scholarly journals Statistical evaluation of the information content of attributes for the task of searching for semantically close sentences

Anna Valer'evna Glazkova

The paper presents the results of evaluating the informative value of quantitative and binary signs to solve the problem of finding semantically close sentences (paraphrases). Three types of signs are considered in the article: those built on vector representations of words (according to the Word2Vec model), based on the extraction of numbers and structured information and reflecting the quantitative characteristics of the text. As indicators of information content, the percentage of paraphrases among examples with a characteristic, and the percentage of paraphrases with a attribute (for binary characteristics), as well as estimates using the accumulated frequency method (for quantitative indicators) are used. The assessment was conducted on the Russian paraphrase corps. The set of features considered in the work was tested as input for two machine learning models for defining semantically close sentences: reference vector machines (SVMs) and a recurrent neural network model. The first model accepts only the considered set of signs as input parameters, the second - the text in the form of sequences and the set of signs as an additional input. The quality of the models was 67.06% (F-measure) and 69.49% (accuracy) and 79.85% (F-measure) and 74.16% (accuracy), respectively. The result obtained in the work is comparable with the best results of the systems presented in 2017 at the competition for the definition of paraphrase for the Russian language (the second result for the F-measure, the third result for accuracy). The results proposed in the work can be used both in the implementation of search models for semantically close fragments of texts in natural language, and for the analysis of Russian-language paraphrases from the point of view of computer linguistics.

D. V. Isyutin-Fedotkov

The article considers and analyzes various opinions on the category "forensic study of personality". From the point of view of the Russian language, the various meanings of the term "study" fully and in a multifaceted way reflect the activities of the investigator in the study of the person in the course of sufficient disclosure and investigation of crimes. It is concluded that forensic study of personality can be considered as a process, theory (doctrine) and part of criminalistics (educational discipline, special course). In this connection, the definition of the term "forensic study of personality" depends on understanding of its essence. Forensic study of personality as a process for the study of personality is associated with activity. Forensic study of the personality as a theory (doctrine) is associated with the objective laws that constitute the subject of criminalistics. Forensic study of the personality as a section of criminalistics (academic discipline, special course) is based on a theoretical basis, on the basis of which methods, approaches to studying personality are considered. The ultimate goal of forensic study of personality is solving the problems of disclosure and investigation of crimes. Author's definitions of the term "forensic study of personality" are proposed.

N. Greydina ◽  
V. Stulov

The research article represents the notion and term “information warfare” taking into consideration numerous scientific schools and developed interpretations with their further classification. The authors also give their own definition of the notion. The adjective use relevance (“false”) in the Russian language information context is linguistically justified unlike the English language context reflecting the notions “false” and “fake” as suitable ones for the language and speech usage. The notion “conflict information” is introduced as a communicative unit with a high pragmatic potential in the spheres of information and political communication. The notions “fake” and “deep fake” are compared. The pragmatic communicative potential of fake information is clarified and developed. The notions and terms diversity based on “fake information”, “fake news” is pointed out within the research article. The authors’ classification of information fakes with distinguishing the corresponding categories and their communicative analysis is provided. The notion “alternative fact” is analyzed from the communicative point of view and contrastive approach usage. Different means of fake information identification are distinguished.

