scholarly journals Peran Orang tua Mengatasi Dampak Negatif Gadget pada Remaja Kristen

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-36
Lamris Sihotang ◽  
Rulland Gerrit ◽  
Ester Kartika ◽  
Martina Novalina

The purpose of this study was: to determine the role of parents in overcoming the negative impact of gadgets that affect the character of teenagers. Parents must know that they have an important role in efforts to overcome the negative impact of using gadgets on teenagers. Researchers have explained the efforts made by parents to overcome the negative impact of gadgets on teenagers. The method in this research is qualitative by looking at cases in the field (case studies), data collection methods based on surveys or observations, and looking at previous studies that have been in journal form. The results of this study indicate that the role of parents in adolescents that must be carried out and carried out are: First, parents know and understand the rating of the game used by their child, the rating referred to here is the type of game played by the child, secondly, avoid installing electronic devices inside the children's room, the third creates rules that are agreed with the child, by treating time restrictions in using gadgets, the fourth parent actively monitors and pays attention to the media that is being consumed by the child, such as games and movies, the fifth communicates and discusses with the children what they can be from the games or shows they watch, the six parents control the play store on the gadget, by selectively choosing game features that do not cause negative things to the child's character. Another thing that must be done by Christian families is to teach God's word continuously to children and guide children to always build fellowship with God. Parents become educators, as educators in the family provide time and place and give responsibility by entrusting tasks within the family. family, teach discipline and educate with the example of parents. AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: untuk mengetahui peran Orang Tua dalam mengatasi dampak negatif gadget yang mempengaruhi Karakter anak-anak Remaja. Orang tua harus mengetahui bahwa mereka memiliki peran penting sebagai upaya untuk mengatasi dampak negative penggunaan gadget pada anak remaja. Peneliti sudah men-jelaskan upaya yang dilakukan oleh orangtua untuk mengatasi dampak negatif gadget pada remaja. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah Kualitatif, sedangkan metode pengam-bilan data berdasarkan survei atau observasi, serta melihat penelitian-penelitian sebe-lumnya yang sudah dalam bentuk jurnal. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peran orang tua pada anak remaja yang harus dilakukan dan dikerjakan yaitu: Pertama, orang tua mengetahui dan memahami rating game yang digunakan oleh anaknya, rating yang dimaksud disini adalah jenis game yang dimainkan anak, kedua hindari pemasangan perangkat elektronik di dalam ruangan kamar anak, ketiga menciptakan aturan yang disetujui dengan anak, dengan cara memperlakukan pembatasan waktu dalam menggu-nakan gadget, keempat orangtua aktif mengawasi dan memperhatikan media yang sedang dikonsumsi oleh anak, seperti game dan film, kelima mengkomunikasikan dan mendis-kusikan pada anak  mengenai apa saja yang mereka dapat dari game atau acara yang mereka tonton, keenam orang tua mengontrol  play store yang di gadget, dengan cara selek-tif  memilih  fitur games yang tidak  menimbulkan hal-hal negatif pada karakter anak. Hal la-in yang harus dilakukan oleh keluarga Kristen adalah mengajarkan firman Tuhan terus-menerus kepada anak dan membimbing anak senantiasa membangun persekutuan dengan Tuhan, orang tua menjadi pendidik, sebagai pendidik dalam keluarga menyediakan waktu dan tempat serta memberikan tanggung jawab dengan mempercayakan tugas-tugas di dalam keluarga, mengajarkan disiplin serta mendidik dengan keteladanan orang tua. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 76-91
Fredik Melkias Boiliu ◽  
Meyva Polii

This article discusses the role of Christian religious education in families in the digital era to improve children's spirituality and morality. The digital era is an era where everything is instantaneous and fast. In this era, all human activities are carried out online, be it work activities, education and also worship. These online activities have both positive and negative impacts. By using a descriptive-analytical method,in this paper the author discusses the negative impact of online activities on children's spirituality and morality. Spirituas and morality are the main and foremost things for children's lives or things that are very basic for children. Therefore, parents have a very important role in the family to shape the spiritual and moral of the child because good or bad spiritual and moral children depend on the role of parents in the family. In the family, parents must play their role as the first and foremost role in improving children's spirituality and morality through the role of parents as teachers, educators, mentoring, motivators, and role models.

