scholarly journals A Comparative Perspective on Kabir and George Herbert's Poetry

Sucheta Chaturvedi

The Bhakti movement in India attempted reforms by fighting caste rigidities and superstitions. Almost around the same time the Cambridge reformers were attempting to reform the Catholic Church and propagating Protestant ideas. This paper attempts a comparative perspective on George Herbert’s poetry in relation to some aspects of Bhakti poetry in India, especially with reference to Kabir. George Herbert who was a Metaphysical poet is classified as a devotional poet for the corpus of religious poetry he wrote. The approach of this Metaphysical poet and poets like Kabir from the Bhakti movement has certain points of comparison. Certain similarities in the discourse of the disciple as slave to his Lord; as the lover in search of a union etc. finds place in this discussion. This paper engages in a close study of the religious poetry of George Herbert and that of Kabir in relation to the trends of the Bhakti movement. The language used by most Bhakti poets is simple and words from the vernacular languages of India find a presence in pure or mixed form. Kabir uses the ‘sadhukkadi’ or ‘khichdi’ language. Though Herbert wrote in the English language the world-view of both the poets is quite similar. Some of the images and the philosophy that manifests itself in the two poets are examined through this comparative study.

James O. Juma ◽  
Karen Van der Merwe ◽  
Danie Du Toit

This qualitative study describes and interprets the lived experiences of African RomanCatholic Church seminarians (priests-in-training). The interpretive lens employed was worldview, a conceptual tool extensively used in African-centred psychology. Sixteen Africanseminarians (age range 21–31 years) were purposely selected and interviewed in depthAdditional sources of data were reflexive notes and observation notes. Data were subjected tovarious iterative cycles of analysis. Participants described their difficulty in adjusting in theseminaries where teaching and living predominantly reflects a Western world view. Theyevidenced cognitive dissonance, emotional discomfort and feelings of marginalisation. Thefindings point to the importance of acknowledging the world views and cultural heritage ofseminarians in their training.

2021 ◽  
pp. 26-48
Bárbara Mendonça Bertotti ◽  
Cynthia Gruendling Juruena ◽  
Mohamed A. 'Arafa

This article aims to investigate in a different way the concomitant relations of conjugality - here from the moment it is formalized matrimonialized as to its conformation as a situation of fact, not Authorized and not Islamic Law. The Brazilian and Islamic legal systems admit and protect polygamous relationships? The conclusion is that the right of reply is the right of police expression manifested in polygamy. In Brazil, the laws are not of the world of facts, being inclusive, in some cases, those of the right to the right, but there is still a strong tendency to legalize the legalization of polygamy, for strictly moral/religious reasons. Thus, contrary to common sense, it may be said that the Muslim is more monogamous than the Brazilian is. Still, it can be affirmed that, although Brazil declares itself secular, in practice there is no demarcated separation between State and religion. The Islamic communism is the rights of human religion. Paradoxically, would Brazil then be cloaked in the veil of Islam? The methodology used is exploratory, from a comparative perspective, taking the necessary precautions to differentiate between the two systems.

2012 ◽  
Vol 22 (27) ◽  
pp. 37-44
Vladimir Ozyumenko

This paper deals with the verbalization and functioning of modality in English and Russian legislative discourse. By comparing the means of modality in English and Russian legislative texts, both in their qualitative and quantitative aspects, it makes an attempt to explain the revealed differences. The data were collected through a comparative study of the English and Russian versions of the UN Charter and the Consolidated Version of the Treaty on European Union. The quantitative results confirm that the English language, as compared to Russian, has a more sophisticated set of modals which are used more regularly. The qualitative findings show some differences in the choices of linguistic forms and communicative strategies. Sociolinguistic and cognitive analyses were then conducted, suggesting that these differences are rooted in culture; that is, in social organization, cultural values, the concept of self, and the relations between authority and individuals. The results advocate the idea that grammar is an ideological instrument for the categorization and classification of things that happen in the world (Thornborrow 2002). Alongside other aspects of language, it provides a lot of sociocultural information. The results are relevant to the study of translation and intercultural communication, as well as to ESL teaching.

