scholarly journals Perjanjian Dan Konsensus Dalam Pelaksanaan Perencanaan Pulang Pada Perawat Rumah Sakit

2012 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 207-214
Muhamad Rofi’i ◽  
Rr Tutik Sri Hariyati ◽  
Hening Pujasari

AbstrakPerencanaan pulang dapat memberikan motivasi untuk mencapai kesembuhan pasien. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasifaktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan perencanaan pulang. Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif korelasi denganpendekatan cross sectional. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah perawat dan dokumentasi asuhan keperawatan dengan jumlahmasing-masing 147dengan purposive sampling dan proporsionate sampling. Analisis riset menggunakan uji Chi Square(signifikansi 5%) dan uji regresi logistik ganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan antara faktor personil perencanaanpulang (p= 0,01; α= 0,05), keterlibatan dan partisipasi (p= 0,021; α= 0,05), komunikasi (p= 0,008; α= 0,05), perjanjian dankonsensus (p= 0,007; α= 0,05) dengan pelaksanaan perencanaan pulang. Faktor yang paling berpengaruh adalah perjanjian dankonsensus (OR= 2,361). Perawat harus mampu untuk menjalin hubungan, komunikasi, membuat kesepakatan dengan pasien,keluarga, dan tim kesehatan lain.Kata kunci: dokumentasi asuhan keperawatan, pelaksanaan perencanaan pulang, perawat, perencanaan pulangAbstractDischarge planning can provide motivation to achieve patient’s recovery. The research aimed to identify determinant factorsof discharge planning implementation. The study design was descriptive correlation with cross-sectional approach. Researchsample was nurses and nursing care documentation 147 each with purposive sampling and proportional sampling. Researchanalysis used Chi square (5% significant) and binary logistic regression test. The result indicated that there was relationshipbetween personnel discharge planning (p= 0.01; α= 0.05), involvement and participation (p= 0.021; α= 0.05), communication(p= 0.008; α= 0.05), agreement and consensus (p= 0.007; α= 0.05) with the discharge planning implementation. The mostdeterminant factor was the agreement and consensus. Nurses should be able to establish network; communicate; makingconsensus with the patient, family, and other health teams.Keywords: discharge planning, discharge planning implementation, nurse, nursing care documentation

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
Windi Wiyarti ◽  
Della Alifah ◽  
Siti Fitriyani ◽  
Bella Isma Latifah ◽  
Irawati Irawati ◽  

Abstract According to South Tangerang City Regional Regulation No. 4 of 2016 concerning Non-Smoking Areas (KTR) in Article 2 states that teaching-learning places including universities are places that are obliged to become smoke-free areas, but in fact not all faculties at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta have a Dean’s Decree regarding the implementation of KTR. This research was conducted to determine the factors associated with the implementation of KTR at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. This study used a cross sectional design which was conducted at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The sample size is 379 respondents. Sampling using the cluster random sampling method. The analysis used the binary logistic regression test. The results showed that as many as 64.4% of the respondents were less than 20 years old and 50.1% of the respondents were male. In faculties that implement KTR, respondents who smoke less (2.3%), have better knowledge of smoking (97.7%), attitudes towards smoking behavior (97.7%), have better knowledge of KTR (94.3%), attitudes towards the application of KTR (97.7%) and most of them support KTR (95.4%) compared to respondents in faculties who did not apply KTR. The multivariate results using the binary logistic regression test showed a relationship between age (p = 0.033), gender (p = 0.041), smoking status (p = 0.042), attitudes towards smoking behavior (p = 0.030) and knowledge of KTR (p = 0.005) respondents with the application of KTR. The conclusion is that the variable that most influences the implementation of KTR at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta is knowledge of KTR. The results of this study recommend the need for education to increase knowledge about KTR in faculties that have not implemented KTR so that UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta can become a smoke-free campus. Abstrak   Menurut Peraturan Daerah Kota Tangerang Selatan No. 4 tahun 2016 tentang Kawasan Tanpa Rokok (KTR) dalam pasal 2 menyatakan bahwa tempat belajar-mengajar termasuk perguruan tinggi merupakan tempat yang wajib menjadi kawasan tanpa rokok, namun pada kenyataannya belum seluruh fakultas di UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta memiliki SK dekan terkait penerapkan KTR. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan penerapan KTR di UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional yang dilakukan di UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Besar sampel yaitu 379 responden. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode cluster random sampling. Analisis menggunakan uji binary logistic regression. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 64,4% responden berusia kurang dari 20 tahun dan 50,1% responden berjenis kelamin laki-laki. Di fakultas yang menerapkan KTR, responden yang merokok lebih sedikit (2,3%), memiliki pengetahuan tentang rokok yang lebih baik (97,7%),sikap terhadap perilaku perokok (97,7%), memiliki pengetahuan tentang KTR yang lebih baik (94,3%), sikap terhadap penerapan KTR (97,7%) dan sebagian besar mendukung KTR (95,4%) dibandingkan dengan responden di fakultas yang tidak menerapkan KTR. Hasil multivariat menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara umur (p=0,033), jenis kelamin (p=0,041), status merokok (p=0,042), sikap terhadap perilaku perokok (p=0,030) dan pengetahuan tentang KTR (p=0,005) responden dengan penerapan KTR. Kesimpulannya adalah variabel yang paling memengaruhi penerapan KTR di UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta adalah pengetahuan tentang KTR. Hasil penelitian ini merekomendasikan perlunya edukasi untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang KTR di fakultas yang belum menerapkan KTR sehingga UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta berhasil menjadi kampus bebas rokok.

