scholarly journals Analysis of the Health Beliefs of Physical Education and Sports Teachers Regarding Sportive Recreational Activities

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 182
Recep Fatih Kayhan ◽  
Ümit Doğan Üstün

This paper aimed to analyze the health beliefs of physical education and sports teachers regarding sportive recreational activities in the extent of their socio-demographic features. The study sample consisted of 286 (101 male & 185 female) physical education teachers. In the study to collect data, we used the “Health Belief Scale for Sportive Recreational Activities” scale. In analyze of the data, first, we calculated Cronbach’s Alpha, Skewness and Kurtosis values. Then we used One Way Anova and Independent samples t-test at 95% confidence level. We used Tukey’s HSD as second degree test. Analyze results showed that the participants had a high level of health belief regarding sportive recreational activities. Besides, there were significant differences in the variable health belief according to marital status, and believe in the ideas that sportive recreational activities are useful for mental and physical health as well as the treatment of chronic diseases. However, there was not any significant differences according to gender and number of weekly activities performed. As a conclusion present study showed that PE & sports teachers see sportive recreational activities as a preventive against diseases and better health.

2007 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 271-288
Dusanka Lazarevic ◽  
Biljana Trebjesanin

This paper presents the results of the research of the characteristics of achievement motive of future physical education teachers. Starting from understanding of the importance of achievement motive for the successful accomplishment of professional goals and roles of teachers, the aim of our research is to examine the level of achievement motive, the characteristics of its structure and differences according to gender. The instrument MOP2002 (Francesko et al., 2002a) was applied, which presupposes the complex structure of this motive. The sample consisted of 373 students (263 male and 110 female) of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education in Belgrade. The results show that their achievement motive is characterized by the tendency towards high level of presence, and its structure is in the largest degree determined by the components accomplishing goals as a source of pleasure and perseverance in accomplishing goals, which is followed by orientation towards planning. The component competing with others is demonstrated in a moderate degree and it is least expressed. It was shown that female students have a larger degree of achievement motive when compared to male students, and accomplishing goals as a source of pleasure and perseverance in accomplishing goals mostly contribute to the difference in structure of achievement motive. It can be expected that the achievement motive, with the structure and degree of presence determined in our respondents, will contribute that they, as future teachers, become a good motivational model and the creators of a desirable motivational climate.

2009 ◽  
Vol 37 (2) ◽  
pp. 223-230 ◽  
Okkes Alpaslan Gencay

The main purpose of this study was to determine the validity and reliability of the Physical Education Teachers' Physical Activity Self-efficacy Scale (PETPAS), developed by Martin and Kulinna (2003), in a Turkish setting, and to test if there are any differences according to gender and teaching experience of Turkish PE teachers. The Turkish version of the PETPAS was administered to 227 physical educators from 3 cities in Turkey. Exploratory factor analysis showed that the scale consists of 4 dimensions, as does the original. Cronbach's alpha was .86, and both the Equal-Length Spearman Brown split-half coefficient (r = .72) and Guttman's split-half coefficient (r = .73) showed good results. The independent t test results revealed that there were significant gender differences in space, time, and institution subscales. One way ANOVA results also indicated that student and space subscales significantly differed according to teaching experience of the PE teachers. These results indicated that the PETPAS is a valid and reliable scale for Turkish culture.

2013 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 159-166 ◽  
Theda Radtke ◽  
Urte Scholz ◽  
Roger Keller ◽  
Sonja Perren ◽  
Rainer Hornung

This study constitutes the first psychometric examination of the German-language version of the Compensatory Health Belief (CHB) scale to assess the belief that unhealthy behavior can be compensated for by engaging in healthy behavior. Data from four different Swiss samples of 1,571 adolescents/students (age range 15 – 55 years), collected between 2007 and 2009, were used. Confirmatory factor analysis did not support either the hypothesized 4-factor structure or a second-order factor structure with a latent overall variable for the German-language CHB scale. These results support the inconsistent patterns of CHBs found across European cultures. Thus, the development of behavior-specific scales might be of advantage. Further recommendations for an improvement of the measurement of compensatory health beliefs are discussed.

Retos ◽  
2016 ◽  
pp. 30-34
Luis Marqués Molías ◽  
Jose Cela Ranilla ◽  
Mercè Gisbert Cervera

This study analyses the differences between pre-service Physical Education Teachers (PET) and other students of Education with regard to the ability of self-management. The sample comprised of 58 Spanish students of Education in their last year at the university. The comparison context was a 3D simulation learning environment. Descriptive statistics and non-parametric tests were conducted to develop this research work. Results showed that this technological environment is a space in which students of Education display a high level of self-management ability performance. Results also evince that PET students present better scores than other students of Education in terms of self-management.Resumen. Este estudio analiza las diferencias entre estudiantes para maestros de Educación Primaria con la especialidad de Educación Física y otros estudiantes de Educación respecto a la competencia de autogestión. En este estudio participaron 58 estudiantes españoles de Educación en su último año de universidad. El contexto en el que se desarrolló la experiencia fue un entorno de aprendizaje de simulación 3D. Para su análisis se realizaron estadísticos descriptivos y pruebas no paramétricas. Los resultados mostraron que este entorno tecnológico es un espacio en el cual los estudiantes de Educación despliegan un alto nivel de desempeño en la competencia de autogestión. Los resultados también ponen de manifiesto que los estudiantes de Educación Física obtienen mejores resultados que estudiantes de otras disciplinas respecto a la competencia de autogestión.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-69
Marcel Pomohaci ◽  
Ioan Sabin Sopa