1967 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-12
Julius Cardinal Doepfner

In The Spirit of the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Church is striving to redefine its relationship with the forces that exert great influence on the life of man. The epoch contemporary with ourselves assigns signal importance to the sciences. To these man in our time looks for norms pertinent to virtually all the spheres of his existence … and therewith for his future wellbeing (cf. the conciliar Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, par. 5).

И.Ю. Лавриненко

Постановка задачи. В статье проводится анализ феномена «пространство»/”space”, рассматриваемого в русле лингвокогнитивного подхода. Исследование осуществляется в рамках философского дискурса, материалом исследования выступает философский текст трактата Ф. Бэкона “The Essays”. Ставится задача проанализировать средства вербальной экспликации феномена «пространство»/”space” с применением семантико-когнитивного подхода, провести их интерпретационный и квантитативный анализ, определить признаки, принадлежащие к областям ближней и дальней периферии лексико-семантического поля феномена «пространство»/”space”, а также получить представление о специфике содержания данного феномена в английской языковой картине мира в трактовке философского мировосприятия. Результаты. Феномен «пространство»/ “space”в философском дискурсе Ф. Бэкона представлен в образе сада. Феномен Сад в английской картине мира - это сложное многокомпонентное когнитивное образование, к ядерным признаками когнитивной структуры которого относятся: «ограниченность», «окультуренность территории», «место отдыха». Признаки, принадлежащие к областям его дальней периферии, инкорпорированы в составе трех групп: организация пространства; действия в пространстве; оценка пространства. Наиболее представительной в квантитативном отношении репрезентируемых примеров является группа признаков организация пространства, репрезентирующая признаки геометрических параметров сада и условий организации пространства. Выводы. Феномен «пространство»/”space” в философской картине мира представляет собой сложное ментальное образование, которое можно представить в виде структурно-параметрической модели, базовыми показателями в которой выступают геометрические параметры. Метрическая точность организации составляет сущность садового пространства в понимании философии Ф. Бэкона, что определяет его следующие функции: быть комфортным местом эстетического наслаждения и релаксации человека, представлять собой результат воссоединения человеческих знаний, опыта и богатства природы. Взаимосвязанность компонентов сада, их гармоничное сосуществование создает ассоциативную параллель между организацией пространства сада и миниатюрой устройства мира в философской интерпретации Ф. Бэкона, в котором пространство - компонент растительного мира, локус которого предназначен для активной деятельности человека, постоянного эксперимента в полной гармонии с природой. Problem Statement. The article presents the analysis of the phenomenon “space” in the aspect of linguistic-and-cognitive approach to the language study. The research is conducted on the material of philosophical discourse, namely, on the texts of the philosophical treatise of F. Bacon “The Essays”. Means of verbal explication of the phenomenon “space” are analyzed using semantic-and-cognitive approach, their interpretational and quantitative analysis is conducted, the features of near and far periphery of the lexical-and-semantic field of the phenomenon “space” are determined, the specific features of its content in the English linguistic picture of the world in the consideration of philosophical world view are revealed. Results. The phenomenon “space” in the philosophical discourse of F. Bacon is represented by the image of garden. The phenomenon garden in the English picture of the world is a complex multicomponent cognitive formation, its nuclear areas of cognitive structure incorporate the following features: “limitation”, “cultivated territory”, “place for rest”. The features belonging to far periphery of the phenomenon garden can be presented by three groups: “ Organization of Space ” ; “Activity in Space”; “Evaluation of Space”. The most number of language examples represent the group “ Organization of Space ”, that contains the feature of geometrical parameters of garden and conditions of organization of garden space. Conclusion. Phenomenon “space” in the philosophical discourse is a complex mental formation. Its contents can be represented by structural-and-parametric model, basic elements of which are geometric parameters. Metric accuracy is the basis of space organization of garden in the aspect of philosophy of F. Bacon. Space is determined by the following function of garden: to be a comfortable place for esthetic visualization and relaxation, to present a result of the unity of man`s knowledge and experience and uniqueness of nature. The interconnection of the components of garden, their harmonious co-existence makes up an associative parallel between organization of garden space and miniature of the world model in the philosophical interpretation of F. Bacon. Space is considered to be a component of plant life, a locus for man`s activity, man`s constant experiment in harmony with nature.

