scholarly journals The Challenges of E-Learning Implementation During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Senior High School

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 150-157
Fitra Delita

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought changes in various fields of life, including education. The purpose of this study was to describe the challenges faced by teachers and students in e-learning in the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses a qualitative approach through data collection using an online questionnaire with Google form and structure interview by phone. Respondents consisted of 163 geography teachers and 104 students at the high school level in North Sumatra Province. This data is then analyzed descriptively in the form of scores and percentages. The result showed that the challenges faced by teachers were especially expertise, preparation for learning, access to e-learning, management of learning in the e-learning platform, supporting facilities, and time effectiveness in e-learning. While the challenges faced by students include understanding the material, access to the learning process, discipline in online learning, learning support facilities for e-learning, and the conditions of the learning environment. Pandemi Covid-19 membawa perubahan  pada berbagai bidang kehidupan termasuk bidang pendidikan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan tantangan yang dihadapi guru dan siswa pada e-learning di masa pandemi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui pengumpulan data dengan kuesioner online menggunakan Google form dan wawancara terstruktur melalui telepon. Responden terdiri atas 163 guru geografi dan 104 siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas di Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dalam bentuk skor dan persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tantangan yang dihadapi guru antara lain keahlian, persiapan pembelajaran, akses e-learning, pengelolaan pembelajaran dalam platform e-learning, fasilitas pendukung dan efektifitas waktu. Sedangkan tantangan yang dihadapi siswa meliputi pemahaman terhadap materi, akses e-learning, disiplin dalam e-learning, fasilitas pendukung dan kondisi lingkungan pembelajaran.

2011 ◽  
Vol 57 (2) ◽  
pp. 1836-1849 ◽  
Ashlyn Munson ◽  
Barbara Moskal ◽  
Alka Harriger ◽  
Tonya Lauriski-Karriker ◽  
Daniel Heersink

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 20
Tri Sastranegara ◽  
Djoko Suryo ◽  
Johan Setiawan

Covid-19 pandemic has brought challenges in the process of history learning in senior high schools. As a result of social distancing and work from home policies, online learning platform is needed in order to make learning process at home run well, one of which is by using Quipper School application. The use of Quipper School application is one of the solutions so that the process of history learning at home can be carried out well and efficient during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study aims to determine the use of Quipper School in history learning during the Covid-19 era. The method used in this study is analytical descriptive method through literature review. The results obtained showed that Quipper School application has a positive impact when it is used in the process of history learning at home for students who are at senior high school level. The Quipper School application offers an innovative way of learning where the teacher can manage assignments and homework more effectively so that the teacher can also recognize the strengths and weaknesses of students in capturing a given learning topic.

2021 ◽  
Ilham Hamid ◽  
Syamsul Bachri Thalib ◽  
Hamsu Abdul Gani ◽  

Entering the era of the industrial revolution4.0, the challenges and problems faced by the world ofeducation worldwide are increasingly complex andcomplicated. One of these problems is the level of themoral degradation of students, which is increasinglyworrying. This research is part of research anddevelopment that focuses on the needs analysis, moduledesign, and product validation stages. This study aimed toproduce a learning product in the form of a social pietyguidance module to reduce the moral degradation of highschool students. This research was conducted at SMKN 3Sinjai, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, by involving threecounselling teachers and 15 students in the initial studyphase and two experts in the validation phase. Data werecollected using several data collection techniques such as(a) interviews, (b) observation, and (c) module validationsheets. The results showed that it turns out that a socialpiety guidance module is needed at the high school level toreduce the level of the moral degradation of students,which is then designed to be a module. From the validationtest, information is obtained that the social piety guidancemodule is proven valid based on experts' judgment with acumulative average score of 3.53. Thus, after this module isproven valid, it is recommended that it be tested on users,namely teachers and students.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-73
Habib Ur Rahman

Common diseases mostly occur due to lack of basic health information and knowledge to public at large. Therefore, basic health information and knowledge is very much important to reduce the outbreaks of different diseases especially in rural communities which is possible through proper education. Education is a natural and an inborn part of any community or society. High quality and healthy volunteers can be generated in a society by right education with full support of any kind of facility.The objective of this paper is to gather and identify information and knowledge about basic health from students and teachers. In this paper, first we study current basic health (information & knowledge) situation of teachers and students in high schools of District Swat (70% mountain rural areas and 30% urban areas), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan. Secondly, find out the willingness of high school teachers and students for basic health information and knowledge using information communication technology (ICT) i.e. through a proposed “Virtual Education for Basic Health (VEBH)” model at high school level. For this purpose a pilot research survey was conducted in seven tehsils of district Swat which contained 119 high schools, including 77 male high schools and 42 female high schools.The respondents are willing to learn basic health information and knowledge through virtual and commented that it will be better for rural mountainous areas of Swat especially for female health. VEBH model will make the students aware about common diseases and ensure future healthy society.  