Abstract The planning process in every domain represents the first fundamental process; also, the physical and sport activity needs meticulous planning of the activity so that the density of the physical lessons and the efficiency to be at a high level. Our study is based on a questionnaire undertaken by ten physical education teachers from Sibiu City regarding planning the PE activity, the efficiency of the methods used in planning the activity, and other essential problems that occurred in the process of planning the PE activity. The research found out that the planning activity must be changed and adapted to children’s new needs in teachers’ opinion. Also, the documents are often too many and sometimes useless occupying teachers’ time and not being so efficient. The research conclusions are that planning the PE activity is a significant activity and new ways of planning and new curriculum should be added, and many inefficient documents should disappear so that the teachers’ time is used more efficiently.

1987 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 292-297 ◽  
Rachel Harris ◽  
Margaret W. Linn ◽  
Jay S. Skyler ◽  
Richard Sandifer

A Diabetes Health Belief Scale (DHBS) was developed to measure attitudes about diabetes care that could help to explain compliance with prescribed medical regimens. A preliminary version of the scale contained 71 items covering areas identified previously as important in determining health behavior. From pretesting of the scale, 40 items were selected for further study. Items were submitted to factor analysis to determine the dimensions measured. Seven factors using 38 items emerged that were relatively independent and reliable. Validity of the scale was tested by its ability to predict compliance with medical regimens six weeks later in 120 men. Compliance was measured by self-report and nurse's evaluation as well as by metabolic control of diabetes. Different factors were associated significantly with compliance and control. Although tested only on men, the DHBS should be useful in describing the health beliefs of diabetic patients and could suggest areas where intervention was needed to improve compliance.

2015 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 225-241 ◽  
Yunus Arslan

This study examined preservice physical education teachers’ (PPETs’) technopedagogical content knowledge (TPCK) competencies. The participants were 1028 PPETs from 26 major universities representing all seven geographical regions of Turkey. The Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Deep- Scale developed by Kabakci Yurdakul et al. (2012) was used to measure TPCK competencies of PPETs. Descriptive statistics, an independent samples t test, and multivariate analysis of variance were used to analyze the data. The results showed that PPETs rated themselves at a high level in self-reported TPCK competencies in terms of the entire scale and its factors (design, exertion, ethics and proficiency). There was no significant main effect for gender (p < .05). Computer/internet-based background (p > .05) and PPETs’ interest in keeping up with the latest PE-related technological developments (p > .05) were significant variables in PPETs’ TPCK competencies. Overall, this study offers some evidence that the use of information and communication technology (ICT) is an important factor affecting PPETs’ TPCK competencies.

2020 ◽  
pp. 104-109
Konokh A.P. ◽  
Makovetska N.V. ◽  
Konokh A.A.

