scholarly journals Nos bastidores dos CIEPs: entrevista com Silas Ayres, assessor de Maria Yedda Linhares na SME-RJ (1983-1986)

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 285 ◽  
Sheila Cristina Monteiro Matos

Esta entrevista, de cunho memorialístico, tem por finalidade colher subsídios para análise dos projetos político-pedagógicos em disputa no I Programa Especial de Educação, objetivando referências sobre as relações entre as práticas pedagógicas e o pensamento educacional propagado entre os educadores na década de 1980. Esse Programa teve como principal fazimento os Centros Integrados de Educação Pública, principal experiência brasileira acerca escola pública de tempo integral. Foi entrevistado o professor Silas Ayres, assessor e chefe de gabinete de Maria Yedda Linhares, secretária municipal de educação do Rio de Janeiro entre 1983 e 1986. È possível perceber, pela entrevista, que Maria Yedda construiu verdadeiros legados para a educação fluminense, particularmente para a educação das classes populares.In the CIEPs frames: interview with Silas Ayres, adviser of Maria Yedda Linhares in SME-RJ (1983-1986). The purpose of this interview is to gather information for the analysis of the political and pedagogical projects in dispute in the first Education Special Program, seeking references on the relationship between pedagogical practices and educational thinking propagated among educators in the 1980s. The main legacy of the program was the Integrated Centers for Public Education, the core Brazilian experience about a full-time public school. Therefore, the teacher Silas Ayres, an advisor and chief of staff of Maria Yedda Linhares, municipal secretary of education of Rio de Janeiro between 1983 and 1986 was the interviewed. Through the interview, it is possible to perceive that Maria Yedda built true legacies for the education of Rio de Janeiro, particularly for the education of the popular classes. Keywords: Integral Education; Integrated Center of Public Education; Maria Yedda Linhares.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 392
Nadiane Feldkercher ◽  
Daniela Pederiva Pensin

Com o objetivo de compreendermos as possibilidades e os desafios que envolvem a educação integral em escolas de tempo integral, desenvolvemos uma pesquisa documental, cujos dados levantados e analisados são as bases sobre as quais sustentamos este artigo. A pesquisa adotou a abordagem qualitativa e os dados foram trabalhados a partir de seis dimensões de análise: sócio filosófica, currículo, práticas de ensino, práticas de gestão, infraestrutura e política. Ao apresentar esse levantamento da produção acadêmica nacional visamos subsidiar tanto a análise sobre as temáticas quanto a implementação de políticas públicas de educação que tomam estas questões. Entre nossas conclusões destacamos a necessidade da concepção de uma escola de educação integral e/ou de tempo integral como uma mudança de perspectiva, uma alteração na forma como concebemos, organizamos, desenvolvemos e avaliamos o processo de educação escolar.Palavras-chave: educação integral; escola de tempo integral; limitações; possibilidades.INTEGRAL EDUCATION AND INTEGRAL TIME SCHOOL: pathways of the national academic productionAbstractIn order to understand the possibilities and challenges of integral education in full-time schools, we developed a documentary research, whose data have been found and analyzed, and are the basis on which this article is based. The research adopted the qualitative approach and the data were worked from six dimensions of analysis: sociological and philosophical, curriculum, teaching practices, management practices, infrastructure and politics. In presenting this survey of national academic production we aim to subsidize both the analysis on the issues and the implementation of public education policies that take these issues. Among our conclusions we highlight the need to design a full and / or full-time school of education as a change of perspective, a change in the way we conceive, organize, develop and evaluate the school education process.Keywords: integral education; integral time school; limitations; possibilities.EDUCACIÓN INTEGRAL Y ESCUELAS DE TIEMPO COMPLETO: caminos de la producción académica nacionalResumenCon el objetivo de comprender las posibilidades y los retos que envuelven la educación integral en escuelas de tiempo completo, desarrollamos una investigación documental, cuyos datos levantados y analizados son las bases sobre las cuales sostenemos este artículo. La investigación adoptó el enfoque cualitativo y los datos se trabajaron a partir de seis dimensiones de análisis: socio filosófico, currículo, prácticas de enseñanza, prácticas de gestión, infraestructura y política. Al presentar este levantamiento de la producción académica nacional pretendemos subsidiar tanto el análisis sobre las temáticas como la implementación de políticas públicas de educación que toman estas cuestiones. Entre nuestras conclusiones destacamos la necesidad de la concepción de una escuela de educación integral y / o de tiempo completo como un cambio de perspectiva, una alteración en la forma en que concebimos, organizamos, desarrollamos y evaluamos el proceso de educación escolar.Palabras clave: educación integral; escuela de tiempo completo; limitaciones; possibilidades.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 139-155
Marta Maria Aragão Maciel