2021 ◽  
pp. 105-118
Alexander P. Skovorodnikov ◽  
Galina A. Kopnina ◽  

The article aims to describe the conception of the Modern Political Labels Dictionary being developed at the Siberian Federal University. The creation of such a dictionary is relevant owing to the development of political lexicography which allows revealing the state and features of modern political language development. It is also noted that political labels remain largely unstudied despite their wide and quite long-term use in media. The authors of both the dictionary and the article believe that it can be useful not only for specialists focused on conducting linguistic examinations of conflictogenic texts, but also for those who are interested in politics. The Modern Political Labels Dictionary makers see the main purpose of its creation in characterizing modern political discourse verbal labels used as a tool of information-psychological confrontation as completely as possible. The concept of the dictionary is based on the following definition of the term “political verbal label”: it is a nominative ideologeme (word and phrase) tending to stereotypization. It is a linear negative myth used to discredit socially and politically significant objects. A political verbal label is characterized by exaggerated pejorative connotations and weakened denotative components. The dictionary being developed is explanatory and illustrative. It also includes derivations and (optional) philological commentaries. The selection of speech samples for the dictionary was mainly based on a linguo-ideological analysis following the methodology proposed by N.A. Kupina that assumes the identification of key ideologeme labels in a text and analysis of their com-patibility to reveal semantic, axiological, and aesthetic additives that reflect an author’s point of view on certain political events. The article also characterizes the dictionary structure including a theoretical introduction, dictionary entries, a glossary, and a list of abbreviations; examples of dictionary entries are provided. The words and phrases se-lected for the glossary passed verification procedure acting as Yandex, Google and Russian Language National Corpus search query to confirm their non-unity (usability): the existence of at least 3 to 5 contexts from different sources in which the selected unit is used with the same meaning was considered sufficient. It is noted in the description of a dictionary entry that it contains both mandatory (head unit; interpretation of its semantics in compliance with the principle of unification of interpretation models; speech samples from texts of various styles and genres created in post-Soviet and modern periods) and optional (commentaries on the functioning specifics of a political label: its origin, use periods, productivity and role in text; variations; synonyms and derivatives) components. It is concluded that the work on the dictionary made it possible to clarify the definition of the political labels phenomenon; identify the most common political labels, and expand the notion of their paradigmatic (synonymous, opposing) connec-tions, word-formation capabilities, functioning specifics in modern public speech; and present the meta-reactions of society to their use. The above-mentioned makes it possible to fill the current gap in the theory of political linguistics.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 788-800
L. V. Alpeeva

In modern cognitive linguistics, the controversial matters of the definition of invariant units in derivatology still remain relevant. The selection of such a unit as a word-formation category, despite the intensification of its study in recent decades, raises many questions. The most relevant of them are the following: the correlation of onomasiological and derivational categories, the reflection of concepts in derivational categories, the type of meaning, which the identification of derivational types is based on; the scope and typology of derivational categories, their possible hierarchy, and the interaction of derivational types within one category. This article features the above-mentioned key problems and the author’s point of view on the volume of the given emic unit. The author emphasizes the redundancy of bringing to the definition a wordformational category of such formal criteria as part of speech of the generating and derived fundamentals and the method of word-formation since they are not related to the functional analysis of language units. The empirical material is relevant, since Russian linguistics know no description of derivative adjective vocabulary, neither in synchronous nor in diachronic aspects. There is but one research based on Pskov dialects. The object of study is a new layer of the vocabulary analyzed as suggested by the author. This article presents a fragment of the description of the word-formative category of adjectivities with the value "attribute by action". A careful study of the material resulted in the following conclusions. In the same word-formation category, relations of additional or free distribution between single-function word-formation types are possible, depending on the grammatical qualities of the motivating verb (its type and derivativeness). This fact an explanatory effect on adjectives with this meaning in the language and predicts the appearance of new lexemes and other changes in wordbuilding categories. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-122
Aleksandar Bulajić ◽  
Miomir Despotović ◽  
Thomas Lachmann

Abstract. The article discusses the emergence of a functional literacy construct and the rediscovery of illiteracy in industrialized countries during the second half of the 20th century. It offers a short explanation of how the construct evolved over time. In addition, it explores how functional (il)literacy is conceived differently by research discourses of cognitive and neural studies, on the one hand, and by prescriptive and normative international policy documents and adult education, on the other hand. Furthermore, it analyses how literacy skills surveys such as the Level One Study (leo.) or the PIAAC may help to bridge the gap between cognitive and more practical and educational approaches to literacy, the goal being to place the functional illiteracy (FI) construct within its existing scale levels. It also sheds more light on the way in which FI can be perceived in terms of different cognitive processes and underlying components of reading. By building on the previous work of other authors and previous definitions, the article brings together different views of FI and offers a perspective for a needed operational definition of the concept, which would be an appropriate reference point for future educational, political, and scientific utilization.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
Wilson Otto Gomes Batista ◽  
Alexandre Gomes De Carvalho

