Adenan Adenan ◽  
Ismet Sari ◽  
Sutan M. Arfierdin Pohan

<p><em>The rise of evil that existed in this period began from free association, abuse of drugs, theft and others. The moral deterioration is very much happening and the way to cope with it is by deepening the science of religion, which is with a lot of scientific knowledge of Tauhid. The science of Tauhid is a science that discusses the attributes of Allah SWT and his Messenger or called Aqaid Al-Khamsina. By studying the science of Tauhid can certainly reduce the number of criminality because by learning the science of Tauhid means a person's behavior will be much better. This research aims to determine the meaning of Aqaid Al-Khamsina and the explanation of each of these qualities. This research is included in Library research.  Primary data sources include the book by Imam Muhammad bin as-Sanusi named Umm al-Barahin, the publisher city of Kediri, the publisher name Santri Salaf Press, in the year 2015 and the book of Sheikh Muhammad Al-Fudholi named Kifayatul Awam, the publisher of Surabaya, the name of publisher Mutiara Ilmu, in the year 2018.  The secondary sources are books related to Aqaid Al-Khamsina, which is a book by Siradjuddin Abbas named I'itiqad Ahlussunnah Wal Jama'ah, a book by Abu Fikri Ihsani called Encyclopedia of Allah, a book by Imam Abil Izz Al-Hanafi named Tahdzib Syarah Aqidah Thahawiyah. In analyzing this research researchers use the Content analysis method (content analysis) is by means of drawing conclusions from several references that have been chosen, compared and combined.  The results of the research obtained is that Aqaid Al-Khamsina is a nature of Allah SWT and its Apostles that if in total there is 50 consisting of 20 mandatory nature of God, 20 impossibly god nature, 1 Jaiz nature, 4 mandatory nature of the Apostle, 4 the odds of the Apostle and 1 character Jaiz apostle. All of our mandatory qualities are known and Imani as the perfection of the creed.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Ahlussunnah Wal Jama'ah, Aqaid Al-Khamsina, Akidah, Tauhid.</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 206
Nana Sutarna ◽  
Agus Saeful Anwar

This study aims to explore the value of character and philosophy of life of the founder of Muhammadiyah (KH. Ahmad Dahlan). The research method used is library research. The primary data source is the philosophy of the teachings of KH. Ahmad Dahlan, and the secondary sources are other books that are relevant and relevant to the research. Analysis of the data used in this study is the Content analysis method. The author's findings relate to the question that KH. Ahmad Dahlan bequeathed seven philosophies and his messages, in which teaches to be a visionary human being able to think ahead that is to be happy in the world and the hereafter. Character Value is exemplified by him, namely the value of religious character, honesty, discipline, hard work, creative, independent, democratic, curiosity, national spirit, love of the motherland, valuing achievement, friendly or communicative, peace-loving, fond of reading social care and responsibility. The character education of KH. Ahmad Dahlan can support government character education so that it becomes an active character education.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali nilai karakter dan falsafah hidup pendiri Muhammadiyah (KH. Ahmad Dahlan). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kepustakaan (library research). Sumber data primer adalah falsafah ajaran KH. Ahmad Dahlan, sumber sekundernya adalah buku-buku lain yang bersangkutan dan relevan dengan penelitian. Analisa data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode content analysis. Temuan penulis berkaitan dengan pertanyaan yang ada bahwa KH. Ahmad Dahlan mewariskan tujuh falsafah dan pesan-pesan beliau, yang di dalamnya mengajarkan supaya menjadi manusia yang visioner mampu untuk berfikir kedepan yaitu supaya dapat bahagia dunia dan akherat. Nilai Karakter yang dicontohkan oleh beliau yakni nilai karakter religius, jujur, disiplin, kerja keras, kreatif, mandiri, demokratis, rasa ingin tahu, semangat kebangsaan, cinta tanah air, menghargai prestasi, bersahabat atau komunikatif, cinta damai, gemar membaca, peduli sosial, dan tanggungjawab. Adapun pendidikan karakter KH. Ahmad Dahlan dapat mendukung pendidikan karakter pemerintah sehingga menjadi pendidikan karakter yang efektif.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
Suhayib Suhayib ◽  
Muhammad Fadli Ramadhan ◽  
Ayu Azkiah