Resumo: O presente texto objetiva uma abordagem, no interior do pensamento de Ernst Bloch (1885/1977), acerca da relação entre marxismo e utopia: um vínculo incomum no interior do marxismo, comumente tido numa oposição inconciliável. Daí a apropriação do termo “herético” em referência ao marxismo do autor alemão: a expressão é usada não em sentido pejorativo, mas apenas para situar seu distanciamento do marxismo vulgar, bem como sua intenção de crítica radical dessa tradição. Aqui entendemos que é, em particular, por meio da relação entre marxismo e utopia que o pensamento de Ernst Bloch aparece como um projeto inelutavelmente político com vistas a uma filosofia da práxis concreta na principal obra do autor: O Princípio esperança (Das Prinzip Hoffnung) [1954/1959]. Neste livro encontramos, com efeito, a tentativa de pensar a atualidade do marxismo para o contexto do século XX, a era das catástrofes, conforme definição do historiador Eric Hobsbawm. Palavras-chave: Marxismo. Utopia. Dialética. Crítica social. Cultura.  Abstract: This paper presents an approach within the thinking of Ernst Bloch (1885/1977) about the relation between Marxism and Utopia: an unusual link within Marxism, commonly held in an irreconcilable opposition. Hence the appropriation of the term "heretical" in reference to the German author's Marxism: the expression is used not in a pejorative sense, but only to situate its distancing from vulgar Marxism, as well as its intention of a radical critique of this tradition. Here we understand that it is particularly through the relationship between Marxism and Utopia that Ernst Bloch's thought appears as an ineluctably political project with a view to a philosophy of concrete praxis in the principal work of the author: The Principle Hope (Das Prinzip Hoffnung) [1954/1959]. In this book we find, in effect, the attempt to think the actuality of Marxism in the context of the age of catastrophe - as defined by Eric Hobsbawm - that is, the long twentieth century that experienced the extreme barbarism of the concentration camp, of which the thinker in question, Jewish and Communist, managed to escape.  Keywords: Marxism. Utopia. Dialectics. Social criticismo. Culture. REFERÊNCIAS   ALBORNOZ, Suzana. O enigma da Esperança: Ernst Bloch e as margens da história do espírito. Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes, 1995.   ALBORNOZ, Suzana. Ética e utopia: ensaio sobre Ernst Bloch. 2ª edição. Porto Alegre: Movimento; Santa Cruz do Sul: EdUSC, 2006.  BICCA, Luiz. Marxismo e liberdade. São Paulo: Loyola, 1987.  BLOCH, Ernst. Filosofia del Rinascimento. Trad. it. de Gabriella Bonacchi e Katia Tannenbaum. Bologna: il Mulino, 1981.     