scholarly journals Sekolah Sahabat Gawai: Pendampingan Kegiatan Belajar dari Rumah untuk Menjaga Kesehatan Siswa SMP Islam Dian Didaktika

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-130
Nurfitri Bustamam ◽  
Duma Lumban Tobing ◽  
Evin Novianti

In the Academic Year 2020/2021 learning face-to-face for school students in most parts of Indonesia is prohibited to prevent the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID)-19. Instead, a school from home (SFH) is implemented. As a result, the use of gadgets by school students increases not only for learning activities, but also for communication, entertainment/recreation, and socializing. Excessive use of the gadget will increase the risk of developing health problems both physically and mentally. Based on this, the school collaborated with a team from the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Health Sciences Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta to carry out community service activities with the theme "School of Gadget-Friendly.” This activity aimed to 1) Increase students' knowledge of health problems both physically and mentally due to excessive use of gadgets and 2) Students implement efforts to prevent/reduce the risk of health problems when they are using gadgets. Partners of this activity were students of Islamic Junior High School Dian Didaktika grades 8 and 9. Education to students by the team was carried out from the school studio using google meet. Before and after education, students were given a pre & post-test to measure the level of knowledge. A week later the students were asked to fill out a checklist related to their activities using the gadget. School teachers were also asked for their opinions regarding the activity. The results of this activity were an increase in students' knowledge regarding the use of gadgets and most students have made any efforts to stay healthy when using gadgets during SFH. The school teacher argued that this community service activity was a provision for students to be able to use gadgets wisely so that they remained healthy during SFH.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 111
Septiani Septiani ◽  
Intan Kurniawati Pramitaningrum ◽  
Muhammad Rizki Kurniawan

ABSTRAKKegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berbasis penyuluhan ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan siswa melakukan kegiatan cuci tangan yang tepat sesusai dengan standar yang ditetapkan oleh WHO pada siswa TPA Al-Ikhlas Polri Jatisampurna Bekasi. Kesadaran dan pengetahuan terkait cuci tangan yang tepat dapat memproteksi diri dari berbagai penyakit terutama penyakit diare. Siswa sekolah TPA Al-Ikhlas Polri terdiri dari siswa pra sekolah dasar dan sekolah dasar usia 3-12 tahun yang berjumlah 21 orang. Pelaksanaan kegiatan diawali dengan metode kuisioner dan selanjutnya dilakukan dengan mensosialisasikan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) terutama tentang perilaku cuci tangan yang tepat. Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan PKM ini dari pretest yang dilakukan menunjukan bahwa 62% tidak mengetahui 6 gerakan cuci tangan dan 38% mengetahui 6 gerakan cuci tangan. Setelah dilakukan penyuluhan cuci tangan dan demo cuci tangan kepada siswa maka diperoleh hasil post test yaitu terjadi penurunan 19 % tidak mengetahui 6 gerakan cuci tangan dan terjadi kenaikan menjadi 81 % mengetahui 6 gerakan cuci tangan. Kata kunci: cuci tangan; penyuluhan; kecacingan. ABSTRACTThis community service activity was carried out to determine the level of knowledge of students in carrying out proper hand washing activities according to the standards set by WHO in TPA Al-Ikhlas students at the Jatisampurna Polri, Bekasi. Awareness and knowledge related to proper hand washing can protect themselves from various diseases, especially diarrheal diseases. TPA Al-Ikhlas Polri students consist of pre-primary and elementary school students aged 3-12 years, totaling 21 people. The implementation of the activity begins with the questionnaire method and is then carried out by socializing the Clean and Healthy Life Behavior), especially regarding proper hand washing behavior. The results of the implementation of this community service from the pretest showed that 62% did not know the 6 hand washing movements and 38% knew the 6 hand washing movements. After conducting hand washing counseling and hand washing demonstrations to students, the post test results were obtained, namely a decrease of 19% not knowing 6 hand washing movements and an increase to 81% knowing 6 hand washing movements. Keywords: hand washing; counseling; worms. 

