scholarly journals Mechanism of Power

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 92
Mohamad Haj Mohamad

This paper attempts an examination of the concept of the mechanism of power in Suzanne Collins’ trilogy The Hunger Games. The author conducts an analytical approach to the way power is practiced, the measure that helps establish a clandestine of power relations affecting people’s life, mentality of thinking, politics and even economy.The introduction delves to present a definition of power and its concept and how it gets activated and why. Power, according to Collins is the backbone and even the elixir of life upon which the very survival of the authoritarian state headed by President Snow depends. The paper goes on to explicate the need for keeping power in place to secure the government’s grip on power. Mechanism of power as shown in the novel works on so many levels. Divide and rule marks the first and most necessary and effective means as a divisive policy aiming at preventing any potential unity among people who might employ this unity to rise up against the totalitarian government. Media and sport and economic factors are used effectively to ensure government’s control on man’s mind, body and soul and intimidate them whenever needed. Collins presents power and its mechanism as the sole relation between people and government in the novel. Absence of democratic rule in Panem, or, American states, leaves power as the only means to describe the social bond between man and state, a bond that is unilaterally respected and practiced.

2021 ◽  
Vol 85 ◽  
pp. 227-244
María Sandra Peña-Cervel ◽  
Andreea Rosca

This paper provides evidence of the fruitfulness of combining analytical categories from Cognitive Linguistics and Critical Discourse Analysis for the analysis of complex literary characterizations. It does so through a detailed study of the “tributes”, i.e. the randomly selected children who have to fight to death in a nationally televised show, in The Hunger Games. The study proves the effectiveness of such categories to provide an analytically accurate picture of the dystopian world depicted in the novel, which is revealed to include a paradoxical element of hope. The type of dehumanization that characterizes the dystopian society of Panem is portrayed through an internally consistent set of ontological metaphors which project negative aspects of lower forms of existence onto people. This selection of metaphors promotes a biased perspective on the poor inhabitants of Panem, while legitimizing the social inequalities the wealthy Capitol works hard to immortalize. However, Katniss undergoes a metamorphosis through her discovery of her own identity, which hints at an emerging female empowerment. This transformation, together with her identification with the Mockingjay, a supernatural being that voices her beliefs and emotions, contributes to disrupting the status quo imposed by the almighty Gamemakers and to purveying a message of optimism.

Lexicon ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Farhani Nurhusna

The use of sentence fragments is generally discouraged in good English writing because they lack one or more essential components of a sentence, namely a subject and/or a predicate, and thus are grammatically unacceptable. However in fiction writing, the use of sentence fragments is not only quite common in dialogue, but in narration as well. The present study analyses sentence fragments in the narration of the first novel of the young-adult science-fiction trilogy The Hunger Games written by Suzanne Collins, to investigate the types of fragments employed in the novel and their classification based on syntactic structure in the form of dependent-clause fragments and phrase fragments. The sentence fragments were further analysed for their use based on the context of their preceding sentences. The use of sentence fragments in the novel basically serves the function of creating emphasis or stressing important points in the story.

Aidatul Chusna ◽  
Lynda Susana W.A.F.

This research is aimed at revealing the new image of American popular heroes as depicted in the novel adaptation film of The Hunger Games which is created as a trilogy, which consists of two more novels: Catching Fire and Mockingjay. This film is one of the most phenomenal films in 2013-2104, which grossed out up to $407,999,255. This research used textual approach, which focused on the text as the object, that is The Hunger Games film. The result shows that The Hunger Games essentially brings the issue of slavery back into scrutiny. However, the creation of the heroin in the film is granted as the reconstruction of popular heroes in America. She is an inspiring female hero which is exemplified as the appreciation of womens values. Yet, the heroin is broadly defined with the qualities of rouge heroes as the characteristics are the representation of the belief and values associated with freedom to wash away the oppression restore the rights of the minority. In addition to the issue of slavery , the symbols of new hope and new spirit are implicitly emerged in the story. This attempt was proficiently done by the heroin, which was eventually created as the new image of the American heroes.

Ilya A. Kachkov ◽  
Natalya V. Prashсheruk

This article examines the archival documents — letters, drafts, and treaties of V. F. Odoevsky — related to his novel “Russian Nights” and dated around its publication. Odoevsky had not only preceded the writing of his novel in separate articles, but also in his numerous works, providing an insight to the content and form of his work. The reconstruction of these explanations goes together with the understanding and recognition of “Russian Nights” as a phenomenon in the unity of its problems, values, and artistic aspects. This study aims to analyze archival materials that could serve as the basis for such a reconstruction. The comprehension of a number of key concepts from the novel “Russian Nights” was made possible thanks to the connections and assessments revealed in Odoevsky’s manuscripts. They centered around the influence of German philosophy on the mood of society during that era, as well as the interaction of science, art, faith, and love. In his drafts, Odoevsky revealed in detail the nature of the social issues and relations between Russia and the West. He searched for an exact definition of skepticism and independently analyzed the image of Faust. This article shows how the collection of these archival documents complement each other, forming a single system. With this approach, the novel “Russian Nights” becomes just one of the elements of this system, leading to the general conclusion that without compiling and studying the rest of these elements, the pursuit for understanding the philosophical and artistic ideology of Odoevsky turns practically impossible.