BLOCH, Ernst. Héritage de ce temps. Trad. Jean Lacoste. Paris: Payot, 1978.  BLOCH, Ernst. O Princípio Esperança [1954-1959]. Vol. I.  Trad. br. Nélio Schneider. Rio de Janeiro: EdUERJ; Contraponto, 2005.   BLOCH, Ernst. O Princípio Esperança [1954-1959]. Vol. II. Trad. br. Werner Fuchs. Rio de Janeiro: EdUERJ; Contraponto, 2006.   BLOCH, Ernst. O Princípio Esperança [1954-1959]. Vol. III. Trad. br. Nélio Schneider. Rio de Janeiro: EdUERJ; Contraponto, 2006.  BLOCH, Ernst. Du rêve à l’utopie: Entretiens philosophiques. Textos escolhidos e prefaciados por Arno Münster. Paris: Hermann, 2016.  BLOCH, Ernst. Thomas Münzer, Teólogo da Revolução [1963]. Trad. br. Vamireh Chacon e Celeste Aída Galeão. Rio de Janeiro: Tempo Brasileiro, 1973.  BLOCH, Ernst. L’esprit de l’utopie, [1918-1023]. Trad. fr. de Anne Marie Lang e Catherine Tiron-Audard. Paris: Gallimard, 1977.  BLOCH, Ernst. El pensamiento de Hegel. Trad. esp. de Wenceslao Roces. Mexico; Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1963.   BOURETZ, Pierre. Testemunhas do futuro: filosofia e messianismo. Trad. J. Guinsburg. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 2011, p. 690.  FREUD, Sigmund. Los sueños [1900-1901]. Trad. Luis Lopez-Ballesteros et al., Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva, 1981.  FREUD, Sigmund. A Interpretação dos sonhos. Vol. I. Trad. Jayme Salomão. Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 2006.  HORKHEIMER, Max. Filosofia e teoria crítica. In: Textos escolhidos. Trad. de José Lino Grünnewald. São Paulo: Abril Cultural, 1980, p. 155 (Coleção Os Pensadores.). MÜNSTER, Arno. Ernst Bloch: filosofia da práxis e utopia concreta. São Paulo: UNESP, 1993.     MÜNSTER, Arno. Utopia, Messianismo e Apocalipse nas primeiras de Ernst Bloch. Trad. br. de Flávio Beno Siebeneichler. São Paulo: UNESP, 1997.  PIRON-AUDARD, Catherine. Anthropologie marxiste et psychanalyse selon Ernst Bloch. In: RAULET, Gérard (org.). Utopie-marxisme selon Ernst Bloch: un système de l'inconstructible. Payot: Paris, 1976. VIEIRA, Antonio Rufino. Princípio esperança e a “herança intacta do marxismo” em Ernst Bloch. In: Anais do 5° Coloquio Internacional Marx-Engels. Campinas: CEMARX/Unicamp. Disponível em: < / cemarx_v_coloquio_arquivos_arquivos /comunicacoes/gt1/sessao6/Antonio_Rufi no.pdf>.  VIEIRA, Antonio Rufino. Marxismo e libertação: estudos sobre Ernst Bloch e Enrique Dussel. São Leopoldo: Nova Harmonia, 2010.  RAULET, Gérard (Organizador). Utopie - marxisme selon Ernst Bloch: un sistème de l’inconstructible. Paris: Payot, 1976.  ZECCHI, Stefano. Ernest Bloch: Utopia y Esperanza en el Comunismo [1974]. Trad. esp. de Enric Pérez Nadal, Barcellona: Península, 1978.  