<p class="06IsiAbstrak"><span lang="EN-GB">Sufism and political expressions are often considered contradictory. Politics tends to be secular, hedonic and materialist as the reason for the Sufis to stay away from it. Politicians also view that Sufi life only curbs political creativity. Secularization in Turkey failed because it met with resistance from the Sufis spearheaded by Said Nursi. This research is limited to the four pillars of thought Sufism Said Nursi. This study aims to determine the four pillars of Said Nursi's Sufism thought and its influence on the political struggle of the Muslim community in Turkey in 1900-1960. This research is library research. Data sources consist of primary data sources, secondary data sources and tertiary data. The method used in analyzing the data is the content analysis method. The research results obtained the following findings; Through the neo-Sufism social movement, Nursi got a broad audience. His guidance for Turkish society and readers of Risalah al-Nur in particular influenced political change.</span></p>


Abstrak Pengisytiharan Turki sebagai sebuah negara republik oleh Mustafa Kemal Ataturk telah membuka laluan kepada proses sekularisasi, khususnya dalam aspek perundangan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji proses sekularisasi dalam perundangan Turki serta mengenal pasti kesannya terhadap masyarakat. Kajian ini menggunakan metode kajian kepustakaan dan dokumentasi sebagai metode pengumpulan data. Metode analisis kandungan dijalankan ke atas data-data yang diperoleh. Kajian mendapati proses sekularisasi perundangan Turki telah dilakukan sejak era Khilafah Uthmaniyyah dan diteruskan secara lebih agresif pada era Ataturk. Sekularisasi dalam perundangan telah memberi kesan terhadap gaya hidup masyarakat di bandar serta menyumbang kepada konflik polarisasi masyarakat. Justeru, kajian ini menegaskan bahawa sekularisasi dalam perundangan Turki merupakan cerminan kepada kegagalan Ataturk dalam membezakan di antara keperluan untuk maju dengan keperluan bagi memelihara Islam sebagai warisan tradisi Turki. Kata kunci: Khilafah Uthmaniyyah, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, sekularisasi, perundangan Turki, Perlembagaan Turki, polarisasi masyarakat. Abstract The declaration of Turkey as a republic by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk paved the way to the secularization process, especially in legal aspect. This study aims to examine the process of secularization in Turkish legislation and its impacts on society. This study was conducted through library research and documentation methods for the data collection. Content analysis method was carried out on those data. The study found that the secularization process of Turkish legislation was done since the era of the Ottoman Caliphate, and the process was continued aggressively during Ataturk era. Secularization in Turkish legislation has affected the lifestyle of urban people and contributed to the polarization of society. This study argues that the secularization in Turkish legislation was a reflection of Ataturk’s failure to distinguish between the necessities of modernization with the need to preserve Islam as a heritage of Turkish tradition. Keywords: Ottoman Caliphate, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, secularization, Turkish legislation, Constitution of Turkey, polarization of society.

Rino Richardo ◽  
Hasna Ulayya Eliana ◽  
Rima Aksen Cahdriyana

This research aims to find and describe  the philosophy concept of progressivism and the persepctive toward the learning process in the era of Covid-19 pandemic, as well as the perspective toward learning, educators and students.  This research is a library research using books and electronic scientific articles as data sources. In collecting the data, researchers browse online data through the Google scholar database. While the data analysis applied in this study is the content analysis method. The research results show that progressivism as an educational philosophy plays an important role in providing a basis for developing a flexible learning system adapting to the progress and development of science and technology, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.

