scholarly journals Sistem Informasi Penerimaan Siswa Baru Berbasis Web pada SMK Muhammadiyah 7 Jakarta

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 96-106
Lupi Rahman ◽  
Deni Murdiani

The problem that often occurs in the implementation of new student admissions is the delay in time from the decision holder who is in charge of distributing new student admission circulars that are not on time while prospective students have come to school and are ready to register, in the admission process they still use the form. in paper form so that prospective students are required to come to school and fill out data, there is no system capable of assisting the admissions process, and files used for registration are sometimes lost when they are needed to check student data. In order to create an adequate system that is able to overcome the problems that occur, it is necessary to create a system that can overcome the process of accepting new students quickly and according to the planned schedule. penelitian This provides a solution by reviewing some of the theory and field observations in order to design new admissions information system based on web. The application development methodology that the author uses is the SDLC (System Develop Life Cycle) method with the waterfall process model until the testing stage. The programming language used is PHP and utilizes the MySQL database as a database server. This New Student Admissions information system provides information in the form of registration activities for new prospective students, verification of registration requirements, and announcement of written test results for all prospective new students who register at SMK Muhammadiyah 7. This New Student Admission application provides convenience in carrying out the Admission process. New Students, especially for prospective new students who are outside Jakarta, or for prospective new students who are quite far from the location of SMK Muhammadiyah 7

SinkrOn ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 61
Dinda Ayu Muthia ◽  
Andini Ramadhani ◽  
Adi Kurniawan ◽  
Raka Irfansyah

Acceptance of new students is one of the processes that exist in educational institutions every year, the number of prospective students who register causes the new student admission committee cannot manage everything properly so that it is less effective in handling it. In this study, the new student admission system used by Al-Basyariah Vocational School Bojong Gede still uses the system manually, which still uses paper records, so that minimal damage and even data loss occurs. Making a new student registration information system is expected to facilitate new prospective students in registering by saving time and costs compared to coming directly to school and with the information system of new student admissions, it is expected to help and simplify the processing of students in this school.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 182-194
Mia Rosmiati

Abstract: In the era of digital media development, which is increasingly rapid, almost everyone of all ages is in dire need of digital media that is connected to the internet so that people can provide and receive information quickly. With the implementation of school closures since March 16, 2020 due to the global Covid-19 pandemic, schools are carrying out online learning activities. With these conditions, the school must have an appropriate marketing strategy, the school must be able to carry out the process of admitting new students. So that many prospective students will register at the school even though the school is still not open. The solution that can be done is to develop a website-based school information system where prospective new students can access the website anywhere and anytime so that they can receive information about the school quickly, precisely, and accurately and carry out the registration process as prospective students without having to come to school. The development of a new student admission information system is designed using the Waterfall Method with the stages being carried out, namely needs analysis, design, programming, testing, and support or maintenance.Keywords: Program Design, Student AcceptanceAbstrak: Di era perkembangan media digital yang semakin pesat saat ini hampir setiap kalangan dari berbagai tingkat usia sangat membutuhkan media digital yang terhubung dengan internet sehingga masyarakat dapat memberikan dan menerima informasi dengan cepat. Dengan diberlakukannya penutupan sekolah sejak 16 Maret 2020 dikarenakan pandemi global Covid-19 sekolah melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran secara online. Dengan kondisi seperti ini sekolah harus memiliki strategi marketing yang sesuai, sekolah harus dapat menjalankan proses penerimaan peserta didik baru. Sehingga banyak calon siswa yang akan mendaftar di sekolah tersebut walaupun sekolah masih belum dibuka. Solusi yang dapat dilakukan adalah mengembangkan sistem informasi sekolah berbasis website dimana calon peserta didik baru dapat mengakses website tersebut dimanapun dan kapanpun sehingga mereka dapat menerima informasi tentang sekolah secara cepat, tepat, dan akurat dan melakukan proses pendaftaran sebagai calon siswa tanpa harus datang ke sekolah. Pengembangan sistem informasi penerimaan peserta didik baru di rancangan menggunakan Metode Waterfall dengan tahapan yang dilakukan yaitu analisis kebutuhan, desain, pembuatan kode program, pengujian, dan pendukung atau pemeliharaan.Kata kunci: Perancangan Program, Penerimaan Peserta Didik

