2003 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Cláudia Márcia Vieira Gusmão

Neste trabalho são apresentadas reflexões sobre uma prática realizada com jovens em Saúde Mental. Sintetizam uma parte da pesquisa realizada para Dissertação do Mestrado em Psicologia. Utilizei como referência teórica autores da Psicologia Social, que trabalham com uma concepção dialética de homem e de grupo, principalmente os estudos de Ignácio Martín-Baró e Silvia Lane. Estes autores postulam que o grupo é um processo permeado por contradições que refletem a sociedade onde seus participantes estão inseridos. Procurei também refletir sobre esta prática no contexto das transformações que vêm sendo realizadas com a Reforma Psiquiátrica. Com relação aos aspectos metodológicos, utilizei a pesquisa qualitativa e, como instrumento de coleta de dados, a observação participante. Os dados empíricos foram agrupados e analisados a luz das categorias teóricas assinaladas pelos autores citados. Os resultados da pesquisa sinalizaram para a importância de se refletir sobre as práticas sociais realizadas em distintos contextos sociais, buscando adequá-las à realidade da população, além da necessidade de espaços de interação social abertos ao diálogo e à construção de vínculos afetivos importantes para o fortalecimento da identidade dos jovens. No contexto da saúde mental, considero também importante abordar a interação com outros segmentos sociais, possibilitando a construção de uma prática interdisciplinar que permita a multiplicação de informações, trabalhando sobre os preconceitos, reduzindo-se assim a exclusão social.Group process: reflections on a practice with youngsters in mental healthAbstractIn this work reflections are presented about a practice that was done with youngsters in Mental Health. It summarizes part of a research that was done for a master dissertation in Psychology. I used, as a theoretical reference, authors from the Social Psychology area, who work with a dialectic concept of men and group, mainly the studies of Ignácio Martín-Baró and Silvia Lane. Those authors advocate that the group is a process that is filled with contradictions, which reflect the society where their members are inserted. I also intended to reflect about that practice in the context of the transformations that are being done under the Psychiatric Reform. Regarding the methodological aspects, I made use of the qualitative research and, as a tool for data collection, of the participative observation. The empiric data was grouped and analyzed under the light of the theoretical categories signaled by the cited authors. The research results pointed to the importance of reflecting about the social practices that are conducted at different social contexts, trying to adapt them to the population’s reality, besides the need of spaces of social interaction opened to the dialog and to the construction of affective connections, which are important for the strengthening of those youngsters identity. In the context of mental health, I also consider important to approach the interaction with other social segments, allowing the construction of an interdiscipline practice, which permit the multiplication of the information, working over the pre-concepts and therefore reducing the social exclusion.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (Supplement_5) ◽  

Abstract The Shanghai declaration (WHO 2016) stated the role that health literacy (HL) may play in the struggle for more equitable society. Moving from good intentions to social practices of HL reveals that the social context where HL is embedded is a key determinant of the establishment of social practices that may play a critical role in wellbeing and quality of life. Exploring how the translation of HL into a social context is achieved or how the social context may determine strategies to face the challenges that HL production need, is a relevant domain in the public health and health promotion agenda. The aim of this workshop is to share with the audience an opportunity to immerse in five social contexts and explore their HL practices. The first perspective is from Cameroon and the emphasis is on HL role in increasing health knowledge. The authors share the results of an ethnographic analysis of the role of school children in the development of HL in families. The second presentation will unveil one of the topics that is influencing health and well-being of children today when a large struggle to counter act sugar beverages is at the root of obesity. Therefore, a study case from Portugal will focus on HL impact on nutrition status and water intake in children showing the relevance of the social context considered a way forward in the struggle for health promotion. From Germany a third presentation will consider migrants and refugees children's role in promoting the family HL. Recent research on HL stresses the importance of the social context for children's HL, especially among vulnerable groups such as migrants and refugees. However, reaching migrants is difficult, so experts recommend adult second language courses (SLC) as promising settings to promote HL of migrants and their families. Yet, empirical evidence of promoting family health literacy (FHL) in SLC is scarce and therefore addressing such a topic is seminal towards improving the Shanghai HL vision above referred. In Switzerland, adolescent's mental health promotion is the focus of a psychoeducational tool in the pediatric primary care (PPC) that will be considered in the fourth presentation. The aim is to scrutinized this social context, increase mental health literacy of adolescents by implementing proactive mental health strategies and create an opportunity for open discussion with their pediatrician about mental health. Finally, the fifth presentation aims at illuminating (digital) HL practices using applied linguistics. HL is key to making well-informed health decision in analogous and virtual social situations and organizational contexts. Multiple models and instruments of HL exist, but an in-depth understanding of the various HL-related everyday life situations and their digital and linguistic requirements are scarce. Here, the expertise and necessary skills for everyday communication, including health, are the object of an ethnographic research to help fill this gap. Key messages The relevance of the social context and how changes of this context can lead to transformations that influence health literacy of children is a way forward in the struggle for health promotion. share with the audience an opportunity to immerse in five social contexts and explore their HL practices.