2018 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 179-187
Rustika Rustika ◽  
Esny Burase

Since 2014, the program to provide masks for Hajj pilgrims from Indonesia in Saudi Arabia as one of the efforts to prevent ISPA, continues to be increased in 2015 Ministry of Health Perform Movement Use Mask (GERMAS). Based on this case, this research focuses on the relationship of Knowledge and Attitude with Mask Usage Behavior among Prayer Hajj Indonesia in Saudi Arabia Year 2016 in preventing the incidence of Acute Respiratory Tract Infection. The design used is cross sectional with quantitative approach. The population in this study is all pilgrims who perform the pilgrimage, amounting to 168,800 people with a sample of 163 respondents. Data analysis techniques include univariate analysis, bivariate analysis with Chi-Square test, and multivariate analysis using multiple logistic regression test. The result of bivariate selection shows that the knowledge variable has no significant correlation with relationship p-value is 0.284 > 0.05. Where as attitude variable have relationship because p-value value 0.000 < 0.05. In multivariate analysis multiple logistic regression test showed that attitude variable which has the most dominant significance with the mask use on haj pilgrims with p-value 0.000 <0.05 and Odds Ratio 3.558. This means that attitude that does not support the use of masks has a 3 times chance of experiencing ISPA events. Abstrak Sejak tahun 2014 program pemberian masker bagi jemaah haji asal Indonesia di Arab Saudi sebagai salah satu upaya pencegahan ISPA, terus ditingkatkan pada tahun 2015 Kementerian Kesehatan melakukan Gerakan Memakai Masker (GERMAS). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat hubungan pengetahuan, sikap dengan tindakan penggunaan masker pada jemaah haji Indonesia. Desain yang digunakan cross sectional, dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian adalah seluruh jemaah haji yang melakukan ibadah haji sebanyak 168.800 jiwa, sampel adalah jemaah haji Indonesia yang berada di Mekkah dan Madinah sebanyak 163 responden. Teknik analisis data meliputi analisis univariat, analisis bivariat dengan uji Chi-Square, dan analisis multivariat dengan menggunakan uji regresi logistik berganda. Hasil seleksi bivariat menunjukkan bahwa variabel pengetahuan tidak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dimana nilai p-value 0,284 > 0,05, sedangkan variabel sikap memiliki hubungan karena nilai p-value 0,000 < 0,05. Pada analisis multivariat uji regresi logistik berganda diperoleh bahwa variabel sikap yang memiliki signifikansi paling dominan dengan penggunaan masker pada jemaah haji atau nilai p-value 0,000 < 0,05 dan Odds Ratio 3,558, artinya sikap yang tidak mendukung penggunaan masker berpeluang sebesar 3 kali mengalami kejadian ISPA.

