increase to be 100% with  an average value of 82.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-101
Arman Paramansyah ◽  
Ade Irvi Nurul Husna ◽  
Ernawati Ernawati

This research was conducted to answer the problem, first, how is the level of parental attention to learning outcomes. second, how are the student learning outcomes in Islamic Education subjects, research uses descriptive quantitative, namely the method used to research on certain populations and samples, data collection uses research instruments, data analysis is quantitative / statistical, with the aim of testing predetermined hypotheses. The results of the analysis on parental attention to learning outcomes, it can be concluded that parental attention has a positive and significant effect on learning outcomes, amounting to 0.507. And learning outcomes are perceived as Good (B) with an average value of 4.02. The most dominant indicator of learning outcomes is (Report) with an average value of 4.14, which means that there is a positive and significant influence between parents' attention to learning outcomes. Based on these findings, it is suggested that schools pay more attention to parents by always paying attention to their parents. socializing to urge parents to be able to continue and increase their attention to children's learning activities, both in terms of providing guidance, advice, encouragement, supervision, and equipment for children's learning facilities, as well as fostering a harmonious relationship with their children, so that children will be motivated and able to improve learning outcomes  

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