Mykola I. Panov ◽  
Sergiy O. Kharytonov ◽  
Viktoriia V. Haltsova

The struggle of law enforcement and judicial bodies of the modern rule of law, as well as the entire society with the manifestations of crime is necessarily connected with the need for an in-depth study of crimes (hereinafter referred to as criminal offences), their essence, the structure of the constituent system elements, forms of external manifestation, which is a prerequisite for the development of the latest effective means of countering criminal offences. Among these issues, the object of a criminal offence is of particular importance, as it has a significant impact on the determination of the social characteristics of the offence and largely determines its actual objective and subjective characteristics. Meanwhile, there is no unity among scientists in the interpretation of the object of offence. The problem has therefore not yet been sufficiently studied. The purpose of the study is a scientific analysis of modern views on the object of a criminal offence and the establishment of a scientifically based content and essence of this concept. To achieve this goal, the following methods were used: dialectical, historical and legal, dogmatic, comparative, system-structural, legal hermeneutics. The article analysed the existing scientific approaches (positions) regarding the definition of the object of a criminal offense, which were systematised and reduced to two generalised groups: 1) ontological, which includes positions that recognise the object of a crime (criminal offence) as protected by criminal law public relations in various modifications; 2) axiological, which includes the interpretation of the object as values and related definitions: benefits, and individual interests. The authors made a reasoned conclusion that the object of a criminal offence is social relations that arise and exist in society about its social values, which are protected by the law on criminal liability

Elena V. Maksiutenko ◽  

The article highlights the existing tradition of understanding Laurence Sterne�s literary texts as philosophical. Author uses such research approaches as historical and literary, sociocultural and biographical. The reception of Tristram Shandy and A Sentimental Journey produced by the �English Rabelais� through the philosophical dominant in the poetics is a controversial theme that has its supporters and opponents. Occasionally some researchers totally negate philosophical direction of Sterne�s works, others � though do not deny his interest in the studies of contemporary philosophers, with many of whom Sterne had friendly relations (Hume, d�Holbach, D�Alembert, Diderot), nevertheless accuse the writer for inability to create a consistent system of philosophical ideas and become an original thinker (James Work). In course of time a number of literary critics convinced in inherency of philosophical themes for Sterne�s novels is widening (A. Hadfield, J. Hawley, Sh. Regan, P. Davies, Ch. Lupton). Experts declare that the attempts to distance Sterne�s texts from the intellectual climate of the century lead to the marginalization of his achievement and Sterne has become celebrated by �a coterie of enthusiasts� as �our most influential unread author� (Andrew Hadfield). On the contrary, Martin Battestin in his famous essays written in 1994 � �A Sentimental Journey�: Sterne�s �Work of Redemption� and �Sterne �mong the Philosophes: Body and Soul in �A Sentimental Journey� � insists on the inseparability of Sterne�s novels from the leading philosophical tendencies of the epoch. The first of his papers, �A Sentimental Journey�: Sterne�s �Work of Redemption�, is the subject of the analytical commentary in the present article. Battestin argues that Sterne can be considered the first philosophical novelist in English who discerns Locke�s radically subjectivist implications and demonstrates in the form of his narrative the principles of association of ideas and �durational time�. In A Sentimental Journey Sterne debates the mechanistic doctrines of La Mettrie and his followers, d�Holbach, Diderot and discovers in the passion and sympathy a way of rejecting Hume�s skepticism. Yorick�s figure in A Sentimental Journey, his ability to enjoy the moments of happiness, the restraint to the manifestation of the extremeness of passion transform the canon of travel writing and unnoticeably give it the form of personal journal and self-observation where the plunge into the description of everyday trifles predominates. Sterne�s A Sentimental Journey turns into the model of �the literature of sensibility� ensuring the author with the popularity within the wide range of reading public. The researchers view A Sentimental Journey as a variation of familiar features of Sterne�s style that correlates with the turn to the lyrical psychological form, the attention to the individual consciousness, the world of inner feelings and emotions. The text of the novel becomes refined, the author�s tone is frivolous and full of erotic hints. The narrator intrigues the reader with the insinuating intonation where the ironical, ambiguous and melancholic colors are mixed. In A Sentimental Journey Yorick�s travel notes look like an �imaginary journey� where the factual topography becomes the cause for extensive emotional reflection of the hero who is not constraint with the social conventions and the outer world turns to be the �mirror of the soul� and is reflected in the endless stream of changeable opinions. According to Battestin, Sterne�s emphasis on the liberating function of human sexuality is important. Claiming a spiritual value for eroticism Sterne turns to be the precursor of D. H. Lawrence and the famous final chapters in A Sentimental Journey, �The Grace� and �The Case of Delicacy�, can be viewed as the paradigm of the novel�s leading theme � the human yearning for relationship, the quest for union and sociability. Battestin comes to a conclusion that in A Sentimental Journey Sterne found a way to diminish the disturbing solipsistic implications of the new philosophy that had defined �the small world of Shandy Hall in terms of hobby-horsical self-enclosure�. He proposed to find in human senses, imagination and physiology the means of transcending materialist doctrines and of affirming the possibility of communion.