Abigail J. Stewart ◽  
Kay Deaux

This chapter provides a framework designed to address how individual persons respond to changes and continuities in social systems and historical circumstances at different life stages and in different generations. We include a focus on systematic differences among the people who experience these changes in the social environment—differences both in the particular situations they find themselves in and in their personalities. Using examples from research on divorce, immigration, social movement participation, and experiences of catastrophic events, we make a case for an integrated personality and social psychology that extends the analysis across time and works within socially and historically important contexts.

Michael Bennett

AbstractThis chapter draws on the author’s personal experience together with the findings from his qualitative research, to explore the cultural values driving problems of mental health and well-being among professional footballers. The study makes explicit the way in which players are expected to hide their experiences of being objectified—of being subject to gendered, racialised and other forms of dehumanisation—and denied a legitimate lived experience, an authentic heard voice. The chapter illustrates the importance in values-based practice of knowledge of values gained as in this instance by way of qualitative methods from the social sciences being used to fill out knowledge derived from individual personal experience.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Thomas Ahrens

Purpose Expanding on an invited talk at the 1st Paper Development Workshop of the Qualitative Management Accounting Research Group, the purpose of this study is to offer some suggestions for developing qualitative accounting papers. Emphasis is put on the potential of qualitative research to situate evocative accounts of the organisational functionings of accounting in their wider social contexts. Design/methodology/approach To think about paper development as an exercise in communicating worthwhile findings to the readership by interweaving the researcher’s impressions of the field, recorded field material and different social theories to create qualitative accounting scholarship. Findings Qualitative accounting papers can, through the use of different theories, show the embedding of the organisational in the social. Development of qualitative accounting papers is an achievement that emerges in the process of writing. Practical implications Outlines five summary recommendations for paper development. Originality/value Reflects on paper development designed to create qualitative accounting research.

Luana Maris Borri ◽  
Lúcia Hilda Machado ◽  
Ana Letícia De Giuli ◽  
Carolina Oliveira Zerbinatti ◽  
Flavia Kroehnke ◽  

O presente estudo visa investigar os fatores psicossociais potencialmente prejudiciais, que interferem na qualidade de vida de adolescentes gestantes, que residem na cidade de Joinville (SC) através de uma pesquisa de campo de abordagem qualitativa. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de uma entrevista semiestruturada com três gestantes com idades entre 10 e 19 anos, sendo que a análise foi realizada a partir da Análise de Conteúdo de Bardin, considerando o referencial teórico da Psicologia Social. Para abarcar a questão da gravidez de adolescentes e os fatores psicossociais, que interferem na sua qualidade de vida, as reflexões propostas foram organizadas pelas seguintes subcategorias: família, âmbito escolar, relacionamento, questões financeiras, fatores psicossociais positivos e negativos, mudanças, preconceito e planos futuros. Sendo assim, apesar de se buscar os aspectos comuns nas gestantes, percebeu-se justamente que cada adolescente e sua família recebem e lidam de maneiras diferentes com a gestação, levantando justamente a importância de não definir fatores determinantes ou generalizados sobre as gestações, visando sempre respeitar a singularidade de cada pessoa. De modo geral, a partir dos resultados da pesquisa foi possível confirmar a hipótese de que a maternidade impacta, diretamente, no futuro destas adolescentes, visto que interfere nos estudos, nas possibilidades de se conseguir um bom trabalho, uma moradia digna e uma estabilidade econômica, gerando uma (in) sustentabilidade, pois as mesmas repetem situação de vulnerabilidade, como condições econômicas reduzidas e prejuízos em relação ao âmbito escolar dos filhos. Palavras-chave: Adolescência. Qualidade de Vida. Fatores Psicossociais. Gravidez. Psicologia Social.AbstractThe present study aims to investigate the potentially harmful psychosocial factors that interfere with the quality of life of pregnant teenagers who reside in the city of Joinville (SC), through a field research of a qualitative approach. Data collection took place by means of a structured interview with three pregnant women aged 10 to 19 years, being that the analysis was performed based on the analysis of the content of Bardin, considering the Social Psychology theoretical framework. To encompass the issue of adolescent pregnancy and psychosocial factors that interfere in their quality of life, the proposed reflections have been organized by the following subcategories: Family, scholastic, relationship, financial issues, psychosocial factors both positive and negative, changes, prejudice and future plans. Thus, although the common aspects in pregnant women were sought, it was realized that each adolescent and herfamily receive and deal in different ways with the pregnancy, raising precisely the importance of not defining factors or generalized about the pregnancy, always aiming at respecting the uniqueness of each person. Generally, from the search results it was possible to confirm the hypothesis that the motherhood directly impacts on the future of these adolescents, since it interferes in the studies, the possibilities of getting a good job, a decent housing and economic stability, generating an (un)sustainability, because the same repeat situation of vulnerability, such as reduced economic conditions and losses in relation to the scope of school children.  Keywords: Adolescence. Quality of Life. Psychosocial Factors. Pregnancy. Social Psychology.