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 931-937
Qori Hajidah Arianti ◽  
Ifa Elok Magfiroh Oktaviani ◽  
Ria Safitri ◽  
Mochammad Ilyas Junjunan

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a new type of coronavirus that causes disorders of the respiratory system, acute pneumonia, and can lead to death. This community service is intended to provide understanding and knowledge about the prevention and transmission of COVID-19 to the wider community. This health education webinar community service activity is carried out online via Zoom. The material presented was about preventing and transmitting the virus during a pandemic according to the perception of COVID-19 survivors. Prior to the implementation of the educational webinar, participants were asked to register as well as fill out a questionnaire to measure the level of knowledge about preventing the transmission of COVID-19 (pre-test). Then at the end of the meeting, participants were asked to fill out the attendance list, and then fill out the questionnaire again (post-test). The results of the educational activity questionnaire showed that there was a good change in the level of knowledge between before and after being given educational materials with an average pre-test score of 63.84 and a post-test of 91.53 from 13 participants. So it can be concluded that this education can confirm audiovisually which can change the level of knowledge for the better.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 259
Ika Setya Purwanti ◽  
Ni Luh Putu Devhy ◽  
Diah Prihatiningsih ◽  
Ni Wayan Desi Bintari ◽  
A.A Gde Oka Widana

The purpose of this community service activity is to increase knowledge and understanding of the dangers of smoking for adolescents. Activities are carried out online using the Zoom Meeting application in June 2021. The method of activity by providing socialization of the dangers of smoking to adolescents. The community service participants are 8th grade junior high school students, totaling 64 children. Based on gender, the service participants consisted of 34 male students (53,13%) and 30 female students (46,87%). Based on pre-test, 40,5% of students did not know the dangers of smoking and 59,5% of students knew the dangers of smoking. Based on the results of the post test, it was found that there was an increase in knowledge about the dangers of smoking. As many as 98% know about the dangers of smoking and 2% are less aware of the dangers of smoking. Counselling related to the dangers of smoking can increase adolescent awareness of the magnitude of the adverse effects of smoking on health.

Hotmaulina Sihotang ◽  
Mesta Limbong ◽  
Bintang R. Simbolon ◽  
Hotner Tampubolon ◽  
Marina Silalahi

Abstrak Pengabdian kepada masyarakat merupakan bagian integral tri dharma perguruan tinggi yang melibatkan dosen, mahasiswa, dan tenaga kependidikan. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat bertujuan memberikan makna kebermanfaatan keberadaan Program Magister Administrasi Pendidikan kepada sekolah Kasih Immanuel dalam meningkatkan kompetensi mengimplementasikan kurikulum 2013. Populasi seluruh guru SD, SMP, SMA Kasih Immanuel sebanyak 15 orang dan sampel penelitian seluruh guru, namun yang hadir 12 orang. Data diperoleh dengan wawancara mendalam terhadap kepala sekolah dan guru. Selain itu data diperoleh melalui instrumen pre test dan post test. Data dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat menunjukkan: (1) Guru mengajar merangkap di SD, SMP, dan SMA, (2) Guru yang memenuhi standar kualifikasi pendidikan 50%, (3) Guru yang sudah tersertifikasi 25%, dan (4) Pemberian bimbingan teknis implementasi kurikulum 2013 sangat bermanfaat meningkatkan kompetensi pedagogik, personal, sosial dan profesional. Implikasi pengabdian kepada masyarakat guru semakin termotivasi melengkapi rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP) dan meningkatkan profesionalitas guru.  Kata kunci: Kompetensi, implementasi, Kurikulum 2013 Abstract Community service is an integral part of the three pillars of higher education that involves lecturers, students, and education staff. Community service aims to give meaning to the usefulness of the existence of the Educational Administration, graduate Program Universitas Kristen Indonesia to the Kasih Immanuel school in improving the competence of implementing the 2013 curriculum. The population of all elementary school, junior high school students is Kasih Immanuel as many as 15 people and a sample of all teachers, but there are 12 people present. Data obtained by in-depth interviews with principals and teachers. In addition, data were obtained through pre-test and post-test instruments. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results of community service show: (1) Teachers teaching concurrently in elementary, middle and high school, (2) Teachers who meet the 50% educational qualification standard, (3) 25% certified teachers, and (4) Providing technical implementation guidance the 2013 curriculum is very useful in increasing pedagogical, personal, social and professional. The implications of service to the teacher community are increasingly motivated to complete the lesson plan and increase teacher professionalism.  Keywords: Competence, implementation, curriculum

