Б.С. Мухан ◽  
А.М. Есиркепова ◽  
А.С. Тулеметова ◽  
B. Mukhan ◽  
A. Yessirkepova ◽  

Мақалада Қазақстан Республикасының жеңіл өнеркәсібін дамытуда мемлекеттік стратегиялық құжаттардың іске асырылуы қарастырылған. Авторлар жеңіл өнеркәсіпті дамыту стратегияларын талдаумен байланысты ғалымдардың ғылыми еңбектерін қарастырған: баға мен сапаны ескере отырып, отандық өнімнің бәсекеге қабілеттілігін қамтамасыз ету; шаруашылық жүргізуші субъектінің табысты қызметі үшін білікті кадрларды тарту; ішкі нарықты, жеңілдікті және кедендік жеңілдіктерді қорғау, экспортты ілгерілетуге көмек түрінде мемлекеттік қолдау және басқалар. Мақалада жеңіл өнеркәсіп өндірісінің құндық мәндегі статистикалық деректері, жалпы ішкі өнімдегі жеңіл өнеркәсіп саласының үлесі, елдің жеңіл өнеркәсіп саласының капиталына инвестициялар көлемі талданған. Авторлардың пікірінше, жеңіл өнеркәсіптің стратегиялық дамуы үшін құқықтық қамтамасыз етуге, кадрлық қамтамасыз етуге, инвестициялық және инновациялық қамтамасыз етуге, бәсекеге қабілеттілікті қамтамасыз етуге баса назар аударатын дамудың стратегиялық бағыттарын іске асыру алгоритмін қолдану қажет. Мақала авторлары жеңіл өнеркәсіптің стратегиялық бағытын дамытуға ықпал ететін нақты ұсыныстар берген: серпінді технологияларды енгізу негізінде өндірістік әлеуетті арттыру; саланы дамыту үшін мемлекеттік-жекешелік әріптестік жобаларын әзірлеу және енгізу; инвестициялық белсенділікті ынталандыру; отандық тауар өндірушілерді шет елдердің технологиялық және тауарлық тәуелділігінен қорғау жөніндегі шараларды іске асыру. The article considers the implementation of state strategic documents in the development of light industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The authors examine the research of scientists related to the analysis of strategies for the development of light industry: ensuring the competitiveness of domestic products, taking into account price and quality; attracting qualified personnel for the successful operation of an economic entity; state support in the form of protection of the domestic market, preferential and customs exemptions, assistance in promoting exports and others. The article analyzes the statistical data of the production of light industry in value terms, the share of the light industry in the gross domestic product, the volume of investment in the capital of the light industry of the country. According to the authors, for the strategic development of light industry, it is necessary to apply an algorithm for the implementation of strategic development directions which focuses on legal support, personnel support, investment and innovation support, ensuring competitiveness. The authors of the article propose specific recommendations that contribute to the development of the strategic direction of light industry: increasing production potential through the introduction of breakthrough technologies; developing and implementing public-private partnership projects for the development of the industry; stimulating investment activity; implementing measures to protect domestic producers from technological and commodity dependence of foreign countries.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 12651-12654

This article discusses the investment activities of the leading countries of the world. The main distinctive features of the investment activity of the railway industry in foreign countries, including China, Russia, USA, UK and Ukraine, are given. Displays the opinions of well-known experts and economists who have studied the investment activities in the railway industry for years. The experience of the investment activity of the railway industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan using the information resource of JSC «Uzbekistan Railways» has been performed. According to JSC «Uzbekistan Railways», investments in the railway industry in 2018 decreased significantly distinctive to 2017. Attracted investments should receive a technical, financial and economic justification for each project to have a financial recoupment and economic return. To this end, it is necessary to increase the volume of intensive investments and innovations implemented in the railway industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It should be noted that after adding coal production to the structure of railways, the responsibility of JSC «Uzbekistan Railways» to the state and the population increased several times. SWOT experiment of the activities of the railway industry of the country. In certain areas of the railway identified specific problems to solve. At the moment, some issues are not solved in the railway itself and beyond. For example, tariffs for domestic freight and passenger transportation are controlled by the Ministry of Finance, service levels mainly depend on the operation of railways in other countries, most of the problems are external and therefore difficult to solve. In this regard, it is necessary to solve the problems listed below and give even more impetus to the railway system. Having studied the problems of the industry, the conclusions and recommendations for improving the investment activity of the railways of the Republic of Uzbekistan are given.

R. E. Zhaparova ◽  
A. A. Zhunusova ◽  
N. Zh. Kurmankulova ◽  
A. Yu. Konovalova

The purpose of the article is to review the foreign practice of the development of light industry and identify its features. The head of state identified the problem of ensuring the competitiveness of domestic enterprises as the most important direction of the political strategy. The modern international policy of Kazakhstan is aimed at integrating the country into the world economic community. In the context of economic globalization, ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises is a determining factor in their security and the economic security of the state as a whole. The accession of the republic to the WTO in the near future dictates the need to develop competitive industrial production, including light industry. Light industry plays an important role in the economy of each country, since it is a serious source of budgetary funds and has significant export potential. The state of the light industry affects the economic and strategic security of the country. The socio-economic significance of this industry is determined by the fact that it plays an important role in ensuring the employment of the working-age population, especially women, and has an impact on people's health. Light industry products are used in all spheres of human activity and are second only to food products in terms of consumption. Due to this, light industry is designated in Kazakhstan as a priority industry.