2017 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 165
Nasrulloh Nasrulloh

<p class="Iabstrak"><strong>Abstract</strong><strong>: </strong><em>Some hadiths of warfare against non-Muslims often used as a reference by radical groups in carrying out their jihad actions.They do not read hadiths thoroughly and just focus on the text, regardless of the historicity and aspects of the language. Moreover, they also did not read hadiths of religious tolerance and attitudes of Rasulullah PBUH while interacting with non-Muslims. This study aims to answer the question of what is the contextual understanding of hadiths of hostility towards non-Muslim? It is library research. It uses hadiths of hostility towards non-Muslims from al-kutub al-tis’ah as a primary source and uses criticism of matan hadith as the research approach. By using content analysis method, it finds that hadiths of hostility towards non-Muslims broadly have a meaning that Rasulullah PBUH commanded to fight the polytheists who were hostile until they are willing to say two sentences creed. Thus, the hadiths intended only for non-Muslims who fight against Muslims, which they have chosen to start a fight and did not accept the way of peace. Therefore, not all of non-Muslims are worthy/ appropriate to be hostile or to be fought either. Furthermore, fighting any non-Muslims who do not fight Muslims is contrary to the texts and scholarly consensus.</em></p><p class="Iabstrak"><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Beberapa hadis tentang perang melawan non-Muslim sering diguna­kan sebagai acuan oleh kelompok-kelompok radikal dalam melakukan tindakan jihad mereka. Mereka tidak membaca hadis secara menyeluruh dan hanya fokus pada teksnya, terlepas dari historisitas dan aspek bahasa. Selain itu, mereka juga tidak membaca hadis tentang toleransi dan sikap Rasulullah saat berinteraksi dengan non-Muslim. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk menjawab pertanyaan; bagaimana pemahaman kontekstual hadis-hadis tentang per­musuh­an terhadap non-Muslim? Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan, yang mengguna­kan hadis tentang  permusuhan terhadap non-Muslim dalam <em>al-kutub al-tis'ah</em> se­bagai sumber utama, dan menggunakan kritik matan hadis sebagai pendekatan penelitian. Dengan menggunakan analisis konten, Penelitian ini menemukan; hadis tentang permusuhan terhadap non-Muslim secara luas memiliki makna bahwa Rasulullah diperintahkan untuk memerangi kaum kafir yang me­musuhi sampai mereka bersedia untuk mengatakan dua kalimat syahadat. Dengan demikian, obyek  hadis tersebut ditujukan hanya untuk non-Muslim yang me­merangi umat Islam, yang mereka telah memilih untuk memulai perkelahian dan tidak menerima jalan damai. Oleh karena itu, tidak semua non-Muslim layak/ tepat untuk dimusuhi, bahkan harus diperlakukan secara baik. Di samping itu, memerangi setiap non-Muslim yang tidak memerangi umat Islam bertentangan dengan teks dan konsensus ilmiah.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 317
Furqonul Haq ◽  
Muhammad Zainul Wathani

In the last decade, Ghirrah related to the practice of Waqf in Indonesia is increasing in terms of quantity and diversity. For example, continue to increase the land/object of Waqf, the more new institutions that manage the Waqf, the existence of associations and forums for the development of Waqf, and the presence of new types of Waqf, such as insurance. Waqf is a proven system that can contribute to progress, culture, education, economics, social and civilization. In Islam Waqf has been practiced since the time of Rasulullah SAW and has undergone many significant changes ranging from its type, management and purpose. All that demands a new ijtihad ijtihad that can provide an alternative development of Waqf in the present that does not contradict the Islamic Shari'a. The purpose of this article is to highlight the importance of waqf in establishing student house. Nowadays, worthed boarding house is costly and this has prevented students from getting worthed boarding house. This paper offer an alternative solution to relieve such a situation, namely, through the application of waqf. The study suggests a concept to establish Waqf student house. The data was mainly collected using library research, all the data were analysed using the content analysis method. The findings show that waqf student house can help and support education in university. This article provides simulation scheme for establishing student house through waqf