Ratih Damayanti ◽  
Indah Lutfiya ◽  
Neffrety Nilamsari

Background: The balanced  nutrition  paradigm is currently unknown  to  the  general public, especially school-age children. The old paradigm of four healthy five perfects is still taught in schools. Whereas in the new paradigm of balanced nutrition, in addition to the principle of nutrition that must be consumed in a balanced manner, there is another message that must be conveyed, namely physical activity at least 30 minutes every day, regular exercise, drinking 8 glasses of water a day, washing hands before and after eating and always monitor your weight. Purpose: This community service activity aims to improve balanced nutrition knowledge in elementary school age children. Method: The method of community service is through lectures and games for ice breaking so that the atmosphere becomes more fun. Results: Most of the students of SDN Kalisari 1 Surabaya were female (54%), 10 years old (62%), and parents had jobs in the “other” category namely construction workers, janitors and farm workers (38%). As many as 83% of students have breakfast habits and 88% of students often access the internet. The level of student’s knowledge of balanced nutrition is included in the sufficient category (59%). There is a difference in the level of knowledge before and after counseling about the concept of balanced nutrition (α = 0.04). Conclusion: Efforts to increase knowledge of balanced nutrition with counseling and game methods are considered effective because there is a significant increase in the level of knowledge of SDN Kalisari 1 Surabaya students.

Sarwahita ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (01) ◽  
pp. 147-156
Budiaman ◽  
Aam Amaningsih Jumhur ◽  
Ahmad Kholil ◽  
Astri Febry Susanti

Abstract This Integrated Community Service Activity Real Work Lecture aims to revitalize school waste banks in designing sustainable environmental education models based on appropriate technology. Environmental education is expected to be obtained by junior high school students through the waste bank extracurricular program. Environmental education to be achieved is focused on managing and utilizing waste to produce environmental products into strategic activities that can be developed, in collaboration with successful waste banks. The method of implementation is in the form of observation and FGD conducted in SMP Negeri 9 and SMP Negeri 21 Bekasi City. Through this activity, various problems experienced by SMP Negeri 9 and SMP Negeri 21 Bekasi City were formulated in re-activating the school waste bank program. Based on the series of activities from FGD to simulation, it can be concluded that school leaders, environmental extracurricular coaches, and students of SMP Negeri 9 and SMP Negeri 21 Bekasi City really hope that waste management activities in their respective schools can be reactivated. Considering that the activities are still in a pandemic atmosphere, the reactivation of the school waste bank is carried out in conjunction with the restructuring of the extracurricular environmental management in their respective schools. Abstrak Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Terintegrasi Kuliah Kerja Nyata ini bertujuan untuk melakukan revitalisasi bank sampah sekolah dalam mendesain model pendidikan lingkungan berkelanjutan berbasis teknologi tepat guna. Pendidikan lingkungan diharapkan dapat diperoleh oleh siswa SMP melalui program ekstrakulikuler bank sampah. Pendidikan lingkungan yang ingin dicapai difokuskan pada pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan sampah sampai menghasilkan produk lingkungan menjadi kegiatan strategis yang dapat dikembangkan, bekerjasama dengan bank sampah yang sudah sukses. Metode pelaksanaan berupa observasi dan FGD yang dilakukan di SMP Negeri 9 dan SMP Negeri 21 Kota Bekasi. Melalui kegiatan ini dirumuskan berbagai permasalahan yang dialami oleh SMP Negeri 9 dan SMP Negeri 21 Kota Bekasi dalam mengaktifkan kembali program bank samapah sekolah. Berdasarkan rangkaian kegiatan dari mulai FGD sampai simulasi dapat disimpulkan bahwa pimpinan sekolah, Pembina ekstrakulikuler lingkungan, dan siswa SMP Negeri 9 dan SMP Negeri 21 Kota Bekasi sangat berharap agar kegiatan pengelolaan sampah di sekolah masing-masing dapat diaktifkan kembali. Mengingat kegiatan masih dalam suasana pandemi maka pengaktifan kembali bank sampah sekolah dilakukan bersamaan dengan restukturisasi pengurus ektrakulikuler lingkungan di sekolah masing-masing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-18
Miftachul Jannah ◽  
Swasti Artanti

Community service program with the topic "Counseling Pregnant Women with Fe Tablets, Nutrition for Pregnant Women and Dangerous Signs of Pregnant Women in Jenggot, Pekalongan City" is aimed at Trimester II and III pregnant women to provide about pregnant women's knowledge about the benefits of Fe tablets , nutritional needs during pregnancy and pregnancy danger signs in the area of Jenggot, Pekalongan city. It is important to educate pregnant women about the benefits of Fe tablets during pregnancy because hemoglobin is needed for the body of pregnant women. During pregnancy, a pregnant woman needs to have high nutritious food and is sufficient for herself and her fetus. If a pregnant woman lacks nutrition and iron during pregnancy, it will cause problems, both for the mother and the fetus. Family and environmental factors will greatly affect pregnant women. Hopefully, pregnant women will have no abstinence to eat. This activity can be sustainable and encourage pregnant women to care during pregnancy whether to take Fe tablets, eat nutritious foods and understand the danger signs during pregnancy. In addition, a Pre Test and Post Test were conducted to determine the level of knowledge before and after counseling. The results obtained are that there is a significant increase in pregnant women in Jenggot, Pekalongan after counseling about Fe tablets, nutrition of pregnant women and pregnancy danger signs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 45
Reny Sulistyowati ◽  
Fina Ratih Wira Putri Fitri Yani ◽  
Yuyun Christyanni ◽  
Agus Agus ◽  
Dedi Cahyo Nusantoro