2021 ◽  
pp. 104-109
Chernysh O.O.

The urgency of the researched problem is connected with the growing role of mass media in modern conditions leads to change of values and transformation of identity of the person. The active growth of the role of the media, their influence on the formation and development of personality leads to the concept of “media socialization” and immutation in the media. The aim of the study is to outline the possibilities of the process of media socialization in the context of immutation in the media. The methods of our research are: analysis of pedagogical, psychological, literature, synthesis, comparison, generalization. The article analyzes the views of domestic and foreign scientists on the problem of immutation in the media and the transformation of the information space. In the context of the mass nature of the immutation of society, the concept of “media socialization” becomes relevant, which is the basis for reducing the negative impact of the media on the individual.The author identifies the lack of a thorough study of the concept of “media socialization” in modern scientific thought. Thus, media socialization is associated with the transformation of traditional means of socialization, and is to assimilate and reproduce the social experience of mankind with the help of new media.The article analyzes the essence of the concepts “media space”, “mass media” and “immutation”. The influence of mass media on the formation and development of the modern personality is described in detail.The study concluded that it is necessary to form a media culture of the individual, to establish safe and effective interaction of young people with the modern media system, the formation of media awareness, media literacy and media competence in accordance with age and individual characteristics for successful media socialization. The role of state bodies in solving the problem of media socialization of the individual was also determined. It is determined that the process of formation of media culture in youth should take place at the level of traditional institutions of socialization of the individual.The author sees the prospect of further research in a detailed analysis and study of the potential of educational institutions as an institution and a means of counteracting the mass nature of the immutation of society.Key words: immutation, media socialization, mass media, media space, information.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 45-47
Sodiqova Gulbarno Odiljon qizi

This article provides an overview of the role of parents and parenting methods in teenager independent decision-making in the family, and provides relevant conclusions

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 301-315
Hanna Pułaczewska

Abstract In the article, we consider the impact of adolescence upon the usage of Polish in Polish-German bilinguals raised and living in Germany and demonstrate how adolescence surfaces as a socially based “critical period” in this usage using results from a survey and interviews conducted with 30 teenagers. In the quantitative part of the study, we seek to establish whether adolescents’ age affected the pattern and quantity of their usage of Polish in the media and contacts with age peers, whether the latter two facets of growing up with Polish were interrelated, and which other factors affected peer-relevant activities in Polish. Both age and peer contact turned out to significantly affect the use of the media in Polish, while peer contact in Polish was affected by the parental use of Polish in parent-child communication. The qualitative part presents the context and motivation for using Polish by the youths in peer-relevant activities. We integrate the results with insights provided by child development psychology from the perspective of language socialisation theory and interpret the age-related decline of interest in the Polish media as an effect of a diminishing role of parents and the increasing role of age peers as role models in personal development.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 124
Nurul Istiqomah

<p>Entrepreneurship is very important to instill independence in the younger generation. There are a number of things that have an important influence on a child's soul, including family, school and the environment. The role of the family, especially mothers as early educators who put the most important foundation for the growth of the personality and maturity of children's thinking. There are several research focuses that exist in, among others, (1) to know parents in instilling entrepreneurial education values in the central tempe chips industry in Sanan, Malang. (2) to knowing the form or result of the cultivation of entrepreneurial education values in the central tempe chips industry in Sanan, Malang (3) to knowing the obstacles in cultivating entrepreneurial education values in the Tempe chips industry center in Sanan, Malang. This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of research of community phenomena because researchers take data directly in the field. The technique of collecting data uses observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques include data collection, data reduction, and data presentation. The conclusion of this study is the role of parents in instilling entrepreneurial values is to guide and support the activities of their children in the field of entrepreneurship. The results have been well implemented through habituation. The obstacle in implementing entrepreneurship for children is the lack of parental trust so that it is difficult to teach entrepreneurship, it is difficult to determine which products are sold because they are too expensive, and the difficulty of the child to divide time.</p><p class="CPKeyword"><em><strong>Keywords: the role of parents; entrepreneurship</strong></em></p>