2012 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
Arief Tjatur Prasetyo ◽  
Joseph Bambang Soemantri ◽  
Lukmantya Lukmantya

Background: Ear barotrauma is ear tissue damage resulted by the inability to equalize pressure in the middle ear space with the ambient pressure. The greatest relative change in pressure during diving,is near the surface. Ear barotrauma can occur when diving done without equalizing middle ear pressurewith proper procedures. Recurrent ear barotrauma in a long time period can use damage of elastic fibersrecoiling capacity of the tympanic membrane to be irreversible, so it can cause hearing loss. Suddenpressure changes in middle ear space, can be forwarded to the inner ear so it can cause inner eardamage, even deafness. Purpose: This study aims to determine the effect of depth and diving durationto hearing threshold in the traditional divers (divers with diving air compressor tools), who experienced ear barotrauma, and to know the incidence of ear barotrauma. Method: This was an observational analytic study with cross sectional data collection. Data analysis used the cross table, ChiSquare(X2), Spearman correlation and logistic regression test. Result: On October 8 - December 18, 2011 has been conducted a study in traditional divers. 24 samples from 74 population were found. 50 persons with noear barotrauma founds no significant statistic differences with characteristic samples. The results ofChi - Square and Spearman correlationthe showed p=0.350, p=0.382 and p=0.372, p=0.281, which are>a(0.05). The result of logistic regression test showed significancy values were 0.771 and 0.610, whichwere >a(0.05). Ear barotrauma incidence is 32.4%. Conclusion: There is no significant effect of depthand duration of diving to hearing threshold in the traditional divers who experienced ear barotrauma.Ear barotrauma incidence is 32.4%. Keywords:  ear barotrauma, diving depth, diving duration, hearing threshold. Abstrak :  Latar belakang: Barotrauma telinga adalah kerusakan jaringan telinga akibat ketidak-mampuanmenyamakan tekanan ruang telinga tengah dengan lingkungan. Perubahan tekanan relatif terbesar selamamenyelam terdapat di dekat permukaan. Barotrauma telinga dapat terjadi apabila penyelaman tanpamelaksanakan ekualisasi tekanan telinga tengah dengan cara yang benar. Barotrauma telinga berulangdalam periode lama dapat menyebabkan gangguan kapasitas recoiling serabut elastis membran timpanimenjadi irreversible, sehingga dapat menyebabkan gangguan pendengaran. Perubahan tekanan mendadakdi ruang telinga tengah dapat diteruskan ke telinga dalam sehingga dapat menyebabkan kerusakan telingadalam, bahkan ketulian. Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh kedalaman dan lama menyelam terhadap perubahanpendengaran pada penyelam tradisional (penyelam dengan alat bantu selam kompresor udara) yangmengalami barotrauma telinga, serta angka kejadian barotrauma telinga. Metode: Merupakan penelitianobservasional analitik, dengan pengambilan data secara cross sectional. Analisis data menggunakan tabelsilang, uji Chi-Square (X), korelasi Spearman dan regresi logistik. Hasil: Pada Oktober - Desember 2011telah dilakukan penelitian pada penyelam tradisional. Didapatkan 24 sampel dari 74 populasi. Terdapat50 orang tidak mengalami barotrauma telinga, yang tidak terdapat perbedaan statistik signifikan dengankarakteristik sampel. Hasil uji Chi-Square dan korelasi Spearman menunjukkan nilai p=0,350, p=0,382, danp=0,372, p=0,281, yang >a(0,05). Uji regresi logistik menunjukan nilai signifikansi 0,771 dan 0,610, yang>a(0,05). Angka kejadian barotrauma telinga sebesar 32,4%. Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat pengaruh yangsignifikan kedalaman dan lama menyelam terhadap perubahan pendengaran pada penyelam tradisionalyang mengalami barotrauma telinga. Angka kejadian barotrauma telinga sebesar 32,4%.2 Kata kunci: barotrauma telinga, kedalaman menyelam, lama menyelam, ambang dengar

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 187
Aprilia Aprilia ◽  
Nursalam Nursalam ◽  
Candra Panji Asmoro