Madina M. Shabanova ◽  
Sakina A. Aydaeva ◽  
Enara B. Atueva ◽  

The authors consider the strategy of territorial marketing as a mechanism for increasing the competitiveness of the region and its investment activity. Within the framework of this approach, based on the SWOT analysis of the republic's existing potential, the competitive advantages’ factors are identified and the territorial marketing development in the region is evaluated. The authors conducted the analysis of the best practices of territorial marketing in the regions of Russia, which showed that all of them have specialized structures for the territorial marketing development. To solve the existing problems in this area, a model of the territorial marketing management system in the Republic of Dagestan is proposed and a list of measures for the implementation of regional marketing strategies is defined for each of the program’s strategic directions. Within the framework of this model, it is proposed to create specialized marketing institutes for the development of marketing activities in the republic. For each strategic direction of territorial marketing development in the region: image marketing, attraction marketing, infrastructure marketing and population marketing, a set of measures is proposed that form a systematic integrated approach. To increase the effectiveness of the implementation process of strategic marketing directions in the republic, it is proposed to provide them with information support based on the use of crowdsourcing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 456-480
R.B. Galeeva

Subject .This article discusses the need to bring into line with the future activities of specialists the content of their preparation, the formation of a system model of higher education, which takes into account today's and prospective requirements of the labor market. Objectives. The article aims to research the labor market in four regions of the Volga Federal District of the Russian Federation: the Republic of Tatarstan, Mari El Republic, Chuvash Republic, and the Ulyanovsk oblast, as well as discuss problems and prospects of interaction of universities with enterprises and organizations of these regions. Methods. For the study, I used the methods of logical and statistical analyses, and in-depth expert survey. Results. The article analyzes the state of regional labor markets, presents the results of the expert survey of labor market representatives and heads of the regional education system, and it defines possible ways of harmonizing the interaction of universities with the labor market. Conclusions. The article notes that although the number of employed with higher education is growing, at the same time there is a shortage of highly qualified personnel in certain professions, on the one hand, and unskilled workers, on the other. Also, the article says that the universities do not prepare the necessary for the regions specialists in a number of professions or they provide a set of competencies different from the requirements of the labor market, so it is necessary to form and develop effective directions of cooperation between educational institutions and employers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 27-33
Alomatxon Abdullayeva ◽  

The article examines the legal basis, application and rates of taxes, customs duties and levies, such as excise and VAT, applied in the foreign economic activity of Uzbekistan.The study found that an increase in taxes, duties and levies on imported goods could also lead to a decline in the quality of domestic products

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 19-26
Anvar Khudoyarov ◽  

This article describes how the Republic of Uzbekistan establishes and develops relations with international organizations and foreign countries in the field of tourism, increases the flow of tourists to our country, creates all conditions for tourists, improves the quality and culture of services, and also provides the tourism industry. The organizational and economic aspects of tourism regulation by the cluster management method are considered

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (05) ◽  
pp. 106-108
Aytac Turab qızı Hüseynova ◽  

The Oil Refinery of Heydar Aliyev was created in July 1953 as a new oil refining plant Baki. The combined atmospheric vacuum plant is the main plant at the oil refining factory and its starting capacity produces 6 million tons of crude oil. In 2010, 43,000 tons A-98, 1.18 tons of A-92 and 19,700 tons of gasoline A-80. At the same time, 600 400t kerosene, 214,000 diesel fuels, 214,000 tons. Liquid gas, 267 500t coke and 220 600t. With this investigation, the history of the oil refinery and the details of modernization were considered. 21 out of 24 types of Azerbaijani oil are processed at the Baku Oil Refinery named after Heydar Aliyev, of which 15 types of oil products, including gasoline, aviation kerosene, diesel fuel, fuel oil, petroleum coke, etc. are produced. The plant fully meets the needs of the republic in oil products. In addition, 45% of oil products are exported to foreign countries. Key words: Azerbaijani, oil, recycling, factory, modernization

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 94-96
Aysel Rövşən qızı Baxşəliyeva ◽  

Our country, which is constantly developing economically and carrying out political reforms in parallel, thereby achieving a further increase in its international prestige. One of the important factors contributing to the regular strengthening of Azerbaijan's position in the international arena is the growing role of our country in the field of energy security, as well as its active investment policy. At present, our country is becoming one of the most advanced potential investors in the world. The number of foreign countries expecting to invest in Azerbaijan is constantly growing. Azerbaijan, which has great financial resources, has been investing in various foreign countries in recent years, provided that its interests are ensured. Key words: investment activity, economic assessment, dynamic indicators, economic indicators

2021 ◽  
Vol 67 (06) ◽  
pp. 108-112
Ləman Fəxrəddin qızı Qasımzadə ◽  

In the article: The globalization of the modern world makes it urgent to study the legislative practice of foreign countries (including criminal law). The lack of specialized literature on this topic makes it difficult to solve this problem. In the article: The globalization of the modern world makes it urgent to study the legislative practice of foreign countries (including criminal law). The lack of specialized literature on this topic makes it difficult to solve this problem.The study of foreign law is necessary not only to guide the processes of global economic, political and cultural integration and unification, but above all to facilitate domestic criminal law. The study of foreign law is necessary not only to guide the processes of global economic, political and cultural integration and unification, but above all to facilitate domestic criminal law.As the criminal legislation of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan relates to different legal systems, it is difficult to compare them, but it is mutually beneficial.Thus, it allows to identify gaps in the legislation of both countries and take measures to eliminate them. Key words: crime, responsibility, talion principle, revenge, additional punishment, so to speak

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