Contrast-detail (C-D) curves are useful in evaluating the radiographic image quality in a global way. The objective of the present study was to obtain the C-D curves and the inverse image quality figure. Both of these parameters were used as an evaluation tool for abdominal and chest imaging protocols. The C-D curves were obtained with the phantom CDRAD 2.0 in computerized radiography and the direct radiography systems (including portable devices). The protocols were 90 and 102 kV in the range of 2 to 20 mAs for the chest and 80 kV in the range of 10 to 80 mAs for the abdomen. The incident air kerma values were evaluated with a solid state sensor. The analysis of these C-D curves help to identify which technique would allow a lower value of the entrance surface air kerma, Ke, while maintaining the image quality from the point of view of C-D detectability. The results showed that the inverse image quality figure, IQFinv, varied little throughout the range of mAs, while the value of Ke varied linearly directly with the mAs values. Also, the complete analysis of the curves indicated that there was an increase in the definition of the details with increasing mAs. It can be concluded that, in the transition phase for the use of the new receptors, it is necessary to evaluate and adjust the practised protocols to ensure, at a minimum, the same levels of the image quality, taking into account the aspects of the radiation protection of the patient.

Olena Karpenko ◽  
Tetiana Stoianova

The article is devoted to the study of personal names from a cognitive point of view. The study is based on the cognitive concept that speech actually exists not in the speech, not in linguistic writings and dictionaries, but in consciousness, in the mental lexicon, in the language of the brain. The conditions for identifying personal names can encompass not only the context, encyclopedias, and reference books, but also the sound form of the word. In the communicative process, during a free associative experiment, which included a name and a recipient’s mental lexicon. The recipient was assigned a task to quickly give some association to the name. The aggregate of a certain number of reactions of different recipients forms the associative field of a proper name. The associative experiment creates the best conditions for identifying the lexeme. The definition of a monosemantic personal name primarily includes the search of what it denotes, while during the process of identifying a polysemantic personal name recipients tend have different reactions. Scientific value is posed by the effect of the choice of letters for the name, sound symbolism, etc. The following belong to the generalized forms of identification: usage of a hyperonym; synonyms and periphrases or simple descriptions; associations denoting the whole (name stimulus) by reference to its part (associatives); cognitive structures such as “stimulus — association” and “whole (stimulus) — part (associative)”; lack of adjacency; mysterious associations. The topicality of the study is determined by its perspective to identify the directions of associative identification of proper names, which is one of the branches of cognitive onomastics. The purpose of the study is to identify, review, and highlight the directions of associative identification of proper names; the object of the research is the names in their entirety and variety; its subject is the existence of names in the mental lexicon, which determines the need for singling out the directions for the associative identification of the personal names.

2020 ◽  
Vol 81 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-26
Z. I. Kurtseva

This article discusses an urgent educational problem, i.e. a sharp decrease in the level of students’ spoken language and, in particular, the lack of willingness and ability among school students to engage in a constructive dialogue when participating in debates. It is no accident that modern federal state educational standards pay special attention to the formation of students’ communicative competence at all levels of education. The aim of this article was to investigate the current situation in the field in order to obtain primary data showing at which educational levels the techniques of debate and discussion are used; to analyse the verbal behaviour of participants implementing various communicative strategies and tactics during debates. The following research methods were used: an analysis of literature in the field of psychology, pedagogy, communication and methodology; a questionnaire survey and interviews; an analysis of the oral presentations of students; generalization of pedagogical experience. The results of the interviews and questionnaire survey conducted among first-year university show that about 60% of the respondents experience difficulties in constructing argumentative speech. Discussions in schools are held only in high school. Secondary school teachers lack the competencies of organizing and conducting debates in class. The development of communicative skills of defending one’s point of view and conducting informed debates using communicative tactics based on the principles of dialogue and politeness should be taught during teenage years. It is at this age that communicative competencies are most actively formed. Specific examples of including debates in the curriculum of the Russian language (5th grade) for developing primary discussion skills are presented.