Introduction. Centralized drug is a management of the entire drug which is entirely done by nurses to administration to patients. Right medication is the process of right drug administration which is done by nurses based on 6 rights of medication, and wary of side effects. The purpose of this study was to analyze the corelation between centralized drug, team leadership, and nurse`s knowledge with right medication among nurses. Methods.The design of the study was descriptive corelational with cross-sectional approach. The population was inpatient nurses in RSUD Sidoarjo. Total sample was 114 respondents was selected by purposive sampling. The independent variables in this study: centralized drug, team leadership, and nurse`s knowledge. The dependent variable was right medication. Data were collected by using questionnares for independent variables and dependent variable. Data were analyzed by using Binary Logistic Regression with degree of significance α>0,05. Results. Binary Logistic Regression test showed non significance level between centralized drug with right medication (P=0.501), team leadership with right medication (P=0.874), and nurses`s knowledge with right medication (P=0.243). Discussion. This study concluded centralized drug, team leadership, and nurse`s knowledge were good. But, there are nurses that have negative value at right medication, however right medication in RSUD Sidoarjo has majority positive value. Keywords: centralized drug, right medication

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 371
Lisa Agustina ◽  
Linda T. Maas ◽  
Zulfendri Zulfendri

<p><em><em>Obesity in children has become a global health problem throughout the world, either in the developed and developing countries. As for the prevalence of obesity in children is continuously increasing each year so that it becomes serious, complicated, and multicultural health problem. Children who are overweight and obese tend to remain obese when adults  and are likely to develop non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease at a younger (WHO, 2012). The objective of the research was to analyze the risk factor for the incidence of obesity in 9-12 year-old children at Harapan 1 Elementary School, Medan, in 2018. The research used analytic method with cross-sectional study with 59 samples. The sampling method was proportional random sampling. The data were gathered by conducting interviews, questionnaires, and direct observation and analyzed by using Chi-Square test and logistic regression test with an SPSS 24. The result of the research showed that 54.2% of the respondents were obese, and 45.8% of the respondents were not with the significant correlation of p=0.05. The risk factors of the incidence of obesity in school-aged children were   eating behavior (p=0.003 &lt; 0.05), physical activity (p=0.008 &lt; 0.05), exposure to television advertisements (p=0.015 &lt; 0.05), and pocket money (p=0.0001 &lt; 0.05). The result of logistic regression test showed that the variable which had the most dominant influence on the incidence of obesity was pocket money at Exp (β)=25.200. The variables of eating behavior, physical activity, exposure to television advertisements, and pocket money had the influence of 80.5% on the incidence of obesity. It is recommended that the school to monitor nutritional status of children through UKS (School Health Unit) in early detection of obesity</em></em></p><p><em><br /></em></p><p><em>Obesitas pada anak telah menjadi masalah kesehatan global di seluruh dunia, baik di negara maju maupun negara berkembang. Adapun prevalensi obesitas pada anak terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun, sehingga obesitas pada anak menjadi salah satu tantangan paling serius di bidang kesehatan masyarakat. Masalah obesitas pada anak merupakan masalah yang kompleks dengan penyebab multifaktorial. Anak yang mengalami overweight dan obesitas cenderung tetap mengalami obesitas ketika dewasa dan kemungkinan akan berkembang menjadi penyakit tidak menular, seperti diabetes dan penyakit kardiovaskular pada usia yang lebih muda (WHO, 2012). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor perilaku berisiko terhadap kejadian obesitas pada anak usia 9 – 12 tahun di SD Harapan 1 Medan tahun 2018. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik menggunakan desain cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 59 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah Proportional random sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner dan observasi langsung. Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji Chi-Square dan uji Regresi Logistik Berganda menggunakan Software SPSS 24. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan responden yang mengalami obesitas sebanyak 54,2% dan sebanyak 45,8% responden yang tidak mengalami obesitas. Faktor yang secara bermakna berhubungan (p&lt;0,05) dan menjadi faktor risiko terjadinya obesitas pada anak usia sekolah adalah kebiasaan makan p (0,003 &lt;0,05), aktivitas fisik p (0,008 &lt;0,05), paparan iklan televisi p (0,015 &lt;0,05),  dan uang jajan p (0,0001 &lt;0,05). Hasil uji regresi logistik berganda diperoleh variabel yang paling dominan mempengaruhi kejadian obesitas adalah uang jajan dengan nilai Exp(B)= 25,200. Kebiasaan makan, aktivitas fisik, paparan iklan televisi dan uang jajan mempunyai pengaruh sebesar 80,5% terhadap kejadian obesitas. Selanjutnya, diharapkan pihak sekolah untuk memonitoring pertumbuhan dan perkembangan status gizi anak sekolah melalui Usaha Kesehatan Sekolah (UKS) yang telah ada sehingga dapat mendeteksi adanya obesitas sejak dini</em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-67
Prihatina Anjela ◽  
Rachmat Hidayat ◽  
Debby Handayanti Harahap