Uliya Dzikriya

This study aims to analyze plot structure in Collins’ The Hunger Games. There are several questions that researcher wants to find, what the elements of plot are, how do the elements of plot compose the plot structure of the story, and what kind of plot is applied in the novel. This study is a qualitative analysis by applying A.J. Greimas approach. The data were collected by reading, identifying, interpreting and analyzed using the approach and theories which used in this study by using actants. The result of this study were the elements of plot consist of beginning, problem of the story, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. To find out the main plot structure, this study classifies the function of each character into six actants, they are sender, receiver, subject, object, helper and opponent. Finally, the researcher concluded what kind of plot and how the ending of the novel is. The plot of the novel is dramatic or cronological plot because the story through in chronological order. In addition, the novel is closed plot because the problem of the story is solved. Keywords: Actant, Greimas, Plot, Sructuralism

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 172
Dwi Apcita Estorina ◽  
Ikmi Nur Oktavianti

English is used as a foreign language in some countries since it is one of international languages. In Indonesia, English is not the mother tongue of the majority of occupants, so the translation is needed to solve the communication problem between two different languages. This research entitled “The Translatability of Compound Words in The Hunger Games in English and Indonesian Versions” is intended to find out the English compound words equivalently translatable into Indonesian found in the novel and to describe the causes of the non-equivalent translation.This research belongs to descriptive qualitative research as the research design. The research object of this research is compound and the data of this research is the compound words of English language and Indonesian language. As for the data source, The Hunger Games novel is used as the data source of the research. In collecting the data, the researcher uses observing method. In observing method, the researcher reads, underlines, and transcribes the compound words of English and Indonesian language found in the novel. In data analysis, the researcher identifies the data based on English language and Indonesian language compound words.The analysis of the research shows that there are English compound words that can be equivalently translatable into Indonesian and some cannot. The non-equivalent translation of the compounds has the highest frequency that is 29 cases. It happens because the translator translated the English compound words into words and phrases. The frequency of equivalent translation is 21 cases in which the translator translated the English compound words into Indonesian compound. As for the causes, there are some factors triggering the inability to translate equivalently and one of the most influencing ones is cultural aspect.

2019 ◽  
Krzysztof Kozłowski ◽  
Marek Kasprzyk ◽  
Verner Faulstich

Faulstich Werner, Teoria systemu społecznego obiegu literatury [Theory of the Social System of Literature Circulation]. „Przestrzenie Teorii” 32. Poznań 2019, Adam Mickiewicz University Press, pp. 435–451. ISSN 1644-6763. DOI 10.14746/pt.2019.32.24. The main hypothesis of literature circulation in a theory system can be formulated as follows: literature circulation is an inextricable element of literature, while literature constitutes an integral part of literature circulation. To provide evidence to this supposition, it is necessary to draw from the definition of a system proposed by Helmut Wilke in his Systemtheorie (1982). The social circulation of literature demands the emergence of a series of subsystems which, as part of the system, are characterised by their own factors, relations and ways of organisation. The most important category, enabling us to tell the difference between various subsystems of the literature circulation, is the medium. It goes without saying that any kind of literature is passed on via a particular kind of medium, i.e. the novel through the medium of the book, radio drama through the medium of radio, the feature film through the medium of film, stage drama through the medium of theatre, etc. It is impossible to separate “Literature” from “Circulation”. As a consequence, the history of literature is neither a pure history of a particularpiece or utopia (the latter being the approach of the idealistic literary studies), nor pure history of media (technology) as a part of a general history of communication and society (which is the journalism approach). Instead, it clearly separates itself from both, i.e. as a history of a mediated utopia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 47 (3) ◽  
pp. 425-433
Riccardo Pozzo ◽  
Andrea Filippetti ◽  
Mario Paolucci ◽  
Vania Virgili

Abstract This article introduces the notion of cultural innovation, which requires adapting our approach to co-creation. The argument opens with a first conceptualization of cultural innovation as an additional and autonomous category of the complex processes of co-creation. The dimensions of cultural innovation are contrasted against other forms of innovation. In a second step, the article makes an unprecedented attempt in describing processes and outcomes of cultural innovation, while showing their operationalization in some empirical case studies. In the conclusion, the article considers policy implications resulting from the novel definition of cultural innovation as the outcome of complex processes that involve the reflection of knowledge flows across the social environment within communities of practices while fostering the inclusion of diversity in society. First and foremost, cultural innovation takes a critical stance against inequalities in the distribution of knowledge and builds innovation for improving the welfare of individuals and communities.

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