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Ainiyatul Maghfiroh ◽  
Henderi Henderi ◽  
Giandari Maulani

New student registration is one of the processes that is normally carried out every year in educational institutions such as schools. New student registration is useful for screening prospective students who have been selected tobecome their students. In this research the process of registering new students at SMK Putra Rifara is done conventionally and has not been computerized, which allows many errors from writing data, stacking files and losing data. The formulation of the problem of this research is how to make a registration information system for SMK Putra Rifara. So the research method used is the method of observation, interviews, and library methods. The new student registration in formation system is buit with the PHP programming language and utilizes the MySQL database as a database server. The results of this study are web-based new student registration information systems that have the ability to provide data accuracy and ease for parents and prospective new students to obtain information about the school.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-166
Zulhipni Reno Saputra Elsi ◽  
Gita Rohana ◽  
Vera Nuranjani

Palembang State Junior High School 58 every year accepts new students, every year SMP N 58 always uses the form in registration and collects diplomas, SKHUN, and other files in hardcopy format so that they often experience file loss for that we need a new student admission information system based client-server and SMS gateway. This information system was designed using the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method, and an analysis and design were carried out using a Data Flow Diagram. This information system has the function of saving, delete, update, report automatically, and can send information in the form of SMS. The new student admission information system is user friendly so that it can be easily used, so the admission process is more effective and there are no more missing files

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 83
Dewi Yuliandari ◽  
Diah Wijayanti ◽  
Kurniawan Kurniawan ◽  
Yuli Komalasari

Abstrak: Pendidikan adalah hal yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan suatu bangsa, pada era sekarang ini pendidikan sudah harus bisa menyesuaikan dengan perkembangan teknologi yang ada dengan mengagas kurikulum baru yaitu kurikulum 2013 berbasis komputasi. Pada Sekolah As-Sabiquun belum ada sistem yang terkomputerisasi dalam hal peneriman siswa baru sehingga sering terjadi kerangkapan data, karena sebab itu sekolah  As-Sabiquun sangat membutuhkan adanya sistem informasi yang menunjang dalam proses penerimaan siswa baru .  Dengan demikian sudah sewajarnya jika perombakan terjadi pada sistem sekolah dengan menggunakan teknologi terkomputerisasi salah satunya adalah untuk masalah penerimaan siswa baru pada sekolah As-Sabiquun. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengembangan sistem ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode waterfall. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah berupa sistem informasi penerimaan siswa baru berbasis web yang diharapkan dapat mempermudah proses pengolahan data siswa pada sekolah As-Sabiquun.   Kata kunci: sistem informasi ,sistem penerimaan siswa baru, waterfall   Abstract: Education is a very influential thing on the development of a nation, in this current era education must be able to adjust to the development of existing technology by examining the new curriculum, namely the 2013 curriculum based on computing. In the As-Sabiquun School there is no computerized system in terms of the acceptance of new students so that duplication of data often occurs, because of that the As-Sabiquun school is in need of an information system that supports the admission process of new students. Thus it is natural that an overhaul occurs in the school system using computerized technology one of which is for the problem of admission of new students to the As-Sabiquun school. The method used in the development of this system is to use the waterfall method. The results of this study are in the form of a web-based admission information system that is expected to facilitate the processing of student data at the As-Sabiquun school.   Keywords: information system, new student admission system, waterfall

Zainuddin Zainuddin ◽  
Denny Kurniadi

In line with the increasingly rapid technology, not a few Vocational High Schools (SMK) are using technology in the service of students and even parents. In order not to compete with State and Private Vocational Schools especially in the North Aceh District of Aceh Province, the Web-based New Student Admission Application is important to be developed at the Babussalam Baktiya Integrated Private Vocational School in North Aceh District of Aceh Province to facilitate new prospective students in the New Student Admission process (PSB ) One effort to improve the New Student Acceptance process and improve service to prospective students, it requires an application that can carry out the New Student Admissions process which is not limited by place. Keywords: Information Systems, New Students, Based on Web, Web, PHP, SQL.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 150-156
Jufrison Benyamin Merukh ◽  
Emerensiana Ngaga ◽  
Frengky Tedy