Background :. Stunting among children is one of the major health problems in developing countries. Globally, 45% of deaths among children are caused by malnutrition, meanwhile stunting, as one of the factors, plays an important role. Children who experience stunting can not achieve optimal growth and cognitive potential. Hence, that will have an impact on future productivity. Muara Enim district is included in one district with stunting prevalence, which is above 20%, i.e. 26.9%. This study was to identify the risk factors of stunting children in Pulau Panggung district, Muara Enim, South Sumatera. Methods: This study applied observational analytic research using cross sectional design. It was conducted on August to October 2017 at public health center in Pulau Panggung district, Muara Enim. There were 83 children who fullfilled the inclusion criteria. The relationship between risk factors and stunting was analyzed using  Chi square test and Logistic Regression test was applied to identify the risk factor that play the most role to stunting. Results: 49,4% out of 83 children suffer from stunting, with a mean age of 29,37±13,69 months where the number of children stunting with male gender is 53.7% while female gender is 46.3%. Chi square analysis showed that there was a significant relationship among birth weight, birth length, mother's occupation, history of infection, exclussive breastfeeding and stunting  (p< 0.05) but no significant relationship was found among sex, mother's education, maternal height and income with stunting (p> 0.05). Multivariate Logistic Regression test showed that mother's occupation and history of infection are the risk factors that contibute the most to stunting among children aged 6-59 months in Pulau Panggung district. The risk of stunting among working mothers is higher 5 times than unworking  mothers and children with infection history have risk of stunting 3 times compared to children without infection history. Conclusion: Mother's occupation and infection history are risk factors that contribute the most to stunting among children at Pulau Panggung district, Muara Enim, South Sumatera.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 135
Ni Made Kristina Meikayanti ◽  
Ni Made Ari Sukmandari ◽  
Si Putu Agung Ayu Pertiwi Dewi

<p><em>Therapeutic communication is carried out in every nursing care delivery. Through good communication between nurse and patient or patient's family, a trusting relationship can be developed. Thus, the treatment provided can be received optimally which can affect patient satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between nurse therapeutic communication and patient satisfaction. The measuring instruments used in this study were nurse therapeutic communication and patient satisfaction questionnaires that had been tested for its validity and reliability. The design of this research was a descriptive analytic correlation using cross sectional design. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with 67 respondents. The research data were analyzed using the chi square correlation test. The results of this study indicated that 53.7% nurses had good therapeutic communication and 55.2% patients were satisfied. Chi square test revealed p value 0.001 with a confidence level of 95%. It is concluded that there was a relationship between nurse therapeutic communication and patient satisfaction at the Regional General Hospital of Tabanan Regency. It is hoped that nurses' therapeutic communication can be improved and applied in nursing care, and further explore factors that can improve the nurses’ therapeutic communication skills to increse patient satisfaction.</em></p><p> </p><p><strong>BAHASA INDONESIA </strong>Komunikasi terapeutik dilaksanakan pada setiap pemberian asuhan keperawatan. Melalui komunikasi yang baik antara perawat dan pasien atau keluarga pasien dapat membangun hubungan saling percaya antara perawat dengan pasien. Sehingga perawatan yang diberikan dapat diterima dengan optimal dan dapat memengaruhi kepuasan pasien. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan komunikasi terapeutik perawat dengan kepuasan pasien. Alat ukur yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuisioner komunikasi terapeutik perawat dan kuisioner kepuasaan pasien yang telah dilakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas sebelumnya. Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitik korelasi dengan menggunakan rancangan cross sectional. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 67 responden. Data penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan uji korelasi chi square. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 53,7% perawat melakukan komunikasi terapeutikyang baik dan 55,2% pasien merasa puas. Hasil uji chi square didapatkan p value 0,001 dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan komunikasi terapeutik perawat dengan kepuasan pasien di Badan Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kabupaten Tabanan. Komunikasi terapeutik perawat diharapkan dapat ditingkatkan dan diterapkan dalam pemberian asuhan keperawatan, dan peneliti selanjutnya dapat menemukan faktor-faktor lain yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi terapeutik perawat sehingga kepuasan pasien dapat lebih meningkat.</p><p> </p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 9-14
Tiara Imelda ◽  
Sri Yulia ◽  
Muliyadi Muliyadi