Tatiana Ignateva

This article represents a comparative study of structural and semantic peculiarities of interrogative sentences with negation in modern languages. The solution of the problem of interrelation and mutual influence of the categories of interrogation and negation in non-cognate languages is of undeniable interest. The relevance of this work is defined by insufficient research on the topic of interrogation and negation in the sentences from comparative perspective, namely with Chuvash language. The goal consists in determining the meaning of negation in interrogative sentences and the impact of the means of negation in Chuvash language compared to English language. The language of English and Chuvash fiction literature served as the main factual material for this study. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that based on the example of sentences with negation, the authors demonstrate that the structural and semantic peculiarities of such sentences are not specific to the English language, but rather common to many languages, including Chuvash; there are nuances that depend on the history of development and structure of a particular language. The results acquired from comparative analysis of the structure and semantics of interrogative sentences with negation in non-cognate languages provide the necessary material for future elaboration of the problems of speech culture and literary translation.

Daniil Yu. Dorofeev ◽  

An article dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Joseph Brodsky examines the meta­physical and religious aspects of the poet’s understanding of the language. The au­thor explores the problem of the evolution of Brodsky's attitude to religion through the material of his numerous interviews and essays, showing that his particular po­etic religiosity, the underlying metaphysics of the language and the assessment of religious denominations were shaped under the direct influence of the ethos of the English language and its specific incarnations in the works of J. Donn and es­pecially W. Auden. The order of the English language (ordo lingua), which entered into a dialogue with the structural forms characteristic of the Russian poetic tradi­tion (metrics, rhythmics, caesura, etc.), determined the original warehouse of poet­ics, aesthetics, world view, religious metaphysics and even the external image of J. Brodsky, making for him, Calvinism and Judaism are closest to him in the mat­ter of understanding God, the world and man. Of particular importance in this context was for Brodsky the creativity and creativity of Marina Tsvetaeva and the philosophers S. Kierkegaard and L. Shestov, which was highly valued by him. For the author of the article, it was important to emphasize that both religious-metaphysical and, on the whole, the values and ideological views of J. Brodsky were determined precisely by the aesthetics of the language, to which the poet de­voted himself to unquestioning service to himself.

1966 ◽  
Vol 05 (03) ◽  
pp. 142-146
A. Kent ◽  
P. J. Vinken

A joint center has been established by the University of Pittsburgh and the Excerpta Medica Foundation. The basic objective of the Center is to seek ways in which the health sciences community may achieve increasingly convenient and economical access to scientific findings. The research center will make use of facilities and resources of both participating institutions. Cooperating from the University of Pittsburgh will be the School of Medicine, the Computation and Data Processing Center, and the Knowledge Availability Systems (KAS) Center. The KAS Center is an interdisciplinary organization engaging in research, operations, and teaching in the information sciences.Excerpta Medica Foundation, which is the largest international medical abstracting service in the world, with offices in Amsterdam, New York, London, Milan, Tokyo and Buenos Aires, will draw on its permanent medical staff of 54 specialists in charge of the 35 abstracting journals and other reference works prepared and published by the Foundation, the 700 eminent clinicians and researchers represented on its International Editorial Boards, and the 6,000 physicians who participate in its abstracting programs throughout the world. Excerpta Medica will also make available to the Center its long experience in the field, as well as its extensive resources of medical information accumulated during the Foundation’s twenty years of existence. These consist of over 1,300,000 English-language _abstract of the world’s biomedical literature, indexes to its abstracting journals, and the microfilm library in which complete original texts of all the 3,000 primary biomedical journals, monitored by Excerpta Medica in Amsterdam are stored since 1960.The objectives of the program of the combined Center include: (1) establishing a firm base of user relevance data; (2) developing improved vocabulary control mechanisms; (3) developing means of determining confidence limits of vocabulary control mechanisms in terms of user relevance data; 4. developing and field testing of new or improved media for providing medical literature to users; 5. developing methods for determining the relationship between learning and relevance in medical information storage and retrieval systems’; and (6) exploring automatic methods for retrospective searching of the specialized indexes of Excerpta Medica.The priority projects to be undertaken by the Center are (1) the investigation of the information needs of medical scientists, and (2) the development of a highly detailed Master List of Biomedical Indexing Terms. Excerpta Medica has already been at work on the latter project for several years.

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