New Student Admission is an activity that will always be carried out every year by schools, both public and private schools in attracting new students. The process of admitting new students needs doing quickly and precisely to support the educational process in each school. There are currently not many schools in East Nusa Tenggara that develop new student admission information system and Academic Information online. With the benefit and ease of existing technology, this new student admission information system and Academic Information set by each school. The New Student admission and Academic Information System at the Christian High School Kesetnana Soe currently still use a manual system where information on new student admissions distributed through brochures, the registration process for new students is still by filling in the form provided by the committee, data entry is not accurate, and it takes too long. Of these problems, the purpose of this research is to build an application to assist the school in the web-based admission process for the process to run effectively and efficiently. This software development uses the waterfall method, and the programming language used is PHP and MYSQL as the database. The result of this research is a system that can help make it easier for students to register and see the results of graduation anywhere and make it easier for teachers to input school academic information data online.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 53-60
Yuliawati Yunus ◽  
Indah Rahmatika Sari

This research and development is motivated by the problem of registering new students conducted manually so that, it is less effective and there are also many students who come from areas outside the city of Padang. This study aims to determine the Practicality of Designing and Making Information Systems for New Student Admissions Based on Mobile Web of SMK Negeri 7 Padang. This research uses a 4D Research & Development method. The subjects of the study amounted to 21 people, with the design and development steps as follows. (1) Define, in the define step an analysis of the requirements of the system will be carried out (2) Design, in this step a design will be made for the system to be created ( 3) Develop, in this step an assessment phase of the system will be made and (4) Disseminate, at this stage the product distribution has been made. Practicality testing is carried out on the Information System for New Student Admissions Based on the Valid Mobile of SMK Negeri 7 Padang. The overall practicality assessment results of the practical assessment of the New Student Admissions Information System Based on SMK Negeri 7 Padang Mobile Web is 86.26%, so the practical level can be interpreted to be very practical to use. In conclusion, based on the assessment along with expert input as well as the results of the field trial of the New Student Admissions Information System Based on Mobile Web as an information system that has been tested for its feasibility, excellence, and can be used in the admission process of SMK Negeri 7 Padang

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 67
Yulita Ananda

The design of the Information Systems Application System for Employee Work Target Compilation (SKP) is based on the method of evaluating civil servant work performance systematically combining the Civil Service Employee Work Target assessment with work behavior assessment. Performance appraisal consists of two elements, namely SKP and Work Behavior, with an assessment weighting of SKP elements at 60% and work behavior at 40%. From the depiction of the service mechanism at the KEMKUMHAM Aceh, an integrated information system is needed to assemble the existing subsystems into a mutually supportive unit given the still not optimal role of the computerized system in the existing service mechanism. The purpose of this study was to design an Information System for Employee Job Target Compilation (SKP) Application at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Ham Aceh using Visual BASIC.NET. The design of the system used by the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method, a software development process model classified as incremental (multilevel) techniques. RAD emphasizes short, short, and fast development cycles, and data collection techniques using research methods by observation, interview, and literature study. The tools used are Microsoft Visual Basic .NET as an application in interface design and Microsoft Office Access as a DBMS. The test results of this application are the systems that are built already meet the needs, the input data process has met the needs and the resulting report has met the needs.Keywords:Information Systems, SKP, Visual Basic .NET.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-87
Gifthera Dwilestari ◽  
Nisa Dienwati Nuris

The use of websites as a medium for disseminating information is a matter that is familiar in this era of digital technology. Telkom University which is a tertiary institution in Indonesia which often carries digital themes in its campus certainly does not want to be left behind in the use of websites as a medium for disseminating information and marketing for the community. This study aims to analyze the quality of the information system on the New Student Selection website which is used as an information center for admission of new students as well as registration for Telkom University entrance selection with indicators of McCall's information system quality factors. Based on the results of the study, the smb.telkomuniversity website is concluded to be a good quality website and can provide benefits for its users

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