2019 ◽  
pp. 246-256
A. K. Zholkovsky

In his article, A. Zholkovsky discusses the contemporary detective mini-series Otlichnitsa [A Straight-A Student], which mentions O. Mandelstam’s poem for children A Galosh [Kalosha]: more than a fleeting mention, this poem prompts the characters and viewers alike to solve the mystery of its authorship. According to the show’s plot, the fact that Mandelstam penned the poem surfaces when one of the female characters confesses her involvement in his arrest. Examining this episode, Zholkovsky seeks structural parallels with the show in V. Aksyonov’s Overstocked Packaging Barrels [Zatovarennaya bochkotara] and even in B. Pasternak’s Doctor Zhivago [Doktor Zhivago]: in each of those, a member of the Soviet intelligentsia who has developed a real fascination with some unique but unattainable object is shocked to realize that the establishment have long enjoyed this exotic object without restrictions. We observe, therefore, a typical solution to the core problem of the Soviet, and more broadly, Russian cultural-political situation: the relationship between the intelligentsia and the state, and the resolution is not a confrontation, but reconciliation.

А.В. Мацук

В статье исследуются события бескоролевья 1733 г. в Речи Посполитой. Согласно «трактату Левенвольде» компромиссным кандидатом на избрание монархом Речи Посполитой был португальский инфант дон Мануэль, которого предложила Австрия. Россия больше склонялась к кандидатуре «пяста». Россия оказалась не подготовленной к началу бескоролевья. Бывшие российские союзники магнаты ВКЛ рассорились с российским послом Фридрихом Казимиром Левенвольде и перешли на сторону Франции. В конце февраля 1733 г. в ВКЛ направили Юрия Ливена, который от имени российской царицы предложил поддержку в получении короны Михаилу Вишневецкому и Павлу Сангушке. Принятое на конвокационном сейме решение об избрании королем «пяста» и католика показало популярность Станислава Лещинского. В результате вслед за Австрией Россия поддержала кандидатом на корону Фридриха Августа. Магнаты ВКЛ до последнего оставались конкурентами о короне. Оппозиция Лещинскому объединилась под лозунгом защиты «вольного выбора» и поэтому в ней остались кандидаты «пясты», которые не могли уступить друг другу, и согласились на компромисс – кандидатуру Фридриха Августа. Для противодействия возможному избранию Лещинского Россия создала в ВКЛ новоградскую конфедерацию. Ее организатором стал новоградский воевода Николай Фаустин Радзивилл. Эта конфедерация становится основой Генеральной Варшавской конфедерации, которая 5 октября 1733 г. избирает королем саксонского курфюрста. The article examines the events of the «kingless» year of 1733 in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. According to the Levenwolde Treaties the compromise candidate for the Commonwealth’s throne was the Portuguese Infante Don Manuel, who’s candidacy was proposed by Austria. Russia, in turn, leaned towards the «pyasta» candidate. The Russian Empire was clearly unprepared for the start of the kingless period. Russia’s former allies – magnates of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania – came into conflict with the Russian ambassador Frederick Kazimir Levenwolde and sided with France. In late February of 1733, Empress Anna Ioanovna of Russia sent Yuri Liven to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, who offered official support in the struggle for the crown to Mikhail Vishnevetsky and Pavel Sangushka. The electoral decision made at the Sejm proved the popularity of the «pyast» and Catholic candidates, specifically – Stanislaus Leschinsky. In turn, Russia – following Austria – showed its support for the candidacy of Frederick August. The magnates of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania remained in opposition in the crown issue until the very last. Opposition to Leschinsky was united under the motto of «free choice». For that reason, it was comprised of «pyasta» candidates, who were in a deadlock with one another, and were now ready for the compromise candidacy of Frederick Augustus. In order to counter the possible election of Leschinsky, Russia created the Novograd Confederation in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. It was organized by the Novograd Voevoda Faustin Radzivill. This confederation became the core of the General Warsaw Confederation that – on October 5th 1733 – elected the Saxon King to the throne of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

This book focuses on the relationship between private and public education in a comparative context. The contributors emphasize the relationship between private choices and public policy as they affect the division of labor between public and private non-profit schools, colleges, and universities. Their essays examine the kinds of choices offered by each sector, as well as the effects of present and proposed public policies on the intersectoral division of labor. Written from neither a pro-private nor a pro-public point of view, the contributors point to the ways in which they believe one sector or the other may be preferable for certain goals or groups.

Peter Lake ◽  
Michael Questier

This volume revisits the debates and disputes known collectively in the literature on late sixteenth- and early seventeenth-century England as the ‘Archpriest Controversy’. We argue that this was an extraordinary instance of the conduct of contemporary public politics and that, in its apparent strangeness, it is in fact a guide to the ways in which contemporaries negotiated the unstable later Reformation settlement in England. The published texts which form the core of the arguments involved in this debate survive, as do several caches of manuscript material generated by the dispute. Together they tell us a good deal about the aspirations of the writers and the networks that they inhabited. They also allow us to retell the progress of the dispute both as a narrative and as an instance of contemporary public argument about topics such as the increasingly imminent royal succession, late Elizabethan puritanism, and the function of episcopacy. Our contention is that, if one takes this material seriously, it is very hard to sustain standard accounts of the accession of James VI in England as part of an almost seamless continuity of royal government, contextualized by a virtually untroubled and consensus-based Protestant account of the relationship between Church and State. Nor is it possible to maintain that by the end of Elizabeth’s reign the fraction of the national Church, separatist and otherwise, which regarded itself or was regarded by others as Catholic had been driven into irrelevance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 1566
Rong-Chang Jou ◽  
Ming-Che Chao