Afifah Fatihakun Ni'mah Wahidah ◽  
Muhammad Alfatih Suryadilaga

Urgency Parents have an important role for Early Childhood Education especially with the covid outbreak so that children have to learn from home. This article aims to examine the urgency of Early Childhood Education education in the perspective of hadith, especially the hadith on the obligations of parents in educating children, which is associated with conditions in the era of the Coronavirus pandemi. Family is the first and foremost education for a person. Education in the family plays a role in developing character, personality, cultural values, religious and moral values, and simple skills. There is a physical distancing policy so that learning is carried out online (in a network) so that the role of parents is very urgent in ensuring the continuity of their children's education. is the responsibility of the parents; Second, the best gift parents give their children is a good education; Third, parents as the first and foremost madrasa, especially for early childhood, are responsible for their children's education.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-49
Fidrayani Fidrayani ◽  
Desiana Utami

Abstract. Narcotics in unattended use can have a negative impact. The impact is potential to destroy the youth generation. It is necessary to hold the drug prevention programs, especially in schools as one of ways to prevent the widespread negative impact. The prevention can be through the role of parents, teachers and stakeholders as part of the community. The teachers’ role is divided into four sub-role, namely as educators, as advisors, as mentors, and particularly as problem solvers. The role of teachers certainly will not have power if it is not supported by the role of schools. Effots that are conducted by school stakeholder are as follow: a) compose the school rules; b) conduct inspections intensively and spontaneously; c) cooperate with related institutions for counseling and socialization; d) utilize extracurricular activities as means of prevention; e) integrate drug awareness into learning curriculum; (f) maximize the tasks as the effort of drug abuse prevention. Expectedly, these drug prevention efforts can be implemented by all schools as one of ways to prevent the destruction of the nation through NAPZA. Abstrak. Narkoba dalam penggunaan yang tidak diawasi dapat menimbulkan dampak negatif. Dampak tersebut tidak menutup kemungkinan dapat merusak generasi muda. Salah satu cara agar bahaya tersebut tidak meluas dampaknya, maka perlu program pencegahan terutama di sekolah. Pencegahan tersebut dapat melalui peran orang tua, guru dan pemangku kebijakan sebagai bagian dari masyarakat. Peran guru dibagi dalam empat yakni sebagai pendidik, penasehati, pembimbing dan lebih utama lagi sebagai problem solver. Peran guru ini tentu tidak akan memiliki kekuatan jika tidak didukung oleh peran sekolah. Upaya yang dilakukan oleh pihak sekolah adalah a) membuat tata tertib sekolah, b) melakukan razia intensif dan spontan, c) bekerjasama dengan instansi terkait guna penyuluhan dan sosialisasi, d) menggunakan ekstrakurikuler sebagai sarana pencegahan, e) memasukkan materi tentang narkotika ke dalam kurikulum pengajaran, f) memaksimalkan tugas dalam upaya pencegahan penyalahgunaan NAPZA. Diharapkan agar upaya pencegahan tersebut dapat diikuti oleh semua sekolah sebagai salah satu usaha untuk mencegah rusaknya anak bangsa melalui NAPZA. 

Ahmad Yanizon

Perkembangan moral pada masa kanak-kanak masih dalam tingkat yang rendah. Hal ini disebabkan karena perkembangan intelektual anak-anak belum mencapai titik di mana ia dapat mempelajari atau menerapkan prinsip-prinsip abstrak tentang benar dan salah. Orang tua merupakan tempat pertama terbentuknya moral anak. Kasih sayang yang diberikan orang tua terhadap anak, membangun sistem interaksi yang bermoral antara anak dengan orang lain. Hubungan dengan orang tua yang hangat, ramah, gembira dan menunjukkan sikap kasih sayang merupakan pupuk bagi perkembangan moral anak. Dengan demikian, maka penting sekali peranan orang tua di keluarga dalam perkembangan moral anak, karena orang tua merupakan pendidik pertama yang diterima anak ketika mereka terlahir kedunia. Adapun peran orang tua dalam pembentukan moral anak dilihat dari pegembangan pandangan moral, perasaan moral dan tingkah laku moral. Ketiga unsur tersebut terbentuk dari interaksi orang tua anak dalam keluarga yang berlangsung dari anak-anak hingga dewasa. Oleh karena itu, sudah seharusnyalah orang tua berperan sebagai teladan yang baik di keluarga untuk menjadi contoh bagi anak-anaknya.Kata Kunci: Moral, Peran Orang Tua Moral development in childhood is still in a low level. It is because of the children’s intellectual development has not already reached the level where he is able to learn or apply the abstract principles about right and wrong things. Parental is the first point of children’s moral formation. Parents’ Affection toward children, build their moral interaction systems. A warm, friendly, happy relationship and affection between parents and children are children’s moral development fertilizer. Thus, parents’ roles toward children’s moral development are very essential, because parents are the first educators for children when they got born into the world. Parents’ roles toward children’s moral formation are viewed from children’s developing moral vision, a sense of morality and moral behavior. These three elements were formed from parents and children’s interaction in a family since childhood to adulthood. Therefore, it is a must for parents to figure well in the family to be as a good example for their children.Keywords: Moral, Parents’ Role  