Introduction: Since the COVID-19 pandemic that occurred in Indonesia and face-to-face learning in schools has been replaced by online methods, this does not mean that school students can be free from the transmission of the COVID-19 virus. There are still no banners, and educational activities on the prevention of the COVID-19 virus for residents of the MAN City School Palangka Raya. The purpose of this community service activity is to increase knowledge and awareness for students in carrying out health protocols, one of which is also to prepare for face-to-face learning.Methods: Online Implementation of activities for 50 students of MAN City School Palangka Raya, the activity began by taking care of the administration of permits to schools, followed by the implementation of a series of activities in the form of education about COVID-19 and how to implement health protocols in the school environment following the guidelines of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia.  The method of activity is done by teaching and Q&A. Before giving pre-test material and afterward post-test.Results: After being given education, the post-test score of knowledge about COVID-19 showed an increase in the average score of 13%.  Participants seemed enthusiastic at the discussion session, indicated by the number of questions from participants. Conclusion: Health protocol management education can increase participants' knowledge.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 182-186
Wiryanto Wiryanto ◽  
Julia Reveny ◽  
Juanita Tanuwijaya ◽  
Edy Suwarso ◽  
Surjanto Surjanto

Based on various field studies it is known that many members of the community still lack sufficient knowledge and attitudes to carry out swamedications. Self-medication or self-medication is defined as the use of drugs without professional supervision, to treat health problems with symptoms that are self-identified, recurrent illnesses or minor health problems. Community service is aimed at increasing public knowledge and attitudes about self -ication through counseling. Counseling is addressed to administrators, employees, teachers, and students of the Al Razi Sinar Harapan Education Foundation, having its address at Jl. Eka Rasmi, Melinjo I No. 19 Medan. The counseling activities involved 50 participants, starting with the provision of knowledge materials and attitudes about self-medication, demonstration of various markings on pharmaceutical preparations, introduction of pharmacist figures as community guides in various drug-related problems and their proper use, closed with a question and answer session with prizes. To find out the benefits of counseling in increasing knowledge and attitudes about self-medication, before and after counseling, participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire. Based on the evaluation of filling out the questionnaire before and after counseling, it is known that in general there was an increase in the average points (criteria) of knowledge and attitudes from the previous 44.71 and 41.76 (less) to 56.47 and 52.94 (enough). In more detail, the increase in the mean points (criteria) of knowledge and attitudes of the foundation management group and teachers increased from points 57.14 and 40 (less) to 77.14 (good) and 62.86 (sufficient). From the group of high school students increased from 31.11 and 42.22 points (less) to 60.00 and 64.44 (enough). And from the group of junior high school students increased from 44.71 and 41.76 points (less) to 56.47 and 52.94 (enough). From the results of the evaluation it can be concluded that the extension activities are proven to be able to increase the knowledge and attitudes of the community in conducting self-authentication.

Faiz Hasyim ◽  
Tjipto Prastowo ◽  
Budi Jatmiko

<p class="16">Covid-19 spurs teachers to carry out online learning. This study aimed to analyze the improvement of students' critical thinking skills through online learning based on Android-based PhET Simulation. This research was Quasi-Experimental using one group pre-test and post-test design involving 27 students of class VIII who program science subjects at MTs Alif Laam Miim Surabaya, Indonesia. The research instrument used critical thinking skills tests that have met valid and reliable requirements. Before and after learning activities, students were given a pre-test and a post-test. The data collected was analyzed descriptively quantitatively. The results showed that there was an increase in students' critical thinking skills with an average N-gain of 0.57, in the medium category. The highest N-gain was achieved in the "interpretation" indicator, which is 0.83 in the high category and the lowest in the "analysis" indicator, which is 0.39 in the moderate category. This study concluded that learning science by using an Android-based PhET Simulation can improve the critical thinking skills of junior high school students.</p>

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