2003 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-164 ◽  
John A. Tetnowski ◽  
Thomas C. Franklin

As clinical speech-language pathologists seeking different ways to understand the complexity of communication within naturalistic and social contexts, we are progressively adapting the qualitative research methods of the social sciences for our assessment purposes. This article discusses some basic principles and practices discussed previously in this forum on qualitative research and demonstrates how they can be employed to provide effective and sufficient clinical communicative assessment.

2014 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-73 ◽  
Leandro Barbosa de Pinho ◽  
Luciane Prado Kantorski ◽  
Agnes Olschowsky ◽  
Jacó Fernando Schneider ◽  
Annie Jeanninne Bisso Lacchini

This study proposes to analyze the discourse of workers in a Psychosocial Care Center regarding the operation of the ideologies which express the dimension of social practices incorporated at this service. This was a qualitative research, and the corpus was originated by transcription of semi-structured interviews, applied to 17 out of the 25 workers of a substitute service in a city in southern Brazil. The theoretical-methodological analysis of the operation of ideologies by John Thompson was used. The discourse analysis of the workers' practice shows a plurality of ideological manifestations, so that they reserve the changing practices with innovative and creative features such as the maintenance of obsolete models, hindering or even preventing these changes. In conclusion, these issues should be worked continuously in everyday services, being a major challenge to the consolidation of the psychiatric reform in Brazil.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 76-89
Kateřina Maloušková ◽  
Martin Fafejta

This paper is based on qualitative research among people diagnosed with a mental illness who voluntarily attend a mental health center. Such individuals are given a degrading “mentally ill” label, which transforms them into a “new” person. This study showed that—due to their label—research participants are often socially marginalized—not only in the public but also in the private sphere. As members of an “organized deviant group” (the mental health center), they follow a “deviant career” and find a job outside the regular job market. Their marginalization is not only caused by their health problems (by their impairment), but they are also disabled through social reactions to these problems. Psychiatry based on the biological model of the disease cannot, therefore, help them without the cooperation of social science approaches dealing with social marginalization.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-110
Yasyifa Fajaria Nursyamsi ◽  
Dindin Sholahudin ◽  
Tata Sukayat

This research describes the message of dakwah clarity of discourse. Film as a medium of da'wah becomes a thing to be examined both in terms of meaning and production, especially in the field of I'lam. Its presence in the scholarship of da'wah can be a reference that supports the spread of Islamic values. This qualitative research uses the theory of discourse analysis according to Teun Van Djik with the concept of 'social cognition' which is adapted from the social psychology approach to explain the structure and process of forming a text. The results of the film Love in this ukhuwah got three main conclusions: first the text of this film contain Message da'wah with the topic of tolerance, ukhuwah and inclusivism. Second, the social cognition of the author's personal experience affects how text scenarios are produced. Thirdly, the social context of Islamic societal issues is raised as 'conflict and anti-climax' in dialogue on scenarios and film texts produced. The story presented in the film is lifted from the discourse through psychosocial approaches, constructing discourses about critical attitudes and tabayun against this Jewish strategy as a moral message.   Penelitian ini memaparkan pesan dakwah dari kejelasan wacananya. Penelitian kualitatif ini menggunakan teori analisis wacana menurut Teun Van Djik dengan konsep ‘kognisi sosial’ istilah yang disadur dari pendekatan psikologi sosial untuk menjelaskan struktur dan proses terbentuk suatu teks. Hasil penelitian di film Cinta dalam Ukhuwah ini didapatkan tiga kesimpulan utama: pertama secara teks film ini mengandung Pesan dakwah dengan topik toleransi, ukhuwah dan inklusivisme. Kedua, kognisi sosial pengalaman pribadi penulis mempengaruhi bagaimana teks skenario diproduksi. Ketiga, konteks sosial permasalahan masyarakat Islam diangkat sebagai ‘konflik dan anti klimaks’ dalam dialog pada teks skenario dan film yang diproduksi. Cerita yang disampaikan dalam film di angkat dari wacana melalui pendekatan psikososial, mengkontruksi wacana tentang sikap kritis dan tabayun terhadap strategi yahudi ini sebagai pesan moral.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-44
Alfian Rokhmansyah

This study aims to reveal the social behavior and the factors that influence the social behavior of the main character in Pengakuan Pariyem novel by Linus Suryadi. To achieve these goals, this study used social psychology theory and interpersonal theory (FIRO—Fundamental Interpersonal Relation-Orientation) popularized by William C. Schultz. This research is a qualitative research and descriptive method with psychology of literature studies. The results showed that when viewed from the type of inclusion, Pariyem was a figure who had social behavior. Social behavior found in Pariyem arises from his social interaction with several figures.

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