Shimey Shawna Masters

The purpose of this research was to investigate how the integration of e-learning in the teaching of English Language could benefit teachers and students at the high school level. This study was done using mixed methods in the form of an exploratory sequential action research where an exploration of teachers' experiences who used e-learning strategies in the teaching of English Language classes was observed and assessed to identify successes and challenges. A total of 15 teachers were trained to use e-learning approaches to improve the teaching and learning process and provided with a training manual after revising the literature relating to the problem. This was accomplished in the study, and an evaluation of the impact was conducted. The findings revealed that the teachers commenced integrating the technologies in their classes and that they are utilizing the strategies that they were exposed to in the training process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 442
Fatemeh Jalilinia

By the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, students and teachers were pushed to adapt themselves to the online learning system. The current study is a quantitative attempt to investigate English as a foreign language students’ perception of online learning during the pandemic. For this purpose, 30 male and 30 female students at the high school level were chosen to answer a questionnaire in Iran, Tehran. The questionnaire used in this study is adopted from Rojabi (2020) and comprises two parts. The first half assesses the interaction among students and between students and the teacher whereas the second half measures students’ attitude towards their online learning platform. The data was interpreted through the SPSS software (version 24) and the results revealed that learners mainly have negative perspectives on online learning and would not suggest it for further educational years to come. The majority of participants struggled with having effective interaction. Also, most of them did not have pleasant experiences with the learning platform they were instructed to use. It is recommended that the current learning environment be improved and teachers apply strategies to involve students fully in the learning process throughout online sessions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-53
Yuyun Nur Robikhah ◽  
Ira Nurmawati

SMA Darussalam adalah lembaga pendidikan tingkat SLTA yang berada di bawah naungan Pondok Pesantren Darussalam. Dalam proses pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan di SMA tersebut terdapat hambatan yang dialami karena selain mayoritas siswa berasal dari kalangan Pondok Pesantren serta padatnya jadwal dari pondok sendiri tentunya menjadi faktor munculnya hambatan pembelajaran siswa maupun guru disekolah.Untuk mengetahui hambatan-hambatan yang dialami guru maupun siswa Tujuan penelitian adalah mendeskripsikan hambatan-hambatan yang dialami guru maupun siswa dalam pembelajaran biologi di SMA Darussalam. Pendekatan penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara semi terstruktur dan dokumentasi. Analisis data yang dilakukan dengan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan Conclution Drawing. Keabsahan data dilakukan dengan triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi tekhnik. Adapun hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan terdapat beberapa hambatan yang dialami guru biologi di SMA Darussalam diantaranya adalah salah memahami kekuatan kepribadian guru  dalam hal kedisiplinan memulai jam pelajaran masih kurang, pandangan pesimis yang dimiliki guru juga tampak, kurangnya media informasi dan terbatasnya sarana dan prasarana yang ada. Adapun hambatan yang dialami siswa diantaranya adalah aspek fisiologis, rendahnya tingkat intelegensi, hambatan dari segi sikap siswa juga terlihat karena siswa sering tidur di kelas dan faktor eksternal yang menghambat siswa juga tampak terlihat dalam aspek lingkungan non sosial khususnya pada lingkungan belajar yang kurang mendukung. Kata kunci: Hambatan  Guru, Hambatan Siswa, Pembelajaran Biologi. SMA Darussalam is a high school level educational institution under the auspices of the Darussalam Islamic Boarding School. In the learning process carried out in high school there are obstacles experienced because in addition to the majority of students coming from the Islamic boarding schools and the tight schedule from the boarding school itself, of course it is a factor in the emergence of learning barriers for students and teachers at school. To find out the obstacles experienced by teachers and students. is to describe the obstacles experienced by teachers and students in learning biology at SMA Darussalam. This research approach uses a qualitative approach with the type of case study research. The data collection technique used observation, semi-structured interviews and documentation. Data analysis was performed by data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The validity of the data was done by triangulation of sources and triangulation of techniques. As for the results of the research that has been done, there are several obstacles experienced by biology teachers at SMA Darussalam, including the misunderstanding of the strength of the teacher's personality in terms of discipline in starting class hours is still lacking, the teacher's pessimistic view is also evident, the lack of information media and the limited facilities and infrastructure available. The obstacles experienced by students include physiological aspects, low levels of intelligence, barriers in terms of student attitudes are also seen because students often sleep in class and external factors that hinder students are also seen in non-social environmental aspects, especially in less supportive learning environments. Keyword: teacher barriers, student barriers, biology learning