Introduction—Medical emergency vehicles help patients get to the hospital quickly. However, there were more and more ambulance crashes on the road in Taiwan during the last decade. This study investigated the characteristics of medical emergency vehicle crashes in Taiwan from January 2003 to December 2016. Methods—The ordered logit (OL) model, multinominal logit (MNL) model, and partial proportional odds (PPO) model were applied to investigate the relationship between the severity of ambulance crash injuries and its risk factors. Results—We found the various factors have different effects on the overall severity of ambulance crashes, such as ambulance drivers’ characteristics and road and weather conditions. When another car was involved in ambulance crashes, there was a disproportionate effect on the different overall severity, as found by the PPO model. Conclusions—The results showed that male ambulance drivers and car drivers who failed to yield to an ambulance had a higher risk of severe injury from ambulance crashes. Ambulance crashes are an emerging issue and need further policies and public education regarding Taiwan’s ambulance transportation safety.

2021 ◽  
pp. 109963622199386
Tianshu Wang ◽  
Licheng Guo

In this paper, a shear stiffness model for corrugated-core sandwich structures is proposed. The bonding area is discussed independently. The core is thought to be hinged on the skins with torsional stiffness. The analytical model was verified by FEM solution. Compared with the previous studies, the new model can predict the valley point of the shear stiffness at which the relationship between the shear stiffness and the angle of the core changes from negative correlation to positive correlation. The valley point increases when the core becomes stronger. For the structure with a angle of the core smaller than counterpart for the valley point, the existing analytical formulations may significantly underestimate the shear stiffness of the structure with strong skins. The results obtained by some previous models may be only 10 persent of that of the present model, which is supported by the FEM model.

Kortney Floyd James ◽  
Dawn M. Aycock ◽  
Jennifer L. Barkin ◽  
Kimberly A. Hires

Background: This study examined the relationship between racial identity clusters and postpartum depressive symptoms (PPDS) in Black postpartum mothers living in Georgia. Aims: A cross-sectional study design using Cross’s nigrescence theory as a framework was used to explore the relationship between Black racial identity and PPDS. Method: Black mothers were administered online questionnaires via Qualtrics. A total sample of 116 self-identified Black mothers were enrolled in the study. Participants ranged in age from 18 to 41 years ( M = 29.5 ± 5.3) and their infants were 1 to 12 months old ( M = 5.6 ± 3.5). The majority of mothers were married or cohabitating with their partner (71%), had a college degree (53%), and worked full-time (57%). Results: Hierarchical cluster analysis identified six racial identity clusters within the sample: Assimilated and Miseducated, Self-Hating, Anti-White, Multiculturalist, Low Race Salience, and Conflicted. A Kruskal-Wallis H test determined there was no difference in PPDS scores between racial identity clusters. Conclusion: This study is the first to explore the relationship between Black racial identity clusters of postpartum mothers and their mental health. Findings emphasize the complexity of Black racial identity and suggest that the current assessment tools may not adequately detect PPDS in Black mothers. The implications for these findings in nursing practice and future research are discussed.

Agriculture ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 241
Bencheng Liu ◽  
Yangang Fang

Understanding the relationship between households’ livelihoods and agricultural functions is important for regulating and balancing households’ and macrosocieties’ agricultural functional needs and formulating better agricultural policies and rural revitalization strategies. This paper uses peasant household survey data obtained from the China Family Panel Studies (CFPS) and statistical analysis methods, to analyze the differences in livelihood assets and agricultural functions of households with different livelihood strategies and the relationship between livelihood assets and agricultural functions. Households are categorized based on their livelihood strategies as full-time farming households, part-time farming I households, part-time farming II households, and non-farming households. The agricultural product supply and negative effects of the ecological service function of full-time farming households are higher than those of part-time farming and non-farming households. Part-time farming I households have the strongest social security function, while non-farming households have the weakest social security function. Non-farming households have the strongest leisure and cultural function, while part-time farming I households have the weakest leisure and cultural function. Households’ demand for agricultural functions is affected by livelihood assets. Effective measures should be taken to address contradictions in the agricultural functional demands of households and macrosocieties.

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