Marina Aleksandrovna Kalievskaya

In this article, a model of the mechanism of ensuring public security and orderliness in accordance with the principles and tasks of the relevant institu- tions in public administration, taking into account resources, technologies, mea- sures for the state policy implementation in the spheres of ensuring the protection of human rights and freedoms, the interests of society and the state, combating crime, maintaining public security and order. It was found that ensuring public security and order in Ukraine is a mechanism for the implementation of national goals of state policy in the areas of ensuring the protection of human rights and freedoms, the interests of society and the state, combating crime, maintaining public security and order, by defining tasks according to certain principles. The idea is that if one considers the state policy in the spheres of ensuring the protec- tion of human rights and freedoms, the interests of society and the state, combat- ing crime, maintaining public security and order as a national priority (purpose, task), then the mechanism of ensuring public security and order in Ukraine needs coordination with the state development strategy. From the point of view of the implementation of the state policy in the areas of ensuring the protection of hu- man rights and freedoms, the interests of society and the state, combating crime, maintaining public security and order, the mechanism of ensuring public security and order in Ukraine can be considered as the main system providing intercon- nection such elements as institutions (implementing the specified state policy), resources (human resources, logistical, natural and so on, with the help of which it is possible to implement state policy), technologies (skills, knowledge, means and so on the implementation of state policy), measures (action plans), as well as external (internal) threats.

Суусар Искендерова

Аннотация: Исследование проблемы фольклоризма является наиболее актуальной в современной науке о фольклоре. На разных этапах развития художественной литературы для формирования индивидуального творчества писателя особенно значимым становятся фольклорные жанры, сюжетные мотивы и художественные средства. В статье рассматривается связь письменной литературы и фольклора, особенно точка зрения проблеме фольклоризма в прошлом и их анализ. Термин «фольклоризм» начал использоваться советскими исследователями учеными как научный термин еще в 1930-х гг. Термин «фольклоризм» используется в различных сферах культуры, а в этой статье мы будем рассматривать в литературе. Несмотря на то, что на протяжении многих лет этот вопрос изучается литературоведами, фольклористами, все -таки нет единого теоретического определения понятия. Ключевые слова: фольклор, фольклоризм, литература, культура, письменная литература, художественная литература, оседлый народ, пословицы и поговорки, фольклорные песни. Аннотация: Көркөм адабияттын өнүгүүсүнүн ар кайсы баскычтарында сүрөткердин жеке чыгармачылыгынын калыптанышы үчүн фольклордук жанрлар, сюжеттер, мотивдер жана көркөм каражаттар айрыкча мааниге ээ. Макалада жазма адабият менен фольклордук карым-катышы, айрыкча фольклоризм маселеси жөнүндө мурдагы көз караштарга кайрылып, аларга талдоо жүргүзүү менен бирге автор өз байкоолорунда келтирет. “Фольклоризм” деген илимий термин 1930-жылы баштап колдонула баштаган. “Фольклоризм” термини маданияттын түрдүү сфераларында кеңири колдо- нулат, бул жерде адабияттагы колдонулушун каралат. Макалада адабий материал менен фольклордук байланышын терең түшүнүү үчүн адабий фольклоризм маселесинин талаштуу жактары каралат. Түйүндүү сөздөр: фольклор, фольклоризм, адабият, маданият, жазма адабият, көркөм адабият, көчмөн калк, макал-лакап, фольклордук ырлар. Annotation: The study of the problem of folklore is the most relevant in the modern science of folklore. At various stages in the development of fiction, folklore genres, plot motifs, and artistic means become especially significant for the formation of the writer's individual creativity. The article examines the relationship between written literature and folklore, especially the point of view of the problem of folklorism in the past and their analysis. The term "folklorism" began to be used by Soviet scholars as a scientific term back in the 1930s. The term "folklorism" is used in various fields of culture, and in this article we will consider in the literature. Despite the fact that for many years this issue has been studied by literary scholars, folklorists, all the same there is no single theoretical definition of the concept. Keywords: folklore, folklorism, literature, culture, written literature, fiction, settled people, proverbs and sayings, folk songs.

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