У статті проаналізовано сучасний стан формування фахової компетентності майбутніх викладачів фізичного виховання у сфері екологічного туризму, що підтвердив актуальність і доцільність вибраної проблеми дослідження, її недостатню теоретичну розробленість у педагогічній теорії та практиці. Це пов’язане з тим, що спеціалізація «Екологічний та спортивний туризм» відсутня у навчальних планах підготовки майбутніх викладачів фізичного виховання в закладах вищої освіти України. Доведено, що фахова підготовка майбутніх викладачів фізичного виховання, здатних на високому рівні використову-вати екологічний туризм у професійній діяльності, є однією з важливих умов підвищення інтересу дітей та молоді до занять фізичною культурою, туризмом і спортом, забезпечення необхідної рухової актив-ності, розвитку, збереження та зміцнення їхнього здоров’я. Фахова компетентність викладача фізично-го виховання у сфері екологічного туризмурозглядається як інтегративна характеристика особистості, що містить сукупність мотивів та інтересів, теоретичні знання, практичні вміння й навички, фахово важливі якості (фізичну підготовленість, креативність і емпатію, комунікативні та організаторські здіб-ності).Визначено, що з урахуванням значного попиту на фахівців цієї галузі фахова підготовка майбут-ніх викладачів фізичного виховання, компетентних у сфері екологічного туризму, має здійснюватися на факультетах фізичного виховання за спеціалізацією «Екологічний та спортивний туризм», адже саме ця спеціалізація враховує особливості цієї підготовки. Практичне значення одержаних результатів поля-гає у забезпеченні навчально-методичного супроводу формування фахової компетентності майбутніх викладачів фізичного виховання у сфері екологічного туризму, що охоплює: авторські навчально-ме-тодичні комплекси дисциплін спеціалізації «Екологічний та спортивний туризм» та їх електронний контент; навчально-методичний посібник та методичні рекомендації; програми наскрізної практичної підготовки; тестові завдання; програму роботи туристського студентського гуртка Запорізького націо-нального університету.Матеріали дослідження були використані в процесі модернізації професійної підготовки майбут-ніх викладачів фізичного виховання у сфері екологічного туризму, у теоретичних і експериментальних дослідженнях з теорії та методики професійної освіти, для вдосконалення освітнього процесу в закла-дах вищої освіти. The article analyzes the current state of formation of professional competence of future teachers of physical education in the field of eco-tourism confirmed the relevance and feasibility of the chosen research problem, its lack of theoretical development in pedagogical theory and practice. This is due to the fact that the specialization “Ecological and sports tourism” is absent in the curricula of future physical education teachers in higher education institutions of Ukraine. It is proved that professional training of future physical education teachers, able to use eco-tourism in professional activities at a high level, is one of the important conditions for increasing the interest of children and youth in physical culture, tourism and sports, providing necessary physical activity, development, preservation and strengthening their health. The following structural components of the formation of professional competence of future teachers of physical education in the field of ecological tourism have been identified and characterized: personal, cognitive, praxeological, reflexive.The practical significance of the obtained results is to provide educational and methodological support for the formation of professional competence of future teachers of physical education in ecological tourism, which covers: the author’s educational and methodological complexes of disciplines of specialization “Ecological and sports tourism” and their electronic content; training manual and guidelines; cross-cutting practical training programs; test tasks; program of work of the student tourist circle of Zaporizhzhia National University. The research materials were used in the process of modernization of professional training of future teachers of physical education in ecological tourism, in theoretical and experimental studies on the theory and methodology of vocational education, to improve the educational process in institutions of higher education. On the basis of secondary diagnostics of the level of professional competence of future teachers of physical education in ecological tourism, the results are obtained, which testify a significant positive dynamics according to all criteria. Analysis of the results has showed positive changes in the control group and the experimental group, but in the experimental group they have occurred more intensively. Thus, by the end of the experiment, the number of future teachers increased by 89% at the high level, by 2% at the sufficient level, and at the average and low levels their number decreased by 77% and 14%, respectively. The control groups also experienced positive changes, but at a high level they were not significant.Solving the objectives of the study made it possible to achieve its purpose – to substantiate scientifically the set of organizational and pedagogical conditions and conceptual model that ensure the effectiveness of the formation of professional competence of future teachers of physical education in eco-tourism.

Orce Mitevski ◽  
Biljana Mitevska Popeska ◽  
Katerina Mitevska Petrusheva

Personal approach toward learning process and interest for learning during university education are underlined as one of the key factors for success during university studies. The aim of this paper is to determine the motivation of students – future physical education teachers for academic work. The study was conducted on a sample of 69 participants, students in the first year at Faculty of physical education, sport and health at University in Skopje, North Macedonia. Questioner comprised from 11 items, designed as 4 – point Likert scale was applied. Three groups of indicators for academic work were determined: active involvement in teaching process; inner self – discipline for learning; strive to supplement and extend personal knowledge. Study results suggest on positive attitude toward academic work and respectively high level of motivation, different approaches in achieving results in academic work. Achieving long – lasting knowledge is underlined as priority in academic work of students included in this study. Obtained results are valuable for university professors indicating the key points that should be consider in order to achieve highly motivated students and maximal learning result. Keywords:  motivation, university students, learning, teaching process;

2019 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 161-172
Antonina Rozsokha ◽  
Michael Kravets

The article analyzes the current state of professional training of future physical education teachers in higher education institutions of Ukraine for local lore on the basis of a competent approach. The criteria, indicators and levels of readiness of future physical education teachers for local lore in the course of their professional training are highlighted. A number of different approaches to the evaluation of the criteria for the formation of readiness of future specialists have been investigated. The correspondence of each criterion of readiness of future teachers of physical culture to local lore activity is established by the indicators reflecting qualitative and quantitative characteristics of its competences. On the basis of the analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature, the indicators of the readiness of future teachers of physical culture for local lore are determined, namely: motivational, cognitive and activity. The boundaries of the level of preparedness of future physical education teachers for local lore are clearly defined on the basis of the competence approach: insufficient, sufficient and high. The criterion of formation of future physical education teachers' readiness for local lore is an objective characteristic that reflects its essential features and by means of which they make comparative assessment of the effectiveness of its formation in traditional and isolated pedagogical conditions. The structure of future physical education teachers' readiness for local history activities included a motivational component, a cognitive component, and an activity component. The level of readiness for local lore activity of future physical education teachers has been determined: insufficient level (low, reproductive), sufficient level (average, productive), high level (creative). The readiness of physical culture teachers for local lore is determined by the functions: cognitive, communicative, developmental, adaptive, informative, reflexive.

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