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (87) ◽  
Elena Vishtalenko ◽  
Emma Andreasyan ◽  

Most researchers of socialization processes agree that the primary socialization carried out in the family is crucial. The phenomenon of the family was considered in terms of psychological, sociological, anthropological, philosophical, biological and cultural approaches. Now the question of surrogacy is being studied in terms of the psychology of the life path of the individual; as manifestations of the meaning of life, will, responsibility; as a world of the subjective, where is always something more. Many scientists pay attention to the methodology, organization, functioning of foster families; the problems of lifestyle of orphan children in general, and in particular – in a professionally foster family. Scientists have considered the motivation of the adopted child into the family and some socio-psychological characteristics of parents. However, there are almost no studies of some individual-typological features that dysfunctionally affect family relationships, although these features may be the reason for the denial of the family's ability to be a substitute. The relevance of the study is due to the need of supplement the structural and semantic components of the psychological diagnosis of potential parents in foster families. The empirical study was conducted on the basis of the Odessa Regional Center for Social Services for Families, Children and Youth, a territorial division of the Odessa Regional State Administration. In testing took a part about 30 applicants for foster parents. With the help of Individual-typological questionnaire LM Sobchyk (ITO) there was created an average statistical portrait of candidates for the role of parents in foster families. They are characterized by a high level of extraversion (48.6%); average level of rigidity (82.9%), aggression (54.3%), anxiety (82.9%), introversion (71.5%), lability (74.3%), sensitivity (62.9%), spontaneity (60%). All these qualities positively characterize all members of the sample and confirm their reliability as potential parents in foster families. These conclusions can be used by psychologists in the selection of candidates for the role of foster parents in foster families, as well as in psychological counseling.

Retos ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
pp. 968-978
Alcides Flores Paredes ◽  
Yeny Amaru Maquera

La mujer en el fútbol en las últimas décadas ha tenido grandes avances por su práctica deportiva y apoyo familiar, lo que le ha permitido ganar espacio en el fútbol. La investigación asumió el paradigma cualitativo, con diseño etnográfico mediante 31 entrevistas y dos grupos focales, se ha analizado las influencias socioculturales que enfrenta la mujer futbolista en la liga amateur de Puno-Perú. Algunos resultados de esta investigación señalan que existen influencias socioculturales que enfrenta la mujer futbolista y está asociada con las barreras sociales de desigualdad social y provienen de condiciones económicas media y baja, refieren no recibir apoyo por parte de los directivos y medios de comunicación, además reflejan haber recibido actitudes machistas y estigmas por su género y jugar al fútbol, siendo catalogadas como marimachos y que todos estos aspectos no les limita su práctica del fútbol. Se concluye que en la autoidentificación la mujer puneña muestra su propia personalidad, tiene confianza y maneja su propia vida y se resalta el papel de los padres de familia en la iniciación, práctica y permanencia del fútbol femenino.  Abstract. Women in soccer in recent decades have made great strides due to their sports practice and family support, which has allowed them to gain space in soccer. The research assumed the qualitative paradigm, with an ethnographic design through 31 interviews and two focus groups, the sociocultural influences faced by the female soccer player in the amateur league of Puno-Peru have been analyzed. Some results of this research indicate that there are sociocultural influences faced by the female soccer player and is associated with social barriers of social inequality and come from medium and low economic conditions, they refer not receiving support from managers and the media, they also reflect having received macho attitudes and stigmas due to their gender and playing soccer, being classified as tomboys and that all these aspects do not limit their practice of soccer. It is concluded that in self-identification the woman from Puno shows her own personality, has confidence and manages her own life and the role of parents in the initiation, practice and permanence of women's football is highlighted.

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