ABSTRAK Latar Belakang : Pelaksanaan discharge planning yang belum optimal dilaksanakan, dapat menyebabkan tidak efektifnya kontinuitas perawatan di rumah, meningkatkan resiko keparahan (severity), dan dirawat kembali (readmission). Tujuan : Mengetahui hubungan karakteristik perawat dan metode pemberian asuhan keperawatan dengan pelaksanaan discharge planning di Ruang Rawat Inap RSUD Palembang BARI Tahun 2019. Metode : Desain deskriptif analitik dengan cross-sectional. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 30 perawat dengan tehnik purposive sampling. Penelitian menggunakan instrumen kuesioner. Uji statistik Chi Square dan t-test. Hasil : Ada hubungan antara metode pemberian asuhan keperawatan dengan pelaksanaan discharge planning (p=0,020 < ? = 0,05). Sedangkan usia (p=0,742), jenis kelamin (p=0,672), pendidikan (p=0,165), masa kerja (p=0,618) tidak ada hubungan dengan pelaksanaan discharge planning. Simpulan : Metode pemberian asuhan keperawatan merupakan faktor yang berhubungan dengan pelaksanaan discharge planning. Perlunya penambahan SDM atau perawat di Ruangan pada saat shift malam.  

Ana Zakiyah ◽  
Duwi Basuki ◽  
Windu Santoso

Discharge planning is one of the activities in the provision of nursing care on patients in the hospital, it will have a shortening impact on patient care in the hospital and reduce the patient's recurrence rate, but the implementation is not appropriate. so far, implementation of Discharge planning is still to be done after the patient finished having treatment by making a summary of the recording of patients return. Various characteristic factors of nurses can influence the implementation of discharge planning in hospital. The research purpose was to know the relationship of factors that influence discharge planning with the implementation of discharge planning. The research design used was cross-sectional, the instrument used was the questionnaire about the characteristics of the nurses and the implementation of discharge planning. The population of research was nurses who served in the inpatient room RSI Sakinah Mojokerto number of 80 nurses and obtained the number of 67 samples with proportional random sampling technique. The result of analysis with pearson correlation for age, education, length of work and chi-square for marital status showed that the characteristics of nurses related to discharge planning implementation were educational factor with p-value 0,023. The higher the nurse education caused more critical, logical and systematic in thinking so as to improve the quality of its work and the greater the desire to utilize the knowledge and skills it possesses keywords        : discharge planning, nurses, education

Sebatik ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 434-441
Rosnania Rosnania

Burnout merupakan kumpulan gejala yang muncul akibat penggunaan energi melebihi sumber daya seseorang sehingga mengakibatkan munculnya kelelahan fisik, emosional dan mental. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor determinan terjadinya burnout pada perawat. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah Cross Sectional. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Ruang Rawat Inap RSUD Lamaddukkelleng Kabupaten Wajo. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 100 orang. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan uji chi square menunjukkan bahwa faktor instrinsik (α = 0,074) dan kepemimpinan (α = 0,286) tidak berhubungan dengan terjadinya burnout pada perawat, sedangkan variabel organisasi (α = 0,009), reward (α = 0,002), dan SDM (α = 0,017) berhubungan dengan terjadinya burnout pada perawat. Hasil uji Logistic Regression menunjukkan reward merupakan faktor yang paling dominan berhubungan dengan terjadinya burnout pada perawat. Kesimpulan : variabel organisasi, reward dan SDM adalah faktor determinan terjadinya burnout pada perawat di RSUD Lamddukkelleng Kabupaten Wajo.

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