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 213-228
Naning Ma’rifatul Faiqoh ◽  
R. Umi Baroroh

Recently, many educational theories grow up based on the assumptions in some problems. This article explores humanistic learning theory and its implications for learning Arabic at maharah istima ', using library research, since the data and information were collected in the form of a continuous library with discussion, then the researcher analyzed the data using content analysis method. The results shows that the application of  maharah istima '  learning Arabic includes learning objectives, learning models, using media, culture and students’ background. Carl Rogers' humanistic theory emphasizes deep humanity, does not contain selfish, individualistic elements or authoritarian, they do not have to follow our opinion, so this theory focuses on the student center, that focused on the cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects by giving students their rights, being humanized, recognized and accepted, from which students will be optimistic in voicing contents of their mind.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 207-214
Alimuddin Alimuddin

This research aims at analysing the interactive education concept in Qur’an wich examines specifically surah al-Baqarah (2) verse 133 and surah al-Saffat (37) verse 102. This research applied both qualitative research approach and are uses type of research literature (Library Research). The technique of data collection carried out in this Reseach was decomentation techniques. Furthermore, the collected data was analysed by using the content Analysis Method. The finding shows that educative interaction in the koran has purposes of promoting a generation of monotheism (Tauhid) to Allah, diligent in worship, and noble character. The achievement is significantly influenced by the personality influenced by the personality of an educator who is patient, caring, and knows the students’ psychology. Moreover, an educative interaction within Qur’an to correspond between values, knowledge and behavior wich lead the learners to be great figures, being able to build a mindset namely scientific thought and noble character.

Ahmad Edwar

INDONESIAN JURISPRUDENCE: ISLAMIC LAW TRANSFORMATION IN LAW SYSTEM OF INDONESIA.: This study discusses about the idea of Islamic law renewal in Indonesia, as well as the figures, and it makes the term of Indonesian Jurisprudence and its formalization into the law system of Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to find the answer of these following points: Firstly, the interpretation or definition of Indonesian Jurisprudence concept; secondly, the figures who proposed Indonesian Jurisprudence and the result of their thoughts; and the third, the formalization of Jurisprudence concept with Indonesian nuance in the law system Indonesia. This study was a library research with a content analysis method. The results of this study are: (1) Indonesian Jurisprudence could be interpreted as a Jurisprudence concept that is more Indonesian local-based; (2) Hasbi As-Shiddiqi and Hazairin are two figures who proposed Indonesian Jurisprudence model, apart from other intellectuals. Hasbi is one of modernists who offered his ideas comprehensively, started from his “Indonesian Jurisprudence” concept until the law renewal including its principle and method. Meanwhile Hazairin offered the development of a new heritage system which interpreted and elaborated based on Al-Qur’an scriptural perception and Sunnah which is not a patrilineal system but bilateral (family model); and (3) formalization of Indonesian Jurisprudence concept produces some ordinance regulation products which are important formally and materially, such as Ordinance of Islamic Marriage Law, and also other rules under the Ordinance, such as Government Law, President Instruction, and Supreme Court Law, as well as Islamic Law Compilation and Sharia Economic Law Compilation

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-114
Dini Farhana Baharudin ◽  
Kalsom Ali ◽  
Mahanom A. Jalil ◽  
Arif Ainur Rofiq

The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic affects mental health in communities all over the world. Thus, this paper aims to see the potential of gardening as a therapy for mental health during this COVID-19 pandemic. Through the content analysis method, library research was conducted to examine this intervention. Findings show that gardening can be an alternative approach to prevention and healing in regards to mental health issues. Nature-based intervention such as gardening helps bring the feeling of peace and closeness to Allah which also allows for mental health issues to be curbed and health be restored, which ensures the overall well-being of those affected by COVID-19.

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