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 116-124

The rapid development of technology has pushed the need for the teaching and learning process in secondary schools on a technology basis. Thus, secondary education must align itself with technological advances where one of the steps that can be taken is to implement technology-based learning or e-learning. Therefore, this study aims to formulate criteria and indicators for technology assessment with a technometric methodology, where these criteria will be grouped into 4 aspects, namely Technoware, Humanware, Infoware, and Orgaware. Through this research, it will be known whether the implementation of e-learning at the secondary education level has met the standards needed by students in developing their potential. So, the results obtained are that in the instrument of degrees of sophistication in e-learning at the high school level (SMA) there are components of supporting technology in e-learning in high school education, including technoware, humanware, infoware and orgaware which consists of criteria, sub-criteria, and sub-sub-criteria. ABSTRAK Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat, mendorong kebutuhan dalam proses belajar mengajar di sekolah menengah dengan basis teknologi. Maka, pendidikan menengah harus menyelaraskan diri dengan kemajuan teknologi dimana salah satu langkah yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan melaksanakan pembelajaran yang berbasis teknologi atau e-learning. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan kriteria dan indikator penilaian teknologi atau e-learning dengan metodologi teknometrik, dimana kriteria tersebut akan dikelompokkan menjadi 4 aspek yaitu Technoware, Humanware, Infoware, dan Orgaware. Melalui penelitian ini akan diketahui apakah pelaksanaan e-learning di jenjang pendidikan menengah sudah memenuhi standar yang dibutuhkan peserta didik dalam mengembangkan potensinya. Maka, hasil yang diperoleh bahwa di dalam instrumen derajat kecanggihan dalam e-learning tingkat Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) terdapat komponen – komponen teknologi pendukung dalam e-learning pada pendidikan menengah atas antara lain technoware, humanware, infoware dan orgaware yang di dalamnya terdiri dari kriteria, sub kriteria, dan sub-sub kriteria.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Sa'wanatul Abidah

English as a subject has  been a part of curriculum in Indonesian schools from primary to university study for several decades now. The decision of education authorities to include it as a compulsory subject in high school is based on the fact that English has played an important  role as academic language that is universally used, as well as the belief that having good English proficiency will enable Indonesian young people to face the fierce competition in global world. However, this policy does not run without challenge. Problems  in mastering the language are encountered by both teachers and students, and results of the learning are not always as expected. This is a signature of foreign language learning as elaborated by Vroman in his book (The Logical Problem of Foreign Language  Learning). This paper reviews on how the characters of language learning proposed by Vroman are seen in Indonesian classrooms at high school level where English is learned as a foreign language.Keywords: English, foreign language, Indonesian high schools.

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Zulfa Zulfa ◽  
Liza Husnita

Textbook is the handbook used by teachers in teaching. In addition, the text book is also used by students as a supporting book in learning activities both in school and outside of school. Textbooks basically have a very important role for teachers and students in the learning process. But in reality, many textbooks are found that do not meet the requirements of many textbooks used in the Senior High School Level.  The researchers took several textbooks compared to the completeness of the material. This research examines the differences of the structure and content of the description text book material of the History learning of Senior High school class X in the process picture changes, facts, concepts and principles in the history of motion. The type of research was a library research, collection techniques and conducting a review of the study of books, literature, records and reports that are related to the problem being solved. Data were taken from the existing instruments in the history textbooks. The results show that the components of change in motion events based on facts concepts and principles includes four components, namely changes in the beginning, development, backward and finished. Completeness of the materials at the eleventh grade history textbook in this research material examined the influence of religion and Hindu-Buddhist culture in Indonesia and the influence of the religion and culture of Islam in Indonesia. From the analysis, it is shown that each textbook has some differences in the completeness of the material on Hindu and Buddhist kingdoms. The book outlines eight royal grants, Yudhisthira, Earth Literacy and Platinum each of the seven kingdoms. While the analysis for the development of each book has its advantages and disadvantages, there is a book which describes the initial process completely and there is not. To evolve from the four aspects of political, social, economic and cultural, one book with another book also has its advantages and disadvantages, so that the backward and end process.

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